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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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Now THAT would totally freak me OUT! No possums looking in the sunroof during kissing! No, NO, NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

I'd have to trade in the car......

Thanks for the laugh!

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You girls are a hoot with your possum stories. lol

For those of you who asked, the date was very nice. He is a top-notch guy all the way. Brought me a huge bouquet of flowers, took me out for a nice dinner, to a romantic bar afterwards for a drink, opened my car door every time, wouldn't let me pay for a thing, and walked me to the door at the end of the night. The problem - no sparks. I really wish they were there, but oh well. I met another guy tonight for dinner and he was nice, but I don't think they'll be a second date. He's 38 and the longest relationship he's been in was 6 months. That scares me. lol.

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Hey All

My signal is flickering, so I am not going to do personals, again. Sorry! I am scum.

I didn't go to the other interview... there was no point, since I am NOT going to drive and hour + to get to work every day... no matter how much more they pay.

The job right near the house has everything I need for the next year or so - and the pay is comparable to first year teacher salary.

So, I took the goofy tests I have to take in order for them to give me a formal offer. Hopefully, I will make the grade!

Otherwise, I might have to take a job with my employer of last resort.

Well, I am going to go to bed, now.

Hugs and Love to All!!

Hey Texas Chicks... It is looking like I won't be available on a weekday, either. Can we do a weekend day to meet up with Miss Kat?

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Good Morning Y'all!

I had to laugh at your stories! Too Funny! I've got one too! We were camping at the lake, we used to have a 27 ft. trailer parked in an area with no electricty or running Water. I also had a brother up there and a friend with their own trailers. Well, one night I kept hearing this banging against my bed in the trailer (outside), and I kept telling DH to get up and see what it was. Well, I couldn't get him up and this went on for quite some time. I finally went out to see what it was with a flash light. Yup, it was a possus up on our table cleaning up the dirty dishes we left out. We usually do dishes before bedtime, but everyone was wiped out so we left them for morning. I shined the light in his eyes and he just looked at me for a minute and went back to eating. I beat the table and everything and he was there to stay. I finally just went back inside and left him alone.

Beanie - Good luck with the job! I work close to home and I love it! You'll probably make up the difference in pay with gas!

Patty - Sure I'll adopt you!:girl_hug: :)

Chrispy - Take your sweet time, you have all the time in the world to meet that "special" one.

Kat - Your yard sounds beautiful. I have always wanted some fruit trees in the yard but there isn't any more room in our yard for more trees.

Darcy - I know you have some critter stories to tell! Hope your weekend was nice!

Pat - Get thee back here!:D :D :D

Mandy - How is your friend doing?

Sherry - How you doing sweetie? Hope your luck has changed some!

Eileen - I hope the job gets better and you can visit every day. We miss you!

Deb - Hows everything going? Hope all is well now and things get back to normal.

Mr. Pat - Are you all healed up yet?

I know I am missing some, but do have to run and get dressed now. Everyone have a great day!

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Hi everyone....

Everything is going great here....the kids are well and are driving me crazy again...but i would not have it any other way...lol....

I am having a problem getting all of my Protein in....and I am losing my hair alot!!!!

I have a Protein Shake chocolate and i drink it with skim milk...but i feel i am taking in to many calories.....i do drink Water or ice tea ..the sugar free packets i add to it....I try to eat meat for protein but sometimes I get sick from them....

I am trying to lose more before my brothers memorial party the end of may....I feel I go down then back up....uughhhh

Beanie-good luck with the job.,..i would take the one closer to my home also....if i have to drive more than 20 minutes I dont want to go.,....

Chrispy-I finally met my sole mate after I got a divorce and thought the world sucked....I had a abusive husband beofre he was verbally abusive about guess what...my weight and always told me i was lucky to have him noone else would want me....but guess what i found someone who is so great and wonderful to me and our children....I met him online and it was love.... :girl_hug:

Mandy-sry to hear about ur friend hope he is doing well...prayers are with him....

sherry...betty....darcy..mr. pat....eileen...patty....pat.....cindy....hope i didnt forget anybody.....have a great day....

take care deb

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Ok this new style is confusing..info on the right one day...now on the left the next. I can't change my signature because it tells me I can only have 500 letter/spaces including a bb something line which I don't have. I take out almost my entire signature and it tells me I'm still over the limit WTF? I realize changes are often necessary but, whew...confusing for me anyway.

