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Bandsters, What did you eat today???

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Now MrsH, remember that coffee is a diuretic! JOhnny told me to try and avoid coffee if at all possible, I have cut it down to just 1 a day. Can't quite let it go completely.

It isn't Pilates is it? I know that instead of just the normal exercise there are pilate machines now. Sounds like fun. It's great that your partner is getting fit with you, I'm jealous!

I have done a mish mash of different exercises for 10 minutes. Now going to have my porridge and raisins. I am going to focus on cutting carbs and upping my Protein. I really should cut out the porridge, but it's a great filler!

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Nothing wrong with porridge! Thoroughly good for you complex carbohydrate that gives you the necessary energy to be able to function throughout the day!!!

There's plenty else you could give a miss, IYKWIM!!

As for coffee, I only ever drink one cup a day, and I REFUSE to do without it!!!

food planned for today is

B: cambridge shake

Snack: apple

L: chicken salad (I've had the chicken but couldn't manage the salad, so will try again in a bit!

S: 125g l/f cottage cheese with pineapple

D: poached skate wings with brown rice mange tout and baby corn.

Total planned calories: 835.... could probably do with more but I'm happy as I've managed 97g of Protein today... a new high for me!

I'm aiming for a 40% Protein 30% fat and 30% carbohydrate in my daily diet.... so far it's doing OK, but I think it's only because I can't get much else down me once I've done the protein thing.... and all with NO FILL!!

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It's brilliant that you are doing so well without a fill! I ams till contermplating having another fill, but I suspect it's more the way I've been eating than the band not working efficiently, I shall give myself a month, which will give me a chance to save up for a fill, if necessary.


Before you say it, I know another crap day :girl_hug:

15mins Gymball

500ml Water

B: porridge and raisins

1 hour walking the dogs.

1l Water

lunch, what lunch?

S: 5 white choclately and raspberry and wheat free slices

500ml water

snickers bar

D: When cooked will be crustless Quiche

I haven't yet worked out the calories but I know it is going to be low, after dinner I shall eat a lot of fruit.

I could be dishonest but there isn't much point, if I can pin point the reason why I end up eating crapol, then it will be worth it.!


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Dear Suzanne,

Hi there, nice to see you back again. Sorry I have been pretty busy at work and dead beat by the time I returned home to give my input the last 2weeks. Anyway, what Im going to write is not going to sound good, but Suzanne, you and I have always supported each other since Feb right? I have more down time than you since I was banded a couple of months earlier than you. And you supported me initially. Also, we both share the same hospital in Belgium, and have the same problem ie. both of us have an underactive thyroid. So I will get straight to the point and apologise in advance if you feel my input is too harsh.

U know from my input previously that losing weight for us is NEVER going to be easy esp with our thyroid problem. In total I only had 3stone to lose, and only managed to lose 2stones since the op. Im not losing any further either. I could if I cut down drastically, but as I want some quality life thats why I can still eat pretty everything I want, and yet NOT put on weight cos my quantity is reduced now due to the band.

However, looking at your last 6-7meals input, oh my god Suzanne, fudge, chocs, coffee with 2 sugar, snickers bar etc etc..... where are your Protein intake??? Seriously Suzanne, Yr food (if any at all) intake is so low but so high in sugar contents, its just unhealthy. The whole 6-7days of your input, I only found 1 so-called healthy option, ie your own homecook omelette!!!! I know you have a personal trainer, does he not advise you on your food intake too? Just bcos u hv the band and 2fills, and do lots of exercise (more than me) doesnt necessary mean yr weight will drop considering yr sugar intake is so high. I know bcos of my thyroid problem, I am also under NHS dietician support. I get told off for my occassional creme bullea intake. If she sees yr intake, she would faint or tell you staight to yr face that u r wasting her time and not being serious about yr weight lose (She said it to me before!!) Firstly and mainly, the problem is, YOU are NOT eating PROPER food.

Your body is holding on to all the calories cos looking at yr diet, and having gone through all DIETS before going for the lapband op, I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT YR BODY IS IN STARVATION MODE!!!!

My friend, we are both operated from the same hospital in Belgium. Dr Mignon told me during consultation that I am suppose to take 6 small meals a day. BF, Snk (could be a cup of tea) lunch, Snk (another cup of tea or healthy yogurt and dinner and another Snk (light desert) Did he not tell you the same thing? And protein to be included in 2 of the meals. Soup wil go straight through our band and will not fill us up. If you cant get a dietician to spk to you, email Deirdre. U know she is very helpful. I bet she will tell u the same. I can give you her email if you dont have it. Change yr diet, and I guarantee with your amount of exercise you are doing presently which is fabulouse that in less than ONE month, you will drop another dress size. I am confident you will, BUT only if you change your diet. Have PROTEIN ie white chicken pcs, beef slices, healthy yogurt, all healthy options, and cut down on yr sugar intake. WHAT HAVE U TO LOSE, If u still dont go down another 10lbs in a months time, go for the 3rd fill. I went for 5 fills in total before my band is tight enough. I am size 14 / 16 now. Good luck my friend. Pls dont be offended by my advise.

