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APRIL Bandits' Exercise Challenge!

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Sheila, Happy upcoming banding to you! Happy to hear you've found a "comfortable" place in life! This new road will help so much in "your recovery" (I've done 12 steps many times in my life! - and it's given me lots!) - as we grow older (and you're still such a kid - lucky you - a wonderful healthy, long life ahead) the many experiences we encounter, be it life happenings (happy or sad) or spiritual help us to grow! I'm happy to hear you have found your Higher Power.........................I really do feel that people who do (not matter what denomination or belief in something out there to guide us and help us along) are the most content.

Heading out for a much needed haircut this morning and then Alan has a doc appt. for his 3 week check-up. He'll be able to drive after another week and we can get back to our normal routines.

Busy planning our trip to Hoboken for Alan's 50th college reuinion, then on to the city of NY...............Julie we'll be in the city the 3,4,5th of June.......hope to be able to meet? How are you - did that swelling go down?.............then we're going to drive to Washington, DC for a few more days.........................we did cancel our France trip - I thought Alan would be fine to go, but he was a little worried about being out of the country so soon after surgery - oh well, we'll do it another time!

Planning a walk after my haircut - we shall see!

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Boo, congratulations on your new time. WOOHOO! Way to go! Run one for me! I'm itching to run, but I know I can't. I still have stitches, I keep telling myself! I feel good though. The swelling has mostly gone down and Dad doesn't think it's anything abnormal. He said I can go back to NY on Sunday if I want to. My ticket is for Tuesday. I might hang out till then, or I might go back. We'll see when the stitches come out TOMORROW.

Sheila, congratulations on your conversion. I converted to Catholicism when I was 23. My Dad's family is Catholic and, in a way, my conversion was about becoming closer to them as much as it was finding a new spirituality. In any event, it can be a powerful thing and I'm glad you have something solid to lean on during your recovery. I'm so excited for your banding!

Betty, France will always be there. I'm sorry you had to postone though. That's a bummer. Coming to NYC in June is fabulous though and I can't wait to meet you! Do you and Alan have a place to stay? You're welcome to stay with me if you don't. I'm so excited to meet you! We'll have to go for a walk together, or maybe to a NIA class. My gym has them and I have a guest pass -- I've just never been to that class....

Today is my bandiversary. I'm down 173 lbs -- how surreal is that? Strangely, I don't really feel like writing a whole post about it, but I'm going to. Posts like that were important to me a year ago, so I guess I'll do the emotional homework necessary to "pay it forward." As for a real present, I spent $500 on sterling silver (silly luxuries like a set of bullion spoons and a couple of mint julep cups) at my favorite store today. I don't usually go that crazy, but I felt like I deserved it today.

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Boo, congrats on that great time!!! I totally admire you!!!!! It is my dream to get my 5 km down to 30 minutes. I did 4 km in around 29 minutes this morning so I still have a ways to go.

Julie, glad to know you are feeling well. That ticker is looking awesome.

Best of luck to all of those starting on your journey.



April 4th, 2006



exercise session this month= 7 sessions... going for Gold!!

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Sheila, you truly are beginning a "new life," both physically and spiritually. I think you will find this a safe thread to share your feelings and opinions, as well as your exercise goals. As we get to know each other better, we can understand and empathize. It really helps on both sides. We are all healing from some unexpressed wound.

Julie, you are working six hours already? Wow, you are talking me into it!

I DID run for you! Actually, the last lap was difficult because I wanted to slow down, but needed to speed up to improve my time. So in my head I was saying, "Pick it up...Julie would...she chanted 199, 199...you can do it...thirty minutes!...thirty minutes!..." So the last lap I pushed a bit and shaved off a good amount of time. Thanks, Julie! When I looked at the clock and it said 30:50, my heart jumped! (Now, I just need to keep working it so I can get UNDER 30:00...Dawn, I'm in!)


Bandiversary: Here I started this thread for our bandiversaries, and have loved reading all the responses. When my day came, I just did not feel like writing anything reflective, either. I wondered if something was wrong with me. I just wanted it to be a fun day. So I spent it with a friend, buying jewelry.

I'm going for an easy jog and hike tonight. I'll add it afterwards.

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Betty, I studied French for six years and I STILL have not been! Jobs have taken me to many other places in the world, but never France. We will get there!!!

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Wow! where to begin?

Shiela, congratulations I am so happy that you have found something that gives you joy and strength! I agree this is a safe place to share your feelings, I have never known this group to judge just support!

Julie happy bandiversary! Mine is tomorrow and I have no desire to write a thread about it, we will see, maybe...

Betty I am so jealous for your getting to go to NY! As for France there is always another time, you will get there :lol:

Boo grats on your new improved time! You will break the 30 mark soon I can feel it!

