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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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Oh Kat I'm so sorry that Rick is having health issues again! It has been quite a year for your family. We will be thinking of you both!

Mandy - our price of $650 included airfare. I think it was around $150 and airtran as well. Although Diseny messed up booking our tickets, and put Sherry's last name the same as mine. This is even though we used her credit card for the deposit AND I asked the guy what info he needed on Sherry for the plane ticket. Now I have to fed-ex the air ticket back to get a new ticket. I'm not happy. grrr...

Congtrats on your date Pat!!! WhooHooo! It has been a long wait, that's for sure!

Hi Darcy, Cindy, Beanie, Eileen, Betty, and everyone else!

So Sherry and I have decided that we need to start exercising so we're using Disney as a motivator. We have committed to exercising 3 times a week each week between now and Disney. She is thiiiis close to hitting onderland, and I seem to be at a plateau, so it's time to get things moving!!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday! I'm off to do the MS Walk this morning. :)

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Good Morning Y'all!

Usually by now I have already done my grocery shopping, but a guy is here working on my car and I am patiently waiting for him to finish! I am already dreading going this late as I know how crowded the stores will be now. I just hate it! OK, now most of my frustration is gone and I am going to smile at everyone I see to make it better for me when I get to go!:):(:D

Patty - Whooooo Hoooooo! You are on your way! I am really excited for you!

Kat - Awwwww, I am so sorry your DH is still having problems. My heart goes out to you. My prayers are definately with you and your family right now. Just know we are always there with you holding your hand. Hugs!

DH just came in to tell me to come outside, I'll get back later!

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Well, they found the problem with my car, a little rubber part had a hole in it!

DH just went to get a new one and hopefully my car will be back to normal. I have to get it inspected and with the check engine light on, it won't pass it. I hope this takes care of it.

Mandy - I hope they find your problem soon. I know it is hard to keep going through all that w/o any answers. Hang in there, hopefully they will find out something soon.

Beanie - Hey girl, did you get that job? I might have missed you posting it but I didn't see it!

Cindy - You are busier than anything since you retired! I laugh when I read your posts telling what you did!

Eileen - So how goes the new job? No storm damage to the house, DH was just trimming trees and a big limb fell on the corner of the house, it sounded like it came though the celing. Scared me to death!

Sherry - Glad you are feeling better! I like that Soup too! I don't like their Mushroom one though! Yucky!

Ok, I am going to get off here and hope my DH gets home soon with the part so I can get on the road! I am dressed and ready to go!

Have a great day!:):(:D

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WHAT WAS THAT? I had to log in?? I can't keep up :speechles

Anyway...... they took 7 vials of blood from me yesterday :) and all the technician kept saying was how small my veins were. Yeah, babe I have small veins but I have big arms, legs, stomach --lol. My poor arm still hurts but I'm fine. The boys are at their Dads house and I don't feel ready to tell him that he's babysitting for 2 weeks.... do ya think he's gonna freak? I hope so! I do have some news about my babysitter... my Mom won't be able to stay with me. I guess as a Christmas gift my sister gave her a trip to Hawaii for the next Hawaiian Tropic pageant. My sister and her girls have been involved with Hawaiian Tropic for 10years and aside from working the shows they have all entered also. My 2 nieces have both been big winners and now the little 4 year old is attempting a second crown. I'm not all that keen about parading the children even though I have been asked to judge several times, and I personally think little Maleah doesn't care about the pageant, its my sister. She believes if you don't have a title then you aren't somebody -- totally opposite of how we were raised. Anyhoo, The trip for my Mom was just a ploy to have her babysit the kids while my sister attended to pageant duties..... oh yeah she threw in a visit to the polynesian cultural center for a luau (Mom will actually enjoy that). So, I will be alone on surgery night.... or should I ask my girlfriend to stay one night? I need some expert help.

I'm still happy, happy happy!

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Patty, I would ask a girlfriend to spend at least one night. I was not allowed to be released unless someone was going to be with me. My husband had to sign that he would be with me for 48 hours. Just to be on the safe side. I am sure you will be fine but if you need something you are not supposed to drive for a few days after being put under. Also the company will do you good. ~Mandy

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Thanks Mandy,

You know I sent away for my disney pirates jeans... size 12. The next one I want is the one with all the drawings on the legs.

