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Marchies In April

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We can only fit so many characters into our signature so these will work better.

MaRcHiEs MaY ChaLLeNgE

Exercise: 30 min. sessions 0 of 20 sessions completed

Exercise: 40 min. sessions 0 of 20 sessions completed

Exercise: 100 crunches/day 0 of 20 days completed

Water: 64oz or more/day 0 of 20 days completed

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If the sun decides to stay out the rest of the day, I would like to get in my two mile walk; otherwise, it is going to look like a Walk Away the Pounds day as well as clean the bathroom and kitchen. lol.gif

I love Walk Away the Pounds...she talks a little too much, but it's a great workout especially if it's raining out! :lol:

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Today I woke up hungry.

It doesn't help that we are having a special lunch at work. In theory it should be okay. Smoked Brisket- I even made a BBQ Sauce with reduced sugar- but I'm terrified I'm going to eat TOO MUCH. Why? because it's so unusual to break out the smoker and make this kind of food. I work in a cafeteria...yeah, it's stupid hard at times.

So I'm thinking perhaps I can put some up for later meals for myself so I don't feel like I'll not have it again for a long, long time and I can eat sensibly. I wish I had a fill, so the ability to eat too much was not there. Come on May 7th!!!

Seems like fancy food, difficult, or rare food is my weakness now. I've gotten past the cake and Cookies phase (at least for now). I baked choc chip Cookies for my daughter's tea party yesterday and didn't even want one.:omg: I was stunned! Also, Pasta and carbs don't appeal much.

Thanks for letting me fret.

I found a really good BBQ sauce at the grocery store. It's KC Masterpiece Low Calorie Classic Blend only 10 cal for 2 Tbsp and no sugar and I can't tell a difference in the taste. It is sooooo good! Treat yourself to the brisket...it'll be OK. You probably won't eat near as much as you would have BEFORE being banded. Hey, at least its protein! :biggrin1:

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I have to share this with you guys,...I had a very funny moment yesterday. Since you're like family, I feel comfortable telling it.

So I was sitting on the toilet and use to when I sat there I couldn't see my lower belly over my upper belly fat roll. So yesterday I'm sitting there and I look down at my scars, like I normally do, and OMG..there's my lower belly. I can see right over the top belly!!! LOL I know this is a stupid story but I was so tickled over it, I had to share.

Hope you all have a great weekend. :-)

I'd be tickled too! AWESOME!!! :lol:

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I am going to do the 40 minutes of exercise and cruches! I've made my ticker! I make it to the gym most days. I avoid cruches...I do. Bad me. But not anymore. I will become the Crunch Queen!

Medge- I'd send you some brisket but it'd be yucky by the time you got it. And it was so good....with coleslaw on a bun...I feel like Homer Simpson, "brisket..(drooling)" :hungry:

Tammyj- I will have to find that BBQ Sauce.

Okay, I'm heading to the gym now. Work off a portion of those calories.

It's almost May you guys! I thought of a few challenges we could do to give everyone some choices. If you would like to participate, cut and paste the title and whatever challenge you chose into your signature. I am chosing 30 min. exercise and 100 crunches. Make sure you check with your Dr. about the crunches. I've heard some say no crunches anywhere from 1 month to 3 months so check to be sure. Here they are...

MaRcHiEs MaY ChaLLeNgE :)

Exercise: 30 min. sessions :lol:

0 of 20 sessions completed

Exercise: 40 min. sessions :welldone:

0 of 20 sessions completed

Exercise: 100 crunches/day :waytogo:

0 of 20 days completed

Water: 64oz or more/day:welldone2:

0 of 20 days completed

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Is it common to feel no restriction after a fill?

I was only eating 1 cup of food b4 my fill happened and I knew when I was full or ate too fast, shoulder ache & hickups.

Now, I'm 5 days after my fill and I don't feel that any longer. I was so hungery last night I (without thinking) ate a big bite of grilled chicken breast-and remembered half way through that I needed to CHEW and slow down, nothing..no lump in my throat like before, I wasn't uncomfortable a bit. Nothing was stuck.

I had more restriction b4 my fill!

