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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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Howdy, All.

Another glorious day in Mtg lending...

DH & I spent yesterday doing yard work... the weeds are all mowed and I spent some time digging up the volunteer and squirel planted trees...

That stinking Crepe Myrtle is the very devil. It grows from seed, AND the existing plants spread systemically - the roots are everywhere. ARRRRGH!

I was able to get a couple of them completely out - roots and all - and I tamed the remaining bushes until I have the energy to go out and battle them again.

Once a yard gets away from you, here, you might as well just get a flame thrower... it's nuts how awful my lawn is. Maybe I will put in a BIG patio.....

So, today, every muscle in my back, butt & legs is SCREAMING every time I move. Nothing like spending several hours bent at the waist, pulling weeds and roots... *sigh* I guess I need to do yard work more frequently, eh? I think we are going to dedicate a day per weekend - at least that's what we are saying today... But you know how that goes. :]

Kat - you won't get VERY lost... highway 20 is pretty easy to follow - and if we meet you part way, you won't even have to come into the big city. I am very excited. Now, when are you coming? I took about a minute of French - and I can fake it on the pronunciation - but it was too confusing to learn two languages that are SO similar. It messed me up with both languages pronunciation... so I dumped the French and devoted myself to Spanish.

Mandy - I think I would have been quite surprised if "Flushed Away" DIDN'T have any toilet humor... it would seem to be expected in that particular film. Obviously I haven't been keeping up with my kid movies. I haven't seen any of these, yet.

Chris - Don't worry too much about making any decisions regarding Andy... I think, in the end, you will find any decisions to be made are pretty obvious. Don't overthink it - just go with the flow and enjoy. Hugs!

Eileenie - how awful to hear about such a horrid thing on a day dedicated to jokes! Hugs! So, how do you score a 4 day week? Did you take Good Friday off? Does your company give it as a Holiday? Spring has sprung, here, too. My peonies have big ol' pink buds on them. I should have flowers in the next day or two. LOVE peonies.

St. Sherry - I think I like that... LOL! Sorry about the weight gain... Do you need a fill? Or have you just been eating around the band? I find my self eating more than I need on a pretty regular basis... which explains the fact that my scale is not budging from 287. *sigh* So, you are a Rieki Master, now... can you focus your Rieki energies toward weightloss? Or is that more of a spirit vs body thing?

Betty - it truly was a fabulous day to be outside, yesterday, too. The sun was shining and it was lovely warm - but not scorchy at all. Ahhhh.

Dianne - lol! Wouldn't THAT be something... AF Day passed me by, thankfully! I don't like practical jokes very much... and I am not in any mood to be surprised, these days. Hope that swelling goes down, soon. I know you are anxious to see what "the girls" will look like once they are at their normal size. Hugs!!!

Cindy - MMMMMMmmmmm - crab cakes! Love those things... I would probably eat more than one... you are so good! I am going to have to try this "chess pie" stuff one of these days. It sounds so yummy!

Darcy - if you skip exercise for an entire month, does that make you an exercise virgin, again? *sigh* OK - ZERO miles for March... so my YTD total remains 38 miles. How pathetic.

Patty - HUGS!! I am glad DM is there to help out. I wouldn't fret TOO much... it will take the boys most of their vacation to figure out how to get into too much trouble... :] Hopefully, anything they get up to won't be permanently damaging.

Well, I have lots more Spanish to study... I can't remember future or past tense verb forms, at ALL - so right now I speak a very limited version of pigeon spanish. Not so good if I want to teach the stuff. Back to the books!

Hugs & Love to All!

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Aaaa headed for a slight fill on Wednesday. Told the gal at the desk that my next visit wasn't scheduled until May 30th and I REALLY don't want to risk gaining more weight and I've been fighting this since January. Enough already...this is why I have the band.

Bean - I'm not sure why the hell the scale won't move other than I'm not really moving my body. I've asked my DH and my best friend to be totally honest with me if they've seen me eat more than they I thought but, they said nope. I've totally admitted to having chocolate and other "junk" occassionally but, I have from about 3 months out from surgery. I really try not to eat too much of it. I'm sure I've eaten more than I should at dinnertimes sometimes and probably later than I should because of the hours I've been putting in etc. DH seems to think the stress from work and some things at home didn't help me, plus the change my body is going through with pre-menopause. I've also been cut way back from my BP meds which we all know are diaretics so I figure I've gained some Water back with that change. Reiki Master and weightloss.........reiki keeps me spiritually, mind and body balanced so it's definately helped. If I didn't have that training I know I would of gained more than the now 6 (was 10) that I have. So I do need to practice it more to help myself. As they say Heal Thyself and heal others. So we're working on it :D Thanks for asking!

