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13 yr old getting sleeve. Need recommendations in Mexico

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As a morbidly obese child then teenager I feel for you and your daughter. At 13 I was probably a little over 300 pounds and began looking into weight loss surgery around that time. There were no surgeons in the US that would perform surgery on someone my age and back then Mexico wasn't an option. Though part of wishes I would have been able to have surgery then (I wound up having it 10 years later at 23) I don't think at 13, as much as I read about it and studied it that I would have been mentally prepared for it. Not by a long shot. Though part of my definitely wishes that I could have grown up and had my teenage years without being morbidly obese. Just want to wish you all the best and lots of luck!

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Thank you for all of your responses. The first thing I need to say is that I would never consider surgery unless I had exhausted all other avenues for weight loss including medical, emotional, physical, psychological. We have reached a point where I feel like this is our last and only option. Some may say I'm unnecessarily risking the life of my daughter, but I feel like if we don't do the surgery I'm risking her life as well. She has just developed diabetes, she went from being the happiest little girl to a girl who is depressed and cries every day because of her weight. She has been bullied, tormented, and teased every school day since she was 7 years old. Of all 5 of my children she has been the one who ate veggies and fruits, she was also my most active yet she has continued to gain about 2 pds a month for the last 6 years. We have had her thyroid checked, multiple labs and nothing explains what is going on. The only thing that explains it is that she says she's hungry all the time 24/7. So even though she knows what to eat, what not to eat etc, it doesn't help if you are always hungry. You just end up being cranky and angry at having to limit portion sizes when your body is telling you your hungry. For all of you who have had surgery or are considering it, imagine how hard it is for you now as an adult, can you even imagine the torment of being obese as a teenager? It's hell. Kids are cruel and it's not right that she should have to endure comments day after day. I got the sleeve 8 mths ago, it has changed my life. She sees this, she has seen what it has done for me including the fact that I am happy and healthy now. I was hungry all the time, and now I'm not, I have to remind myself to eat. All I want as her mother is for her to be happy. And if she continues down the path she's on, I may not have her for much longer. She is in a place where she doesn't even leave the house. She has become a different person .If things don't change I can see not only physical dangers in her future but emotional and psychological damage as well. I want her to live a life where she can make friends based on her personality, not on her physical appearance, where she can focus on the normal teenage stuff and not about her diet. She just turned 13 and is 200 pds.

As far as Mexico goes I'm still uncertian. The reason I posted this was because I was curious how many people would actually recommend a doctor from Mexico. It seems interesting to me that so many people will"risk" their own lives going there but not willing to recommend one for a 13 year old. Why is it different for an adult vs. a child? If you couldn't lose the weight as an adult what gives you the right to judge a teen who can't do it? It's interesting how hypocritical some people have been. I have in no way jumped to this decision. We have been praying and researching it for months. We've exhausted everything we have to help her and nothing has worked. Of course I would do everything in my power to see a U.S. Doctor but when you have 5 kids and make $30K a year it's quiet impossible to fork out 20K for the surgery. 8K will not be easy as it is. She has seen me go through the surgery, she knows what it entails but if anything I think the longer you are overweight, the longer you do the yo-yo dieting the harder it is to start thinking differently. If she does this now it will be easier to develop healthy eating habits and healthy emotions in regards to food. Not only that the fact that it wont be painful for her to exercise will be huge. She loves to exercise but right now it's extremely painful and embarrassing for her.

I appreciate everyone's comments, but I would politely ask that you look at yourselves and realize how hard it has been as an adult and ask yourselves just how much harder it would be if you were a teen. I love my daughter but I want her around and I want her to be happy. If I dont do the surgery she may not be around much longer and she certianly will not be happy.

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I used Dr Ponce de leon and I am more than happy to refer you,

That comment of some so called surgeon in Mexico is 100% unasked for. The surgeons there are a hell of a lot better than any doctor here in the states. I told my husband that I would consider him, as he is a general surgeon as well, to treat our kids first before any so called doctor in the states.

So that poster canl stfu.

I say go for it. I paid$5500 and a cheap plane ticket. And my dear this was the easiest thing I have ever done for myself. Your kids will do great. Keep me posted!!!

