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April chat for NJ!!!!!

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Hi all, it's almost midnight and I thought I would start the new thread before I went to bed. I'm posting a link to it in the March thread. ~Mandy

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That is why I started the thread. I didn't want to miss out tomorrow. I would be posting in March far into June if I didn't get the emails. ~Mandy

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Happy April!!!!

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Good Morning,

Kind of a bitter sweet day. In 1990 on April 1st I got a call in the middle of the night saying my brother died... I kept telling the person on the phone they were sick b/c I thought it was an april fools joke... but it wasn't. 17 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. Oh well.

Its a gray day in jersey girls, looks like rain. My finger says is gonna rain, boy does the bugger hurt LOL SOOO I will get to cleaning the bedrooms and vacuuming too. Spring surely is here, flowers are starting to come up, bushes are starting to bloom and cherry blossoms are starting to turn pink :confused: LOVE IT.

Hope everyone is doing okay. Have a Wonderful Sunday.

Ohhh I'm also happy b/c this week is a short week at work, only 4 days whooot !

SMALL FONTS GO AWAY I feel like typing in all caps to see what the hell I'm typing LOL.

Luv Yahs

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Gooooood mooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnin!

Nice sunny day this morning. Sneezin my head off the past few days so I tink I gots sum allergees (heh heh) Call me Rudolf in a few days if this keeps up. Dang hate sneezin cause the pressure causes other problems :guess :phanvan :) :tired

April...April....my mom was going to name me April but she got in her head I had to have a saints name to be baptised. :rolleyes So who the heck ever heard of Saint Sherry? Wacked hahaha So then...get this...looking for baptismal records at church one time....my name is under as Cheryl for the same reason? Hello...Saint Cheryl? Then my mom wasn't sure if my name on my birthcertificate was Sherry or Cheryl cause she got confused where she changed it to Cheryl. Holy smokes I KNEW I wasn't born into this family, I was switched at birth! Low and behold Sherry is the name. Otta be Saint Sherry with my family history waaaaaaaahaha. I think it's funny now but, when I was finding all this out when I was younger I didn't Geesh! Anywho...I guess I turned out pretty good...although I have to say I really do think I was switched at birth :D :confused:

So I've kept up on my reading but, can't remember who said what and since it's a new thread forget it...my memory just ain't that good.

Someone asked me what kind of client? Well the client blew us off anyway lol. My friend Donna and I are working on our Reiki Teaching Level. We're both Reiki Masters now but, want to learn more and more about different types of Holistic healing including Reiki. Herbs, crystals, Intergrated Energy Therapy, Healing with Angels, Bach Flower Essences and Aromatherapy. I've always had an interest in all of this and I'm finally doing something about it. It's been a great journey, lots of classes, lots of group work time etc. Yesterday we were suppose to have our first "outside family" client. She works with my husband and when he was talking about what I'm doing at work she was really excited and wanted a treatment. She booked it, we ran around preparing, cleansing the room etc...then we did some studying on other things while waiting for her and she never showed, never called. Cripe we wanted to go to a store but, didn't because we didn't want to be late for her appointment and she didn't show. So we know this will happen and it's not like we were charging her so we weren't losing on money but, we lost on some time. Fortunately we were smart enough to do some research and stuff together during that time :P We're working on a burning bowl ceremony. Quick explanation...bowl is filled with sand and candle...you write down all the things from your past that keep you down or have hurt you, say a prayer, ask for help to release it and symbolize the release of it by burning the paper you wrote it on. You then write down where you want to go, what you want in your life and say a prayer asking for help on your journey. You either burn that and ask that your god/guides/angels take those hopes and wants and help you on your journey or the person folds it, gives it to someone else to mail it to them at a later date as a reminder of their new goals and to keep them on the journey. (Kinda goes along with The Secret too) Anyway....there is much more too it but, that was a rather quick explanation.

Hmm what else is new since I've been scarce...

DS got a job at a video game store. He started this week. We still have to get his car on the road so he can drive himself (nerves are really working overtime on mom lol) there. We waited until April to register his car because I was told I'd save $200 on his insurance since rates are going down in April. (Go figure never thought I'd see that in Massachusetts) Anyway...one shift is 3-8...oh Lordy mom is nervous about night time driving. The kid hasn't driven by himself yet. Anywho....you'll be hearing my gray hairs popping no matter where you live.

Hubby is getting ready for fishing and motorcycle riding season. New lights went on the motorcycle for added directionals and side night time lighting...nice LCD ones. Much better safey wise on the side view of the motorcycle. I want to get him the additional headlights but, man those things aren't cheap. (Is any hobby?) We're headed to a fishing show today in Providence.....boring for me but, I love to see him get all excited about the fishing and seeing him smile makes me happy so I go along. Afterall he goes to craft fairs for me too :)

Dogs are still dogs hee hee. Jake is going to be 1 year old this month on, of all days, April 15th. I still say we should of called him Sam hahaha. Jenny is beautiful as ever.

