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Introducing myself: Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Hello Everyone! My name is Jane and I had the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery on December 20th, 2013. I was in the hospital for 5 days and overall, it was difficult, primarily because I have chronic headaches and the morphine triggered terrible Migraines. I have lost 30 lbs. and although I usually always approach in a super positive manner, I have to say, I am disappointed with my weight loss results and am nervous that it's just NOT going to work for me. I started at 248 and have about 100 lbs. to lose and was told by my surgeon that I may only lose about 60% of my weight and with diet and exercise would be able to lose the rest. I've seen several youtube video's and although the folks have struggled, by 7 weeks, they all seem to be enjoying a variety of meats and Proteins and exercising big time. I learned a ton from the video's and if nothing, it validated many of the symptoms and feelings I have experienced and am living everyday. I think because I tend to be a really positive person, struggling as I have, makes me really scared because frankly, I cannot fail here. Here's the scoop with me; please know that I am not a complainer at all and this is the first time I have been honest with what really is going on as it's embarrassing and I want to get this right! With my whole heart, I want to learn to eat properly for my body, to fuel it with only Vitamin dense foods. I do believe that you are what you eat and yes, I'm scared because of how I have been eating. Here it is; I can only eat Cream of Wheat with unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened applesauce, a few cracker with Peanut Butter, Barbara's Multi-grain Spoonful Cereal with the almond milk, a cheese stick here and there, a little organic chili. I have coffee in the AM with some half and half. Oh yes, I have had a few homemade chocolate chip Cookies and few pieces of chocolate and that went down great! :( Anytime I try eating anything else, I end up having to make myself throw up. Even with the organic crackers and PB, I have to really chew the crap out of it and only have 4-5. I understand the importance of Protein, protein, protein but I throw up all meat and can barely stand cottage cheese anymore or Protein shakes. I am going to try FF refried Beans and black beans this week with a little cheese melted on top. Nothing really tastes good, except maybe the cereal and a little Cream of Wheat. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?? It's so scary because here, I had the surgery, which I view as a total blessing and a tool to help me get to a healthy weight, and I'm scared that it's not working for me. The weight is not MELTING off of me like some folks I know and the documentation of weight loss expectations. Honestly, I lost 25 lbs. in te first 4 weeks or less. I know that I need to start exercising and making sure I am getting my protein in; I believe that is the key. Also, I have struggled to get in my Vitamins. It's so crazy, because I've always been a huge health nut and have taken supplements for years. But chewing up all of those vitamins when most of the time, I feel sick; it's difficult. I sound like such a baby here, that is what I would think if I were reading this, but this is pure honesty. I want to be successful so bad and honestly and scared I'm done losing weight and just like in the past, I will fail at this weight loss attempt. It's weird, because being overweight my entire life and living and breathing every single new diet on the market, hoping and dreaming that I had finally found the "one" diet that would be healthy and finally free me from the weight bondage. However, only once in 50 years, did I really succeed to get to my goal. After having 3 children, I eventually gained it all back and much more, hiding behind the facade that was this awesome christian mom and that is was ok to be fat. My entire life I have dieted and failed. So, yes, I still think I may fail at this. I would love and would be so thankful for some ideas of what has worked for you guys. My dad taught me to go to others for advice, those who have been there and done it. I believe your knowledge could really encourage me and help me with this incredible journey! :) I look forward to your thoughts and ideas.

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I know how you are feeling and I still continue to have the anxiety that I am not losing or I am gaining and that I might fail at this, but you are doing great. Just keep taking your Protein and get out and walk walk walk. I have lost over the amount that the doctors said I would and I am still losing. I didn't lose it all in the first few weeks as I think it really starting coming off at aout 5 months. The scale will continue to go down and you will get used to your new body and then you will start to think you're back to the way you were, but keep those pictures close of what you looked like before the surgery and will smile. Don't lose your motivation to want to live a long healthy life and know that all you have to do is stick to your plan and you will do great! I had my doubts, but I am completely transformed. =)

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Thanks for your encouragement. I know now that the weight is simply not just going to melt off. It really is work; trying to get in the Protein, the Vitamins and exercise when you feel weak and just not tip top. I know I just have to do it, and I do believe that it will work if I can start getting in my Protein and doing what I know is right for me. It's nice to hear from someone who has been through it. You don't want to be a baby, but a few people my family knows, got the surgery and their weight flew off them. I guess I am embarrassed that I am losing so slow now and I think others are wondering why I am not smaller yet? I know that sounds super shallow, but it's the truth. I want to see the results for me first, believe me. :) I'd love to know what others rely on for their protein. The canned shakes trigger headaches for me. Thanks again!