Hey, I want you to be feeling better -- I don't like that you are in so much pain. Could you get another doctors opinion for me? You mean too much to me to be feeling so poorly and I want you to have a full and abundant life without pain. Hugs,

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Hi All

I have come on to read and tried to post a couple of times, but my signal is weak... so before I lose it again, I wanted to tell you that I got the job and I start on Monday. Hopefully, I will be able to post during lunches, again.

Love you guys. I am going to try and come back and do personals - but I may lose my signal.


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Patty, Definately have a friend stay with you at least for the night if not the next day. I know I was pretty sore and it was great that my DH was there to help me out.

Mandy I do hope they figure out what's causing this pain for you that's terrible. I would be a mess if I couldn't figure it out myself as well. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon and definately for your trip.

Chrispy and I will be all set for our trip once my tickets with my name are received lol. I think that's pretty funny but, what a hassle. Just cracks me up that we used my credit card and he got that name right yet didn't get it right on my tickets. Thank goodness Chris is handling it for us...I have a feeling she's gonna talk Disney into giving something for our hassle. Hmmm maybe those late night/after hour tickets they have occassionally. Are they having that during our stay?

Betty - the flowers from your yard are so beautiful. You must spend alot of time with them. Sorry to hear about your car...hope you got that fixed now. Hows the foot?

Bean - I hope all is going well for you with your job search. Did you get the offer for the position that's close to you? Did I miss that posting? Hope the right job comes your way. How is your DH feeling now...much better I hope!

Cindy - You are one busy woman :) So much for retirement. Have you be able to do anything fun for yourself?

Eileen - How is the job going? I certainly know how you feel doing more than one job. It's killing me that I've missed a week and a half I can only imagine what my desk looks like. I'm able to work from home but, some things just have to be done at the office. I'm feeling much better now, thanks for asking but, I'm scared now that the fill wasn't enough after he took some out UGH.

Kat - Sooo sorry about your hubby. Please know he's in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy solution and recovery so he can come back home. Scarey stuff for sure isn't it. You've had so much going on....I hope things slow down for you a bit.

I know I've missed some...but I have to head out and get some groceries. I was at a pig roast this early afternoon so now I have to play catch up.

Oh my son's title to his car came in today. Hmmm you know the car he doesn't own anymore UGH. Now we're looking at something else for him but, that's it I can't do anything more. He's on his own after this. God please ride with him :)

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Betty - I am glad to hear that you have the car thing figured out.

Deb - just remember to eat the Protein first - and supplement with shakes. Good luck! Sorry about the hair. Good news, it grows back. :]

Sherry - glad to hear your boy is doing better. My DH is doing great and I start work on Monday.

Kat - Congrats on hitting Onderland - and by your Bandiversary! I am thinking good thoughts for your DH. I hope there is nothing pressing that you will have to worry about if you don't come to TX.

Chris - I hope the new guys are keeping you entertained. Good luck with the exercise endeavors. I have been couch-potatoing out for the last week. I have to get back on it!~

Patty - congrats on getting your surgery date! Only two weeks! Woo Hoo!

Mandy - liquid in your ovary? Is that normal? I have to admit that I know not very much about that girlie stuff - I wanted to get that plumbing ripped out when I was 20... I hope they figure out the problem, soon.

Eileenie - how you doing? Did staring at the waves help? I hope this week is better than last. Hugs!!

Cindy - Sounds like Haven is a little star...always off performing somewhere. I hope she's having a good time with it. Do you teach at VBS? Or are you just helping make it pretty? :]

Well, it took me all day to get enough signal to post... so I am going to run. Tomorrow, we go to the Faire again. xo

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Patty - I spent the night at the hospital, and was happy to do it. When I came home the next morning I was fine and could take care of myself.

Beanie - Congrats on the job! It's tough starting a new job, but sometimes it's the best thing.

Sherry - Now if you needed that title you wouldn't be able to find it! lol

Thanks, I do spend a lot of time in my yard, but not as much as I should. I just love flowers and DH is not much on flower beds, he likes all the compliments, just don't like working with them much.

I'm tired! I'm about ready to call it a day!

