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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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Hi All

I am definitely NOT as smart as a Fifth Grader.... *sigh* I spent the day studying on Math.com.... and I feel like a complete idiot. I don't remember fractions being to stinking difficult.... But I guess my brain just doesn't compute them anymore.

I submitted the application for the crash-course teacher training - school all summer with teaching in the fall. It will place me in a "high needs" school, if I get accepted and pass all the certification tests. I still have hopes that I will find the perfect job and be able to take the slower certification course. I would LIKE to have a little time to absorb the teaching before I have to stand in front of students and teach... but if I get accepted to the crash program, I will probably do it. Hopefully, my Summer Spanish classes won't conflict with the courses...

Mandy - It sounds like you have a lot of yard work to do... I am just glad cats don't need cat-runs. :] Funny funnies!

Cindy - How was the food Network award show? I managed not to watch any TV at all yesterday. It just turned out like that.

Eileenie - HUGS! Sorry about the storm. Hope to hear from you soon.

Betty - glad your party went off all right! Hope you get some rest, soon. Sorry your car guy is already a flake... and he isn't even there, yet. *sigh*. Hope he turns out to be better than he sounds...

Darcy - LOL! That's why I had to chop it into smaller pieces and put most of it into the freezer... DH says I have a lifetime supply of cheese! (ok - it is a lot. I bought 6 of the 2 lb bricks...)

Sherry - glad the trip was good. Driving in bad weather is always a bummer. Glad you made it home safe.

Deb - I hope the floods go down, soon. I would NOT like to be trapped indoors. Hope the kids weren't too crazed.

Patty - where there's a will, there's a way... Now, watch. Insurance will come through. (I hope!) But even if it doesn't - go for it! Pawn that skanky ring and get-r-done! :]

Well - I have to run. Another glorious day in mortgage lending has passed, and I need to get home. DH is making spaghetti for supper and I have some data to transfer to my laptop. I got pictures from my little sister with the brain tumor. It's all out. She is all normal and doing well and she sent me 53 photos.....

Love and Hugs to All!

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Funny joke, Mandy! LOL!

A big congratulations to Patty! Go for it, girl! How exciting!

Beanie, I have NOT forgotten about you or your letter. Just to reassure you.

Today I did some bigtime cleaning (no scrapbook set-up), but am happy with what I got done.

Of course, I am praying for all the families of those poor kids and teachers who had the misfortune of crossing paths with that crazed killer at Virginia Tech...it's just a tragedy. They are about to release the identity of the shooter. Not that it matters all that much, but out of interest, I just wonder, "why?" I keep thinking of all the families out there tonight who have either been called or are pretty sure they are going to be, to be told they lost a daughter or a son, a niece or a nephew, a granddaughter or a grandson. It's just terrible. I know my Jersey girls are sending all their positive thoughts and prayers out to those families.

Hugs, Cindy

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Just wanted to pop in and say hi.

Such horrible news at VT. Our old neighbor from NJ goes there, she's ok thank God!

Boob is still very painful, I'm getting sick of it!

Hope all is well I hope I can catch up...

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Hi All..

Boy... My heart sure goes out to the parents and family members of those that were killed or injured at VT... so sad and sensless... Dianne... so glad your friend is okay and hope your boob feels better soon!

Cindy... I know you are not reading this...because you are setting up your scrapbooking stuff. :)

Patty... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do! I am so happy for you!!!!!

Sherry... Yikers... Glad you got home okay!!!!! Hope your roof isn't leaking terribly and that there is a picture of a new one on your board!

Deb...Sounds like you need a set of oars and a canoe! So sorry about the flooding and hope your home is spared damage. Have fun watching movies and just throw a flag on the field if the kids start fighting. :)

Betty - There was a part of me that wanted to make it totally mine by finding furniture little by little... but in the end... it sure sounded a lot easier and cheaper to buy some of her things...lol. My BIL is in Texas fishing as I type... guess it's been pretty stormy for a fishing trip!

