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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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Well the little one is feeling much better now..he is running with his brother again...whew.....I dont like to see kids sick....it looks like everyone is doing well....

I am still stuck on 203 cant get down....I am going for some Protein Shake powder but not sure what to get....going to GNC here in Paramus, NJ....going for a fill on next Wed. april 11... ithink that is the right date....I cant believe i am goingt o say this but i cant wait to get back to work....being home with the baby sick for 2 weeks now i am going crazy.....i want to be home all the time but doing fun stuff not...cleaning and wiping runny noses....lol....I am planning on goingt o disney late nov early dec...i love christmas there....or anywhere.....well i hope everyone has a very happy easter or passover....love to all...deb

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Happy Good Friday

For me, EVERY Friday is a good one... :] Just call me a heathen.

That's right... two Pats. How about Mr. Pat and Nana Pat?

Darcy - I am actually going to take a couple of continuing ed classes at the local community college starting next month. I figure if I am in a structured environment, I will be a little more motivated than I have been, here. As much as I would like to say that I have been disciplined and working diligently every day... it would be a lie. *sigh* I have spent more time on LBT than on studying!

Eileenie - Yes - I am working today, as much as we work around here these days. I have the radio blaring for the whole office to hear and I am surfing LBT and looking at the Continuing Ed course schedule at Collin County CC. :] Hugs for the Divine Miss G. Hope she feels up to par for Sunday. Whatever was it that Boss Man said the other day? I need to know if I should get on a plane to come up and kick his @$$. xo

Deb - there is nothing better than when the sickness goes away... Thank goodness your baby is better. Mine Big Baby is better, too. :] Protein powders are tricky. If you can get a sample pack, that is best. That way you can try them and if you don't like them, it's no big deal. I like Carb Solutions powder and Six Star Protein Powder (Walmart). Hope you find something great!

Well, I actually get to leave early today - I have to use vacation time - but they are letting us leave. Wheeeeeeeee!

Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Friday!

Love and Hugs to All!

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It's Mr. Pat ( I like that NJ CHICK, Thanks!)

Thank you all for your care and concern. The surgery was very uneventful, that's a good thing..The only thing that worried me was going under. My doctor apparently told the anestesia doctor about me, when she came in to the pre op area, she said, good morning, you are the nervous one, Huh? Everything was fine. I was in recovery within two hours and home by 2:45. I do not remember really much about post op including coming home. I was still foggy. It's scary to have a 6'5" foggy person on the loose. I was on a 2 day pre-op clear liquid and onclear liquids for 2 days post op and down 16 pounds. The only things going on now is when I burp, It hurts. almost like the gas goes down, hits a wall ( band I think) and then comes out. and oh my gosh, my breath! I think I came out of surgery as a dragon. It comes out of my pores. I am now on gas-x strips, listorene strips and sugar free mints. nothing helps. I heard something about ketones in the stomach and it is not my breath. I don't know.

That's all for now.

Pat, aka...Mr. Pat

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Mr Pat, it is ketones, and that's actually a good sign. It means your body is burning more sugar/calories than you are taking in. I know that when I did the liquid medifast diet when I was in ketosis it was a sign that I was following the diet. The gas gets better, walk, walk,walk. Also drinking lots of Water will help. I did warm tea, that made me feel better. Welcome to bandland. ~Mandy

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Mandy thanks for posting the info on Disney. Sherry and I are planning a trip for September, and how great would it be if we could get free food out of it?! Sherry has a smidge of guilt about going on vaca without her son and hubby, but we're working on that. lol. Keep us updated on when that deal posts! Here we come Disney!!

Hi to everyone! Things have been good here, just busy as usual these days. The Bridal Shower is next weekend, so we were working on some of the final details last night. The next month and a half will be a blur, and then i'm hoping to go on vaca after the wedding. I need a break! lol

Update on tattoo boy. We had a good, long talk last Sunday about a lot of things. The relationship was getting strained due to each of us allowing stuff from our past to get in the way. We were able to communicate very well, and I think the talks helped us tremendously. We're still taking it slow, and just trying to spend time with each other so we can get to know each other better. Sherry should meet him within the next couple of weeks, and I'm sure she'll give you a full report. lol

Well off to the office today to catch up on some backlog. Calgon take me away! lol

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Hi Everyone,

Mr. Pat, with each passing day your going to feel better and better. Although it hurts, burp burp burp, get that gas out and keep walking around, don't sit to long b/c its not good for the gas or your circulation. 16 lbs is wonderful, your off to a great start. The scariest part of the surgery for me was going under too. I feared I wouldn't wake up and I'd leave my DD behind. So, your fears are well shared among all of us. Have a great Easter !! I hope there is something you can drink to satisfy the taste buds.

