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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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Patty-You are so sweet. I miss you too! I promise I am going to stay calm from tonight through next Tuesday, at least!

Beanie-Sorry for your sad day. Happy for you and your future I'm sure you will enjoy it. Good luck with the interviews and school.

Kat-I really want to see the baby! What is her name?

Chrispy-You go girl!!! Sorry the tattoo boy didn't work out but better now than later! Have fun this weekend

Betty-Thanks for the roses, now all we need are the baby's pictures, hopefully she won't be eating the roses..lol

Everybody else hi..

OK I'm going to watch little miss sunshine with DD and maybe eat some popcorn.< /span>

night night

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IF I ever get my camera back, with my card in it....I will download pics for you I promise! My best friends son was in a wedding, and he borrowed the camera from me, and I have yet to see it back. I will, I am sure of that---it will likely not be until Saturday, we are having a cook out at his folks---so we will all be at the same place at the same time!

Her name is Kismet. It has been fun working with her. This is the first colt I have actually got to have a say in imprinting. My cousin is very patient, he let me do things tho, so it was fun.

Speaking of babies....I have a new great niece!! She was born this evening sometime around 7:30---she was taken c-section, and I don't know exactly when, they live in Denver. Her name is Kayce Alexandria, she was 8 lbs. 2 oz., and 20 .5" long. My nephew (the Daddy) was thought to be unable to father a child, he has type 1 diabetes, has since he was 5 I think it was. He has had a lot of problems, and was thought to be sterile! He married this gal who is so good to him, she makes sure his diet is followed, she rules the roost!!! To look at her you would never imagine her being a Mom---especially to a little girl---she has not got a feminine bone in her body! She got married, in jeans, a tshirt, and a ball cap! But their love for one another is obvious---and then 8 years after they married, surprise!!!!! They were thrilled, and at this point it looks like it is all ok.

I made some stuffed jalapenos to go with dinner, and I rubbed my eyelid while I was fixing them, and it is still burning! I knew better---at least it wasn't the eye itself!

Beannie---sorry about the job---I wish I had a magic answer for you!

Chrispy---glad you are able to move on past tattoo boy, and not get caught up in his games.

Dianne---you taking it easy???? Let your body relax a bit, and I bet you feel better soon.

Eileenie---we miss you, hope the new job is going ok.

Patty---keep us posted on how things progress, I am so excited for you!

Betty---beautiful flowers!!!!

Oh yeah for you Texans----we are leaving to drive down on the 6th of May and will be driving home on the 15th. Can we work something out during those dates??? DH said he would get me there, and then go shopping for some ATV's---combine our trip and our day away from working the place!

I know I need to welcome someone----but my brain has already left for the evening!!!

So welcome to the newcomers---and all the rest of you ---- please forgive my laziness----(see Mandy ---I am lazy everywhere!!!). Hugs to you all!


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*Whew* What a strange day...

We got laid off and everybody retired to On The Border for drinks and food... then we moved to The Quarter - another bar that opened early just for us. Lots of drinking ensued... a young couple had sex in the bathroom... people danced on tables... it was that sort of a gathering.

After much hugging and some tearful farewells, I headed for home. DH & I went to the gym. I could only force myself to do 15 minutes on the elliptical. I had a little cigarette at the party (instead of drinking, I smoke) and it was clearly having a negative effect on me. I figured I would be able to suffer thru another 15 minutes on the bike. My sick & twisted husband kept on going for 55 minutes!! I did over four miles tonight, alone... bringing my total for April up to 12 miles. I have vowed to go to the gym more, while I am not working. I have no excuse not to. Plus, I have decided (again, for the 15th time) that maybe smoking is not such a good idea, even occassionaly.

Tomorrow, I have a job interview with an office right here in Allen - which would be the best possible commute. The lady has been all weird about the fact that it is not for an underwriter position. I guess she thought I would never consider doing something "Beneath" my previous illustrious job title... I laughed. If the pay is doable, I am all over that puppy.

I have another interview on Monday - but the commute for that one is horrid... it's practically at the airport - a good hour each way. ICK. Chances are good that the pay would be great - but I don't know if there could be enough compensation for that drive, you know?

I am trying for another job very close to where I work now - but I don't have an interview for that one... we shall see.

I am not in any hurry - since the company's lay-off plan is quite generous. I get regular pay for 60 days and I have insurance coverage until June 30th. I have a full 2 mos to find a suitable job. Thank Goodness.