I see the Dr. again on May 8th...he might give me another fill then...it will all depend on how much weight i've lost in 2 weeks and how much restriction I feel.

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It's almost May you guys! I thought of a few challenges we could do to give everyone some choices. If you would like to participate, cut and paste the title and whatever challenge you chose into your signature. I am chosing 30 min. exercise and 100 crunches. Make sure you check with your Dr. about the crunches. I've heard some say no crunches anywhere from 1 month to 3 months so check to be sure. Here they are...

MaRcHiEs MaY ChaLLeNgE :)

Exercise: 30 min. sessions :lol:

0 of 20 sessions completed

Exercise: 40 min. sessions :welldone:

0 of 20 sessions completed

Exercise: 100 crunches/day :waytogo:

0 of 20 days completed

Water: 64oz or more/day:welldone2:

0 of 20 days completed

I don't know how to cut and paste:guess but I will take the challenge, especially since no one ever responds to anything I've written. I'm still trying to be a "PART OF " this group. I was pretty discouraged and felt left out.:cry :cry

18 30 Min Sessions

10 40 Min Sessions

Everyday - 64-80 oz Water.< /span>

No crunches for a while-Not healed enough and not enough fat off yet.

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G n' R-

I've been trying to jump in as much as I can to feel 'Part Of' these fine people too. I came to the group a bit late, but they all deserve the chance to get to know me, so I'm staying. :lol:

So let me see right, you are going to 18-30 minute sessions AND 10-40 minute sessions? How will you get it all in? What do you do now? I know cruches are rough (and no one should do them or lifting type strength training until they are 6 weeks out-so says my surgeon) and I avoid them. That's why I took up the challenge!

I started doing Cardio in January. I told myself I'd start strength training after surgery. I did start back at 5 weeks out, don't tell my surgeon, and I forgot how much I love it! I know there's a super buff chick under all this fat!

I do 40 minutes of cardio now at least 5 days a week and 20 minutes of strength training on those days. I prefer using the cable machine to circut machines (they don't fit my chubby body that well) for my upper body. I do use the circut machines for legs. The core-abs and lower back I really need to work on, but don't as of yet.

And what's your real name, Guns?


I don't know how to cut and paste:guess but I will take the challenge, especially since no one ever responds to anything I've written. I'm still trying to be a "PART OF " this group. I was pretty discouraged and felt left out.:cry :cry

18 30 Min Sessions

10 40 Min Sessions

Everyday - 64-80 oz Water.< /span>

No crunches for a while-Not healed enough and not enough fat off yet.

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Also....exactly what is a crunch? Is it like a "half" of a sit-up?

That would be it. It's the part of the situp that actually works the abs.

A baby crunch can be done on an exercise ball, where you tilt your pelvis (oh, la, la) back and forth. It looks a bit odd, but it is a good way to begin.

Then progressing to crunches using the ball sure beats the getting on the floor.

Who here uses an exercise ball???

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I am going to do the 30 min. sessions and the Water. I am planning on starting Monday. I am hoping to be able to do my Sweating videos at least 3 times per week plus walking and a little weights. Now is that 100 crunches A DAY? If so, I will have to wait for that until maybe next month.

I was off today and since I haven't spent a lot of time with my daugher lately decided to take her out of school for a mom and daughter day. We went to the pizza Machine. I asked the lady at the counter if the would accept my card (the one that states that I had lapband) and they did. I got the kids price for lunch. I had a taco salad without the shell and it was great (I also had about 1/4 cup of an orange slushie). We spent about 2 1/2 hours playing the games and had a wonderful time. Now I have to stay up late trying to get things done around the house but it is well worth it just to spend time alone with my baby girl. My husband tore something in his elbow so he can't help. So I have to finish cleaning the storage room so I can put everything back into it so that my exercise/craft/office room is cleaned again. This weekend I also have to stain and put up trim in my kitchen, living room and hall after I paint the bathroom and kitchen. This is on top of the regular cleaning I have to do. I am also planing on moving my recumbent/elipical (sp) bike downstairs. I am off this weekend, but work the next and have to be out of town the one after that for work then it is my sons graduation weekend and this house will look nice. Now if it will quit raining for about 3 or 4 days in a row I can put in my garden and plant some replacement plants for the ones that I lost out front from the cold weather we had a few weeks ago. Wish me luck.