Well better get back to work. Closing the books today....I'm off work tomorrow to go get my son's car registered and insurance. OH LORD...I need the fill before my nerves really kick in hahaha

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Hi Girlies

Sherry good luck w/your fill. I am going to make an appt and get one after easter :) St. Sherry huh... maybe Mom was looking at a bottle of Sherry when she thought that one up LOL JJ JJ ` your Mom sounds like a sweetheart :) BTW how's the Water going?? glug glug :rolleyes

Beanie, yard work is for DH's I don't plant anything, I leave it all up to him b/c he's the one that maintains it so what do I care LOL, actually he does a good job with picking flowers. I told him he can cement the entire yard in for all I care....less bugs :) My company is closed this Good Friday, thats how I have off... and I have off Monday after Easter b/c I have to Drive my niece Jess to the doctor about 2 hours away... if you all remember she's the one who had throat surgery last year...she's gonna need it again.

Patty, chin up sweetie, you know I'm praying really hard for you.

Cindy DD cooking sounds so sweet (okay well you know what I mean), its the thought right LOL Hope she enjoyed being Mom for a day.

Kat your poor GD's foot, OUCH that had to hurt. Gotta watch it doesn't get infected...poor baby hope she feels better.

Darcy if you are a sloth what does that make me ???????? ROFLMFAO !!!!! snort ~

Dianne glad you had fun shopping, you so deserve it !!! How was your concert?

Crispy sorry tattoo boy makes ya feel like that :) Your such a sweetie and I'm sure your going to find mr perfect soon (is there such a thing LOL, okay mr. close to perfect :) ). Your so pretty, smart and sweet, you deserve a great guy...hang in there.

Betty, is your back consulting with mine??? sorry for the pain girlie and I can truly say I know how you feel. Some days my back hurts so bad I use a cane to walk around with (it helps me keep my back straight) and that makes me feel ooooooold. *gentle hugs* are you any better today?

Pat... don't tell me your dissapearing again LOLOL

Well girlies I gotta go. Have a wonderful Monday :D

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Hi Y'all!

Just walked in the door and need to get supper going, it's already 6:00!

I had to stop at Home Depo and get a hose reel, ours broke yesterday and we had to have a new one.

We worked in the yard alot this weekend, and like Beanie I am sore all over too! I love working in the flowers, but dang, they can keep the soreness! I walked like a 90 year old lady today!:heh: :heh:

Eileen - at times my back feels much better almost to the point I don't feel like it is hurt, the next time I can't hardly walk! Go figure! I was very careful of bending too much outside yesterday, tried to sit and do some of it.

If my DH had to work in the flower beds I wouldn't have any! Like you, he would love to cememt it all in!

Kat - The wild flowers are all in bloom and are beautiful. Up and down 20 by our house is just full of purple hills with blue bonnets. Then I went to Duncanville and the pink ones were blooming there, along with some yellow ones. (I hope I didn't tell you this already) It is really pretty. I just love riding around looking at them. We usually ride the bikes and go looking, but I haven't felt like my back or my foot was in too good of shape for that yet. I miss it though. I'm glad you got to go for a long ride! I love to cook, just hate to clean up. When I lived at home my Mom would love it when I cooked and baked and she was happy to do the clean up. I'll cook any day! Although I have to say I am getting better at not dirtying up everything in the kitchen when I cook now!

St. Sherry! I love it! Too tight usually doesn't let you lose weight, works just the opposite! Good Luck!

Beanie - Sometimes I think our bodies just have to take a break and catch up. Then we start losing again. I don't know what happened to me, I stay the same give or take 5 pounds all the time! I think it is because I haven't been able to move as much as I use to.

Cindy - How cute DD cooked! MMMMMMMM I love crab cakes!

Patty - Sorry you have so much on your plate right now! Is your Ex even looking for more work? You might have to light a fire under him. I don't know what they do there, but even if he isn't working that isn't an excuse for not paying child support! Let the courts know you aren't getting any! Still crossing my fingers for you!

Darcy girl - Have you decided if you are going to buy the cabin or not? You really should as much as you love going up there.

Pat - Where you at now? Get thee back here on the double, not excuses this time!;):):D :D

Diane - Glad to hear you are doing better! Hey all that clothes shopping should make you smile!

Chrispy, Mary, Deb, and anyone else I missed hello! I have to go, my stove is calling me!

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Hola, Chicas!

