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Hi Lucky, the infection is undercontrol and the wound is looking so much better. I am still tender but doing so much better. I am still really bloated so its hard to tell if I have actually lost any weight this week, I will get weighed later and see what has happened. I see the dietician on wednesday so will talk to her as I am getting seriously sick of Soups and such like. I think the only thing I am enjoying is ready brek lol and I am still supposed to be on this for another couple of weeks before starting to eat soft foods. I have cheated today and had a tiny bit of ham which tasted gorgeous and has not upset my stomach thankfully. When is your next appointment Lucky? Have you had any more thoughts on your tattoo? Oh and another UP today was I finally got a cup of tea into me and it tasted lovely, its the first one I have tried since the op that didnt taste like it was mixed with sawdust and undrinkable lol.

oh my.... Life without a good cuppa....don't bear thinking about. I'm so pleased the infection is all under control. A weight off your mind. Blimey.... Ready break, I don't know if I could eat that. It's textures with me. I know I'm strange but there it is.... I'm sure you have lost some weight, but yes, when you're feeling bloated it's hard to guess. It's nice to think that you're not constantly jumping on the scales. I'm not surprised that you're fed up with the soups, what with the pre-op diet on top of your post-op early days. I bet you'll be so ready to move on.... I've found to tattoo places that have been recommended by word of mouth. Perhaps the best recommendation. I've had a couple of take aways, and to be honest I feel a bit bloated, and fed up with it, gotta get back to healthy eating soon. Glad the weathers staying good for your walks. Bet it's great to get out luv. Oh, my next hospital appointment is 11th April with the anaesthetist. I'll ask more about what I'm having done then. But I'm not worried, got over that now.... Hey, ham, sounds good if you don't hurt yourself it's your tummy, only you can say. Good luck willow, let me know how you get on with the dietician plz

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Hi Lucky, I had my days wrong and actually had my appointment with the dietician yesterday. Since I last saw her 3 weeks prior to my operation to discuss the pre-op diet I have lost 8.7kg so she is over the moon. I told her about the bit of ham I had and she said so long as I chewed the living daylights out of it there was nothing wrong as my teeth would have basically pureed it lol. She has said I can try a little bit of mince or minced turkey in a gravy with a bit of mash to see how I get on. Its a bit quicker than she would normally recommend but she said as I have never been sick with anything and I am doing so well I can try, if there is any issues I have to go back to the Soups.< br />As for ready brek, I can't stand weetabix or things like that so it was the lesser of all evils lol, I actually thought I would hate it but have been enjoying it.
I did learn one lesson yesterday..............DON'T drink within half an hour minimum of eating. I had my Breakfast and without thinking had made tea and took a big swig of it only to feel it at the bottom of my chest.........it took a few seconds to clear but I will not do that again.

Word of mouth is the best way to go with tattoo shops, can't wait to hear what you get.

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Hi Willow

Blimey, 8.7kg is brilliant. I'm so very pleased for you, and also pleased that the dietician is too. Way to go...... Mince and minced turkey sounds lovely after Soups, and yeah, I can understand her warning, see how it goes, monitor it closely.

After my daughters bypass her taste buds changed, before surgery she loved coffee and savoury stuff, but since she can't abide Hot drinks. But she also has no hunger, or inclination to eat either. So she has to be careful, and set her alarm on her phone to remind her to eat. Although you would think being a mum she has routines, she has always put the children and her husband first, and after she saw to everyone else, she would just grab something to eat, therefore not having a proper meal, or meal times. So the long and short of it is she now, because of her alarms, eats better, and then feels better. But, her friend who has had bypass surgery too is replacing the food addiction with alcohol..... My daughter is so worried about her.

Started back at Water workout class yesterday, bit achy today, but booked again for next week. When this chest infection has cleared completely I'll be back to two classes a week. Must say I do enjoy it. Cutting down on the naughty stuff also, getting ready for healthy eating again. Now the weather is getting so nice I might too start walking again.

Keep up the good work Willow, your such an inspiration

Edited by luckyknickers57

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Thanks Lucky. I am doing great, if it were not for this reflux and still being a bit tender I would be on top form. I feel so much better. I did indeed have some minced beed with a tiny bit of mash and thoroughly enjoyed it, last night I had a tiny bit of chicken in gravy with a tiny bit of mash and enjoyed that too and my stomach has not minded it what so ever. I have found if I get hungry, I dont feel hungry which is weird saying if I get hungry I pass a lot of wind and burp like crazy, I really hope that passes as it is so loud and I get no warning just a huge burp.
I am having a cup of tea first thing, then ready brek for breakfast, for lunch I have Soup then for dinner its either more soup or if I am making my hubby and kid something I can have I will have that. I am not pushing things and will stick to the soft foods for a couple of weeks but I am looking forward to being able to eat "proper" foods I want a bit of steak lol.

