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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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I can't do the summer, too hot for Abi's seizue problems. Also her meds keep her from being able to sweat so she is a high risk for heat stroke. Besides the fall has the Not So Scary Halloween Party and food and wine festival.....woohoo!!~Mandy

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I've never been in the summer, so I'll probaby faint! I enjoy Christmas there. But, it's something new, and the cruise will be different, too.

How's Abi doing this week?

If I don't answer right back, it's cuz I have to take Hay to choir...


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Abi is doing pretty good this week. Today was our last day of school before spring break. We are supposed to go tomorow, but Abi has an appointment with the doctor, we are going to ask about an ultasound of her bladder. She is having frequent accidents and she says she can't feel that she has to go. I am concerned that it is a medical problem not a psychological issue.

Orlando summers are HOT but it's doable. Loads and loads of Water, and make sure to plan breaks often. I use Staples for water delivery, they are reasonable, and they deliver for free. I joined their rewards progam (it's free) and they waive the delivery charge. Last year we ordered 3 cases of water and it was $18 total, for 72 bottles of water. They deliver to your room, just give them the address from the back of the confirmation letter that you have and the ressie confirmation number, along with a name, and arrival date. They do this all the time so it's easy. The water is delivered to package pick-up in the lobby and then we just take it to our room. I bring crystal lite, kool-aid and aqua sensations to make flavored drinks and we really don't buy a ton of drinks in the parks, saves time and money. We do however get a dole whip and Dave must have a pretzel in MK. I must have a Turkey Leg from Toluka Leg's in MGM (they are better there than any other place on earth). I look like Fred Flintstone with my huge smoked turkey leg.....I refuse to pay $2.50-$4.00 for a bottle of water. ~Mandy

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Cindy-I miss my baby too! They grow so fast it's so sad!

Sherry-Not to worry about personals. I'm the worst but everyone still welcomes me! Our kids driving is scary I pray all the time for them. I think I even got some grey hair about it.

Eileen- Ouch..hugs...big hugs...You are not a low life you are a beautiful young woman not only inside but out! Love you..

Beanie-Wow that is so cool that your taking classes! I wish I had the courage to do that. I would have to go back to the ABC's and 1 + 1's! If I did have the courage I think I'd go in to be an ultrasound tech.

Cindy-Can I come!! lol Blizzard world what a BLAST that place is!

Mandy-Thanks for your PM. We are looking for a vacation we sure need one this year it has been the most stressful yet for all of us!

Well I went to choir practice tonight the first time since January! It was nice to go. When I went into the building it was 80, got out and it is in the 60's and the wind is blowing! DH is flying home tonight from FL he is changing flights in Atlanta I sure hope his flight won't be to horrible.

Well it's time to try to find ANOTHER bra that feels comfy to sleep in. Have a good night. Eileen smile.

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Evening everyone!

I have a working dishwasher again!!!! Beanie---hope you get a fridge soon! Rick ask me how it works---like I would already know??? I had to wash dishes by hand and clean the kitchen before the repair guy come---so I have no dirty dishes. Make that HAD no dirty dishes. I had a party this afternoon, now I have plenty of dishes!!! My DD, and 2 granddaughters, my DIL and grandson, niece and great niece, and a friend and her daughter were all over for a play time, and lunch. My DD also brought "Marvin". Marvin is 39, she is mentally retarded, and has the mentality of about a 10 year old. Well she is convinced boys have a better life so she doesn't like being Marilyn, she prefers being Marvin. It is not a sexual preference, it is a 10 year old preference!!! She is very involved in the Special Olympics, and she hangs out with my DD at work a lot, she even has her own desk in her office! She colors pictures, draws, writes, and visits! Her Mom abandoned her with her Grandma who is over 80, and just too old to keep up with an active "10 year old". To look at Marvin you would guess her to be in her early 20's---she looks incredibly young. She is about 4'9" or so, petite, dresses in baggy boys shorts and t shirts---and is as loving as they come, she adores the little kids, she plays with them non stop. She spends a lot of time with my DD, and also with my niece. They truly are her salvation. I am going to take her riding (horse) next week for the first time. She calls me Granny Grandma, or Grandma Granny. She is such fun. So anyway, we had kids everywhere!!! We grilled burgers & hot dogs, and ate out back. No worry over spilled drinks!!!

Poor you Mandy!!!! It was 77 out last I looked today---a little breezy at times, not bad tho.

Tonight, we went for a ride (motorcycle) with some friends, who just bought their bike. Made a loop on some local back roads, stopped for dinner, and come on home.