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Jane4180, I am 1 week post op and weigh more than I weighted 2 weeks before surgery, talk about depression. OK, lets look at your weight loss, 25-30# in 2 months, keep that up and it's 50# in April, 75# June, 100# in August. I think you are doing a fabulous job. Now go back to your diet instructions!!! No chocolate, Cut out as much of the carbs as you can, refried Beans is very good, have you tried pureed Soups, they fill you up. can you eat scrambled eggs, do not eat white meat, it is to dry. Use dark meat and gravy or a sauce to help it slide through.

Your diet history sounds just like mine, but I know I could not lose that much weight if I were to just diet. We all lose at a different speed so sit back re-examine your food and schedule that you eat and cheer up, we are all going through the same thing and we support you 100%.

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Have to read all this at length but your stats are similar to mine (I am 5'4 and was high weight 237. 199 when I had my RNY about 10 months ago). What is your age?

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Hello Jane..Let me reassure you, that at this stage of your journey, if you didn't lose weight, you'd probably be the first in WLS history not to do so!...I cant even imagine what one could eat or not eat, at this stage to STOP the natural progesssion of WLS... I don't even want to do my research and find out. Cuz there's always someone out there who CAN buck the system because they didn't follow instruction.

That's not your case. I am 4 years out and still cant eat freely like most WLS people can. My "CANT EAT " list is so fricken longggg! now THATS depressing. You, like me, might be one that has to eat 'organic' as much as your wallet will allow, I heard you say 'migraine'. Now that your a WLS person, you might be more sensitive to foods then you were before, I am.

It has been a long ass journey to find foods that DONT make me sick or drowsy. Im still looking. I now have staple foods like--> chicken, all veggies, oatmeal, and some very specific fruits ( I don't like them all). So longs as your don't eat gobs of sweets, treats, and crappy dead process foods, you should be ok. My Doc says if something makes you sick this month, try it again next month. I don't eat breads, pasta's, sugar, potatoes (only sweet potatoes) rice, or any dairy (the surgery made me Lactose). At first it was a down right FIGHT not to eat those things. It was what I was use to. But now I don't miss them. Im still holding at 115 lbs, 4 years later. The food struggle is on going but I plow threw the sick feelings, and makes notes to self. Oh and KEEP A food LOG!!!!!..it is sooooooooo important to look back on later. Its my survival and accountability guide.

I know what you mean about Protein. I make my own shakes, I never buy them. I use rice Protein, Water, blueberries (frozen) mixed fruit (frozen) bananas, ground flax (keeps the pipes clear, if ya know what I mean..lol) and cinnamon..blend the hell out of it in my 'bullet' and Im good to go. NO chemical in my shakes, and I trade off..I have choco flavor also and make that with coffee instead of Water, for a 'starbucks' flavor cofffe shake..yumm..the combos are endless. Think outside the box. The food world is at your fingertips, we just have a lot of experimenting to do. Your taste buds are waiting, don't be afraid...good luck :)

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Oh... P.S. Im am LOVING my carmel corn flavored rice cakes with Smuckers Natural Creamy Peanut Butter, the only ingredients in the PB is PEANUTS!!!! yay...its my snack...ALOT....lolol

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ANNDDD..lol..This site is FILLED with yummy recipes and food ideas, The Article section is wonderful!!!!

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Thanks for the great advice and words of encouragement. Exactly what kind of pureed Soups do you eat? Cream of chicken or pureed soups in the box or can such as Tomato, etc. Yes, I will cut out the chocolate, although it's only been once in awhile. My go to food has always been carbs of some sort and for some reason, I gag easily now and most foods smell weird to me. I know I sound like a nutcase, but I thought my green tea smelled like fish yesterday... yuk! Cheesesticks are the easiest form of Protein for me now along with a little Peanut Butter. Dee 1111 recommended I start keeping a food log, which is an excellent idea. I think most days I am eating around 500 calories, so a log will be great. I also saw a youtube video that a husband and wife made who both had gastric bypass. They recommended Fitness Pal to daily track food. Anyway, it's nice to know you're not the only one struggling. Best of luck to you!

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Hi Cherry,

I will be 52 in April. Wow, looks like you have had success, congratulations! What worked best for you, how did you get your Protein in, how much Protein did you try to get in a day?

