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After the ultrasound my port is sticking out! I can feel it even under clothes and its odd. I'm not sure if it is because it got irritated being pressed on or what. But it doesn't hurt unless I push on it so I just don't push on it. I have this dream of one day not seeing doctors routinely... Of going months and months between doctors visits. Crazy? Perhaps. But its still a nice dream... :)


My port also pertrudes, and was quite sore until 4-5 weeks post op, plus I am big busted and that pushes on it a bit. But since I will not ever be wearing a bikini or tight fitting clothes I don't think it will be a problem for me.

All the soreness has gone away on my port now and it is just a lump below my left breast. So that will get better for you too! thank goodness huh!

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One thing that has helped me in the morning are the 42g Protein test tubes. Virginia

Virginia / AKA purplemonkey

Pleeeeeeease tell me where to get the protein test tubes. I have searched high and low.

I will go out tomarrow and buy a ton of them

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Hi Pam. I buy mine at the Vitamin Shoppe. They are called New-Whey Liquid Protein and come in 25g or 42g tubes. I've tried the grape, fruit punch and orange. Orange was by far the worst. It was just way toooo sweet.

If the Vitamin Shoppe doesn't have them you can also get them online at http://store.bariatriceating.com/conewwhlipr.html The only thing is that you have to buy them by the 12pack, which you may not want to do until you've sampled the flavors. Hopefully your vitamin shoppe will have them! I get 'em for $2.99 each.


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<TABLE class=tborder id=post437384 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><TABLE cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap>Janine user_offline.gif<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_437384", true); </SCRIPT>

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<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->So I am on regular foods now. Almost 20 days since surgery, and no restriction, and a huge appetite.

So I have to ask the people that are eating regual foods, what are your volumes like?

I am wide open so it is truly dieting until my fill on May 5.

I am definetly not drinking at all with eating so that's a good thing.

Just extremely concerened about how much is too much during a typical meal.


i have been eating regular foods since day 3 post op... mainly because unable to tolerate any of the Protein options.. so my choices were wise in foods high in protein. in the beginning i was unable to eat much more than an ounce or so.. now being almost a month out.. 3/12/07 banded... i had my 1st fill at 2 weeks becuase dr said i had advanced so well an dhealed with no problems etc.... but the restriction is not there. everything is still just me and my own will power in control.. i have not felt the restriction yet. what i have felt is terrible... if i have eaten too fast... oh my god the feeling is so scary... i can not breath and i feel this tightness in my chest. then i jus tstop... it takes about 5 minutes for that feeling to go away and it is really terrifying when you feel like you cannot breath. i go back to the dr on the 24h i really suspect i will receive another fill since i have no real restriction or feeling of fullness. i have been eating regular meals, but in much moderation... i may not finish a meal... i definitely am not eating anything like i was pre-surgery. and i am obeying the rules of not drinking while eating or immediately after... i feel i have done wonderful on my eating.. no snacking... but i want to feel that fullness and have my body tell me when to stop rather depending on my willpower that generally is a losing ground. (doing good for now)

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So I am on regular foods now. Almost 20 days since surgery, and no restriction, and a huge appetite.

So I have to ask the people that are eating regual foods, what are your volumes like?

I am wide open so it is truly dieting until my fill on May 5.

Janine I'm not on regular food yet so I'm probably not qualified to answer this but I did have my post-op appt. yesterday and my dr. said that I should be eating about 2/3 c. of food at each meal both now (mushies) AND when I start regular foods in two more weeks (which is five weeks post-op and before my first fill). FYI. Good luck!

