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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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Nope, no magic number yet! You know how it is...a watched pot never boils....

Monday was a holiday for DD, and I had a parent conference with her teacher. All is well...I just had to beg the teacher to mark her spelling errors and stuff...WTF? They are worried these days about damaging their little egos and all; I said I'll worry about that, that's MY job! LOL! You mark the papers. When I look at them and see the errors, and show them to her, then she tells me they don't matter, since the teacher doesn't mark them. Urrrgh. We'll work on some of that this summer...don't worry. Not too much. I'm not that mean! LOL!

DD had a softball game this afternoon, and got another hit! Yea! Batting a thousand! And, this time, she made it all around the bases, and scored (not on her hit, another player got a hit and she scored on that one). So, she's doing pretty good for a gal who was scared to play the sport!

Darcy, I love your cabin! It looks so cozy!

Patty, good to see you again!

I know all of you get more miles in than you think...just wear a pedometer, and you'll see!

Let me know if that grapefruit makes you skinny, Darcy...I'll do that, too!

Hugs, Cindy

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Bean Yeap that's pearlized glass on her wings and also her dress but that's hard to see in the picture. Her wings are textured too. Also...the excel program I'm using is called "Professor Teaches" Microsoft Office, Windows, Web & Graphics. I picked it up at Staples. I have to say it's an excellent teacher but, excel is just boring but necessary with my job. Now to just learn what the heck it is I'm putting in the dang thing for financial information hahaha. I'll get there.

Hope all is going well for everyone. Busy busy here...just got home not too long ago from getting my hair done. Have to be a pretty birthday girl tomorrow. :lol: I already got a nice gift from my mom and DH gave me flowers. Hopefully tomorrows training at work will go ok then I can enjoy my birthday. Just nervous learning all this new stuff. I know I'll do well once I get it down pat but, until then....I'm a wreck UGH.

Hugs to all of you!

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Good Morning Y'all!


Hope you have a great one!

Beanie - Glad the wasp didn't get you too bad. meat tenderizer mixed with a little Water and put it on it works great too!

Cindy - How true it is that a "watch pot never boils" just be patient you will get there and we'll all do the "happy dance" for you!

Where is everyone? I'm on my way in the shower!

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:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Happy Birthday Sherry! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Hope you have a fantastic day, and all your birthday wishes come true!

(Especially the "onederland" ones!)

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:happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERRY!!!!!!!! :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2:

Hope your special day is happy, and full of great surprises! A wonderful person like you just deserves a wonderful day the way I see it!!!

In fact I think all of you deserve to have a great day. It is supposed to be windy here again. I am so sick of wind! It messes with me wanting to get outside and exercise. I am renewing my efforts. I figure with Spring, and Easter, it is time for new beginings---so it is back to basics for me. Like Cindy the scale is playing games with me, I see the infamous 199 and by the next day it is 201 again---and I have had enough!!! Going to try to work it off, watch what I eat a bit (not gonna go totally nutso here!!!), and see if I can do it with this fill. I don't feel hungry, I am begining to eat just because I CAN! I hate to chance another fill, and get too tight, and start all the trouble that can lead to. I think in all honesty, my fill will be ok, if I respect the foods I put into it!!! I like being able to eat anything---I do not want restriction that causes me to eliminate foods---so it seems heaven forbid, I may have to pick up my pace here!!! I began Monday, and am now back to seeing 201 on the scale again---it had went up to 203 again. I think one thing I really need to pay attention to is my sodium intake, because I retain Water like crazy!!! For the last several years pre banding I took a diuretic as part of my high blood pressure meds, and now, if I eat chinese for instance, it is an instant 4 pound weight gain---which has to be fluid---it goes away quickly---but it sucks seeing the weight go UP! So watching my salt....that's hard!