Eileenie - Hugs! Good Luck with your niece tomorrow. We'll be thinking good thoughts.

Kat - I can't wait for you to get here! I have Spanish Classes on Monday & Wednesday starting on May 7th - but any other days would be just fine. We will have to coordinate with Cindy & Betty. Does your DH know where he wants to shop for his ATVs? I hope you get that camera back soon... we are waiting for pictures of BOTH of the new babies. :]

Sherry - I am so glad your DS is ok. Nothing like a subtle reminder to appreciate your loved ones... Hope his hip heals up fast.

Dianne - Sorry for all the family drama. Wish I could (gently) give you a real hug. HUGS!!

Cindy - I just can't even watch that Cho news. It freaks me out too much to deal with that kind of insanity. I am just going to be in denial over here... so, what dates work for you to meet up with Kat? And where should we meet?

Jenny - Congrats on getting your surgery date! That is so exciting! You will be a genuine Bandster in no time!

Mandy - That video was so sweet. I saw it on the news when they played it. It will be nice for that family to have the video when that little boy is grown.

Chris/Reqgoddess - if you are going to chat with us, you have to introduce yourself and fill us in on the details of your life. We are a nosy bunch on this thread, and we love to know all about YOU. :] Pull up a keyboard and tell us about yourself.

Patty - so how are you doing on your financing? Have you got a date, yet? I am so excited for you!

Chrispy - Sorry about Tattoo Boy - but nobody needs any extra drama. Maybe eventually he will pull it together - but for now, enjoy! Just remember - view them as guys you are just having a little fun with and try not to ponder the rest of your life. It will all happen in it's own time. :]

Betty - your flowers sure are pretty! So, what days work for YOU to meet Miss Kat? Just not on Monday or Wednesday for me... You and Cindy will have to figure the best day and a good place. Where can Kat's DH shop for ATVs? Maybe we could meet up somewhere close.

Well, my head is throbbing - that stinking cigarette gave me the same hangover I would have gotten from drinking, only sooner - so I am going to head for bed. First interview tomorrow... ok - well, today, now.


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Kat, I still love ya' even when the lazy gene kicks in....I have it bad tonight too. Congrats on the great niece.

Betty, the flowers are beautiful, I kill everything I touch. I had a woman come and dig up the lilies from my soon to be destroyed flower bed. I am digging out the beds and planting grass in their place. I have killed sooooo many plants that I finally gave up. I have a black thumb....

Chrispy, do I know the bandster that will be there? Are they or were they ever members here? Did they manage to get the free dining? I am not a member at b2g, I had some issues with the way things went down here and some of the people that are there, keep me from being there. I saw some really ugly sides of people right before that site was opened. I got an invite to join but decided to stay here. Actually I am glad that all that crap happened, that is how I ended up finding my little corner here in NJ.

Dianne, rest, heal, and enjoy the popcorn. Get the family to do the laundry, and carry in the groceries. I know it's hard but give it up girly and rest.

Sherry, I'm glad your baby is ok. From the looks of his car he did have an angel with him. Tell him the girls from LBT are praying for him and we all say Hi! :wave: and hope he feels better really soon. Maybe we should get him and Dianne together and they can catch up on their reading and movies. Hey, that's what Dianne needs a sit and do nothing buddy.

Patty, do you have a date? I forget..I would forget my head if it wasn't attached. That and it's late, and I haven't slept very well in a few days.

How are the kids? Been to Disney lately? Did you hear that Disney and McDonald's are no longer going to be working together? I wonder if they will still sell mcd's fries and nuggets in the parks? Also there are 2 huge Mcd's at WDW, wonder if they will stay there? There is one at Downtown Disney and one just outside of the All Stars Resorts. It is a 3 story building with a full sized dessert area. A very cool place to grab a cheap ice cream and rest. We have been there a few times and I will miss it if it is gone. I personally could care less about the one at DTD, it could go and they could put something else there. I know there are plans for a Dinosaur place ran by the same people that run Rain forest Café' the McDonald's building would be perfect for that. I also wonder who will do Kids meal Disney toys, Wendy's would be nice.

Darcy, how are you? Are you shopping for the cabin? I can see you doing cool things there. Making memories, and building unbreakable family bonds there. Many happy memories start with a simple weekend of relaxing.