Stained Glass is all cut and DH is soldering it together for me since he's better at it then me and I don't want to ruin all that work. Besides when I look at her I'll see it was made by both of us :) Mushy I know lol. She's beautiful and I'll have to get a picture up for you to see when we get her all done.

I'm still having trouble getting the weight I put back on off. grrrrr stinks! I don't want to change my total though because then I'll really feel defeated with it so I'm just ignoring it right now lol. I wanted to get below 200 by my birthday but, I truly don't see that happening now that it's April already. All I can do is keep on keeping on and get my ARS moving. So easy to say but, doing it is another story aye? I hope you're all doing much better and shrinking!

Gotta head out and do errands this morning! Hugs to you!

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Eileen we were typing at the same time....really sorry the sadness today brings to you. I do hope with all the new births of spring that it helps to ease your pain. Hugs to you my friend...thinking of you.

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Good Morning Y'all!

I haven't made it to the old chat to read yet, so I don't know what's been going on! I spent most of yesterday shopping in the morning and working in the yard in the afternoon. It was a perfect day for working outside. I didn't get any of my weeds pulled though because I didn't want to put any pressure on my back yet. It is still touchy at times and I want it to heal up. I trimmed bushes etc, swept, things I could stand up and do.

Eileen - I'm sorry it is a sad day for you, I know what you are going through. It gets easier, but it never goes away. Hugs!

Sherry - You sound busy as a bee! I can't wait to see the project when you get it done!

Chrispy - Happy April to you too! Hope things are going better for you!

Mandy - Glad you started the new post, I would probably be back at the old one!

Well, going to check out some of the threads, then get some work done in the house and maybe some more outside. It is going to be about 80 today so I would like to spend some time outdoors, but then the Nascar and the Mavericks are on today and I have to see that too! Just not enough hours in one day!


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Good morning everyone! It's a nice, sunny day here in MA. I'm so happy the nice weather is finally here!

Eileen - so sorry that this day holds such a bad memory for you. Losing a loved one is tough and something that never goes away. We'll be thinking of ya!

Mandy and Kat - don't you ladies sleep?! lol

Betty - I'm glad you're taking it easy on that back! Hope it's 100% soon.

Hi Sherry! Andy went to the fishing show yesterday. hmmm...yet another way they are similar. lol

So last night I saw Andy (tattoo boy) for the first time in two weeks (since his grandfather died). It was a little awkward at first, but then it was ok. We had a nice dinner at Legal Seafoods (and finally figured out we're better off just sharing a meal lol), and then relaxed on the sofa for a bit. We didn't talk much about the past two weeks, other than he said that he missed me and I told him I was sorry he had such a rough couple of weeks. Now he's sick with a cough and a cold, so it was an early night. I had a nice time, but I'm back to being undecided about things. I don't know - this dating stuff is just too much sometimes. lol

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Chrispy - Just take it slow, you have all the time in the world to decide if he's right for you.

Well, I got out and worked some in the flower beds, now I have to finish the house and laundry. I am glad I got some of it done though, I like doing it when it's not so hot. My Iris's are starting to bloom and they are really pretty.

Is everyone out playing today?

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I'm pregnant..lol..April fools..I did that once to my mother she had a heart attach..lol..

I hope I can keep up with the April thread!

Went shopping today still can't find anythin g comfortable. I am very swollen a 42 bra thingy felt good but the cup was to big as a C and there were no B's so I brought it anyway now I'm going to return it! I was a 34 when I went into the operating room. I measured and it says 38 WTF.

I was in major pain Friday night went to Ladies night out and a nurse friend had to drive me home. I stayed in bed most of yesterday and today went to Olive Garden with the DH DS DD the first time since Christmas that the 4 of us were alone out to eat! YIPPEEE it was great! I love them so much it has been so hard on all of us these past 3 months.

Anyway after that we went to Kohls and we walked past the clothes to get to the bras 2 hours later and 250 later we left. Yikes! DD made me buy these brown and white pocka dot pants and a cute pink top a jacket that I love and I forgot what else. Of course I brought her stuff and DS stuff. It is so exciting to look at things and be able to be "normal" and have so many choices.

We re leaving in a few minutes to go to a concert at church we haven't been to church in at least 6 weeks. I haven' seen anyone since my BR.

Hope I can keep up this month.

Did Patty get her insurance to take care of the band yet?

I've missed all of you. And thanks for the PM's

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I don't why I never remember it's a new month! I'd probably still be posting in December if left to my own devices...LOL!

Dianne, you are doing great to be getting around as much as you are! Do get your rest, though...you are still recovering from big deal surgery!

Sherry, you sure are a busy one!

