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Tips Please! Soda, Eating too fast, drinking while eating

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I had my third fill and started getting food stuck a few times a day until the light bulb in my head lit up and I realized I'm eating the wrong things and I'm eating them wrong. From that moment on I paid very close attention to what I ate and how I ate it and I rarely ever have anything stuck and if I do it's because I'm in a hurry and take too big of a bite without chewing well. I also use small forks and spoons and plates.

On the soda thing. I was a pepsi addict and drank regular pepsi all day everyday until I had my seminar. From that day forth I quit soda all together and the last time I had beer was the weekend before surgery. I've had nothing like that since. I do still crave the pepsi off and on but I now drink tons of Water and if I need flavor I drink propel or iced tea.

Good luck! You're doing great!

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shesha, shesha, shesha...lol! i feel your pain with the diet coke---i was warned by my nutritionist that i needed to quit cold turkey, so of course that's my new prioritiy in life---diet coke was my new favorite food group for about two weeks after she said that. now, i've weaned myself slowly down to one a day. i remember my surgeon saying that a person can drink it, but is that really what you want to fill your stomach with compared to something more nutritious such as Protein? i secretly flipped him off after he said it, but maybe it makes sense...who knows! talk to you soon~


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Your post is so sweet. I didn't realize I had a following.. tee hee! All kidding aside, it is really sweet and motivates me even more to succeed. Thank you for your reply and your honesty. I won't let you, or myself, down!


I can only offer advice on the soda thing...

The only reason we bandsters can't have soda is that the bubbles in the soda expand our pouch, so long term you can dialate your pouch and end up having to get another band because you have stretched out your pouch to bigger than it was made to be.

Good luck, you have done good so far, and I must admit I read most of your posts, you have encouraged me in ways you will never know. So don't let me down now.....

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Yes, I think I am just now finding out what foods I can and can't eat. Before the fill, pretty much anything went down, just smaller quantities. Now, chicken, fish, bread and fiberous veggies are creating trouble for me. I did liquids/soft foods after the PB incedents and seem to be feeling better. I have not had any bp's golf balls or anything in the last few days. I may just be getting the hang of this!

It's good to know that you've done as well as you have and still drink during meals. I just get so thirsty! I've really limited sips while eating though, and may be able to stop altogether. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for taking the time to post some great advice!:clap2:

With regard to the two PB's. I had a small PB last week my second in 16 months, just before AF started, I really struggled with some fish I ate for lunch. Fish is a difficult food for me. Its only becuase of my lifelong no vomit policy that I couldnt just huck it up and out, rather I slimed and was in pain for half an hour, did several giant hiccups. I nearly did the same dang thing again the next day, it made me stop and realise I was probably swollen and irritated from the day before and stop trying to eat something so sticky and difficult (sandwich) for pete's sake. You need to take it easy for a day or two.

WRG to drinking while eating - I tend to do this. Its never made an appreciable difference to me before, so I didnt break the habit. More often, I dont drink while I eat but I drink immediately after. Usually coffee. However I had another fill at the beginning of this week and now drinking after I eat does take away the fullness noticeably. So that's my new goal, wait an hour. Its difficult, I just had lunch and I really really want a coffee. I might go and clean my teeth instead. Its just one of those things - it wont kill you to do it, it wont even make any difference or it may help you if you give it up. You decide what you need to do.

Now, soda - I dont drink it often so I cant help - but there is no hardset evidence that soda expands your pouch and does you damage. Surgeons have conflicting views on this. But personally, I dont like it much so I dont drink it. If someone told me I had to give up coffee, I'd honestly rather be fat.

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Thanks for letting me know that I am not the only one! Hopefully this next fill will help you out! Keep me posted! Congrats on quitting diet coke!:girl_hug:

Don't beat yourself up. I too am having a hard time learning signs and eating right. I PB more than I should and slime even more. I also can eat more than I should. I go for my second fill next week. I hope that it will help me more. I do not drink diet coke anymore. I quit it way back in Oct.

Good luck.