Cindy, What would it take to talk you into coming to WDW in Sept for some LBT play time???? How is Haven? I can't wait until Abi is old enough to play sports. She has no interest in girl scouts at all and there really isn't much for girls her age. She isn't graceful at all so dancing or gymnastics would be a disaster. I can see her in a cast for sure. It's a good thing we didn't name her grace. She is an artist at heart but there are no art classes until she is 7. I got her an easel and paints and she is in heaven. I have started taking pictures of her artwork, and storing them on cd, there are so many of them that I can't keep them all. Other than that what's up with you?

To anyone I missed, sorry it's late night sleep deprived brain damage. I read every post, and try to keep up with everything but that's so hard when the brain functions like the batteries are half dead.

Ok, for my update. I don't have much information. I was supposed to have my test results monday, tues at the latest. I called and the nurse claims the results didn't arrive. I called the hospital and they claim the results were faxed monday morning and they would fax them again. I waited 45 mins and called back to the doctor's office, still no results were available. Then yesterday the doc's office left a message that I needed to go and have some more blood work done. I have an appointment tomorrow for those test. I don't know what they are testing, or even how many tests they are doing. I can't get any answers, I am going to call again tomorrow. I am starting to think there is something wrong and they don't want to tell me on the phone. The blood work was going to tell us if there was a tumor, or something going on with my hormones. I am totally breaking out like a teenager, I have had 3 episodes of severe lower left side abdominal pain. Feels like my ovary is busting. I am calling tomorrow and asking to be worked into sat schedule. I can't sit and be in pain and not have any kind of answers. It's driving me crazy. I also want the referral to the surgeon so I can get the ball rolling on the hysterectomy. I am done with all the female problems. I think that with my family history, the pain, and my past problems it shouldn't be a problem getting it approved with the insurance. I am hurting now and nothing seems to make the pain ease up. I have tried heat, pain meds, ice, hot baths, caffeine, walking, resting. I simply give up, I need to be seen again. I will let you all know if I get any answers. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Beanie, good luck on the interview tomorrow, I know you will get the offer. Jut give them a smile and wow them with your personality. That job is as good as yours. Let us know as soon as you know something. (((hugs))). By the way smoking is always a bad thing I am an ex-smoker and now being around smoke kills me. Congrats on the walking. I need to get my butt in gear. I walked just over a mile today, and attempted to take the dog with me. Instead of a nice walk, I had to carry her furry a** home. She only weighs 16 pounds but still I think I should get double miles for having to carry her too. She begs to go, gets to the end of the block and then lays down, looks at me and whines to be carried. She is a brat. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

I am so far behind on everyone I don't think I will ever catch up! I just had so much to do and so little time to do it all in. I finally got the taxes mailed off and was so disappointed to see we owed so much! Really put a bummer on the week! I thought I was doing them all wrong because of the amount, but after taking them in and they came back even higher than I did them, and then I still had to pay $100 on top of it all didn't make me too happy! But it's done and now I can forget them for a while.

Beanie - So sorry about the job. It's so hard to go through starting over. I still believe everything happens for a reason, so maybe in the long run it will be best. You are a go getter and I know you will do just fine! I will have to see what day y'all are going. I can't go through the week, so if that is when you are going I will have to pass. I have had a few days of taking off early already for appointments, and I have 2 more in May, so I don't dare ask for more. If I don't get to go this time, I might get to go next time. Maybe Kat will come into our area and then it won't matter what day it is next time.

Good Luck with the interview, knock them dead girl!:confused: :cool: :eek:

Mandy - I hope your tests come back good. I wouldn't worry about it too much, they don't seem to notice that things they say always make us think the worst. You have a great group of gals on here praying for you so you know things have to be good!;):D

Cindy - I can't watch much of that stuff on tv either, I just can't get it out of my mind afterwards. I have to walk away from it.

Kat - I hope that guy brings back your camera soon, we want to see the baby!

Chrispy - Hey girl, glad you found out about the boy before it got serious. Good luck with your new friend.

Diane - Like everyone else said, take some time and get some rest. You deserve it girl!

Sherry - Glad your son is alright! Gosh, it is so scary for kids to grow up! It's hard enough to let them go a little, but then when something happens it really is hard. He's got a good Mom though to help him through all this!:D :D

Patty - How's the date coming along? I am so excited for you!

Darcy - Miss you!

Pat - Miss you too!

Yikes, it is almost 7 and I am still in my gown, got to leave in 10 minutes!


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Betty...Sorry about the taxes.. bummer! Oh...why do you miss me???? I just posted yesterday???? LOL.