Eileen, HUGS girl. I know that feeling...there is only one thing to do, shed a tear and tell your friends, and the day passes. I am too new to the major grief recovery to be a big help, but Betty has helped me in the past year and a half, and she's here by your side today, too. ((Big hug))

DD decided to make a fancy meal tonight, which means I did a lot of the work, but she bossed me around. She planned the menu: smoothies, salad, crabcakes, and chess pie. The crabcakes were delicious! I can only eat one...she had FOUR!

It's bedtime, and I've gotta get going...I'll visit longer tomorrow.

Nighty night!


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Hey All... I rarely get email alerts and before you know it I am sooooooooooooooo behind!

Eileenie... I am so sorry for the sadness... I hope the day brought you some reminders about the some of the happy times that you had with your brother before the accident. (((hugs)))

I'll be back later for personals... Oh... need everyone's total miles. I was a sloth this month...lol. Anyhoo... it's a new month... and I am hungry already...lol.

BBL... Darcy

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Hey Darcy--I will do real good getting the alerts, then for some reason nothing. Who knows---glad you managed to pop in for a little bit anyway!!! Before I forget, my March total was 35 miles. I hope to up it, with warmer weather coming!!!

Eileenie---I'm so sorry that yesterday was hard on you. We all have those days, and they might get easier as the years pass, but they never go away. Rick knows my bad day, and he does his level best to keep me occupied.

Dianne--if I had tried the I'm pregnant routine....think it would be considered just cause if he killed me???? I laughed at that one!! I didn't really pull much in the way of April Fools jokes yesterday---what about you guys? what did you do?

Cindy--occasionally Rick cooks, not often, if he opts to do dinner--we usually go out! Which is frequent enough, I don't feel too bad about it. He works a lot of hours each week, I don't, but besides that he cooks very SPICY food when he cooks---my tummy only takes so much of it! My DD used to cook a lot when she was at home. And when she lived here last time (while she was remodeling, following the divorce) she either cooked or cleaned everynight, even with her job. I wish I had someone to clean up after me!!! I don't mind cooking, but cleaning sucks!!!

Beannie----hola, ?como esta usted? ummmmmm ?Como se llama (sp?) usted? Mi llama Kat. ok, now we are down to....burrito, taco, pollo loco, enchilada, chimichanga, sopapilla.....oh yeah por favor, gracias, de nada. Now I can honestly say, I understand a lot more than I speak, and I got called upon all the time for my pronunciation, which is great----I can roll my r's, and get the "th" sound in place of the "d". Unfortunately----what really interested me in my Spanish class, was Bryan! He is now owner of a a Zip & Ship, and I am very relieved my tastes changed!!!! When my DD was taking her foreign language credits for high school, Spanish was filled, and she ended up in French (which is of little use to us where we live!), I could not pronounce her stuff at all---and she sounded so good!!!

Sherry---sorry your "client" was a no show---but you will be better prepared for the next one, and the next one after that! Each time you will learn! Her loss!

Chris---glad tattoo boy is trying to get on, after his loss. It has to be hard on men in my opinion. They were done such a disservice in being taught not to show emotion. Where as women we can hug and hold onto one another to cry---they feel they must internalize it. Not that he should have shut you out, or been so distant, just in general---how much harder life would be, if I had to internalize so much emotion. My DH has a buddy who has never been married--and he is always telling Rick he got soft when we got married. I know better, but I hope in ways he did, that he feels he can react around me, and not be so stoic all the time.

Betty--we took a good ride yesterday, he wind was up for awhile which wasn't great fun, but the sky was blue, the weather warm, and the bikes were out in swarms!!! We have friends who own a local ice cream parlor, and she opens for the season each year on April 1st. So we rode over, and had some ice cream (caramel shake for me...mmmmmmm). We rode to the lake, and cruised around watching the boats, and rode some back roads, and just enjoyed ourselves. We spent the morning culling the calves, on horseback, and believe me the Iron horse was much more relaxing. I did however feel I had exercised for my ice cream!!!

Pat---do you still have the DIL from hell? LOL, I just wondered! Can you tell I am a little irritated with my own DIL???

Mandy---how goes the back to school thing? When do you meet with them? Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

Mary, Deb, hope everyones kiddos are well. My granddaughter is limping around, she stepped on a broken bottle and it cut through her Water walkers and into her foot while at the beach this weekend at Lake Powell. She is turning into quite the drama queen!!!

Everyone take care---I'll check in with you later!!!


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Morning Ladies,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm alive.... sorta. Dry cough due to those darn allergies/stress. My ex has been out of work since March 1st and has given us $500 to live on. Rent is due NOW and my dear Mom called last night to let me know she is transferring monies this afternoon so we can pay Aprils rent. We're gonna be OK. I have been praying, envisioning using all the positive engergies I can muster for my approval. I don't need anything more than a "Yes" and I will fly out the door. The twins are off for spring break.... which means I leave 2 14year olds alone while I trot off to work. Should I be worried. I have a list of chores -- lets see if they get it done! I gotta run, just wanted to wave "hello"


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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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