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I've only had the one fill. Dr K. did start me with 1.6 cc's but I was having trouble even getting Water down. I went back to his office that afternoon and had him take out .2 cc's. Now, restriction is kind of hit or miss. Breakfast, I am usually tight. Sometimes I can eat a bowl of Cereal, other times a Protein bar. Sometimes just a Protein Drink. lunch, I seem to be wide open. I have restriction, but it take a while to get there. I very rarely eat more than half of what's on my plate. Supper is kind of hit or miss. Most of the time I am tight again. I am still eating way more than I should though. I log my food on Fitday.com. Some days, 1000 calories. Other days 1400! Obviously this is less than I ate before, but I would like to keep it around the 800- 1000 mark.

What was your experience on your first fill? Did you feel restriction?

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If you're having a hard time, go back to the basics food-wise. Eat only the smallest bites, and put your fork down - foce yourself to wait about 5 minutes between bites, until you are confident that it's going to be ok.

This is great advice Wheetsin! It's good to know that there are others that go from zero to golf ball in 2.2 seconds!

I sometimes drink a little with meals. It's really becoming less and less ...

This is good to know, since you too have done really well so far. I think i'll be able to wean myself. I just don't think I can go without a sip of Water here and there.

Worst case - I drank too soon or before something cleared. When you do that, you know it immediately.

Yes, I have felt this feeling. Really weird!

Umm... something you could do (a RNY friend used this) is to flatten your sodas before you drink them... swish the bottles around or something. She did this in the beginning, and eventually it just wasn't worth it anymore so she quit.

I've tried this and it does seem to work. I get a little taste, but really don't want it. I think I've got this diet coke thing figured out though. I haven't had any in 2 days!

Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it!:D

If you're having a hard time, go back to the basics food-wise. Eat only the smallest bites, and put your fork down - foce yourself to wait about 5 minutes between bites, until you are confident that it's going to be ok.

  • Drinking while eating. Maybe this is the problem. I have been really trying to not drink while I eat. Today, I didn't drink anything with my supper and that's where the problems began. I guess I need to get used to food consumption/restriction without liquid interferring. I drink with meals. Well, I should rephrase that. I sometimes drink a little with meals. It's really becoming less and less b/c I only really do it when I'm eating out (I've noticed this lately), and when I do go out, I drink so little that I get tired of paying $2 for an iced tea that just sits there, so I've stuck with water... which is tap water... which I hate... so problem almost solved. :girl_hug: But honestly, for me, drinking with meals was never a problem. I never ate more because I took a drink. I was always full within the same amount of food. Worst case - I drank too soon or before something cleared. When you do that, you know it immediately.

  • I AM STILL ADDICTED TO SODA!! Diet coke. I only had 5 oz of a 20 oz bottle today and I feel like I did well. The previous days I've had at least a 20 oz bottle, then maybe another can. I've tried iced tea, hot tea and coffee, which is helping, but I could use some pointers here too! Hmm, I gave up soda cold turkey after surgery, which wasn't hard since I was never a big soda drinker, and had already weaned myself down to caffeine free Diet Coke... and at that point, it was just about hte carbonation. Screw the soda, I wanted to feel the burn. :D Umm... something you could do (a RNY friend used this) is to flatten your sodas before you drink them... swish the bottles around or something. She did this in the beginning, and eventually it just wasn't worth it anymore so she quit.

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I did liquids/mushies for a day and feel better. I guess I could steal one of my 16 month old's fork and spoons! Thanks!:girl_hug:

If you're having bad PBs, go on liquids for a day or two and give your stomach a break, then ease back into your food, being very careful to eat slowly, and small bites. I have started eating with a seafood fork, to prevent me from taking too big of a bite.

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that this is serious stuff

That's exactly what I told myself. I too was self pay and would feel absolutely awful if the balance on my credit card (0% interest at least) outlasted my band!! No, I really need to lose this weight to be here and be a fun mommy for my daughter. And if that means no more diet coke and paying attention to what I am sitcking into my mouth, then so be it! Thanks for the kick in the pants!! (which are now a size smaller, thank you very much :girl_hug: )

I have also been addicted to Diet Coke to the point where I drank nothing else, if not that then at least soda Water. I think what helps is to realize that this is serious stuff and that the band is just a tool, we have to do our part, the band alone will not do it and the thought of stretching the pouch by drinking it is too scary for me. I had to pay for the surgery which maybe an extra motivator. I am so afraid of doing anything to screw it up and I know this is my last chance. Once you are off it it becomes easy and I don't seem to need it anymore. The desire is gone now, have taken a sip a few times but didn't want any more. I also kind of think that Diet Coke makes you more hungry.

