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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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I just wrote a long post, and when I hit post, I lost it...irksome. Dang it.

The basics: I am jealous all of you are going to meet in WDW, but at least I have a trip planned for June, or I'd be absolutely green!

Welcome to our new friend...FYI, I'm in Texas, north of Dallas.

Haven got another hit yesterday in her "at bat" in the softball game, so that's one hit at each "at bat"...yea for Haven! She is enjoying playing, and is truly more suited for this game than basketball...lots of fun!

Gotta run, have a meeting with DD's school staff on reorganizing the parent association...hey, it's exciting (to me). Cindy's on a mission!

Hugs to all!


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Cindy, any way you can sneek over for a few days in Sept? I would love to see you there. ~Mandy

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Hello people..... all this Disney talk, and I live by the Magic Kingdom. Come visit me..... please! I know, you all hate Californians but it doesn't snow here in fact....mostly sunny! I can't give ya free food but I have ways of avoiding crowds know all the resort secrets and am willing to share.

PS; Mandy, I will be praying for you and all your girlie stuff -- it's not fair that we girls have all this crap(excuse language). Love ya.

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Howdy. Another Glorious Day in Mortgage Lending...

Sherry - Guilt, Shmilt.... Mommies need fun-time, too. ESPECIALLY fun time without children. Have a great time and take lots of pictures! So, I suppose the IRS wants their pound of flesh... Sorry!

Mandy - Ooooooo - you get to meet Sherry & Chris! I am jealous...

Chris - 5 nights + meals + airfare + park passes? I think I am going to have YOU book my next vacation.... DANG!

Cindy - I am so happy Haven has found a sport she is good at. I know if she has a good time and gets a good feeling of accomplishment, she will keep on playing - and we know how important physical activity is!

Well - I have printed out my flashcards.... time to cut them and start flashin'...

Love you guys!

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Good Evening,

Kat, boy oh boy your inlaws sound like a bunch of arseholes and rude to boot! They are so full of chit b/c you are one of the prettiest ladies I know, they are just jealous old hags that have nothing better to do but put people down. Don't let them drag you to their level. Want me send my cousin vinnie from dirty jersey to pop their tires? :) Jerks !!!!

GO CINDY GO CINDY GO CINDY come on girlie...we know you can hit onederland whooot ..... I think its great your DD found a sport she likes. Its going to boost her confidence for sure.

Sherry, Crispy and Mandy have fun in DW... wish I could go :)

Beanie and flashing...... there goes the neighborhood :) hey hotstuff, how goes the studying? any news on the job.

Patty its good to see you chickie, how are the kids? Did you apply at another place for a new job or is it my imagination?

Darcy looo whats happening w/the cabin? did ya get it?

Bettyboop, how ya feeling love?

Jenny WELCOME !!!! I'm from NJ as well... northern, bergen cty.

Dianne, how are YOU feeling dolly?

Pat...oh Pat, my sweetie pie friend.. watcha doing?

Mr. Pat, how are you feeling these days? is it getting easier?

WELL I GOT GOOD NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a promotion WHOOT !!! Starting May 1st and that comes with a 7% raise .... I am so happy, you just have no idea how much crap I take and finally, finally I am getting some relief there. Can't wait for DH to come home so I can tell him the good new :)

Well girlies and boyies... I gotta go. I'll chat more tomorrow morning :)

Love yah !!!


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Hey all... Sorry about being absent! We are trying to get everything worked out for purchasing the cabin. I'm also helping my sister with the gathering of info for the business she and her hubby are starting.


So... it looks like we will qualify for the loan and we have all of the information for starting the process starting the escrow process... hopefully it will be ours soon! I can hardly wait! Oh Oh Oh... Irene... I traded a walking foot (quilting foot for a sewing machine) for the sleigh. :) I was going to give it to her for her b-day... so now I will have to give her her Christmas present for her B-day...lol.


Hope the Disney Chicks have fun!


OKay... off to talk with my hubby more as we are getting together with my Sis and BIL tomorrow to discuss the fine details and get the paperwork together and ready to submit.



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Hello again everyone and thanks for the welcome!! Let me tell you a little bit more about me, so you know who you're talking to! :)

I'm 37, happily married for 9 years to soul mate (whom I met online, BTW!) and I have two amazing sons (2 1/2 and 10 weeks!). I'm a veterinarian and until now, I have worked full time but my husband just got offered a position full time at Sirius Satellite Radio - his dream job - the DAY we brought our newborn home from the hospital! So, now that he has benefits, I get to work part time!! YAY! I'm very excited! I haven't gone back yet from maternity leave and I'm really enjoying being a stay at home mommy, at least until April 23! I'm also a vegetarian and a huge animal lover.