Well done on starting your Water workout classes, be careful with the chest infection though, I know full well how much they drain you of energy and leave you feeling weak. Sounds like your doing great as well.

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Thanks Lucky. I am doing great, if it were not for this reflux and still being a bit tender I would be on top form. I feel so much better. I did indeed have some minced beed with a tiny bit of mash and thoroughly enjoyed it, last night I had a tiny bit of chicken in gravy with a tiny bit of mash and enjoyed that too and my stomach has not minded it what so ever. I have found if I get hungry, I dont feel hungry which is weird saying if I get hungry I pass a lot of wind and burp like crazy, I really hope that passes as it is so loud and I get no warning just a huge burp. I am having a cup of tea first thing, then ready brek for breakfast, for lunch I have Soup then for dinner its either more soup or if I am making my hubby and kid something I can have I will have that. I am not pushing things and will stick to the soft foods for a couple of weeks but I am looking forward to being able to eat "proper" foods I want a bit of steak lol. Well done on starting your Water workout classes, be careful with the chest infection though, I know full well how much they drain you of energy and leave you feeling weak. Sounds like your doing great as well.

Hi willow

I can't believe how well you're doing. It's great, but yeah, you're right to keep on with soft foods too. You sound like a new person, all for the better hey? Yes, I enjoyed the Water work out, but with the tail end of the chest infection it did make it hard work. But each day I feel a bit better, nearly four weeks now!!!! I see CBF1000 is about to have the op. Friday is D day, soooo exciting. I hope you feel well enough to keep up with your walks, we gotta take advantage of the weather. My friends live in Chicago and are still suffering with snow, they go out to slide (walk) the dog most days, but envy us our good weather!!!!!!! Can you believe that! So yeah, I'm making the most of it, before the heavy rain starts again. I believe the "wind" is part of the op, but will pass, lol. I don't look forward to that. But I do look forward to feeling as good as you sound. Good luck.

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Thanks again Lucky, I feel great apart from the wind and reflux but I am hoping that will settle in time. I have not weighed myself this week as I have decided I am going to weigh myself on a monday to see how things are going. I know some weigh daily but I am not going that route.
As for eating I have not found anything so far that my stomach doesn't like. I have had mince and a bit of chicken in gravy and both went down well and caused no issues. I still refuse to blend meat........I just cant stomach the thought of that so I take tiny pieces and chew it really really well. I had some peached in their own juice yesterday as a snack and they were lovely. I really enjoyed them.
I still really crave bread and really wanted a bacon butty yesterday but I resisted lol. I sometimes forget its only 3 weeks since my op because I do feel so well.

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Thanks again Lucky, I feel great apart from the wind and reflux but I am hoping that will settle in time. I have not weighed myself this week as I have decided I am going to weigh myself on a monday to see how things are going. I know some weigh daily but I am not going that route. As for eating I have not found anything so far that my stomach doesn't like. I have had mince and a bit of chicken in gravy and both went down well and caused no issues. I still refuse to blend meat........I just cant stomach the thought of that so I take tiny pieces and chew it really really well. I had some peached in their own juice yesterday as a snack and they were lovely. I really enjoyed them. I still really crave bread and really wanted a bacon butty yesterday but I resisted lol. I sometimes forget its only 3 weeks since my op because I do feel so well.

Gosh, three weeks already, blimey, you doing well. At least you got some appetite, some go off food.... So very pleased that you can eat and enjoy it. I too could not even think about eating blended meat, ahhhhh. I'd rather not thank you. I'm real funny with textures. Most breakfast cereals are a no no, yogurt, anything slightly mushy, even gateaux...... But I love home made Soups, so that's a blessing. I'm aware that I'll probably struggle with choices, but life's not easy anyway, I'll find something I can eat. I'm not even gonna think that I'll be as lucky as you, then if I'm not that's ok. I don't blame you weighing yourself once a week, seems more sensible to me. This is a new lifestyle and not a diet where every day is bash yourself time, before others do it to us..... Gone are those days for you.

Keep it up luv, you sound on the up.....

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I am really picky with food, there are only a few Soups I will eat. I love knorr chicken noodle Soup so was lucky with that as the broth is really thin but tasty, I just strained the noodles out of it to begin with, now I eat some of them. I also love homemade soups so made a lot of that and froze it into smaller portions.