Have a great day everyone!

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Have a good weekend everyone... off to the almost ours cabin. :) TTFN....

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So Mandy---did you understand the answer thread to the "rep pwer" question? I couldn't find any of the things alexandria said were there. I need to go back and find that thread again, and see if I can make any sense out of it. Wondered how you fared.


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Hi pals!

I had a great day...my good friend took off from work, and we had pedicures, shopping, and lunch! It was my retirement gift (we taught together...so she played hookey today!)...lots of fun! I got a sparkly gold polish!

Beanie, well, at least the other shoe has shown up, and dropped. That must be a bit of a relief, in a way. I've got stuff going on for the weekends of May 5-6, and May 11-13. The weekdays are better for me, for meeting Kat. How does this fit in with your schedule?

Nice to meet you, Jenny, and Chris...like Beanie said, pull up a keyboard, and fill us all in! Congrats to Jenny on your surgery date!

Darcy, have fun at the cabin!

Betty, your flower are beautiful!

Sherry, how is your DS? I hope all is well.

Mandy, I am sorry you are feeling so much pain, but all that stuff sure sounds familiar. My hysterectomy solved all that. I hate depo! Abi will find her niche...don't you get frustrated with all the age limits...Haven wants to take sewing lessons, but she needs to be 10. She's 9 1/2, and has been messing around with sewing all her life, but oh no...she has to be 10. Urrrgggh. I guess I understand they have to draw the line somewhere, but sometimes...

Chrispy, don't settle for second best. Never. There's no need for that. Good luck with your meetings/dates this weekend.

Oh, Darcy...! I'm usually the one in my group who isn't afraid of taking a stand...sometimes I "get in trouble" but more often than not, I think others are relieved that someone's willing to do it. I did get in a small argument the other night because I called Cho a "psycho" and someone said that word was the "N" word of the mental health world...WTF? I said well I think if you kill 32 totally innocent people and yourself one can safely use the term psycho to describe you. I don't think she was too happy with me. I felt kinda bad, but not that much.

Hope everyone is having better weather this weekend, and have some good rest/relaxation planned!



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Sherry glad ur son is doing ok...I am sure a broken hip is painful...prayers are with him....

Beanie sorry about the job...my mom's company just was sold...she works for Honeywell....in NJ....so she will be out of work in about another year maybe less...


Mandy...good luck with the test...

If I forgot anybody HI....sry...

I went to the Gyno today and the scale said 198....i couldnt believe it...i wanted to take the scale home...mine reads a few pounds more....

Everyone have a great weekend it is suppose to be in the 70's here in NJ..finally....

talk to u all soon....Deb

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Good Morning :)

JessAnn's surgery went well yesterday. We left for the childrens hospital in Philly PA yesterday at 3:30 AM and got home last night. The staff was amazing. What seemed to be a thorn in our sides (meaning having to go all the way to philly for the operation) turned out to be a major Blessing. We have to go back in 2 months and then 6 months after that. For those who don't know, my neice has tumors that grow on her vocal chords and if they are not removed they cut off her air flow and she can't breath or talk (well if you can't breath of course you can't talk duh me lol). I feel drunk this morning b/c the night before we left I got no sleep...it was a loooong day.

Everything is going well otherwise... no biggie complaints... well I'm really to tired to complain LOL.

PATTY !!!!! you go girl, you are in my prayers and I hope that you get a surgery date soon. You so deserve to take care of yourself. :(

Dianne, you too chicklet... heal up and then go for the Tummy Tuck. You look AMAZING and I'm so proud of you.

Beanie love, how did your interviews go?

Cindy your day sounded dreamy, I surely could use one of them. I'm so glad your enjoying yourself, your such a wonderful person and you deserve this time.

Sherry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is your DS??? OMG when I saw the pictures on the other thread I almost chit in my pants. Is he feeling any better? is he home?

Darcy, enjoy the weekend at your almost new cabin ;) Do you plan on redecorating when you get it? How's dd ? How are you doing on your miles, you still racing around?

Betty those pictures made me smile, your flowers are so pretty. How are you feeling dolly?

Kat lovie, how are you doing? how is Rick feeling? Congrats on baby Kayce :D

Deb glad the scale is working for you ;)

Mandy hope you get the doc results soon.

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I'm so glad I didn't lose that post, I was almost done when I lost connection @)%@)@_#%&!!!!!!!!!!

:( to all I missed... its good to see you.

Have a great weekend.

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