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Marchies In April

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Hi Marchies,

So to all of you that have had your first fill do you feel any difference? Have you had any PBing episodes?

I am having my fill Thursday and just really wondering if there will be a noticeable change.

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Hi Marchies,

So to all of you that have had your first fill do you feel any difference? Have you had any PBing episodes?

I am having my fill Thursday and just really wondering if there will be a noticeable change.

I had my first fill almost three weeks ago and NO restriction!! I know sometimes it takes several but today I ate a roll(1st one since banded) a ceaser salad and a 8oz steak in one sitting.No problems at all and I did not even take very small bites.I am soo discouraged.If I did not have a picture of my band I would not believe it is there.I am trying to eat small portions (besides what I ate today) but I am starving and my weight loss has come to a halt:cry My second fill is Tuesday so I am praying this one works.I am dreaming of a bathing suit for the summer(one piece of coarse!)

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Hang in there. I don't get my first fill until May 8. I can't wait. I have been eating normal (had a swiss, mushroom burger from Runza toady). I keep trying and trying to do smaller meals and chew, chew, chew. I still get discouraged. I have only lost 24 lbs and that was within the first two weeks of surgery. I know that things will change when I get a fill. It might be the first fill, but when we hit that sweet spot, look out!!!

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Juli, You are on a roll! I need to keep up! I use the exercise ball for crunches and stretching. I avoid floor exercises, but I may eventually have to get down there to tone up my legs unless I find a better way to do them. Any ideas?


Check out the little video clips on this one. She shows squats, lunges, dead-lifts....all kinds of things and many of them are off the floor.

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Well I ate too much today. I think I was just so excited that I could eat finally that I got carried away with it. My husband woke me up for dinner and said he had made Salmon-- we had some blackened Salmon in the freezer and its yummy and asked if I wanted mine heated up. Of course I said yes. But he gave me two pieces! One peice would have been plenty, about three onces maybe four I think. But it was all so yummy and he did make it for me so I just went to work on that second piece. I paused a moment or two. I started to drink ( I know, I know) and it went down. And then I figured I would have some veggies in a couple of hours. But after I was finished he asked me if I wanted this cheesy augratin potatoe thing. He said he had two of them earlier. I said yes! It sounded good! But I waited several minutes. Then after that got down that was it. Then later in the evening I was talking to DH. I was saying that I wanted to eat a Peanut Butter cup because I like those and also to see how my body would handle it digestion wise now that I don't have a gall bladder, but that I was thinking maybe I should have some veggies first and then a big cup later. He said I could have the peanut butter cup now and veggies later (talk about little devil on my shoulder)! And then he even got me one. So I ate it. And it was good. And no digestive problems with it at all. And then later on in the evening I did get some brocolli in along with some rice and cheesiness. (frozen veggie thing). Now I'm up way too late. I was getting a little hungry. So I was thinking to myself that a milkshake sure sounded good about now. But I then thought that I always had my junkfood for the day and since I was able to eat normally I certainly couldn't justify adding a milkshake on top of a peanut butter cup. So even if I wasn't going to have yummy junk food I wanted something. So I went to the kicthen. Wheat thins-- I have issues with whole wheat (I have an odd wheat germ intollerance or something). Plus I wanted something healthier than just crackers. I do have soy crisps, but I wasn't feeling them call me. Then i decided peanut butter toast was the answer. So I took out two slices of bread, put them in the toaster, and got out the peanut butter and jam. I put peanut butter on my toast and a little bit of jam. Now toasting two peices of bread is the sort of pre band thinking that now leads me to waste food. I can't eat two slices. I ate the first slice. It was good. I was full and satisfied. But I had a whole nother slice waiting for me. So I had a few bites of it. Foolishness. I threw it out. Then I felt bad like maybe I would PB. So I drank some Water. Thankfully after a few minutes that feeling went away. But I definitely feel overfull. I didn't eat any of it slowly enough either. If I had been more carefuly and thinking better I would have either made myself some frozen veggies and mixed it with some frozen cheesey potatoe bites so it tasted yummy and was still healthy, or I would have had a Protein Shake or something. Or only put one slice in the toaster. And eaten that one much more slowly.