Mandy---tell me about this special Disney package you got....we have been thinking about a trip with the granddaughters.

Dianne---glad the MIL thing got settled without you being the bad guy---and that the girlies will eventually be like sized!!!

Beannie--math would be my downfall in a MAJOR way!!!

Eileen---screw the boss----eeeeewwwww not really---just figuratively!!! You are not a loser in any way shape nor fashion. That pisses me off, that he would say that, or even infer that!!!

Patty--hope the allergies ease up, mine are getting ready to kick in, it is that time of year! Glad you have your Mom for help...we all need help sometimes, in different ways---but we all need it!

Pat---I lost a post last week...I said bad words. By the way---my fonts have not changed either.... And I would still like to see they boys pic!!

Deb---poor you, you have had a sick kiddo pretty steady here lately--it seems like it does that, one thing after another! Hope you are all on the mend!

Darcy---you ok? We miss you!

Sherry, sounds like you are running around like crazy---careful you may meet yourself coming in as you go out!! Hope you and Chrispy had a nice dinner!!!! Maybe I will send you a list of all the bad things I want you to burn for me....hmmmm long distance cleansing...I like it!

Cindy--believe me I understand your thoughts of how fast they grow up. My grandkids remind me so much of my kids, it is amazing! It is like going back in time, and at the same time, it feels like time is flying so fast!!! Enjoy every bit of it. I do not regret a single minute I did spend, only wish there had been more of them!

Betty--hopefully there will still be lots of flowers when we head down. Looks like it will be about a month...first of May. I guess it rained pretty good at our place last week or so. We were told the fields are nice and lush green, and our tanks are almost full. Last fall, the tanks were really low, and the creek was dry. Only good thing about that, was we could walk the creek to check fences, and we could make some repairs.

Well I am going to surf a bit, and call it a night.



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Ok several people have asked about the deal I am getting. In the fall from mid august-Late Sept Oct 1st Disney offers great deals to get people in for hurricane season. We go this time every year and knoc on wood have never had any weather problems. We were there 6 weeks after Charlie and everything was fully functioning. Sometime later this month (the rumor is the 12th) Disney will be announcing a code for free dining when you book a package from Aug 19th- Oct 1st. You have to check in during that time, you can stay as long as you like. The dining plan includes 1 snack, 1 counter service (fast food type stuff) and one Table service (includes most buffets and character meals) for each night that you are there. You must book the room and at least 1 park ticket for each person on the reservation. We are going for 10 days, 9 nights. 2 adults and 1 child, and I am paying for the option to park hop and I paid for preferred room (closer to the bus stop, less walking at the end of some very long days) We fly Southwest, as they are always the cheapest, usually about $150 round trip each. So for just over $2,000 we are going to Disney for 10 days. I have a great resource for more information and menus www.allearsnet.com I am also willing to help anyway I can. I am a Disney geek and plan trips for everyone around here. I have some great ways to save money, and have a great time. We have been 6 times in 3.5 years. We usually go for 7-10 days in the the spring and then Dave and I go for 4-5 days in the fall. This year we did house stuff with the spring trip money so we are doing the family trip in the fall. My entire family is going at the same time. There will be 11 of us there in Sept. I can't wait. Let me know if anyone wants help planning I am good at it. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

I have to jump in the shower and wash my hair in a minute, but thought I would get in a "good morning" to y'all first!:) :) :D

It's cool here this morning, but we are going to get the cold front the north has this weekend, back down in the 30's at night! Burrrrrrrrr, I am cold just thinking about it.:heh: :heh:

Beanie - I wish I could speak Spanish! I am good at math, but can't say anything in Spanish! You sound like you are on your way to teaching!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Kat - Marvin sounds like a sweetheart! I doubt the wildflowers will still be in bloom in May, but lots of other things will be. Glad you got lots of rain!

Darcy - Where are you girl??????? Enough playing around, come her and play, we miss you!

Dianne - Glad things went ok at the Doctors. We need a new picture of you now that you look different!:):D :D

Sherry - Stop and smell the roses! You are too busy! Hope your fill don't bother you too much until you can get in.

Pat - Whoooooo Hooooooo, where are you? Sorry about the long post getting lost! I get so mad when that happens.

Eileen - I miss your daily posts, tell that silly boss man we are going to come up there and kick his a$$!

Cindy - Glad you are getting to see some of DD's games now!

Yikes, it is past time for me to be in the shower! Catch you all later! Sorry I didn't get to address everyone, I'll catch up later!