Irene... LOL... gawd I love cheese. I know I was a mouse in a former life. :) I had a small mouse rescue going on in the 1st grade... my mean family was always trying to kill them and flush them or poison them... me... I would find nests of the pink little wriggly mice and would do everything possible to keep my mean old family from finding them. Most likey I was leading them right to them everytime...lol. The Crash course sounds like a great idea and it will probably boost your self-esteem about them smarts of yours. :)

Mandy... Thanks for the giggle. :)

Kat... Is the baby okay????

Okay...guess I had better get my butt moving!


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Morning all,

I just got a minute.

Rene: Could you tell me all about the teachers job and why you are leaving morgage lending? I am proud of you for taking that leap of faith and fractions aren't that hard. Just think about cooking and sewing they all require fractions -- I know that won't help much. Hang in there!

Eileen: I wanted to address your question about my job. No, I didn't get the health aid position at the closer school because the district won't let me. I current am on discipline for "trying to kill a child" -- No just kidding! Lets just say there were events in January that led to probations and a slap on the wrist. I promise to explain further but it makes me irritable and I need to get ready for work. I played hooky yesterday and I gotta get my head in gear. OH, and I am very very proud of you and your new spot. Does this promotion mean that you finally got rid of the yuckky boss-man? WE are just some awesome chickies. I will try to catch you guys a little later. Hugs,

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What happened to our photo section?

I want to send you guys boob shots if you wat to see them.

Well this was taken this past Saturday in charleston sc Kelly took it.


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Ok this is 18 months later..Kelly put this together for me last night.

Sept 06 Sept 06 and March 07.


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Morning everyone!

Patty I am so glad you have found your window!!! Now as Beannie (I think it was) said, maybe the door will open---and insurance will walk through!

Mr Pat---awesome weight loss!!! Keep up the great work.

Sherry--so glad y'all made it home safe! Weather like that is scary!

Deb---hope your weather clears soon too!

Beannie--I have nieces and they are headed to the 5th grade range, and I know they are smarter than I am!!! Math was never my strong point.

Eileenie---you will do awesome on your new job---congrats you deserve it!

Betty---you will get on that bike again, I know it! I'll bring some pics of our ride to the 4 corners monument the other day, when I come to TX.

Darcy---have you cruised estate sales, or yard sales in your area for things for the cabin? I have a sled similar to the one your sister had at the cabin. The main board was split out---so I actually turned it into a tree stand for my Christmas tree. I love it, it no longer looks empty when the gifts are all gone. I kept it out for awhile, and used an antique lap quilt draped over the center, and an old watering jug sat in front of it. I just don't keep much down like that now, for lack of space!

Mandy--how is Abi doing back in school, now that everything is settling back down?

Dianne---I know it seems like it is taking forever---but soon your boobie will be normal, and it will all be worthwhile. It seems like not too long ago, you were wondering if you could manage having surgery while everything was going on with your inlaws. And now you are well past that!

Cindy---yes we too included the VT families in our prayers last night. Our prayer chain did a round as well. We also had a tragedy hit very close to home. A couple of kids my oldest DD and DS went to school with, and were friends with, married right out of HS, had a son, and then a daughter. The kids were 3 and 17 months. They both work, she works at the mexican restaurant down the road we go to all the time, and she works late. She and the DH met after she got off and went out with friends, leaving the kids with the usual nighttime sitter, which was a HS girl from the neighborhood where they live. Well the babysitter allowed her boyfriend to come over, and he was drinking and drugged up, and they began fighting. In the process of the fight, I guess the little 17 month old "Teagan" got her foot/leg stepped on and was crying. He claims he then began jumping over her---but missed, and jumped on her. She of course really cried then. They claim they cleaned her up, and put her to bed, where she went to sleep, and 6 hours later they realized her eyes were half open and she wasn't breathing. He had killed her. Her Mama is in the hospital, she is of course beside herself. The last time I saw the kids, she was such a cutie, I just cannot imagine, what the poor little darling went through. I look at Kinsey, and they are close in age---and it just makes my blood run cold. There are times, that after babysitting all day, that when DD has her class in the evening, I think, "she needs to find a babysitter for these things"--now I am so glad she didn't, and I will use that to remind myself, that as tiring as 2 year olds are, she is here and safe. It has just broke my heart.