Estoy muy cansada y voy a la casa...

It has been a very long day of getting paid to hang out on LBT and study Spanish and of trying not to nod off at my desk. :] I am very tired and I am going home.....

Sherry - hope the fill helps - but you know you have to exercise... sad but true. The med change can't be helped - but the exercise can. Of course, I am a fine one to talk. I am going to log at least SOME miles in April!

Eileenie - Hugs! Hope your back feels a little better. Enjoy the 4 day weekend!

Betty - At least you are maintaining.... when you can get into the pool and do some exercises, you will be able to knock a couple of more pounds off... Better to wait than to damage your back or foot any more!

Well, I am off to the grocery store - and if I don't get out of there too late, maybe I will drag my exausted butt to the gym... but maybe not!



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I need your input. Tomorrow is a meeting at the nursing home for my MIL and the PT, Social worker, Nursing staff, DH, FIL, and I are all supposed to be there.

As you know I have been the behind the scenes care giver for both of them. FIL realizes that he needs the help and welcomes it.

MIL can be a real witch she loves to play coniving games and try to make people dance around her and she wants to argue with everyone. If it wasn't for me when she was in the hospital, she would be dead most likely.

Anyway tonight she started in by saying that there are many secrets and things happening around her back.

So I'm thinking I should not go to the meeting tomorrow.

I asked her if she wanted me to go. And she said why, well you can if you want what would you do? I said I'd be there to look out for your best interest to be your advocate. She laughed and said I can do that my self..here is a woman that can't walk, gets confused, wets her bed, shall I go on...

DH wants me to go cause he says I always ask the questions he doesn't ask. FIL thinks maybe I shouldn't cause she already th Thinks I'm to bossy.

I'm totally up in the air my thought is that if I do go I go early give a list of things I'd like covered and I stay quiet the whole time. Or I say screw it and stay home.

Any suggestions?

Beanie-I'd love some of your crape myrtle! We pay a lot here for your weeds..lol

Patty-Good to see you hang in there feel better

Darcy-I hope to join the mileage team now that things seem to be getting calmer around here.

Sherry-I only lost 1 pound since my surgery, boobs that is, but I haven't been exercising at all. I hope I can get into doing something soon I'm still just trying to heal!

Eileen-Is Jess's surgery something that you knew she would need again or has something come up again? I'm so sorry for her and you all. The concert was very nice. They are so talented, plus it was great seeing so many people again it's been so long.....

Kat-I missed what you said about your foot. Feel better.

Crispy-How are you doing today?

Betty-Sorry about your back! Feel better

Cindy-I love that DD cooked dinner. I wish my 21 and 23 year old would do that!

Betty-Hope your feeling better! I love all the flowers too. It is so beautiful around here too. My iris's are out now and I just love then.

Have a good night. I have givin my self permission to not feel guilty about eating tonight. I'm stressed out about the in-law crap and I want to start fresh tomorrow so I'm eating junk tonight. I know I'm bad. I have 1 month till we go to a friends sons wedding so tomorrow is kick off day of at east walking and eating healthy!

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Hi gals!

Poor Pat with your back! You've gotta get better so you can ride your Harley...Betty, too! We've gotta get our Harley girls back on the road!

Dianne, I don't think it's a good idea to let the patients dictate the conditions of the meeting. If I was in your shoes, I would go. You will be the one shouldering the responsibility of the decisions made there, for the most part. 'Nuf said, I think.

Beanie, what is the plan with I20 and Kat? Did I miss a post?

Eileen, yippee! Friday off! What are you doing for Easter? We're doing the normal getting the whole family together for brunch kinda thing. Today, I finally found a jacket to go with a skirt I already had, so I have my "Easter dress".

I guess that's all for now..

Hi, Patty! Still sending prayers your way!

Hi, Darcy! My miles for March are 68...not as good as last month, but still moving!



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Darcy, my miles for March are around 30, I walk Abi to the bus stop each day but when she was in the alternative school for 8 days I drove her, so that shortened my miles for the month. I promise to do more next month, it's finally warming up here. ~Mandy

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I had the nicest post, addressed every one in the April thread, then tried to attach a picture of my grandsons and it was too large, so I went to resize the pic, leaving the thread on the bottom and every damn bit of it was gone. I bet I'd typed for 15 minutes, with this little a$$ font too.

Anyway, you can tell I'm pissed and I'm going to bed...


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Right boob is much bigger than left this morning! I'm calling the doctor to see if they can see me!

As far as MIL thanks Cindy. If I don't have to go to my Doc I will go. Let her be pissed with me! She knows how much I care. But for today I come first!