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Hi guys! I am back and doing my food replacement thing....shopping. I am looking at a pair or crocs online. I've never had real crocs, anyone here have them? Do they run true to size? I have the knock-offs and they run huge. I am looking at the mary-jane style, they are too cute. http://shop.crocs.com/c-4-Footwear.aspx?reqid=4&reqProdTypeId=4&subsectionname=footwear they also have Disney style crocs.....what to buy what to buy???

Sherry, when are you guys going to be there again? I know it's posted but I'm too tired to go and look. They have early magic hours and also late extra magic hours everyday, in at least one park. The morning hour is 1 hour before the general public can get in, for disney resort guest only. The evening hours are 3 hours after the general public has to leave. (they issue wrist bands to resort guest) It is now free, I know it used to be an e-ticket thing, and cost if I remember correctly, $25. On the 21st there is a Not So Scary Halloween Party at Magic Kingdom http://allearsnet.com/tp/mk/mnssh.htm very cool event.

If you go to www.disneyworld.com there is a calander with park hours and general information. I also have the hours if you want me to forward them to you. I can make some food reccomendations. I've eaten at almost every place on property and know the good from the bad. Let me know what you guys like, and I can make some suggestions.

Beanie, liquid in the ovary isn't normal, or comfortable. It is usually a result of a cyst busting, but I seem to have it all the time. I did some research today and sometimes the ultasound shows liquid and it is a tumor. (ovarian cancer runs in my family) I am going to see this doctor again on Thursday, if I don't get some kind of answer I am going to strat looking for a new doctor. I want to see her one more time, she has my history, and all my test results. A good gyno here can take 6 months to see. I don't want to wait 6 months. Also , congrats on the job...I'm sure you will be great there, they were smart to hire you.

Patty, see info above. I am going to look for a new doctor for next year, but I am going to see if I can get some results from here first. I am sooo happy for you and your date. My wonderful hubby ask me today what I want to do for my birthday next year (I'm turning 30). I told him DISNEYLAND!!! I want to see Mickey and Patty!!!! He laughed and said that would be fun, when I get back from WDW I can start planning to come to Cali, and Land!! WooHoo! I considered the a cruise, or Sandals Resort for about 1/2 a second. I'll have to get together with you either online or on the phone and get the scoop on the area, and where to stay cheap. We are never in the room, we do the parks from sun-up until we are exhausted. So the room isn't all that important, clean and close are my requirements. LOL.

Betty, I'm glad your car was a simple fix. That's always a relief. I wish my yard could look like yours, but if I touch a plant it's as good as dead.

Cindy, you have so much energy. I wish I could keep up with you. Just reading your post make me tired. I'm glad Haven is having such a great time in all her activites. What are the summer plans so far? We are going to Missouri, and maybe West Virgina. I have an aunt, uncle and cousin in Missouri my cousin is getting married in July and Abi and I are going. Then my sister lives in WV, so we might go visit her for a week or two. Other than that I have a ton of stuff to keep me busy around here, between my entire house needing to be painted, and the summer activites that Abi and I have planned we will be busy.

I'm going to get Abi ready for bed....it's after 10pm, waaaayyyy past her bedtime.

I'll check in tomorrow. Night all. ~Mandy

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Hi all-

Just home for a shower and clean clothes, going to try to catch a few hours sleep. Rick is still having problems, we are walking a tightrope, between treating the heart, and monitoring his bleeding issues. He is still in A fib/A flutter rhythm. The meds will bring it down, but it isn't staying down. I HATE INSURANCE!!!!! Since the meds are controlling it, they say he is non-emergent, so declined the weekend transport to the bigger hospital, so he is in ours, with no cardiologist with privileges. Monday he will be flown out I am told. Right now the only reason I am not throwing a fit every way but Sunday is that the Dr. who saved him with the bleed is here, and doing the anticoagulation, hoping when we get him to ABQ they can perform an ablution (SP?) on it. So on one hand the specialist with the blood is here, and on the other the specialist with the heart is there-----there is 290 miles between the 2. The Gastro here says there will be good gastros there----so looks like Monday we go. Will let you know as I can, of course I am not picking up a signal at the hospital!

Thank you from the tip of my head to the soles of my feet for all the prayers---you are special to me!