I volunteer time and money to several causes, including the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, where I'm a team captain every year for their annual Light the Night walk in the fall. I "met" a woman online who lost her daughter to leukemia at only 9 months old, just after I had my first baby, and it really hit me hard so I've been involved ever since (www.friendsofheroes.org).

As for banding, my best friend of 24 years told me in January that she was considering getting banded. I didn't know anything about it. I was pregnant and miserable and didn't even give it a thought. Fast forward 6 weeks after baby is born, we talked about it and I realized I wanted to do it too so we have embarked on this journey together!! I was a chubby kid, got skinny as a pre-teen, chubby as a teen, extremely thin when I was about 20 (good gods, I was 140 pounds!! Imagine that!!!), got chubby again in vet school, got thin again on Phen-Fen (I admit, I LOVED THAT STUFF!!!). I met my husband at 156 pounds in 1997, got married in 1998 (we were engaged 10 weeks after we met!) and got FAT! Somehow, I now weigh 291 pounds and I can't quite figure out how that happened. I have two babies but I can't really blame it all on them because I was 250 when I got pregnant with the first one. I lost a baby at 22 weeks gestation to severe birth defects and that was really hard, and I gained 30 pounds with that pregnancy. So, I am desperately in need of some help and I'm hoping the band will provide that help! I have lost enough weight in my life enough times to know what to do, I just can't seem to do it long term. Hopefully this will be the time! I'm excited at the thought of being in Onederland again!!!

HOWEVER, we have only just started the process! I met with the nutritionist and have been to a seminar. We are going to use Dr. Bertha in Morristown Hospital. We will be meeting with him on Wednesday and the nutritionist for our follow up on Friday of next week. I have my psych appointment on 4/27 and then I guess it's all up to the insurance because I can't afford to self pay! I have BC/BS so I'm HOPING approval won't be a nightmare! My friend and I are hoping to have surgery the same day!!! I had blood drawn today and the H. Pylori breath test, so that's another hurdle jumped!

So, that's my life story in a nutshell! I don't get online too much, maybe once a week if I'm lucky but I'll try to check in whenever I can! Take care!

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ps -

I'm a HUGE HUGE HUGE Disney fan!! We went there on our Honeymoon and we've been there every year since then! I don't think we'll be going this year (we usually go in March) because of the new baby, but I'm planning (or planning to plan) a HUGE trip next fall, and I can't wait!! I'll be living vicariously through everyone here who is going so be sure to post LOTS of details!

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Welcome Jenny... we are really glad you joined our group! Hang in there during the "jumping through hoops" phase of the journey to Bandland. I think most of us are animal lovers so we have that in common already! Congrats on having more home time with your babies... nothing is more important than that. :)


Again...welcome and wishing you a smooth journey towards being banded....

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Good Morning,

Darcy how exciting, what kind of business is your sister starting? Good luck w/the cabin :)

Jenny, wow, your amazing. I am from bergen county NJ and had my surgery in Hackensack. I should be losing more weight but its my fault, not the band, I can't seem to stay away from junk food, and well exercising would help if I would get my lazy arse to do it. I've heard so many good things about morristown and dr. bertha... your in good hands. I also have bc/bs of NJ insurance. I'm glad your here and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.

Well ladies, I'm gonna do some cleaning later but mostly rest b/c I have to get rid of this cold thats been following me around for the past 2 weeks.

Tomorrow we are expecting a nor easter ... depending on the way it goes it could be lots of rain or snow...ick!

How is everyone... I've really missed you all.


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hi i am from NJ also....bergen cty north...good luck with the surgery...where are u a vet...we are looking for a good vet in our area....my mom cant find someone she likes....we are also lookinf for another dog a german shepard....welcome to our little community here....the people on here are great....i also met my husband online...everyone said u will never find anyone that way but i did..been together 6 years and married 4 have two beautiful boys nicholas 4 and zachary 18 months...who btw is sick with a stomach virus this time he had a 104 fever last night but since then it broke and is just really really cranky today....

hi to all of you....i have to print out a page and get eveyones name....i am planning on going to disney in florida in nov...i cant wait....

well gotta go and take care of crabby now....love to all....see ya soon...deb

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Hi All,

Welcome Jenny...

Hi NJ Chick...

Well, one week-4 days post op and feel great! 25 poiunds down and just about over the gas.... ughhhh! Yesterday I pushed it and picked up both one year olds at the same time and spent the rest of the night with my port site scar reminding me of how dumb that was. I start cardio monday morning with the guidance of a trainer. My per deim job is at the YMCA so I negotiated a free family membership as part of my salary. ala, free gym.

I am however, over the liquids... the plan I'm on has you on full liquids for two weeks after the surgery. The end is in site. food on thursday... I think I'm overexagerrating when I say I'm upto 700 calories per day... and I'm trying.

Jenny - I am a patient of Dr. Abkin/Bertha. Absolutely awesome. Go forth with no hesitation. The support team is great and I attended their support meeting last wednesday and cannot wait until the next one. The insurance personel at their office are pitbulls. They are fast and aggressive.