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Yes...I am a bona fide Jersey Girl!!!!! I'm from the central part of the state but have been living in the southern area for the last two years. I am in nursing school and will graduate in May '08--Can't Wait!!!!!

Thank you ladies for welcoming me to this thread. I was banded on March 15 and am feeling quite alright. The only problem is I was told that my first fill will not be scheduled until May 10th. I'm a little upset because I'm scared that I might eat a little too much due to not having any restriction.

Oh well,,, I just plan to take it day by day. Once again, ladies, thank you very much for welcoming me. Look forward to reading from you soon!!!!!

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Hi Everyone -- Welcome Yenken:)

just stopped in been quite busy around here. I only have 2 working days left and Hello Vacation.

Mandy that sounds like an awesome deal. Can you help with California Disney? Let me know still working towords that.. I am glad that Abi is doing better. I bet the wee one is ready for spring break. Hope you can find out if it is a bladder infection or what?

Well everyone I have just been working and trying to get everything ready to relax next week. Having car issues again and no money to get not even a used one. Chalio is going to change the Starter today and see if it is any better. Last resort I did get a approval at a car dealership but really do not want to make payments. I got word yesterday that my Dad's Son has bone Cancer. I feel bad for him. He is only in his 30s.. I just hope and pray that he goes into remission or a cured. He is my half brother (not sure) different moms. Anyway my little ones have come down with a cold and I am hoping it gets better as the days go on. Kat sounds like Marvin* is quite a lovely soul. I take the boys this weekend to an Easter Egg hunt in Windsor and the special Olympics will be there. I will be talking about how we get Crisitan involved. I know he would just love it.. The tri annual metting went ok - Cristian is going to have alot of resources available to him next year. I hope that I am on top of it all like YOU Mandy..

Well gots to go TTL

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Mary, the link I provided has some info on Disneyland, but she is just getting started with that section. The woman that runs the site also sends out a newsletter and there are always good deals in it. Also check out www.mousesavers.com she has some great deals and a newsletter too. She always has codes and promotions listed. I can try to help anyway I can, let me know when you want to go and I will see what I can do. ~Mandy

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Another Glorious Day....

Hey All - I think my scale has actually shifted another pound!! for 3 days running - I am getting 282 on my scale - which translates to 286 at my Doc's office. That is making me pretty happy. Considering the fact that I haven't been exercising - and I haven't really been making great food choices - I am ecstatic!

Now - I did actually drag my butt to the gym last night - so I get a gold star today. Now, if I can just drag myself in again tonight, it will be easier to go over the weekend..... I actually feel a little better for going, since I had been pretty sore from yard-work, still, after 3 days!

I am a spazz - I thought Last weekend was the opener for Scarborough Faire - but it is THIS weekend... Coolness! DH and I are planning to go - maybe on Sunday. He is feeling much better and for the last couple of days has indicated that he is fully recovered.

Thank goodness!! I was getting tired of cooking and cleaning! Now he gets his job back. AND, we can go to the Faire! Yippee!

Mandy - having the Water delivered to the hotel is a GREAT idea! I will keep that in mind for my next vacation like that.

Cindy - a cruise sounds like fun!!

Dianne - I actually looked into Ultrasound Tech schools, too. I hear the income is good, the jobs are plentiful and there will only be more of them because they are using ultrasound for more and more things. But, it wasn't really my first choice - and the only school for it here in Dallas is booked full and is not accepting any more students. So, I stuck the the first choice... teaching.

Kat - Your DH is Too Funny. Like you were going to whip out a manual and discuss the merits of particular heating elements or Water pipes... My fridge parts are here... I just have to get the repair guy back. He is scheduled for Tuesday. Now, I have to empty & defrost the freezer. Oh Joy. May? I am psyched for that. Let us know specific dates as soon as you know what they are. :]

Betty - How is your Algebra? I could use some help... :] Brrr. If it gets any colder, I will have to turn my heat back on! And here I thought I had escaped from the evil clutches of the gas man for another year... *sigh*.

Yenken - 7 weeks out for your first fill is pretty standard. I seldom hear of anyone getting a fill prior to 6 weeks - and I don't know anyone who got filled before a full 4 weeks had passed. The docs want to be sure that you are healed up. Yeah - that last couple of weeks are going to be tough - they were for me - but you can do it! Hugs!