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Thanks for the well wishes!! Yes, I do think this is a learning thing, I just hadn't had that light bulb moment until the other day. I have been making better choices the past few days, and I am sure they will get even better when I get another fill. Thanks again!:girl_hug:

I had my third fill and started getting food stuck a few times a day until the light bulb in my head lit up and I realized I'm eating the wrong things and I'm eating them wrong. From that moment on I paid very close attention to what I ate and how I ate it and I rarely ever have anything stuck and if I do it's because I'm in a hurry and take too big of a bite without chewing well. I also use small forks and spoons and plates.

On the soda thing. I was a pepsi addict and drank regular pepsi all day everyday until I had my seminar. From that day forth I quit soda all together and the last time I had beer was the weekend before surgery. I've had nothing like that since. I do still crave the pepsi off and on but I now drink tons of Water and if I need flavor I drink propel or iced tea.

Good luck! You're doing great!

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That's true. Diet Coke is so bad for you. I'd rather drink flavored or Protein Water, but it just calls to me.. "Sheila.. drink me...." I haven't had ANY in two days though, so maybe I kicked the habit!!

shesha, shesha, shesha...lol! i feel your pain with the diet coke---i was warned by my nutritionist that i needed to quit cold turkey, so of course that's my new prioritiy in life---diet coke was my new favorite food group for about two weeks after she said that. now, i've weaned myself slowly down to one a day. i remember my surgeon saying that a person can drink it, but is that really what you want to fill your stomach with compared to something more nutritious such as Protein? i secretly flipped him off after he said it, but maybe it makes sense...who knows! talk to you soon~


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Thanks to all who replied. It's interesting how some Dr.'s say NO WAY to diet coke and others.."ah, wait 6 months" or "Sure, no problem" How confusing. Anyway, good ol' Water is so much better for you, and cheaper! I am going to wash out my water bottle and take it with me to work tomorrow! Wish me luck!!

(hey, I remember buying some Crystal Light and Propel powder when I was playing chipmunk pre surgery and hoarding everything I could.. I think I'll try to find that stuff...)

Thanks again for all your help and good luck to each of you as well!:girl_hug:

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Anytime you need a kick just ask, ha...

You will be fine and the fear of screwing up and losing all that money should do it. We just cannot mess around, the only way is to follow rules and Diet Coke is bad for you anyway. I havent had any for over 5 weeks now... it is not worth it.. If I take a sip I imagine my pouch expanding like a balloon and that is not a nice thought...

that this is serious stuff

That's exactly what I told myself. I too was self pay and would feel absolutely awful if the balance on my credit card (0% interest at least) outlasted my band!! No, I really need to lose this weight to be here and be a fun mommy for my daughter. And if that means no more diet coke and paying attention to what I am sitcking into my mouth, then so be it! Thanks for the kick in the pants!! (which are now a size smaller, thank you very much :D )

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Yes, I knew I could count on my fellow bandsters for some good advice and some tough love! 3 days now without a diet coke! woo hoo!

Anytime you need a kick just ask, ha...

You will be fine and the fear of screwing up and losing all that money should do it. We just cannot mess around, the only way is to follow rules and Diet Coke is bad for you anyway. I havent had any for over 5 weeks now... it is not worth it.. If I take a sip I imagine my pouch expanding like a balloon and that is not a nice thought...

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I just quit soda cold turkey, so I can't help you there, but as for feeling full: I am about four months out, and I still go from normal to PB in one bite. Very rarely do I have any signal before that. But, now that I am four months out, I am getting better at judging how much I can eat. For me, I measure it in bites. I know I can eat between 3 and 7 bites (depending on the time of day and what I'm eating) before it is too much. And I CANNOT drink when I eat. It causes me to PB every time. But, my head is still not that bright. I still always want just one more bite...which I pay for right after! I guess I'll learn eventually, right?! :-)

Hope that helps!

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