My biggest issue was when went out, finding something to eat was a bit of a nightmare. One restaurant we went into only had potato and leek soup, something I can't stand and got quite offended when we said not to bother with the order as we were leaving as there was nothing on the menu I could adapt with it being so early on.
Another only offered carrot or minestrone soup something again I can't stand lol, so it was another we left so for now we have decided not to even try eating out and to make sure we are home although now I have found Heinz soups that you add boiling Water too and they are actually quite nice, they are sachets I got them from Asda and are handy for taking out with you. My hubby had suggested a flask but I do not do anything out of flasks lol. (Another of my quirks lol)

I found something my stomach didnt like yesterday lol. I was making a pulled pork roast with maple marinade for my hubby and kid, took it out the oven and it smelled so good so I took a tiny piece of it...........I will not do that again for a while. It was obviously too rich for me and I discovered what they mean by slimes. It was a tiny bit too so I didn't think it would cause any issues as the pork is that well cooked it melts in your mouth. Oh well lesson learned.

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I am really picky with food, there are only a few Soups I will eat. I love knorr chicken noodle Soup so was lucky with that as the broth is really thin but tasty, I just strained the noodles out of it to begin with, now I eat some of them. I also love homemade soups so made a lot of that and froze it into smaller portions. My biggest issue was when went out, finding something to eat was a bit of a nightmare. One restaurant we went into only had potato and leek soup, something I can't stand and got quite offended when we said not to bother with the order as we were leaving as there was nothing on the menu I could adapt with it being so early on. Another only offered carrot or minestrone soup something again I can't stand lol, so it was another we left so for now we have decided not to even try eating out and to make sure we are home although now I have found Heinz soups that you add boiling Water too and they are actually quite nice, they are sachets I got them from Asda and are handy for taking out with you. My hubby had suggested a flask but I do not do anything out of flasks lol. (Another of my quirks lol) I found something my stomach didnt like yesterday lol. I was making a pulled pork roast with maple marinade for my hubby and kid, took it out the oven and it smelled so good so I took a tiny piece of it...........I will not do that again for a while. It was obviously too rich for me and I discovered what they mean by slimes. It was a tiny bit too so I didn't think it would cause any issues as the pork is that well cooked it melts in your mouth. Oh well lesson learned.

Oh willow, it's sounds like a nightmare eating out so early, think I'll follow your lead when it's my turn..... Stay home...... I think I'll have a look for some of the Heinz soups though. Sound lovely, and I may do a couple of batches of soups for the freezer. It's amazing, just coz you're big people think that you're not fussy over food, but the more I read, the more I realise that that is not the case. I too cannot eat or drink from flasks, yukkkkk. I'm glad you're having a bit of an experiment over foods, just take it easy. Have you tried Melba toast? My daughter has it with skinny cream cheese and she found "Irish" yogurts, they sell them in tesco, low fat AND low sugar, they don't taste too bad either. Although I'm not that keen on yogurts. I started on my Vitamin D and multi vits as instructed, ready for the lovely milk diet........ Looking forward to seeing the anaesthetist on the 11th, seems more real now. Although the down side is it takes almost a whole day for an appointment, because of the travel, I gotta get a lift from hubby, to get a ferry, then train and bus, or taxi, on paper seems easy and quick, but in reality the connections are rubbish. It'll be worth it though, trying to not get excited, waiting for my date......

Edited by luckyknickers57

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Oh wow, I thought the 3 hour drive for me to see my surgeon was bad enough but at least I don't have to get the ferry etc. I hope when you see the anaesthetist on the 11th they have good news for you and can give you a date for your surgery.

I am really annoyed with my GP today. My surgeon told me I would need to arrange to have a B12 injection so spoke to one GP at the surgery who gave me a prescription for the jabs and told me to make the appointments with the nurse to start having them, got my first on tuesday, went to have my second today to be told oh one of the other GPs has said you have not to have them so I am not allowed to give you the second. I wouldnt mind but the GP who stopped the jabs doesnt even know what the operation was and was convinced it was a band I had.
I also just realised I had thought my weight loss was quite slow until it dawned on me that we deal in KG here where its LBs for the americans so my slow weight loss is no were near as bad as I had thought lol.
I am doing so much better and feel great, I had to get a couple of stitches cut out today as they just were not disolving and were not healing properly because of the stitches sticking out but now that they are out the wounds feels so much better and will hopefully heal properly now.
I am eating more and more "proper" foods, I am sick of Soups and after speaking to the dietician she gave me the go ahead to try things like ham and chicken for lunches in order to get more Protein in as I have been tolerating the minced beef really well.
Oh the satchets of soups I mentioned.....I tried the chicken and vegetable one yesterday and OMG it was disgusting. The tomoto one is really nice and goes down really well.