Beanie, I PM'd you. What are you doing for Easter? is DH cooking a nice fancy meal for you?

Crispy, your trip with Sherry sounds like fun !!! I'm glad you and tattoo boy are working things out. He does sound worth it... so do you Missy!!!

Deb, glad the little one is feeling better. I agree, staying home is nice but not when they are sick.

Well kiddo's, I've got to get ready to visit the inlaws. Then its home to do some cooking for tomorrow's Easter dinner. I'll prob have about 15 people .... enuf ! And I still have more cleaning to do.... the floors, the play/exercise room, the bathrooms.

So, if I do not talk to you later...


Jesus Lives

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Good Morning and Happy Saturday.

The twins survived their spring break.... I even let them go to Disneyland on thursday with their unemployed father. Thats a long story in itself but what I want to say is that I got all my back child support and my stress level is much better, as is my stupid cough. Yeah! :(

Still waiting for my approval letter and I believe in miracles.

Easter Sunday is Garretts Birthday -- he will be 12. We have an egg hunt planned and I ordered a pre-made dinner at the market (now that I have cash) everything will be wonderful. I need to wrap gifts today, boil eggs and pick up the food. If I get a moment, maybe color my hair also(mama needs to be sorta pretty too). Next week when the twins are back at school I will try to take Garrett & Lewis to Disneyland and we will spend the day together. The twins told me that my favorite yellow tree is in bloom and it flowers for 1 week only. I gotta take pictures. I have so much more to share and not the time. Love to all and the new faces here also.

Happy Easter - He lives!

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Here is my stained glass angel project I promised a picture of... it's even nicer with the sun behind it....the hair is a reddish brown with the light :(


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Your angel is beautiful Sherry---and it was a beginers project??? I am SO impressed!!! I have a neighbor who has several large stained glass items hanging in her front picture window. It has made me hesitant to put one in mine, that I look like I am trying to keep up with the Jones'---and in this case, I don't even like the Jones'!!! You did a wonderful job!!!

Crispy---I think whether or not Tattoo boy is THE ONE or not, you are both learning valuable lessons in learning to communicate what it is you each want and need out of a relationship. It is a good thing, whether he is Mr Right, or merely Mr Right Now! Hope you survive the wedding shower, and all the hoopla---and keep us updated on the vacation you and Sherry have planned---I am so jealous!

Patty--glad to hear things are falling into place a bit for you!!

Mr. Pat---it will all get better from here!!! Port pain is the biggest issue for most of us recovering. The muscle doesn't usually appreciate the intrusion! It does adjust, and eventually you will never know it is there, until you feel it, or use it for fills!!! Oh and with the problems you are having---with the gas, and the breath---be careful you don't make one worse trying to help the other!!! Those SF breath mints, can cause vicious gas!!! It will pass (sorry pun intended)---you'll just feel like something crawled in your mouth and died for a few days!!! On the bright side, it means IT IS WORKING!!!

Welcome to bandland!

Deb---had to laugh at you ready to go back to work. I bet they will be glad you're back too!!! Enjoy your trip!

Beannie---so what did you find to do on your "day off"? I should have got some of my housework done yesterday, but I am STILL putting it off. I have 23 people coming tomorrow, I need to get it in gear!!! I cleaned out the fridge, loaded the now working DW, and baked a cake---so I AM started!!! I used to call this cake a "better than Sex" cake....but you know...since surgery, and I lost this weight, and I can't eat so much cake anymore, I think we will call it "better than making out" cake!!!!

Well since Eileen is cleaning and cooking today too, I won't feel so alone! What is on your menu?

Whats your plan for tomorrow Betty? I bet you are cooking something fabulous!!!