Mary - Vacation - WAHOO!! I wish I had more left. There is so little to do around here that if I wasn't studying and surfing LBT all day, I might lose my mind. I hope the new starter helps the car situation. I know mine is coming down to the end of it's useful life - and I am SOOOO not looking forward to having a car payment. Particularly, now - with the possibility of unemployment looming large, I don't want to ADD to my debt load... *sigh*. Hugs for you and your HB.

Well, I have to run. Someone actually brought me a file to work.... Wow - work!

Love you guys!

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hey guys,

Well, all that worry for nothing. Wow, no regrets... The whole thing took less than two hours, start to clean-up. I was home by 3pm. My biggest problem is gas from the co2. It seems whatever they had in me wore off. How long should I be sore under my left rib from the port?

How did everyone else recently banded make out?



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Hi Pat!

Glad to hear the surgery went well. The port actually stays sore for several weeks - way longer than any other incision - but it gets less and less severe. Those muscles they stitch the port to don't seem to appreciate it, much... and they remind you every time you move.

The worst of the pain FOR ME was the gas. Walking combined with Gas X is pretty much all you can do...

Did you doc give you any pain meds? Mine gave me liquid codeine... Wheeeeeeeee! What great stuff that is - but it just knocked me out every time. Not beneficial to the whole walking effort - but I didn't care - cause I was sleeping!

Stop in anytime and chat with us. We will be happy to answer any questions that we can.

Don't forget to drink your Water. Right now, liquids are more important than food.

Hope you feel better soon!

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Hey All... Thought I had better pop in and wish everyone a Happy Easter! THings are a tad nutso right now... challenges with Em and her grades... Chuck's Dad and the starting of his chemo and radiation and the workings to try and afford the purchase of my sister's cabin. His Dad is going to help us a bit since it was an unexpected opportunity. We are going up to spend the weekend again to decide if we are absolutely sure... but I think we are. :)

I luv ya's... and welcome to out new NJ chicklette!

Pat.. hope you heal quickly! My port site remained sore for a number of weeks... they ended up giving me a muscle relaxant to ease the muscle spasms. Eventually... you will probably have a blonde moment like mine... I was stretching and put my hand on my side and thought... OMIGAWD... I have a big TUMOR on my side.... hehehehe.

Irene... You will be back to form with a little brush up... I can tell you are a Smarty Pants. :)

Cindy... I miss my baby too... *sigh*.

Sorry... brain just ran out of juice...lol... I'll catch the rest of ya later!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

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Good Morning, .......... I HATE THESE FONTS !!! It really keeps me from spending any extra time here.

TGI GOOD FRIDAY !!! A bitter sweet day for us Christians wouldn't you say. I am fasting today, its just something I do every good friday. I'll have my coffee and Water, iced tea, but thats about it. Can't hurt to lose a lb LOL. OY!

I'm home today with DD...she's got the squirts so there's no way she's going into school.

Since there are TWO PATS on the boards, I'm gonna call the new Pat ... MR. PAT so I don't confuse anyone :) :) :) yeah I know US confused LOLOL deee de de.

Speaking of Pats.... where is Pat? don't make me get those monkeys out again.... Darcy's gonna get pissed.

Mary good to see ya love. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's son... at 30 yet...gee thats sad... he'll be in my prayers.

Afrykanvyolet are you studying in Montclair nursing school ? I think thats awesome your going to be a RN. Don't worry about eating to much before your fill, it is VERY normal. I was able to eat a hero sandwich with no sweat and when I told my doc he didn't even flinch. I'm due for a fill and will get one either next week or the week after.

Mr. Pat.... how are things going today?

Beanie, you working today?? How is DH feeling, is he over that thing that he had?

Betty... you too girlie, you off today or you working? Hows your back?

Dianne love, sounds like things are calming down a bit for you. Did you find your girls a new home (bra)?

Darcy, enjoy the cabin, thats neat that you are thinking of buying it... you going there for Easter?

Cindy how are you enjoying being home? are you still with the school part time?

Kat glad the dish washer is working :) I always washed dishes by hand except for a few years ago when I got my FIRSt dish washer... OMG !!! there's no turning back now. Love it !!! DH is on an appliance kick. He wants to get a new frig and washer & dryer. WTH? they both work fine but they are 12 years old and he thinks they are gonna be on thier way to appliance heaven soon LOLOL. He thinks we should buy now and not in a few years when prices will be higher... men LOL. I told him what ever LOL.

Sherry.... where are ya ?

Patty.... how are you dolly ???? how are the boys, did they make it home alone this week LOL

Mandy enjoy disney... I'm thinking of going there either this summer or next winter.

Well girlies... my coffee is making it daily run so I must be going for now LOLOL


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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