First thank you all for keeping my son in your prayers. He's in his room playing video games, screaming his head off at the game and how stupid it is so....he's feeling more like himself UGH. I took him out of the house for the first time today and he did good but, was sore and tired. SOOOO much paperwork between the auto accident, medical claims, school, docs etc that needs to be done. School is telling me he can't miss more than 7 days of shop or he'll have to do summer school. HELLO? Ummm this isn't his fault and we're trying to get him back in shop but they say he can't with crutches even if he sits at a desk all day and does the book work that is part of his daily course anyway. They say no. So they are basically forcing him to summer school which I'm going to now go in and have to argue. I mean I understand why they make kids make it up but to me there has to be some solution to this. Next week is acedemic week for him and that's ok but he needs a note to attend and a note for special rides to school etc. I'm trying my best to get this all done and yet try to work at home too and wait on him when he needs stuff. Now we think he's getting a bladder infection so I'm wondering if that got all bruised up in the accident.

Sorry he needs me so I have to run. I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying prayers and sending well wishes.

hope to get back soon!

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Hi y'all!!

Whats new?

Today is my bandiversary! And I finally woke up for the 3rd day in a row with a new weight, so I posted it today---so I made an even 90 pounds in the first year, and by the skin of my teeth dropped into Onederland!!! WoooHooo!!!!!

I want to take just a few minutes and let you all know how much your always being here, and always supporting me, has helped me make this last year a successful one. As I struggled through the fears when Rick was so sick, I knew I could come here and unload, and have many prayers said for me in a matter of minutes. When I was celebrating losses of weight, you were there to congratulate, and when I moaned at not losing, you were there to sympathize, and support, and encourage. I am so looking forward to meeting with the Texans soon, but you all seem like people I already know, I talk about you in daily life, heck my DH even asks about y'all!!! I feel like my band has been a tremendous success this year, but "meeting" you guys, and feeling the friendship we share has made this experience to much better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for always being there for me. (((hugs)))

Sherry, I ran into the same problem when I updated my ticker. I had to eliminate several things from my signature too. I know they have to put a limit on it, or people would have a page long signature---but some of the info I really hated eliminating. I felt it gave newbies info. But I cut it down, put multiple things on one line----and will live with it! Slowly but surely they are getting things back up and running. I cannot imagine the work involved in running this board on a daily basis---let alone keeping up with the times. I just read a post on how Alex plans on stopping most of the inappropriate posts---impressive, that people have that kind of computer knowledge, it sure isn't me!!!

Sherry---I am so glad your son is recovering. It might be something to ask about if he has a UTI---or bladder infection. Could be he tore something. Poor kid. I am telling you I sometimes felt like the school system here was out to sabotage the kids. My oldest DD was in weighted classes, gifted classes, advanced courses etc. from junior high on. She spent half a day at the college begining her sophmore year, taking credited courses. She applied to the school board, for early graduation. She had plenty of credits and wanted to graduate the end of her junior year. She needed the Dean of Students to sign the paper, so she was waiting in the office to meet with her, and she come out, in a bad mood, demanding to know what she wanted. Manda told her, and she went off on her telling her she would be lucky to graduate, let alone graduate early! Yelling this in front of 20 or so people in and around the office, she snatched the paper signed it, and stormed out of the room! Manda come home embarrassed about it, and I lost it. I went to the school, I told her this is a kid who has perfect attendance 8 out of 12 years, she has never had a days detention, never given a bus slip, never sent to the office---she is an honor student, she is a member of the National Honor Society, was named to Who's Who Among American High School Students, has represented her class in Student Council her entire HS time, is a mentor and a tutor---now why in the hell would you tell her she will be lucky to graduate? She said she was just having a bad day! Wanted to apologize to her---one on one of course, not in front of all the people she yelled in front of! The school board ok'd her graduating. The Dean refused to allow her picture in the yearbook---added her name at the bottom of the graduation program, not in the alphabetical listings. She was not allowed to wear the honors sash----she was punished! When Manda received her diploma she shook hands with all of the dignitaries on the stage, except her, she walked right past her!