So today hasn't been my best food day. I'm not following the rules. I wasn't drinking before I ate, but I was drinking during and right after. And I was eating too much and not getting foods in in the proper order. While I realise there can and will be exceptions to the rules (like the few times a year I get movie theater popcorn I'll drink with that freely), those exceptions should be few and far between. I don't think "just because" should be a valid exception. Just because happens way too often in my culinary history. So one thing I think I will do is figure out what my exceptions will be-- I'll make a list of ok exceptions. (and not ok ones too). That way I can be more prepared. Most of the time when I have a day where I feel like breaking the rules I can ask myself, well is it on my list, and it probably won't be so then I will have to stick to those rules. In the past its those ever increasing exceptions that has always gotten me. Well, its a bad so, so today can be the exception to the rule. Tomorrow its back on the diet. Or its a tired day. Or its a long day. Or I have a headache today. Or its laundry day, etc. And pretty soon rather than being exceptions to the rule, those days are the rule.

I do love my band though because it lets me make better choices and stick to my rules. Without I think my willpower just wouldn't be able to stand up to my stomach, my hunger. Now I can do it. It isn't always easy. Sometimes I have to bargain with myself-- if I get this I can only have it once and only this much and that means none of this, etc. But now that process is there. I know the ice cream is safe in the freezer. I can get more milk if ours goes bad. I can get more chocolate Syrup and malt. I can have a milkshake next week. Its not too late to have milkshakes anymore. But I need to make them smaller. And it means no other "junk" food on the day I do have one. Thats the sort of reasoning and thought process that I know I will be able to live with forever. Maybe as I get closer to goal I will make more choices about what is important to me. I might decided to have less and less junk foods because more weight loss is more important. Or maybe I will decide that being able to eat what I want is more important than those last 20 pounds. Either way its not something to worry abut right now.

Once my swelling goes away I want to get out my tape measure and see what my measurements are for my waist and hips and boobs and stuff. Because of the surgery the waist measurement would be artificially high due to swelling. I'm going to start keeping track of this stuff. I think back when I was a size 16 my waist was about 30-32 and my bust and hips (they are always the same) were about 44. Seems so long ago, but it wasn't.

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hi everyone,

checking in.....i am going to NY for 10 days and wont have access to internet. i have a house on an island up there that isnt wired yet. can you believe it?

tammy thanks for the challenge. up there all i can do is walk....but when i return i will officially join.

i want to kick up my exercise a couple of notches

i still cant eat....but i started to be able to get Protein Shakes down again. so that, Water and vitamins...my doctor said i fine for me to live on.

i want something crunchy in my mouth.

i'm not hungry at all so that's the upside.

i found another girl who has the same thing. she's been dealing with this since her surgery in december. so seeing her deal with it is making me feel i can deal with it too.

so anyway good luck everyone with the challenge. i will catch up....promise

tammy...did you decide on the new thread's name?


SOMETHING CRUNCHY? :hungry: I remember that feeling. A peeled apple was the trick for me. Not only did it help with that CRUNCH CRUNCH desire, it also helped with the sweets craving. I had some Golden Apples-they were very sweet. I didn't want to TEST eating the skin so the deer benefited from that.

:) Going to NY huh? I'm in NY--I'll see if I can figure out how to send a private message to ya.

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NURSEAMY; You had a fill 3 weeks ago?? WOW. You'll be getting your second fill when most of us seem to getting our FIRST FILL. I Guess you shall be our guru.

Down to 229 this AM. I was 236LBS.. only 8 Days ago. So it seems my 800 calories/day was paying off. That FITDAY.COM and journaling my calories seems to hold me accountable.

Kyethra; My mini goal is also 220 by 5/20--family function.

Hope ya'll have a lovely low-cal day.

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Josie, sounds like you're starting to come around. The Protein Shakes will give you the calories and energy you need. I'm glad you're doing better!

No, I still don't have a name for our next thread. So far, it's 1 vote for Marchies in May and 1 for March into May. Anyone else?

Janine, I had my first fill 2 weeks ago and I did get some restriction. I go for my second fill tomorrow so I'm hoping this will be it!!! I have never PB'd yet, but I definitely know the band is there. I've had the "stuck" feeling a couple times...but it doesn't last very long and eventually passes through. The amount of restriction felt is different for everyone. It also depends on the size of your band and the amount of fill you receive. Some Dr's only add a little at a time and some Dr's fill aggressively (this is my Dr.) Good luck on Thursday and let us know how it goes!

nurseamy and Mrs. Husker, Hang in there you guys!

Juli, I am loving the video clips. Thank-you so much! I can get started on some of those right away!

Kyethra, WOW...you had an interesting day. I know you haven't had much of an appetite so that day is to be expected. I'm glad you were able to look at yourself, dust yourself off and get ready for a new day. I like your food strategies for staying on track. You are going to do GREAT!!!