Who is your carrier? Feel free to pm me with other questions and another great person on this board is Alexandra. She also is a moderator. She was at the meeting wed night.

I'll end for now... congrats to all of the new banders and good luck to all coming up

Mr. Pat

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Happy Saturday :kiss2:

I wanna give a shout-out to Jenny. You are going to love this thread! The folks on here are the best support group ever. Me.... uhhhh, well, I don't have my band yet but soon. So, with that, Welcome!

I am single this weekend and my breaking news is that my ex GOT A JOB!

He starts on monday and his new office is literally one block from his old one. I praised him on getting the job and kissed the boys as they piled in the car. With spring break ending I have been looking forward to these few days of silence before work starts again. For those who don't know, I'm a Health aide for an elementary school of 800 kids. I work 3.5 hours a day doing bandaids 101 and taking temperatures. I love my job because my vacation coincides with my kids -- well, most of the time. This spring break had my high schoolers off last week and my little ones off this week! We mananged but boy, am I tired. No news on the lapband front but I pray that the good Lord knows my heart. Currently I am in the process of filling out my tax forms and waiting this long has to do with my level of busyness. Last year my $110. dollar refund was held back because of the taxes I owe from 2003. Ohhhh, that does sound bad, let me explain:

In 2002 my husband cleaned out our 401K. Used the monies to attend gentlemens clubs in palm springs and a club 1mile from our home.

I filed for divorce. Since the retirement money was linked to my husbands work, I had no access to it. But to the IRS I am responsible for half the taxes. I filed innocent spouse documents and was denied. This week I was notified that my wages are being garnished on May 10th. Cool huh?

I am fine with all this. It no longer affects my self esteem. If all this junk had happened 4 years ago I would have been crushed. I won't go hungry, nor will the children. Once the Feds have been satisfied they will go away. I can only assume that they are after my ex in the same fashion and it will only be a reminder of his past deeds and hurt his pocketbook too. It will only bring questions to the mind of his new bride and baby. Oh, the things I could tell this woman. So, friends.... I love that you are here for me, but no tears. I have a marvelous day planned for myself. Last night I watched a video, had chinese food and went to bed early - yeah. Oh, and I have a dental visit this afternoon -- that could be depressing. Hugs,

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Welcome, Jenny! Animals, motherhood, and Disney...that's a great start right there! Oh, and the band thing...LOL!

Glad to hear you are doing better, Mr. Pat! It will get better and better, every day...and then you'll be like us "oldies"...you'll be coming up on two years, and wonder how that much time has gone by!

Deb, dang, those kids are having so much trouble with illness. I hope they both get well, at the same time! Glad to see you here today!

Darcy, I'm thrilled on your cabin success...and the sleigh! So exciting!

Patty, you're amazing, lady. Glad you are having a nice weekend...and where did you get the idea we hate Californians??? You're silly! LOL! One of these days, I may even take you up on that offer, and then you'll be sorry! Ha!

And, more good news today...CONGRATULATIONS EILEEN!!! Way to go on your promotion, and the big raise! You certainly deserve it! And you have been soooooo patient waiting on this to come through! What did your hustband say? Did you have fun celebrating, by cleaning the house?

WTF? hahha

I don't have any news...DD's going to a slumber party tonite. Nothing else real exciting, and that's not exciting for me, either (except some quiet time tonight, wink).

Check ya, later...where's Kat?


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Well lookie at all of you.

Mr. Pat, its good to hear from you and I'm so glad your feeling better. Are you allowed to start exercising this early after surgery? I ask b/c most folks are told to wait 6 weeks and then shoot for the moon. Its been 1 1/2 years for me and I still haven't started exercising ROFLMFAO !!! LOLOL pathetic aren't I :D

Cindy, how did you know I celebrated by cleaning my house LOL.... well your WRONG !!! I only cleaned my kitchen LOLOL ;) I was patient but very very stressed out regarding the job... DH is very happy for me, I just hope I can do the new job and do it good (gee that sound naughty). Watcha doing tonight with out the wee one?

Patty Patty Patty... you are so brave and stronge. I know that God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. And some times He even sends you Ebay packages with trains in them ;) heheheheheee it was a train right? It does suck that you are responsible for that money...its not fair.

Deb, glad the kiddies are feeling better. Did you go back to work this week? Its great that you met your DH online. I know alot of folks who meet their others online... COOL !!! I met my DH in a bar... I thought he accidently took my drink (because the bartender placed it on the bar near him instead of me) so I turned to him and said excuse me but is that drink yours?? he was like ohhh no, I don't do shots. We started talking and well.....we just celebrated our 17th year of marriage :D heheheeee

Its time for me to put on my jamies..... so with that.. GOOD NIGHT SWEETHEARTS :mad:

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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