We have been working with the colt, my cousin is "the expert" he is a blacksmith/farrier by trade, so he has the knowledge too!!! It has been fun, tiring, but an amazing experience. She just nuzzles in to you now, she has no fear of us. And Doo (the Mama----somehow Serendipity---turned to Dippity Do----and I call her Doo) she has decided we are not going to hurt her baby, I think I even see this glint of relief in her when we "entertain" the little one! Took my Dad out to see the colt, and he was shocked at how acclimated she already is. I hope it works as well as it is supposed to----because I do not know a horse whisperer!!!

Well I am off to watch "It's a BIG world" and to read who knows how many books!!!

Hugs to all, sorry if I missed you, will try next time!!


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Some things just boggle the mind... What on earth could prompt anyone to just start shooting people for no reason? I mean, I can sort of understand a crime of passion - get mad, do something crazy to a person... But to start forcing your way into classrooms and killing random people? It makes you really appreciate the sanity of your own life...but it also makes you realize that there is no such thing as "safe."

Cindy - I appreciate your writing that letter for me. I am waiting with bated breath. Are you having fun cleaning? :]

Dianne - you look FANTASTIC! Wow-Za! Thanks for posting those great pictures! I hope you lose that pain, soon. Hugs!

Darcy - Mouse rescue, huh? Guess you aren't one of those chicks that jumps on a chair at the sight of a rodent, then? :]

Patty - I have been less than happy in my mortgage job for quite a while now. This latest crash in Sub Prime Mtg is just the final nudge I need to move on to something a little more meaningful than generating lots of money for some big corporation.

Kat - have fun with that new baby. We are still waiting for pictures... :]

Well, I am off to study some more fractions. It makes me ANGRY that I can't do the math - so I guess I better keep studying and fix that little problem. There is nothing more frustrating that knowing that you SHOULD be able to do something - that once you COULD do it... but now you can't. GRRRRR.

Have a great day, folks.


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Thanks guys! I went to curves this morning and an oncology nurse was there and she saw me holding my boob. We started talking and she looked at them and said the insusions look great but the pain means I'm doing to much. URGH so I am backing down having Kelly take MIL to store today instead of me I'm not going to drive and puch the wheel chair, I'm going to take my pain med and rest. She told me I really need to be careful. I thought I was! But the good news it that the scale said 176.5!! that is 92 pounds lost! woweee and I'm real close to my 168!! I just wish I could exercise more...But I know it will come.

Gotta go get dressed to take MIL...I have so much to fill you guys in on...

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All the Water is gone I am back to work and the kids back to the babysitter....

No damage to anything..just a few spots in the basement but nothing compared to other people in the surrounding towns...This afternoon when I was picking up the kids,....all the people had the stuff from their basements and garages out for garbage,....it was awful....

I feel so bad for the familes and friends of the victims of VA University.....

I dont think we will ever know realy why he did it....

I hope everyone had a great weekend...

Have a great week everyone....love ya all deb

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Ok I need prayer and advice and guidance from you guys.

Good news, scary news, exciting news, Garry is being made an offer!!!

Ok I'll tell you all about that later. My news is that his current insurance company will pay for the Tummy Tuck goround if medically nessasary. So what do I do! is it a ne brainer? do I wait and take the chance of the new company not covering? Or do I just take the plunge and do it all now. AHHHH

The other thing is that he will not e traveling he will be losing 5 weeks vacation. I will gain a living room. I will lose the king size bed to myself but I'll have him at nights, wish my addiction had turned to sex! lol anyway from a 50% of the time hubby home to a gone to the office all day and home every night hubby, I'd like a mix, I hate all the traveling but when he is home he is here not in an office so if we want to go to lunch or if I need him to go to costco with me I say lets go at 4 and off we go.

gotta run oh money will be better and he will get a company car

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Dianne, that sounds like a great offer. I would jump at the chance for a Tummy Tuck, most insurance companies do not cover them. I would love for my hubby to have a normal schedual. He works oncall 24/7. Losing the vacation sucks, but sounds like the benefits are worth it. Is the new company willing to work something out for a little extra vacation time? Let us know what you decide. (((hugs))) ~Mandy

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