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Thanks Dee1111 for the great advice. Today I will start logging my food. I'm anxious to see it because in my mind, I am barely eating anything. 3 Tbls. of Cream of Wheat for Breakfast with some unsweetened almond milk, an unsweetened applesauce cup later on, `12 oz. of regular coffee with 1/2 and 1/2. lunch is maybe 5-6 organic crackers with natural Peanut Butter and maybe another applesauce later. I don't really eat supper. Maybe I'll have a cheesestick and I suck the juice out of an orange(I crave those things!). I might have some crackers w/PB or recently I've been having a small bowl of organic Cereal with the unsweetened almond milk. I know that is not balanced, I know how I should be eating, but as you said, this is a journey and a new learning curve. I know that I pretty much am living on carbs right now, but shouldn't I be losing more weight and quicker? I feel like I barely eat anything but in the past few weeks, the scare barely moves. Most of my weight was lost in the first month. I love your honesty and really appreciate your ideas. Today, I'm going to get some caramel rice cakes and will try some Peanut Butter on them. What is rice Protein? I use an organic whey, but I'll check out your shake concoction and give it a try. I have a Ninja and had hoped by now I would be getting my greens into my shakes along with chia seed, flax seed and some frozen fruit. For some reason, It hasn't appealed to me and makes me gag thinking of it. However, I WILL try it out this week. Maybe it will be great and something that doesn't gross me out. Has exercise been important to you and maintaining your weight loss? Regarding the dairy. for 3 years I did not eat dairy and honestly, my headaches were better. However, right now, eating a cheesestick or two each day is my main form of Protein, other than some peanut butter on a few crackers. I'd like to cut out the dairy and the 1/2 and 1/2 but until I find a protein replacement, I'll continue. I will check out the recipes on this website, I need a few simple ones and just ideas in general. I would love to know what works for people, what some of their staple foods are. I honestly want to find some things that work, don't make me gag or feel that terrible sick feeling in my stomach and stick with it for healthy weight loss I won't give up, but yes, I am scared shitless! sorry:( I feel like I will be that "one" person whom this just wont work for, just like all of the diets I've failed my entire life. As I shared earlier, normally, I am positive and a huge encourager to others but when it comes to my dieting history and my emotions about it, it's 42 years of ups and downs. I pray that I will "get this" and learn what to feed my body so I lose weight in a healthy way, get my Vitamins in and just get a better handle on it. Thanks again for your honesty. It's great hearing from others. :rolleyes:


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Thanks so much for your help! I don't want to be lame at this site.


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Hi, my stats are similar and my doc says iam right on track and doing great. I think many of us no matter how much research thought we would drop 40 to 50 lbs right off. I went through classes and never heard of such a slow loss as 25lbs in 7 weeks. However many were a lot heavier. I was able to eat all kinds of things within weeks after surgery but now my pouch is changing that. Had my first true vomiting when I ate some processed meat that I was able to eat weeks earlier. Also smelled my Protein shake that never smelled before . I guess it just took time for my pouch to talk back.

I was also embarrassed to return to work because I didn't think I lost enough. However when I look at it realistically I wasn't able to loose more than 15lbs dieting many months before surgery. I will be happy as long as I keep losing and building my strength. Still learning but getting smaller.

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Hi, my stats are similar and my doc says iam right on track and doing great. I think many of us no matter how much research thought we would drop 40 to 50 lbs right off. I went through classes and never heard of such a slow loss as 25lbs in 7 weeks. However many were a lot heavier. I was able to eat all kinds of things within weeks after surgery but now my pouch is changing that. Had my first true vomiting when I ate some processed meat that I was able to eat weeks earlier. Also smelled my Protein shake that never smelled before . I guess it just took time for my pouch to talk back.

I was also embarrassed to return to work because I didn't think I lost enough. However when I look at it realistically I wasn't able to loose more than 15lbs dieting many months before surgery. I will be happy as long as I keep losing and building my strength. Still learning but getting smaller.

Ok, this is my first time trying to REPLY the right way, hope it works. Thanks for the note. I see my surgeon tomorrow and am anxious to see how my blood tests are since I really have not taken my Vitamins since surgery except here and there. And yes, I am embarrassed because I know the people around me are wondering why I haven't lost more weight yet; I'm wondering too?? No one says anything of course, but 25-28 lbs. weight loss is barely noticeable when I started at 248. All I can do it get my Protein in, stay away from the carbs(I mostly live on carbs; crackers, oatmeal, cereal) and get my Vitamins in everyday and start exercising. Until recently, I have felt very weak and have headaches everyday, but I am seeing that I need to get moving or that scale is not going to move. UGH! Anyway, thanks for the information, sure appreciate it. I'm going to try and get my ticker on here :)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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