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Hi All.

Not much going on here, today. Same Ol'. I think I will study for the Basic Skills test, today - since I have to actually get into the program before I can get certified. I need to get into the program and THEN get fluent in Spanish, again. And DANG it has been an awfully long time since 1983 - there is a lot of high school stuff that I don't remember.

The local community college offers Spanish 1, 2 & 3 in sections between May & August - so I am going to take all three, if I can work them into my schedule. The classes for the Teacher program start on August 14th - so I might be able to do them all.

Dianne - I would be happy to send you some roots &/or seeds. It's EVERYWHERE. I have a couple of bushes that I like in darker pink & purple - but the generic light pink stuff is all over the place... tough and un-killable. It doesn't help at all that I am allergic to the stupid stuff. If I get a nice tender shoot, I will wrap it in most paper towel and ship it to you. :] Oh, and I would go to the meeting, too. You can decide to talk or not when you hear what is said. Hope the boob thing is just uneven swelling... Hugs!

Cindy - we are waiting to find out when Kat is actually coming to Texas - we know it's soon - but not exactly when. My plan is that you, me and Betty can meet up somewhere and make a run toward the West on I20 while Kat comes East. We can meet up somewhere for coffee or lunch or whatever - just to meet up. Hopefully, this would be on a Saturday or Sunday - but I could easily take a vaction day, if needed. Are you up for a road trip?

Mandy - how is Abi doing? How fares the beautiful Queen? Hope all is well in your Kingdom. Hugs!

Pat - Sorry, Hon. I do everything I can think of not to lose posts, and I still do, sometimes. I am not sure what y'all are talking about with the fonts... I have had no change in mine.

Well - I am off to take the sample test to see just how much stuff I have forgotten in the last 24 years... UGH! 24 years~! eek!

Love you guys!

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Road Trip! I'm up for it, schedule allowing. Definitely run it by me, and I'll do my best! That would be a blast!

I get to go to DD's first ever softball game today, if it doesn't rain out. It will be full of fun, I'm sure! I just wish we didn't have to drive down to the big city to go to her away games...

Pat, sorry about the lost post. That is the biggest URRRGGGHH of all times!

See ya'll later...


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HI girls....

sry havent been on in awhile...the little one is still sick....he has double ear infection....the babysitter called me at work on mon...he was running a fever so i called his dr..they wanted to see him to make sure the infection didnt spread...well that is how he has the double ear infection so now is on stronger antibotics and cough medicine and tylenol and motrin for infants....losing more work this week but he is highly contagious so cant take him to the babysitter.....

I have been so stressed out i havent lost any more weight back up to 203 cant get to 199....uuugghhhh....i cant eat bread....been throwing up when i do so now i havent had any.....but i can eat junk....go figure.....

well i made beef stew tonite with rice..had two teaspoons and got sick.....

but made a banana bread and was able to eat a piece of that....lol

well hope all is well with all of you.....

talk to u soon...

is there a im or chat room where we can all be on at the same time to talk to each other that would be fun to do....

Take care deb

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Wow. I took a pre-study run at the Teacher skills sample test today - just to see how much I have forgotten....

90% reading comprehension

95% writing skills

64% on the math...

Mind you - after I figured out exactly how much of my math I had forgotten, I skipped a whole section on algebraic formulas - but I sucked at math, overall. So much for teaching it! So, tomorrow, I am going to spend my day at Math.com brushing up on ye old Algebra. I did ok on Geometry and the basic logic problems - but I have totally forgotten how to manipulate those stinking formulas.... *sigh* I also had a little trouble identifying which graph goes with what formula... so graphs are on the list, too. 24 yrs and your brain rots, I guess.

Cindy - as soon as there is a plan, you & Betty will know about it. :]

Deb - bread and rice are two things my doc told me to avoid... Try just eating the beef & vegatables from the stew - and chewing them up really well. If you are still having PB's regularly - you should probably go for an unfill. If all you can eat is banana bread, you aren't going to lose weight. You really need to be able to eat solid Protein and veggies. HUGS!

Well, I am off to the hacienda. The first part for the fridge arrived today - but there is another one still to come. LOVE living out of an ice chest...

Hasta Luego!


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Game results: DD's team won, 11-2. She got her first RBI, too! She was out at first, but got one of her teammates across the plate for a score! She had fun, which is the most important part!

And she looks cute with her little ponytail sticking out of her baseball cap!

Awwwwww. I have to pinch myself sometimes. Where' that baby? She was here a few days ago....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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