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Well I'm not going to add to it Sooz!

Plan for today is

B: Cambridge diet shake

Snack: Steel cut oats

L; chicken salad

S: cottage cheese and apple

D; Hake with veg and new potatoes (if I can manage them!)

Supper: Cambridge bar... well that might not happen but it's an option!

Total planned calories: 919

Lower body and abs work out this morning! Ouch!!!

Dog walk scheduled for this afternoon! Keeping active keeps me out of trouble!

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I am suitable chastised. I know my eating pattern is absolutely horrendous and as a school report would say 'could do better.'

I need the telling off, I have no one to answer to or who can support me at home, it's just me and my son now. But, Saggi your the voice of my mum (in a good way).

Admittedly, I am quite excitable today, I have lost another 2lbs in 4 days. It would be so easy to just continue as I am, but yesterday I made a concerted effort to get all the right foods in to cover me for a week. I shall try and ignore yesterday and start all over again!

Not having my session with Johnny did throw me yesterday. I have to tell him everything I have eaten and he does tell me that I have to eat more, it's a pity he can't stay with me for a couple of weeks to get me into a decent routine. I shall just have to grow up a bit and take control.

How are things going for you Saggi? It's great that you are a 14/16 and that you have lost 2 stone. They do say the last stone is always the hardest.

So far today I have had and done:

10 min power walk to school and back

B:porridge and raisins

500ml Water

S: apple

I am going to have a couple of slices of my crustless quiche, which is 8gs carb not sure of the Protein but it does have 6 eggs in, whipping cream, and cheese. It is scrummy!

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Hi All,

Ok, Im still on mushies, but I go onto the hard food on Monday! lol sounds weird doesnt it!

B: 1 weetabix/milk/sweetner = 115cals

L: 1 pot of cottage cheese & pinapple = 240 cals

D: ww chicken & mash bake (couldnt eat it all) = 300

S: Prawns (6) = not sure ? 100

M: = 100 cals (milk allowance)

Total = 855 cals

Sara x

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OK, yesterday was a bit of a non starter foodwise....

Didn't eat the apple, or the cottage cheese or the salad as I had a horrid pb on the chicken Euw!!

I also changed my dinner to turkey chilli with rice, as it was a mushy consistency with lots of sauce. I was hungry and knew that this would go


Today has been bad... I've been in a meeting all day;

B; 1 viennese biscuit and cup of tea

L; small baked potato, grated cheese and 1 dsrtspn coleslaw with small salad, I even managed the skin!

D: will be the hake I was going to eat yesterday

Not as good as it could be but nothing too terrible. I haven't drank nearly enough Water today either so I'll have to work on that now before I start cooking!

Total calories 859

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food today:

No exercise in the morning

B: Porridge and raisins

completed CMs cabin bed woo hoo

Sn: Apple and 1 ryvita with a scrape of butter

1l Water

L: vanilla slimfast shake

Sn: Orange

1l Water

1 hour with Johnny focusing on Pilate's

Sn: Apple

Dinner: Lamb burger

Sn: 1 ryvita with cottage cheese & pineapple

Is this any better? Possibly not brilliant in the Protein stakes, but at least I had 6 small meals. Infact what was really good, I felt hungry just before lifeline started and nipped into the kitchen, now normally I would have put two ryvita on the plate with cottage cheese but I stopped myself and only had one! I didnt go back into a kitchen for another one ;)

I am hoping that I am getting back into tune with what my body actually needs. Rather than what I think I want.

Do you know what is so funny? Here we are talking about trying to eat 1000 calories, yet pre band we would have been eating over 2000 calories without even really thinking about it!

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Fab day for you Suzy!

Today so far and my plan!

B: apple

S; cambridge bar

L: tuna salad

D; poached salmon with mange tout, new potatoes and baby carrots.

S; cottage cheese with pineapple

total calories 965

Total Protein 72g

Not bad, having my eat junk day tomorrow, which WILL be appalling!!!

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OK in my defence before you jump down my throat, today was crap, partly because all of last night, I (my body, not me physically sticking fingers down throat, you know what i mean, well I hope you do!)was trying to be sick but nothing was coming out, it was bizarre! Also exhausting.