I actually got into a bit of a "discussion" regarding my band, and my SIL with my MIL on the phone last night, and neither of us hung up very happy! She tells me she has a message for me, and the message is (done in a Kindergarten sing song) "Ha ha ha I have lost 80 pounds!" It just struck me in the wrong way!!! So I told her I was glad my SIL had lost weight, I wasn't sure who decided I was against her doing so, but they were wrong, that I would no longer discuss my band, nor my weight loss with either of them, I was sick of her acting like a 5 year old. Of course.....I had to add that no this was not jealousy, I had lost more than 80 pounds, and I would never again tell any of them how much! This is an 80 year old woman telling me what a 58 year old woman said. It has been building, all along for the last year! She had tried making it a competition at first, then she had complications from being too tight, so I had to hear how bad the band was---and amazingly now that she found the right place of restriction, they love the band again---and I am the enemy! The two of them are very close-as I am with my own Mom, but I don't appreciate being made the common denominator for them to pick at---and it has been non stop....little jabs. I know I have to have a TT---I have had a muscle tore loose on the left side of my stomach for many years---courtesy of my ex husband and a well placed boot. And they make non stop comments about how my stomach really needs work, and how atleast the way SHE is losing, is feminine and attractive, as men like broader hips. I would love not to have the issue I do with my stomach---I cannot help how I am built otherwise, I have now and even at my heaviest had slim hips and legs--it is the way my Dads family is built. My DH tells me to make gray hair comments, because she went gray in her late 20's. But I can't do that!

Ok I'll quit----thank you for listening, I have been stressing over this! Whew----thanks so much for always being there!!!

My Mom went and did her sleep test last night following her problem waking up after her knee surgery. The technician told her she fought sleep all night long, that she would hear back today, that her condition is quite serious! I hate that she had the problem, but I believe it was a blessing in disguise, we had tried to get her to ask about her sleep before, and her worthless PCP blew her off! I am so glad she is going to get help!

I am off to lunch with my friend Marie, here soon. She wants a burger at Fudruckers (oh do NOT try to get my 2 yr old granddaughter to say Fudruckers---it ends up a 2 syllable fu'uckers----sounds SOOOO bad!!). I think I can get a salad, or some chicken---and if not, I'll do better tomorrow!!!

Everyone take care, will get to personals next time, I used up all my time and space venting---thank you AGAIN!!!


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:happybday: :happybday: :D :humble: :cheer2: :hippie: Happy Birthday Sherry... Hope it has been a special day for you!!!!

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Happy B-day Sherry!!! Hope it was fantastic!!!!!!!! ~Mandy

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Awww thank you everyone. I truly appreciate it. The men in my life took me out for a birthday dinner. I was a semi good girl in that I had french onion Soup and a piece of fish. No cake....but they did stop and get me some Eddy's Peanut Butter cup ice cream in the lower fat/cal version :D I'll have some of that later on tonight. It was nice having dinner with them. I got some really nice Ecards too. *wink* Made me realize I have some phone calls to make soon to do some checking up on peeps.

Get this....My MIL actually called....Huh? Yeap I said it...she called to wish me happy birthday. DH had the look of wonder in his eyes lol. Couldn't believe it because she's not one to call. That meant alot to me :)

Long story about BIL in the works but, I'm enjoying my day so I don't even want to get into the whole thing. Lets just say an opportunity came that would of made things great for him and his family and he decided he wasn't "comfortable" with it. UGH. Since when is work "comfortable" for anyone? Simply unreal and all I can say is....we can't help him anymore. He gave me the saying "The Lord will provide"...no brotha the saying is "The Lord will provide for those who help themselves" and he provided this opportunity and you passed it by. UGHHHHH ok ok ok enough of thinking of that. I have my own family to worry about and to enjoy.

Love you all lots.....hopefully I'll catch up on all this training at work and be able to enjoy some time here. Been crazy learning new systems, financial reports etc. I've been in Excel and Pivot Table HELL hahaha

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My phantom signal is hot right now, so I thought I would check in.

I went to my counselling session and as I thought, I have the credits I need for both English & Spanish certification... but if I start in Spanish and don't pass the test - I have to start over in English... So, I will start out getting certified in English - and then go back for Spanish later, after I have had several Spanish classes and gotten comfortable/fluent in the language, again.

I took the whole day off today, so DH and I have been out tooling around. We had to get some stuff to re-stock our fridge, now that it is blessedly cold again. Plus, we now have two freezers - so we stocked up on Hamburger. We get it from the World food Market in Plano. It's Halal - which works for SIL & BIL and it is actually much tastier than the hamburger we get elsewhere. We hit Sam's Club, too.

It was the most beautiful day imaginable, here. Sunny, warm - but not hot - PERFECT for a day off. Now, the sun is setting and I am sitting in my garden room with a cat on the arm of my chair. *sigh*

Now, if I were just independently wealthy, I could enjoy this every day... :]

Happy Birthday, Sherry!!

I hope you have had a fantastic day!

Cindy - That worry about damaging their little psyches by marking the errors is one of my big worries. I am going to have a hard time with that one... but we shall see. Glad your little jockette is doing so well!