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Oh wow, I thought the 3 hour drive for me to see my surgeon was bad enough but at least I don't have to get the ferry etc. I hope when you see the anaesthetist on the 11th they have good news for you and can give you a date for your surgery. I am really annoyed with my GP today. My surgeon told me I would need to arrange to have a B12 injection so spoke to one GP at the surgery who gave me a prescription for the jabs and told me to make the appointments with the nurse to start having them, got my first on tuesday, went to have my second today to be told oh one of the other GPs has said you have not to have them so I am not allowed to give you the second. I wouldnt mind but the GP who stopped the jabs doesnt even know what the operation was and was convinced it was a band I had. I also just realised I had thought my weight loss was quite slow until it dawned on me that we deal in KG here where its LBs for the americans so my slow weight loss is no were near as bad as I had thought lol. I am doing so much better and feel great, I had to get a couple of stitches cut out today as they just were not disolving and were not healing properly because of the stitches sticking out but now that they are out the wounds feels so much better and will hopefully heal properly now. I am eating more and more "proper" foods, I am sick of Soups and after speaking to the dietician she gave me the go ahead to try things like ham and chicken for lunches in order to get more Protein in as I have been tolerating the minced beef really well. Oh the satchets of Soups I mentioned.....I tried the chicken and vegetable one yesterday and OMG it was disgusting. The tomoto one is really nice and goes down really well.

Do you know what.... Some of these doctors get right on your nerves.... They think they know something, when they really don't. Why are we with consultants, who make recommendations, just for some GPs think they know better than a specialist..... Well what can you say, I just hope you've got it sorted now Willow.

As for your weight I saw the slide where it looks as though you've lost a third of your weight from your target, I couldn't understand why you didn't seem too thrilled, now I understand why!!!

So pleased with your progress with the Proteins, sounds like you're well on the way to recovery. Well done to you

Ps I'll remember that about the soups

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Thought it was time I gave a quick update.

I am still burping like crazy which is driving me insane, it is the one downside I have, even the reflux doesn't cause me as much trouble. Upside is I am doing great in all other ways. I can more or less eat most things now. I can't eat pork as it makes me sick but so far that's the only thing I can't have. I can only eat small amounts still can't eat a full slice of toast if I have a poached egg with it but that's not too bad. I have stuck to granary bread to try and get more fibre as I felt I wasn't getting enough and was a bit constipated.

I am loosing weight steadily which I am pleased about. I will up date my tracker tomorrow when I get on the laptop but I now weigh 273lb so it is coming off slowly.

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Thought it was time I gave a quick update. I am still burping like crazy which is driving me insane, it is the one downside I have, even the reflux doesn't cause me as much trouble. Upside is I am doing great in all other ways. I can more or less eat most things now. I can't eat pork as it makes me sick but so far that's the only thing I can't have. I can only eat small amounts still can't eat a full slice of toast if I have a poached egg with it but that's not too bad. I have stuck to granary bread to try and get more fibre as I felt I wasn't getting enough and was a bit constipated. I am loosing weight steadily which I am pleased about. I will up date my tracker tomorrow when I get on the laptop but I now weigh 273lb so it is coming off slowly.

Well done to you willow. Slowly but surely, looking at the long game. So very pleased for you

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Thought it was about time I gave another update. I am still burping like its an Olympic sport and its driving me crazy, I actually broke down in tears the other day through it. I felt stupid for doing so but it just got to me. I see my surgeon again on thursday so hoping he can offer some help to the burping situation.

Thankfully the reflux is no where near as bad so hopefully it will settle completely soon.
The weight loss is still going in the right direction, much slower than I had hoped but I am loosing about 1.5kg a week so its slow but steady which is a good thing I reckon.

I am eating mostly normal foods now, I can eat chilli but pork is a huge NO NO, I am sick as a dog every time I try that (tried it cooked 3 different ways) yet I can eat gammon and even had a rasher of bacon the other day. I am gutted as pork was one meat I really enjoyed but its a small sacrifice I guess, who knows maybe further down the line I will be ok with it again.

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Thought it was time for an over due update. I am still burping like crazy and getting a lot of gas which bloats me at times but I saw my doctor today and she's gave me new tablets which are hopefully going to work.

On the upside the weight loss is going OK I have gone from 350lb to 260lb which is fantastic, I am still restricted by my disability from exercise so I am not the fastest loosed but its still a huge relieve knowing my body is not under the same pressure it once was. Yes I still have a long way to go but its definitely heading in the right way now. I never want to gain that weight back.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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