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Also, I would never consider the lap band for her. I had it and it was a miserable experience for me. I finally had to have it removed and got the sleeve instead.

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Thank you for all of your responses. The first thing I need to say is that I would never consider surgery unless I had exhausted all other avenues for weight loss including medical, emotional, physical, psychological. We have reached a point where I feel like this is our last and only option. Some may say I'm unnecessarily risking the life of my daughter, but I feel like if we don't do the surgery I'm risking her life as well. She has just developed diabetes, she went from being the happiest little girl to a girl who is depressed and cries every day because of her weight. She has been bullied, tormented, and teased every school day since she was 7 years old. Of all 5 of my children she has been the one who ate veggies and fruits, she was also my most active yet she has continued to gain about 2 pds a month for the last 6 years. We have had her thyroid checked, multiple labs and nothing explains what is going on. The only thing that explains it is that she says she's hungry all the time 24/7. So even though she knows what to eat, what not to eat etc, it doesn't help if you are always hungry. You just end up being cranky and angry at having to limit portion sizes when your body is telling you your hungry. For all of you who have had surgery or are considering it, imagine how hard it is for you now as an adult, can you even imagine the torment of being obese as a teenager? It's hell. Kids are cruel and it's not right that she should have to endure comments day after day. I got the sleeve 8 mths ago, it has changed my life. She sees this, she has seen what it has done for me including the fact that I am happy and healthy now. I was hungry all the time, and now I'm not, I have to remind myself to eat. All I want as her mother is for her to be happy. And if she continues down the path she's on, I may not have her for much longer. She is in a place where she doesn't even leave the house. She has become a different person .If things don't change I can see not only physical dangers in her future but emotional and psychological damage as well. I want her to live a life where she can make friends based on her personality, not on her physical appearance, where she can focus on the normal teenage stuff and not about her diet. She just turned 13 and is 200 pds.

As far as Mexico goes I'm still uncertian. The reason I posted this was because I was curious how many people would actually recommend a doctor from Mexico. It seems interesting to me that so many people will"risk" their own lives going there but not willing to recommend one for a 13 year old. Why is it different for an adult vs. a child? If you couldn't lose the weight as an adult what gives you the right to judge a teen who can't do it? It's interesting how hypocritical some people have been. I have in no way jumped to this decision. We have been praying and researching it for months. We've exhausted everything we have to help her and nothing has worked. Of course I would do everything in my power to see a U.S. Doctor but when you have 5 kids and make $30K a year it's quiet impossible to fork out 20K for the surgery. 8K will not be easy as it is. She has seen me go through the surgery, she knows what it entails but if anything I think the longer you are overweight, the longer you do the yo-yo dieting the harder it is to start thinking differently. If she does this now it will be easier to develop healthy eating habits and healthy emotions in regards to food. Not only that the fact that it wont be painful for her to exercise will be huge. She loves to exercise but right now it's extremely painful and embarrassing for her.

I appreciate everyone's comments, but I would politely ask that you look at yourselves and realize how hard it has been as an adult and ask yourselves just how much harder it would be if you were a teen. I love my daughter but I want her around and I want her to be happy. If I dont do the surgery she may not be around much longer and she certianly will not be happy.

The love you have for your child shines through. Beautifully written. My thoughts are with you. x

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I personally would never take my daughter across the border for WLS at 13...

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Dr. Guillermo Alvarez has had a cpl young patients I believe. And he is one of the best in Mexico. He has written a book and has videos on you tube that you can check out. Endobariatrics.com is his site. You contact them with all your info and they will get back to you. I believe they charge $8750. If my child truly needed this surgery I would do it. I have 3 children of different ages and 2 step children. If any of then needed this I would do it. But each child is different and you definitely have to take their personality and emotional matureness into this equation. I hope you are able to find the right answer for her. My prayers will be with you.

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My thoughts are with you~ I don't know about Mexico but I wanted you to know that another mom is listening to your plight!