I finally fell asleep at about 4am, then was woken at 8.45 with my6 sons goddad needing a lift to the garage in shrewsbury. Which gave me an opportunity to walk the dogs around the battlefield. Then I had to buy some clothes for a friend in america who has hit seriously bad times. By the time I got home it was 12.15. So food wise the day began then.....sorry. It hasn't got much better since, so here goes, *looks for the nearest bomb shelter*:rolleyes :guess :paranoid

1 hour walk with dogs

1l Water

L: Porridge and raisins, 1 orange

1l Water

1 black coffee 2 sugars

Sn: Exoctic Solero (only 99 cals)

1 hour hill walking and muscle lengthening with Johnny (yes he did tell me off, in a nice way though)

1l water

D: a couple bite fulls of McDonalds grilled chicken salad and whole of a Easter McFlurry. I know, but I don't know what it is about chicken, it just seems to want to come straight back out, I did try.:lol: :ermm :)

Sn: I think I will have a slimfast shake for my snack tonight.

I just hope I don't have another night like last night! I promise tomorrow will be a lot better.

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Hi Suzan & anon,

I think Im going :kev: ga ga, I dreamt the other night that after I posted what I eat, I was told off by you guys because Im not eating enough! LOL ....I think Im voming on this site too much, combined with food restriction...lol!!!!!!!!

I think your right suzan, normally we'd be eating 2000+ cals at least pre band, Im becoming a bit obessed by calories now too? I dont have my fill till 12th of May, so Im 'dieting' now basically. The weight loss has slowed to 1-2lbs a week, I know thats what it should be, I think I might get my hubby to get rid of the scales and only weigh x 1 monthly, because Fluid levels really muck it up, then after 4 weeks I'l have a 'nice surprise hopefully! Ok heres my week....I have been working away most of it though.....

Monday(staying in hotel on a training course)

B: weetabix/milk = 100

L:Soup & 1/4 of potato= 200

D:Soup & bread = 200

P: pudding in hotel (tiny)=180

S: 3 mouthfuls of ice cream=70/choch drink=115/1 glass of wine=100

M: 100

Total = 1165


B: weetabix/milk = 100

L: Soup/mushrooms bit of bread = 200

D: 1/2 ww fish meal and a bite of cheese = 350

S: ice tea drink x 2 = 100

M: 100

Total = 850


B:Weetabix/milk = 100

L: cottage cheese & pinapple = 242

D: ww chicken-mash meal = 280

S: Prawns = 100

Thursday: working away from home again

B; weetabix/milk= 100

L: cottage cheese/pinapple = 270

D: prawn salad= 200

S: count on us juice carton = 65

M: 100

Total = 736


B: weetabix/milk = 100

L: banana & yogart = 180

D: salmon slice & sauce = 200

S: wine (200) mouthful of m&ms! (70) = 270

Total = 840

Saturday (today!) so far.....

B: Weetabix/milk = 100

L: Soup & slice of bread = 173


S:2 slices of ham (60) & 3 mouthfuls of daughter B'day cake (?80) chucked the rest away! = 140

M: 100

Total: 513 so far but got to have diner yet?

Sara xx

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We are your devil :decision: and angel. Believe me I have been having very similar dreams.

Really we need to relax just a teensy bit, but I think it's very important that we keep our food diary going, it really does help.


Morning Pilates workout.

B: Porridge and raisins

500ml Water

Sn: Apple

1 hour walk with dogs

1l Water

L: 1 ryvita with cottage cheese and pineapple

D: Ambrosia rice pudding.

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Hi Sara,

Are you still on sloppies? I hope so! Or I'll be asking you what happened to your Protein intake too!!!???

Suzy.... the bandster rules!!! Remember them??

If not a quick recap....

1. EAt 3 meals and two Snacks per day, Chew your food really well, at least 20 times, eat small mouthfuls.

2. Choose solid food that will stay in your band and keep you satisfied

3. Eat the Protein FIRST then the vegetables and if you have any room left the carbohydrates, eat until you feel full, and stop before you are stuffed!

4. Avoid Soups and liquid forms of food as this will not lead to a full feeling for any length of time.

5. do not drink 30 minutes before, whilst or 1 hour after eating. This will only serve to flush out the food from your band and again lead to eating more than you need to. Avoid carbonated drinks.

6. Exercise... take it at your own pace. Patients who persue a more active life style following gastric banding tend to do better than those who remain sedentary.

7. Drink at least 2 litres of Water every day

8. If, despite following the rules, you do not lose week for 4 consecutive weeks then it may well be time to consider a fill. Contact your surgeon to discuss this and arrange an appointment.

It maybe that you need another fill...... to help you make healthy choices.

Hope that this helps a bit!

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