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NURSEAMY; You had a fill 3 weeks ago?? WOW. You'll be getting your second fill when most of us seem to getting our FIRST FILL. I Guess you shall be our guru.

Down to 229 this AM. I was 236LBS.. only 8 Days ago. So it seems my 800 calories/day was paying off. That FITDAY.COM and journaling my calories seems to hold me accountable.

Kyethra; My mini goal is also 220 by 5/20--family function.

Hope ya'll have a lovely low-cal day.

Guns you are so AWESOME and MOTIVATING!!! I've been counting calories and trying to stay under 1000cal/day. This past week I've been doing pretty good. 5 out of 7 days is not bad! :) So far, I journal w/ paper and pencil. I think I'm gonna try fitday to keep track of my calories.

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Fitday.com is fantastic. It's free and easy to use. Give it a try!

I like Marchies in May. "Marchies" is fun. I'd like to see it continued.

Of course I have an opinion. I have opinions about EVERYTHING.

I'm having issues eating TOO much as well Kyethra. Good for you for being introspective and taking control of the situation. I appreciate your frankness and honesty.

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Fitday.com is fantastic. It's free and easy to use. Give it a try!

I like Marchies in May. "Marchies" is fun. I'd like to see it continued.

Of course I have an opinion. I have opinions about EVERYTHING.

I'm having issues eating TOO much as well Kyethra. Good for you for being introspective and taking control of the situation. I appreciate your frankness and honesty.

I haven't tried fitday but I use sparkpeople.com religiously and it helps SO much! But I'm having trouble staying under 1,000 calories per day. I'm usually at 1100. I need to do better--first fill is in the morning. I'm psyched!

I think Marchies is good because it's easing to do a search on the site and get the threads immediately. I've thought of others, like the "MARCH-ing BAND marches to May", etc. but Marchies is more convenient I think.

Off to Church. Have a great day, everyone. It's absolutely gorgeous here--85 degrees and clear skies. Love to all!

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Well, I went and did it on Friday--I signed up to walk in this year's Arthritis Walk. It's funny. I can't remember the last time I've done charity walks of any kind; I know it's been years. I used to do the March of Dimes ones every year when I was in school, and then a couple of times for the animal shelters later on before I got really big and then my knees got messed up, then of course I had to quit. Now I really feel like getting back into the swing of things again.

There's a one-mile and three-mile option; I am going to go for the three-mile one. I've been walking more often and working out about 30 minutes a day now to prepare myself for the day (the walk is May 19)...and if it rains, well, phooey on that--I'll just take my umbrella!;)

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Well, I went and did it on Friday--I signed up to walk in this year's Arthritis Walk. It's funny. I can't remember the last time I've done charity walks of any kind; I know it's been years. I used to do the March of Dimes ones every year when I was in school, and then a couple of times for the animal shelters later on before I got really big and then my knees got messed up, then of course I had to quit. Now I really feel like getting back into the swing of things again.

There's a one-mile and three-mile option; I am going to go for the three-mile one. I've been walking more often and working out about 30 minutes a day now to prepare myself for the day (the walk is May 19)...and if it rains, well, phooey on that--I'll just take my umbrella!;)

That is FANTASTIC Lori!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Hey All. I just got that Marching band. ;) Duh. Very cute. Well, we will have 31 days to use Marching in May and then time to change it again.:)

"Marching into Bikinis":embarassed:

"The Marching Bandsters":biggrin1:

"Marching to Size 8";) Although 12 is fine with me. I was an 8 when I was 8.

Reprogrammed my daughters old I POD yesterday, so I was rocking on the eleptical this morning.

TammyJ: I did 4 mini crunches this morn. One more each day. It would not be on my "TO DO" list, if I didn't see it here.

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Hey All. I just got that Marching band. ;) Duh. Very cute. Well, we will have 31 days to use Marching in May and then time to change it again.:)

"Marching into Bikinis":embarassed:

"The Marching Bandsters":biggrin1:

"Marching to Size 8";) Although 12 is fine with me. I was an 8 when I was 8.

Reprogrammed my daughters old I POD yesterday, so I was rocking on the eleptical this morning.

TammyJ: I did 4 mini crunches this morn. One more each day. It would not be on my "TO DO" list, if I didn't see it here.

I'm loving all of those names...and size 12 is fine with me too! 4 crunches is GREAT!!! :clap2: You'll be doing a 100 in no time!!! :biggrin1:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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