I am finding it difficult to use the hs track with school in session and DH not willing to get up early with me anymore, so we are going to get a gym membership at a place close to home so I can use all that wonderful equipment and so he can join me (I can hope that he will) A friend of mine goes there every morning to work out and I can join her once I heve a membership so that will make it extra fun, then by the time school is out I should be ready to hit the track again for some running!

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I DID run for you! Actually, the last lap was difficult because I wanted to slow down, but needed to speed up to improve my time. So in my head I was saying, "Pick it up...Julie would...she chanted 199, 199...you can do it...thirty minutes!...thirty minutes!..."

Fabulous, Boo! Thanks for running for me. I can't run for at least another month. Grrr. I can't even walk leisurely for 2 more weeks, except as necessary (meaning I can run an errand, but I need to sit tight for any voluntary action).

OK, we're all going to run 5Ks in under 30 minutes. Fabulous. You, me, Dawn and Molly -- the roadrunner team -- that cayote will never catch us!

Molly, happy bandiversary. It's a weird day, but do something special for yourself if you can, whether you choose to post about it or not. Maybe get your new gym membership? I know you're excited about that!

Time for bed....

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Wow it's today!!! Thanks Julie :)

Today my best DH, BF and I are going to Breakfast at this little cafe and then BF and I are going to this little cermacs store where we can sit and paint a jabber all day while we catch up, laughing and drinking hot chocolate while we make something beautiful, or not :D. All in all it will be a fun day. And when we are all done painting BF and I are gonna walk the 2-3miles home! A walk that includes a pretty serious hill! Yay :D

Have a great one everyone!!!

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Just got back home from my gym - did my NIA class, then had a great hour and a half talking to my new band-daughter NWJenny (Julie, you are still #1 child) who PM'd me last week to tell me that she was a Portland girl who also belonged to the same gym (Club Sport) and that she was scheduled for surgery on the 22nd! It was so nice to meet one of my LapBandTalk friends "in person"! Then I did a Group Power class...........I'm on a roll. Going for a fill tomorrow, so hope to get back "to speed" on the weight loss again.

I too, sort of felt "duh" on my BandAnniversary day...............maybe because I really did not meet my original goal, or even my interim goal - it was sort of a let down for me! There I go again focusing on the non-deed vs. the deed! Please someone tell me how great I am for losing 64 pounds in a year and not gaining during horid stress - never mind I just did it, so you don't have to! Back to the positives and onward.

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Just got back home from my gym - did my NIA class, then had a great hour and a half talking to my new band-daughter NWJenny (Julie, you are still #1 child) who PM'd me last week to tell me that she was a Portland girl who also belonged to the same gym (Club Sport) and that she was scheduled for surgery on the 22nd! It was so nice to meet one of my LapBandTalk friends "in person"! Then I did a Group Power class...........I'm on a roll. Going for a fill tomorrow, so hope to get back "to speed" on the weight loss again.

I too, sort of felt "duh" on my BandAnniversary day...............maybe because I really did not meet my original goal, or even my interim goal - it was sort of a let down for me! There I go again focusing on the non-deed vs. the deed! Please someone tell me how great I am for losing 64 pounds in a year and not gaining during horid stress - never mind I just did it, so you don't have to! Back to the positives and onward.

OK, I got really scared there for a second until you reassured me that I'm the first child (wink). I'm an only child in real life, so this feeling must be the sibling rivalry I've always read about! Seriously though, that's awesome that you met up with Jenny. Hi Jenny! Congratulations on getting banded this month!

OK Betty, YOU ROCK for losing 64 lbs in a year and being the hippest, coolest April bandster out there! And I beg to differ -- you have met every goal along the way. You are losing weight and you are the quintessential success story, whether you lose any more weight (which I'm sure you will) or not. Think how great you feel and how amazing it is that you didn't gain weight during the most stressful time your family could imagine. It's really very amazing. GO BETTY. Dancing bananas for you.

:D :D :)

Molly, your bandiversary sounds just perfect. I want to rewind and go paint pottery for my bandiversary! And a healthy walk to boot. You're the best. Happy bandiversary.

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Julie - I talked so much about you to Jenny this morning - she has read your posts and is so inspired by your wonderful year! Thanks for the invite to stay - if I was alone I'd take you up on it and I'm sure at some point I'll do just that..........since I've got this tag along guy with me I think we'll stay in a hotel in midtown somewhere - my daughter visited last year and said she stayed near Times Square and it was easy to walk all over the place..........do you have any other suggestions as to where the best vantage point is? I really do want to meet with you tho, maybe you can join Alan and I for dinner one night and yes if possible doing at NIA class at your gym would be great! If the instructors are as good as the ones we have - I'm sure I'll get you to be a NIA convert!