Betty - Hugs! Sorry you had to go to work, today! It was an awesome day to have off.

Kat - Sorry about the weird relatives. I guess some people just HAVE to compete to make life worth living. What a low blow to say that your SIL is feminine and attractive - implying that you aren't. Can you say "Beaches" Sure you can. Don't let them get you down. Remember - bodies can be altered, but crappy personalities are forever. HUGS!

Darcy - Hope you are having a great day!

Mandy - Hi! What's goin' on in your neck o' the woods?

Well - I have to go help DH put away the meat he is divvying up into small packages for the freezer.

Love you guys!

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Hi guys!!! We have almost 2 inches of snow here today!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!! I hate snow.

I have had a crappy few days. I went to the ob-gyn yesterday. Bad news all the way around. I have some issues to say the least. She drew blood and sent it for major tests. She thinks I might have a testosterone producing tumor, and if not my ovaries are not functioning properly. I have fibroids and possibly need a hystorectomy. I am fine with surgery, but the tumor idea totally freaks me out. I will have lab results tomorrow, and will know more then. My DH took the day off today and had a tattoo apointment, I had a LONG talk with my mom, sometimes she is great other times not so much. She was good today, she supports whatever we have to do. I wish she was this supportive with Abi's medical stuff. We also had an appointment with the psych today, Abi is being left on the current med routine (that's a first) She is going to do another month on the current cocktail. Seems to be working so we are leaving all as it. I am going to be seeing a surgeon next week about the girly stuff....ugh, I hate this. I went off Depo in Oct and still haven't had a period. (sorry Mr. Pat, I know TMI) I am not losing weight and I am breaking out like a teenager. I will update ya'll tomorrow. Night all...~Mandy

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Awwww Mandy, I am so sorry you are going through this. I will say in total honesty, if you are absolutely sure you want to more children, then the surgery will be a blessing!! I have not found anything to be sorry about my hysterectomy. It and my band have both improved my life hundreds, no thousands of times over! This possible tumor, did she give you an idea of location? Would the hysterectomy deal with it?

I had no tumors per se, I had cancer in the endometrial lining of the uterus. Which in itself can be invasive, in my case, with the years of endometriosis, they were somewhat worried. My surgery was extensive in the cleaning me out aspect of it, but was successful! I am 4 years out now...and feeling incredible!!! I do hope you find what the problem is, and find a way to deal with it that you are comfortable with. Big giant hugs to you!!!

Before I forget Mandy, a girl on my April surgery thread, might contact you for some advice on a Disney vacation. I told her you were the "go to" person for advice!!!

Beannie---what's halal? Hamburger mixed with something else??? I sat here thinking to myself----hmmmmm maybe a typo? No that would be me...we used to get beefalo---beef/buffalo combo. But Halal has me lost!!!

Sherry---I am so glad your guys treated you!!! Sounds like you needed some special time with them. Sorry about BIL, you guys have gone above and beyond helping them I know, and now when you are trying to get into the new job---he flakes it sounds like...sorry.

We didn't have a nice pretty day like Beannie did, it was windy---big time! DH goes on 4 days off and the weather is supposed to be yucky until Sunday. So we are shooting for a Sunday ride. We have several day trips planned, and are anxious to get started!!!

Everyone have a good night.

Mandy if you need to talk---call me!


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Mandy, God bless you! I hope the test results get back good and quick, and you can go about making your decisions. I had a hysterectomy 3 years ago, and feel great. I took Depo for a year, and had nothing but problems ever afterward...until finally, the hysterectomy. All is well now. I was all acne all over my arms, for one thing...I probably had a high testosterone level also. There's plenty more problems that I believe were caused by depo. Not that yours are, but... (have we talked about this before?)

I'll pray for your health...gotta go to bed now...



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I've been on Depo for over 5 years, and LOVED it. I had to go off due to the bone loss issues. The tumor could be anywhere, but it looks like it is producing testosterone. I'm not worried about the sugery at all it's the tumor that scares the beegeebies out of me. Ok, really going to bed this time, I have to be on the phone with Disney at 5:45 am. Gotta get my free dining code. ~Mandy

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By the way halal is like Kosher, I looked it up on Wikipedia. ~Mandy

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Hello everyone! I'm a newbie, in Union, NJ! I'm going for my first consult with Dr. Bertha on 4/18 and I can't wait! I just wanted to jump in and say hello and get to know everyone while I'm waiting for this whole thing to come together!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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