I don't get punishing him for being injured, anymore than doing it to her for being a good student. We need more Cindy's and Beannies in the systems!!!

OK laugh if you must----I hit Onederland, so we are celebrating---with ice cream!!! I think it is Rick's way of getting ice cream, but WTH!!!!

Have a great night guys---thanks for a great year!!!!!


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HAPPY BANDIVERSARY KAT!!!! You have done an amazing job over the past year, and you should be very proud of how far you've come. And what a great accomplishment to hit Onderland for your bandiversary! Congrats!!!

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Congrats Kat...

Thanks again Chrispy for a wonderful Sunday Birthday dinner and comfy food for Greg B) He said to send thanks for him too. His exact words "That was so nice of her to do that. I can't believe she thought of me." That's my boy :)

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Good Morning Y'all!

Whoooooo Hoooooo Kat! Doing the "Happy Dance" for you!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You have done awsome with your band!

Sherry - I would march right over there and bitch like crazy! If they don't see your way of doing things then go to the Superintendent of schools. That is crazy! He is willing to come to class and participate any way he can and for them to tell him he can't is just not right! Tell them you are contacting the news too! Heck, us Texas gals will come up there and whip their butts if they don't see your side of it!

Deb - My doctor told me Protein had nothing to do with the Hair loss. He said it was hormones and there isn't much you can do about it. If you feel, it is growing in as fast as it is falling out. I lost a lot of mine, it really got thin, but it does grow back pretty fast. You won't go bald even if you think you are going to!:):D

Beanie - Have you heard anymore from the job?

Where is everyone at? We had some pretty rough storms last night (most of it missed us by a thin hair) did everyone survive it? I hope y'all didn't get any damage from it.

Well, gotta run, everyone have a great day!

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I have about 2minutes....

Deb: Here is the recipe from Photonut that I think is fabulous!

2cups milk or half & half

2 scoops whey protein

1/2 banana

1teaspoon splenda

1can slimfast - I like vanilla


This is 75grams Protein. You have all day to drink this. Enjoy.

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Wow----quiet thread today----hope everyone is ok. All is well here, had a busy day, we had 2 young bulls and a heifer decide to go AWOL. Spent several hours dealing with that.

Spent the rest of the day getting estimates on my car, and getting all that taken care of. I don't know if I told you or not, but I was backing out of a parking spot in Target last week, and 2 boys (employees) were gathering shopping carts, and playing with them, one was at one end, the other at the other end, shoving them to him....unknown to me, until it slammed my car as I backed out! It hit hard enough to dent the rear passenger quarter panel, and then the basket ounced around, and the handle part smacked the back door, scraping the paint off and denting it as well. My esitmates both come in at over $800.00. Target is accepting blame at this point---we'll see when they see what the cost is going to be. I took copies to my insurance as well---so will see.

Hope everyone is all right----check in!!!


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Hey Guys,

Tomorrow is my appointment with my surgeon.... a little nervous.

What are the questions that YOU forgot to mention that you wished you had. My biggest fear is the nausea and the ride home.

Thanks everyone.

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I will think on the questions---and let you know if I remember something.....

as for nausea----I never got sick!

ride home----mine was an hour and a half by car to the airport, followed by a 5 hour flight, followed by another 3 hours in the car---and I did it with a dose of Tylenol---a ride home---will be cake!!!

I would ask for my pain med Rx early, so you can have it filled and waiting, rather than getting the scrip when you leave the hospital.

Let us know how the visit goes---I am sooooo excited for you!!!


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<p>Thanks Kat,</p> <p>You really did have a long trip home. My doctor uses 2 different outpatient centers and I will find out today which one I will be going to. Right now, nothing seems real. </p> <p> </p> <p>Hey I just discovered that I can get this site from my work computer.... so when no ones looking I might pop in!</p>

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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