Mandy--does the Easter bunny hide a basket for Abi, or just eggs? We used to in the early days, make a trail of jelly Beans from the beds to the baskets. My DD says they do the same! Tradition!

Darcy---good to see you are still around here! Enjoy your cabin time, and hope to see more of you soon!

Cindy---where you at? Busy with church I bet. We had several services this week as well. It is nice with the evening services, where Rick can go.

Well, I HAVE to get some things done---will check in on y'all later!!!


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Hello Y'all!

It has been snowing at my house for a couple of hours! SNOW!

Sherry I love your angel!

I am cooking a light Easter dinner today just for us because I have to go to DB house tomorrow, so all I have to make is fruit salad!

Darn, DH is calling me, I'll catch you later!

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I'm here...just doing the cooking and stuff for our Easter brunch! Some church things, too.

Mr. Pat, the gas is the worst thing, but after a couple of weeks, it is much better. I notice that SF everything makes me have some gas problems, so if you are sensitive to it, take it easy on that. I used those simethicone drops that baby use to help with gas. Congrats to you...you will feel better each day!

Chrispy, you and Sherry keep us updated on that Disney trip!

Guess what, the coolest thing...this morning when I weighed, I actually saw the numbers 199.8.....then, it flipped up to 200.00! BUT, I saw those magic numbers! It shouldn't be long now...maybe a week...considering my Peep intake at Easter time! LOL! I just wanted to share this wonderful moment; kinda like a preview!

Everyone enjoy your EASTER....even if it is freezing cold! I haven't seen any snow, but I hear it's around, like Betty says!

Hugs, Cindy

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Hi Cindy,

What a great idea. I have three kids under 3. We have drops and gripe Water out the butt.

I'll try it. The pain is much better today. The newest problem is, I'll burp and holy cow I throw up just liquid .


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Hi all, I had the best time with some local girls today. We had lunch at panera at 2 and didn't leave until 7....We had a blast.

Kat, Abi woke up to her basket today, her daddy has to work tonight so the bunny came last night so he could be here. She got a DVD and a CD and some candy.

Sherry and Crispy, I am going to be in WDW from Sept 15- Sept 24. Any chance of you being there at the same time. I give a great tour of the parks, and I know triva about everything there. Also I can make some great food suggestions. Let me know what you like and I can tell you the best place to get it....:) really it's not all about food to me anymore, but the food there is really good.

Sherry, the stained glass to beautiful, my aunt and stepdad do stained glass, I don't have to ability or patientce to do it....I wish I did.

Cindy, WooHoo ONEDERLAND here you come.....it's a great place to be, I know I'm never leaving. ~Mandy

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Oooooh Cindy I'm so excited for you! Any day now you'll officially be in Onderland! What an accomplishment! :)

Mandy I think Sherry and I are shooting for the 3rd week in Sept, so we very well may be there the same time. How cool would that be?! Believe me we'll tap you as a resource! lol

Happy Easter / Passover to everyone! I hope you all enjoy the holiday with your families & friends. I'm heading to NH to my Aunt's house and for the first time in years I'm not self-conscious about having gained weight. That's the nice part. Oh, and here's something you'll all get a kick out of - they make me dress up as the Easter Bunny every year for the egg hunt. Oh my! I'll see if my dad can take a pic so you all can get a good laugh. lol

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"Happy Easter Everyone"

I have been cleaning house and doing laundry. Even if it is Easter, I have to get it done because I work all week and I'm just too tired to do it during the week. I only had to cook Breakfast today, and make my fruit salad and I am done with all that. My house is clean except for making my bed, and I only have a few more loads of laundry and then I get to rest! I am looking forward to going to my DB house today.

On the sad side of things, by Aunt passed away yesterday morning. We pretty much knew it might happen, she just underwent brain surgery for cancer.

Cindy - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! How cool! I do hope you get to enjoy your Easter dinner though!

Eileen - Hope you don't get too worn out with all the company!

Chrispy - I want to see the picture of you in the bunny outfit! How neat is that!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Mandy - Glad you had some fun with the girls!

Mr. Pat - Glad to hear you are feeling better today!

Well got to go finish up so I can get dressed to go.

Have a great Easter! Hello to all of you that haven't posted!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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