To bad all this work I have to do doesn't count towards the exercise challenge, I could start tonight and be done for the rest of the week.

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Hello marchies! I haven't visited in a while. It's a busy time of year for me. So i made a strange discovery today. There's been a spot on one of my incisions that i thought was just part of the scab or just dead skin. I tried to get it off today because it's been bothering me and come to find out it is string hanging out of my stomach. I don't know if its part of a suture or if something was left inside of me. It looks kind of like thin kite string. I will be seeing my doctor on May 3 i sure hope he knows what it is. Also, is anyone still having port pain. I am 4 weeks post op and my port has really been hurting these last couple of days. I don't know if this is normal or if maybe i have been over doing it at the gym or could i possibly have a port infection. Other than that i am doing pretty good. I don't have alot of resrtiction but i am getting in all of my Protein and i haven't given in to my Dr. Pepper cravings. By the way, why is it so important to not drink carbonated drinks if they are diet? I need to be reminded so I won't give in!

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I get a sore port some days. As far as carbonation goes, I think this is to prevent bloating. I imagine that for me, at least, carbination would feel pretty uncomfortable at this point. I'm in chew, burp, chew, burp, chew, burp, mode as it is now. I suppose you chould try a sip or two of something and see how it feels.

I had originally hoped to be getting to the gym and starting crunches at around this point, but I think that is going to have to wait, obviously it will have to wait. I have a check up in three weeks so I will ask about that stuff then. Maybe I will get the thumbs up at that point, I guess it depends on how the incisions are all healing and so forth. my tummy is going to look quite a mess. Five from the band, four from teh gall bladder. Good thing most of them are small.

I used to use a big exercise ball. Like tons of my other stuff, it is packed in a box somewhere. It was also good for stretching my back and stuff too. And I have some bands and things I got from physical therapy. I was in physical for ten months after I first developed fibro before I was strong enough to use a regular gym at all. Then when I was able to it was so exciting to me. I was in a regular gym! Then I was strong enough to use machines! Some day I want to be all buff and strong and have toned abs and thighs and upper arms. i figure if I do end up getting plastic surgury than I had better look damn good underneath for it to be completely worth it. Looking and before and after pics online it seems to me that the thighs are one of the hardests regions to tone, even with Lipo. So thats going to be on the top of my list for when I do start back at the gym. I'm excited about the idea. I want to take pilates again too.

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Hello marchies! I haven't visited in a while. It's a busy time of year for me. So i made a strange discovery today. There's been a spot on one of my incisions that i thought was just part of the scab or just dead skin. I tried to get it off today because it's been bothering me and come to find out it is string hanging out of my stomach. I don't know if its part of a suture or if something was left inside of me. It looks kind of like thin kite string. I will be seeing my doctor on May 3 i sure hope he knows what it is. Also, is anyone still having port pain. I am 4 weeks post op and my port has really been hurting these last couple of days. I don't know if this is normal or if maybe i have been over doing it at the gym or could i possibly have a port infection. Other than that i am doing pretty good. I don't have alot of resrtiction but i am getting in all of my Protein and i haven't given in to my Dr. Pepper cravings. By the way, why is it so important to not drink carbonated drinks if they are diet? I need to be reminded so I won't give in!

My port site didn't stop hurting until after week four. You might be over doing it too.

And pop is a no-no because the carbination can cause irritation to your band, by being fizzy in the pouch. I'm not so much bummed about pop, I'm going to miss the few beers I drink a year.

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Some day I want to be all buff and strong and have toned abs and thighs and upper arms. i figure if I do end up getting plastic surgury than I had better look damn good underneath for it to be completely worth it. Looking and before and after pics online it seems to me that the thighs are one of the hardests regions to tone, even with Lipo. So thats going to be on the top of my list for when I do start back at the gym. I'm excited about the idea. I want to take pilates again too.


We are a bunch of Hotties, just waiting to get toned.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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