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I'm 3 weeks out. I followed the food plan for 5 days of each week they suggested and just tried things to see how my stomach could handle them. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because I've had no problems with anything I've eaten. Even yesterday my daughter had a beef Jerky on the way home from Wally World and I took a bite and chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed. Yes, they can be chewed to mush. It tasted so good. I'm not really sure what restriction feels like because for so many years I considered myself full whenever my stomach hurt from over eating. I've really had no problems with stopping whenever I am no longer hungry. I've always been a foodaholic but I'm not finding it that hard to stop eating. I think part of that stems from the $ signs I see that I spent and think I don't want that to be wasted money. Heaven knows I've wasted enough in the past on diet stuff and have failed at everyone. This time is going to be different. I've even been able to not eat the Easter chocolate that is laying around here. Today I had oatmeal for Breakfast, refried Beans with a little salsa and cheese for lunch. I'm getting hungry so I'm going to have some deli turkey breast and green beans, and perhaps Jello or applesauce. Later the milk shake with an extra scoop of flavorless whey Protein. I've lost 19 pounds so far. Tomorrow I'm calling to get an appointment for a fill at the end of the month. :nervous

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<TABLE class=tborder id=post437940 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><TABLE cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap>LLSibley user_online.gif<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_437940", true); </SCRIPT>

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</TD><TD width="100%"></TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Sep 2006

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_437940><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->I'm 3 weeks out. I followed the food plan for 5 days of each week they suggested and just tried things to see how my stomach could handle them. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because I've had no problems with anything I've eaten. Even yesterday my daughter had a beef Jerky on the way home from Wally World and I took a bite and chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed. Yes, they can be chewed to mush. It tasted so good. I'm not really sure what restriction feels like because for so many years I considered myself full whenever my stomach hurt from over eating. I've really had no problems with stopping whenever I am no longer hungry. I've always been a foodaholic but I'm not finding it that hard to stop eating. I think part of that stems from the $ signs I see that I spent and think I don't want that to be wasted money. Heaven knows I've wasted enough in the past on diet stuff and have failed at everyone. This time is going to be different. I've even been able to not eat the Easter chocolate that is laying around here. Today I had oatmeal for breakfast, refried Beans with a little salsa and cheese for lunch. I'm getting hungry so I'm going to have some deli turkey breast and green beans, and perhaps Jello or applesauce. Later the milk shake with an extra scoop of flavorless whey Protein. I've lost 19 pounds so far. Tomorrow I'm calling to get an appointment for a fill at the end of the month. :nervous

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you sound like me, if i can tolerate it i can eat it.... chew chew chew chew is my motto!!!! i just want to taste what i am craving, i do not have to eat the whole thing. have not tried beef jerky yet... steak is one that i have some trouble chew chew chewing... i can eat it but sometimes after chewing it still is not the right consistancy and it has to be spit out. i imade a ham an dmashed potatoes and greenbeans and etc...today.. i ate with everyone else just ate in moderation... i think i am hungry now too...not taime to eat dinner, lunch was late... will drink an orange juice to keep me full and rich in viatmin c and Calcium.< /p>

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I'm 28 days post-op and have slowly been introducing regular foods. Had some ham, potatoes and carrots for dinner. Gingerbread cake kinda went down hard.

I've been sticking to measuring my food. trying not to exceed 1 cup per meal. I really need to slow down and not eat so fast. I really feel it if I scarf down and don't pay attention.

I have an appt w/ /Dr. on April 23rd, 6 weeks post. He said he'll determine at that time if I need a fill. He said he has a patient that was banded in Oct that hasn't had a fill yet and has lost 60 lbs.

I honestly don't get that "hungry" It's the head hunger i'm fighting.

Good Luck to all

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I haven't visited this site for two or three weeks, and it's impossible to keep up now. I've missed everyone!

I feel absolutely fine on all levels, and for the most part feel as though I could eat anything. I started eating a lot of fish a few weeks ago. Had chicken for the first time last week, and have had it three or four times since then. It's getting harder and harder to be good. I do feel pressure if I eat too much or too fast, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to eat (especially while bored). I definitely don't feel full all the time. I get my fill a week from tomorrow (April 16th) - Tammy, you have yours tomorrow, right?

I dreamt last night that I forgot to go for my fill, and then forgot to fast before my fill and on and on. I think it's weighing on my mind.

Besides the pressure, I usually don't feel restricted at any time of day or anything. I tried to eat chicken at about 10:30 yesterday morning though, and that was a BAD plan. I didn't actually PB or anything, but it hurt ever-so-very much. I probably didn't chew enough, along with it being early in the day.