I'm off tomorrow morning to get a fill - after, of course, Alan and I do our walk to and fro from breakfast. So will check in when we get home on Friday.

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Betty I understand the feeling, I think it is human nature to see the things we failed to do rather than see the good that we did do. Sometimes I feel that I failed to lose as much as I wanted to this year, and then there are the days that I fail to eat right. But gosh darn it, we did good! We have both had major stress this last year and in the last couple of months to boot! And despite all of that when we normally would have gained a fairly significant amount of weight we still came out ahead, we are on target, I have lost 79 and you have lost 64 and are almost at goal! We feel better than before, we can do more. It's hard to look at ourselves as half full instead of half empty but we owe it to ourselves to look at our accomplishments and pat ourselves on the back, because we deserve the success! Everyone here does! Even those jsut starting because you new bandsters have made a decision that will change your lives for the better! Is it easy, no, but nothing really worth having is ever easy, but it is worth it! Well tomorrow starts year 2 for me, this year I will have no overall number goal in mind, my goal will be fitness healthy diet oriented. I will excersize more and by next summer I will be doing the half marathons! I will do my best to make good food choices, staying away from those eveil Cookies and chips as much as is humanly possible. I will lose what I lose and that will be good enough because all though I am still fat and still have 125lbs to lose I am happier and I feel better, I have my life back!

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Julie, thanks for the welcome! It was so great to meet Betty today. I have been on this site for two weeks now reading as much as I can prior to my surgery date. I have been very inspired by all of you. When I saw that Betty lived near and we attend the same gym, I felt the need to contact her. What a fabulous strong role model and success story. She definitely shared some great information on her experience and I am excited to have her as my "band mom" - but yes, Julie, you will always be her #1! :D

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Well the only thing that got exercise today was my credit card. I spent about $500 in unplanned clothes purchases! I got 3 awesome new dresses for work/summer and a couple of tops. I was too nervous to try on pants -- maybe next time.

Did yall get your exercise in today?

Wink, Julie

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I got my exercise in----and have sore muscles to prove it....not to mention I don't smell pretty I am sure!!! We branded today. Not any fun as a rule, but as weird as it sounds we always end up laughing ourselves silly---over things I am sure no one else would find humorous!!! So I won't subject you!

Yesterday, I did 30 minutes on the eliptical (dang near killed me for some reason!) and then our weight lifting routine has now expanded and takes about 30-45 minutes to complete---so with the 2 I managed to count yesterday. It was so windy and rainy, it had to be indoors. We actually woke up to a scattering of snow on the ground today---but other than making things muddy (and when you are branding, mud is the least of your worries!!)

We are busy getting things ready to head to TX. We want to buy some new 4 wheelers (ATV's) while we are there---so are going to take a trailer---so I can haul all of my cast offs to the place there!!! I bought some new furniture, so am taking the old to the farmhouse. And we are swapping out a bed....taking advantage of hauling the stinking trailer.

Then we finalized cruise plans yesterday---doing a Hawaiian cruise with my DH's brother and his wife, and his oldest sister. She lost her husband a little over a year ago to a cancerous brain tumor. She ask us to go with her, and we figured why not---we flew over several times when our oldest DD lived there, but we never cruised!!! Should be fun. And get this----I can wear a swimming suit---and shorts.....actually shorts were never a biggie, I have always had thin hips and legs, my upper body was the issue, and the belly---but I am close enough to normal to be fine in the clothes now, and not feel like every eye is on me. I am so excited for that! And I can shop in Hawaii, and buy misses sizes!!!

My scale is teasing me, one day it will say 199, the next 201..I refuse to change my ticker until I can make it say 199 or less permanently!!!

Talking to my PCP today---when I picked up my blood work (which was all GREAT!!!), and he said my TT should not be an issue with insurance as we have documented the muscle tear for years. And with the weight loss, I now am in a health position to have it repaired. Hoping it is that way. I have a muscle tore loose on the lower left side (courtesy of my a$$hole ex husband and a well placed boot)---and he said that will keep it from being cosmetic or something. I figure next January is when I will look into having it done, so start the approval this Fall sometime. January gets me past the holidays, and time to sit and heal. It also gives me time to get this last 35 pounds off as much as possible. He said I have lost enough to likely have it done now---but I prefer to wait, until a less busy time! I am in a size 14, but if the belly skin, and what fat is left were gone, I could go lower, the seat is big....how exciting will that be!!!! I was hoping for smaller breasts, but that is likely not going to happen! I scar so BAD. The TT will be a bad scar, but couldn't be uglier than the deflated balloon of my belly!!!!

Ok well I am off to surf for awhile---everyone keep moving, and have a good one, the weekend is almost here!!!


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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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