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Heartbreaking story. God Bless. I have seen my 66 y/o husband of 22 years' FAT baby pictures, and a picture of him fat at 12 years old. He had 2 thin parents, no siblings. I have heard his stories, 3 times in his life spent a year on Optifast, only to lose 100 lbs and regain. I have seen him eat nothing but vegetables and gain weight. Literally starving himself to death. The diabetes, the HBP and 3 BP meds, the heart blockage, the heart caths, the toe amputation that would not heal, the cellulitis from his swollen and weeping legs. But what stands out is that picture of him as a fat kid in the 1950s that shaped his life of torment because of food and whatever caused him to be that way. I saw the fear in his face at 66 when I finally said we are being sleeved, after 10 years of WLS seminars. He is sleeved and down 50 lbs. since 12/2/13. He will not regain this weight and I hope to have my love healthy with me for years to come. Okay, I am just going to pray for you and to make wise decisions in regard to your daughter, and also will pray for her to have a beautiful, healthy life. Linda

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Have you tried weight watchers, my sister and I did it she was 13 I was 15, she lost 69 lbs and I lost 100, I keep mine off for 12 years till I hurt my back and she never regained, I know you said you tried everything but give that a try again or for the 1st time. At her age she will not notice the food change as much and you can teach her an foods, kids burn fat so fast, and this way too if she gets older and gains latter she can have a sleeve then. I so lived WW it gave me a life as I had not had one before, I was able to enjoy the beach, flirting, clothes, all the teen stuff things I never did when I was the fat kid

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I applaud you for looking after your child's health regarding her weight. I now wonder what my life would have been like if I had not been overweight/obese; I bet a lot different. I went to Dr Fernando Garcia who is absolutely fantastic and a well respected surgeon in his field. I paid $5500.00 but this was for a revision(removal of my lapband). Whomever you chose I wish you and your daughter the best.

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I have gone back and forth opinion-wise on weight loss surgery in teenagers. Would I have done it as a teenager? Probably. I wanted so much to be skinny back then. Would I have been ready for it? Definitely not. Even in my early twenties I wasn't ready for it. Most teenagers aren't emotionally ready to make such a drastic change. But that doesn't mean they can't get help and support to better understand and commit to the change. A good psychologist or clinical social worker would be an excellent starting point.

WLS is a drastic intervention, one that comes with risks that can't be ignored, but with your daughter's current weight and diabetes diagnosis at only 13, you know she's looking at a life cut short if drastic changes aren't made. The trouble is, as you know, the sleeve is no cure. It's only a tool. How will your daughter commit to eating healthy and small portions months and years down the road as the restriction decreases and the capacity and desire to eat increases? This is a question all of us need to think about and answer for ourselves. To better my odds I attend support groups and practice CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) techniques. Other people have their own coping strategies that work for them. Best to discover successful strategies for yourself before heading down to the hospital.

As for Mexico, it seems there are a few very excellent surgeons there who have operated on thousands of patients each. Trouble is, reporting problems with patients in Mexico is murkier. Malpractice suits, when they occur, aren't generally public record. You have to be very careful picking out the surgeon, the hospital, and be sure to do research on the anesthesiologist involved. Look for surgeons who have performed the sleeve on many teenagers without incident. The more, the better. Wishing you and your daughter all the best moving forward.

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I wish you and your dear daughter well and pray that the decision that you make is the best all around....I fully understand how you feel since one of my kid's sufffered all of the same issues....he was born large and due to many factors(medical as well as emotional) the weight krept up through the years....I found the best teaching hospital with a pediatric program( they have them) and worked with a comprehensive team approach to deal with the underlying issues(medical and emotional)...there were medical tests that yeilded problems in the pituatary and adrenal glands that helped create the weight gain........ had to change the kitchen(as a family) and eating habits....had the kid in a program that taught self worth and good eating habits....and an exercise program geared to young kids....and regular meetings with a good therapist......it was a long road .....and hard work.... going to Mexico is a gamble.....on many levels...iif you could try and find a good program that is part of a teaching hospital.....you might be able to receive funding for the help......wishing you good health and every success in your journey........i

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BKLYN YOU REALLY SAID IT BEST. My one thought was a lot of people here stray from what they are supposed to eat, and get really sick. A 13 year old would not be able to know the horrible consequences some foods could cause. A lot of people moan I cannot live without my french fries, my mac and cheese, and when can I eat won tons again. They are so serious. How can you tell a 13 year old you can never eat a french fry or a cheeseburger or chicken nuggets again? I feel pain for your precious child and for you, wonderful slcmommy, but .....This would be a hard decision.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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