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Happy Sonday :pray2:

Kat, wholey crap, when it rains it pours huh. I hope you got some rest last night you poor thing. You all continue to be in my prayers and I'll try to sneak in here during the week, even if its just to read up. Love you sweetie...hang in there and if there is anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask...ok. :)

Patty have a friend stay... its always nice to know some one is there just incase. I was one of those people after surgery who was VERY sore and in alot of pain so I would def need some one. Then there's people like my friend who was up and walking around w/very little discomfort right after surgery. Only 7 vials of blood? woweee, when I go, they take 15...no lie. LOL

BEANIE congratulations on getting the job !!!!! This is going to work out perfect for you (with school that is). What will you be doing? I am just so glad that your previous job sent you to NY and that I had the chance to hang out with you :)

Sherry, glad your feeling better sweetie, and listen, you just get better and worry about your fill after things have calmed down. I'm so relieved to know that your DS is better.... bet you can't wait for vacation. Ohhh and its wonderful that you and Chris are EXERCISING (sorry for the dirty language folks, but I had to say the E word). WHOOT you go girl. I need to start sooo bad, especially with the added stress...it will do me good (so I have to tell myself LOL).

Betty glad the car is fixed and it was no major item. My sister just had her transmission done.. $2,500 OY!!!! Sooo DH trims the trees and all heck breaks loose on the house eh LOLOL, poor dear. So are you and DH riding bikes yet? its bike season here in NJ, people are going nuts with the warmer weather and there are bikes all over the place.... which I love !!!

Crispy, I'm so glad you and Sherry are starting to exercise, although I hate the word, I know I need to do it as well. You both will feel so good !!!!

I took DD to the shore yesterday, we had a nice day. I'll post some pictures on the picture thread of the NJ shore in a few minutes.

Other than that, its cloudy today and I have alot of cleaning to catch up on. So I'll see you all later.



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Good Morning Y'all!

Cleaning house and doing laundry! Just once in a while I think I would like to get up and there would be nothing to do! Nothing!:);):D

Eileen - I loved the pictures! Nope, no riding yet, DH goes almost every day on his to work, but I haven't been yet. It's been so long that I probably forgot how. I am going to take it real easy when I do go, not sure how the old foot will do. Thank goodness our car didn't cost that! It's all taken care of now, so no worries unless something else goes wrong!

Kat - Hugs to you missy! You have been through so much this last year! Just know we are thinking about and missing you. Prayers sent your way!;)

Beanie - So, tell us more about the new job! Is it the same thing you were doing?

Darcy - I bet you are up at the new cabin! So, how is it all going?

Patty - Remember to get your liquids in before you go, just not too much! I bought way too much! :D

Sherry - How you doing today? Hope you are feeling better. You know all the stress you are going through right now plays a big part in your fills. Just give yourself a break for a while! It'll all be there for you later.

Chrispy - Exercise! Will you come and do mine for me? They say if I just think about it I can lose, so maybe if I could watch you I could lose better?:D :D :D

Mandy - Hopefully they will have an answer for you, if not then just request a second opionion and take all your results with you. The doctors office has to give them to you. Better safe than sorry!

Ok, got to get off here and get busy! Have a good one!

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Morning all,

Kat; Rick is #1 on my prayer list. Keep us posted on tomorrows transport. Please remember to eat and drink so you don't get too worn down. Hugs.

Mandy; I laughed SO hard I started crying. You want to come visit -- Whoo Hoooo :faint:I immediately thought of a hotel, and want to take you to the outlet center and maybe sneak you into the employee store for some amazing discounts..... bring an extra suitcase for all the loot! Hey, I don't even know when your birthday is, will you tell us? Is Abby coming too? The boys would love to play with her at California Adventure, there's Dot's puddle park for getting wet and rock climbing at the Challenge Trail. I'm So excited! Whew!

Beanie; ;):D :D I'm happy for you. And especially what Eileen said.... that you guys got to meet. Have you noticed how many of us have gotten jobs or promotions lately? Things are looking up.

Betty; I do really want to stay the night in hospital.... it is several thousand dollars to do so :) I am almost considering asking my ex ;) to stay the night. What do you think the new wife would think? LOL.

Where is Dianne and Darcy? Girls gone wild? Stop by and say HI.

I gotta clean this house, little monsters come back later -- bye!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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