I'm down more than 20 lbs since my surgery date and about 35 lbs overall, so I'm happy. I feel that I am in desperate need of my fill though.

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I am 4 weeks post op...felt good restriction til about 5 days ago..and now i can eat anything and lots of it. I must get my self to do a regular diet until my fill. I have been exercising every day..but i have gained back atleast 3 of the lbs i have lost and this is seriously bumming me out. My Dr said no fill until after 6 weeks..I am afraid I will gain iot all back by then. yikes..I did not expect to all of a sudden be able to eat anything and everything.

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I am a little over two weeks post op now and just began my soft stage not long ago, trying to be creative on how to make soft food more interesting...lol; not always an easy feat. My appetite's been in the "so-so" stage and I seem to fill up quick when I do eat. So much for going back for seconds, which I can presume is a good thing in my case:biggrin1:

If I do get the munchies, I can always go for a sugar free Popsicle or a Protein Drink. Maybe a boiled egg if I have those around.

I get my first fill May 7. I am trying to keep the scale put away except once a week in the meantime.

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Well Gals and Guys,

I guess we are truly in bandster hell till we get a good fill.

We have all lost, I say we can do this! Let's all support each other through this time.:clap2:

One huge advantage we have is that it is spring, we have daylight longer, and hopefully the weather will break here in the midwest and we can walk, walk, walk.

We are now done with matzah and chocolate bunnies, YAHOO!

Momlambert and Dem, seems like 2/3 - 1 cup is were we kinda want to fall for food. I think this is doable, it has to be.

Ok, I feel better.

Good luck to everyone for a successful week of big losers.


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You poor thing. I breed kidney stones. I have had them three times. The last time (about 2 years ago) they blasted 5 out of my left kidney. The smallest one that I ever had was 1/2 long, cone shaped. Mine have always been too large to pass, so I am one of the lucky ones and I get to have surgery (sucks). I take chlorthaldone daily for them. I haven't taken it since surgery so I am getting very worried. I am hoping to start back on them this week.

Ok - so I've officially passed my one month bandiversarry. LOL I've lost 24.5 lbs and am so excited! Only thing is that I have been trying to be so goos with my diet and not drinking and eating at the same time that I am not getting enough Water. I was in te ER on thursday with kidney stones. OMG was that painfull, I was so scared with the band being so new. I was afraid something was REALLY wrong. I was glad that the ER doc said that it was unrelated to my band and they eventually passed on FRiday. What made it harder is that I have such a hard time with nausea and pain meds, I must have been really dehydrated because they couldnt find a vein for the IV :)

I have a water bottle by my side and that will be my faithfull companion from now on.


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I'm really depressed. Got on the scale this am and i'm gaining. I had lost around 12 lbs until last weekend...now i'm gaining it back slowly.

I don't get a fill for 2 more weeks!

I'm sure it's because i'm moving to solids.

Someone kick me in the butt and motovate me!

You know what I want? A live in chef to prepare and make the right food choices for my family and I.

That's my main problem. I'm still stuck in the same cooking/food rut.

Gotta get the bad food out and the good food in.

I'm going to look at the before & after pics, that should kick my butt and turn on the light bulb above my head.

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What saved my arse, or maybe I should say, shrunk it, while waiting the 5 weeks until my 1st fill, was WALKING. I walked AT LEAST 1.5 5 days per week. Doing this I held at my 20lb weight loss until I got my fill. I am now at weight loss30 lbs and I was filled 1 week ago yesterday. exercise/walking is the key

I'm really depressed. Got on the scale this am and i'm gaining. I had lost around 12 lbs until last weekend...now i'm gaining it back slowly.

I don't get a fill for 2 more weeks!

I'm sure it's because i'm moving to solids.

Someone kick me in the butt and motovate me!

You know what I want? A live in chef to prepare and make the right food choices for my family and I.

That's my main problem. I'm still stuck in the same cooking/food rut.

Gotta get the bad food out and the good food in.

I'm going to look at the before & after pics, that should kick my butt and turn on the light bulb above my head.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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