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went to the ER with chest pains, guess what it was?

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I've had these horrible things since 10 months out. I will be 2 years in May. I still suffer and the pain is indescribable. I'm taking levsin and levbid for these things and I have severe acid reflux, bile reflux, and gastritis. My husband was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer in January and things have just gotten worse. My surgeon wants to revise to bypass but no way if I can help it. Eating before bed will bring them on. I can't sleep on either side because If I do, I get a spasm. I have to lay on my back propped up and it is miserable. If I had known this would have happend to me, I wouldn't have the surgery. I'm thankful for my weight loss but these thing are the most painful things I've ever had. Feels like a heart attack then labor in my right side. Mine have been diagnosed as Nutcracker esophageal spasms. Im not glad that you have this or anyone does but I'm gald to know I'm not alone. I've been researching and trying to find someone that has had these after sleeve and I came across this post. I posted a long time ago about these things but most didn't know anything about them.

I am so sorry for your news about your hubby. And on top of that your health issues sound extremely painful and uncomfortable. I too am one of the 3-5 % of patients that have continued to have complications due to the sleeve. Mine are different then yours but I can relate to the time passing and things not getting better as far as the body adjusting. Like you this has been a long haul for me and others as well.

I am wondering why you do not want to take the bypass option. This could be the answer to your situation. I had Roux-en-Y loop which is a type of bypass that worked for my leak.....I know your problems are different but I don't understand why you would not take any option open to you after 2 years of struggling with this much pain.

You are a trooper I tell you that. I am 16 months out and wonder if I can keep up the journey... Still here so I guess so. Like you happy, happy, happy with the weight lost but wish the trouble was over. A lot of patients who had reflux trouble find it does return after a period of time.

I hope that soon your health trouble will ease for you. Again so sorry about your hubby. Please let us know how things are going :(

Yes, I know of four people that have revised because of GERD. One is doing well... all the other three aren't. One of the main reasons is I don't want to risk any more problems. I didn't want gastric bypass ever because I just don't. That is why I chose the sleeve and I know my problems don't compare to what you and others have been through. I've read your posts. I'm blessed really to just have this. The other reason is I can't afford it. I paid for my sleeve and my insurance will not pay for surgery even if I'm having problems. My husband is dying and I can't even think of that now. I'm taking care of him. I just know that if I had known that I would have developed my spasms, I wouldn't have had the surgery but everything is a risk and I've been blessed as I say not to have had more issues as you and others have.

1 in 4 is not good odds. Your problems are just as bad as mine. And deserve the help and attention of professionals. they helped cause the situation. They need to fix it....

You are dealing with so much right now and my heart goes out to you. Thank you for telling me why you are not having the bypass...It is up to each of us to chose for ourselves what is best. You are your own advocate!

It is hard when you don't know what can happen. that is why I have put my story out there so it might help others to see that this is not the easy way out. There are people out there that have done this and are paying dearly for it....

I truly hope things improve for you and it bothers me so much that at this time you are dealing with a family night mare.....

I am so sorry Lisa :(

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I've had these horrible things since 10 months out. I will be 2 years in May. I still suffer and the pain is indescribable. I'm taking levsin and levbid for these things and I have severe acid reflux, bile reflux, and gastritis. My husband was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer in January and things have just gotten worse. My surgeon wants to revise to bypass but no way if I can help it. Eating before bed will bring them on. I can't sleep on either side because If I do, I get a spasm. I have to lay on my back propped up and it is miserable. If I had known this would have happend to me, I wouldn't have the surgery. I'm thankful for my weight loss but these thing are the most painful things I've ever had. Feels like a heart attack then labor in my right side. Mine have been diagnosed as Nutcracker esophageal spasms. Im not glad that you have this or anyone does but I'm gald to know I'm not alone. I've been researching and trying to find someone that has had these after sleeve and I came across this post. I posted a long time ago about these things but most didn't know anything about them.

I am so sorry for your news about your hubby. And on top of that your health issues sound extremely painful and uncomfortable. I too am one of the 3-5 % of patients that have continued to have complications due to the sleeve. Mine are different then yours but I can relate to the time passing and things not getting better as far as the body adjusting. Like you this has been a long haul for me and others as well.

I am wondering why you do not want to take the bypass option. This could be the answer to your situation. I had Roux-en-Y loop which is a type of bypass that worked for my leak.....I know your problems are different but I don't understand why you would not take any option open to you after 2 years of struggling with this much pain.

You are a trooper I tell you that. I am 16 months out and wonder if I can keep up the journey... Still here so I guess so. Like you happy, happy, happy with the weight lost but wish the trouble was over. A lot of patients who had reflux trouble find it does return after a period of time.

I hope that soon your health trouble will ease for you. Again so sorry about your hubby. Please let us know how things are going :(

Yes, I know of four people that have revised because of GERD. One is doing well... all the other three aren't. One of the main reasons is I don't want to risk any more problems. I didn't want gastric bypass ever because I just don't. That is why I chose the sleeve and I know my problems don't compare to what you and others have been through. I've read your posts. I'm blessed really to just have this. The other reason is I can't afford it. I paid for my sleeve and my insurance will not pay for surgery even if I'm having problems. My husband is dying and I can't even think of that now. I'm taking care of him. I just know that if I had known that I would have developed my spasms, I wouldn't have had the surgery but everything is a risk and I've been blessed as I say not to have had more issues as you and others have.

1 in 4 is not good odds. Your problems are just as bad as mine. And deserve the help and attention of professionals. they helped cause the situation. They need to fix it....

You are dealing with so much right now and my heart goes out to you. Thank you for telling me why you are not having the bypass...It is up to each of us to chose for ourselves what is best. You are your own advocate!

It is hard when you don't know what can happen. that is why I have put my story out there so it might help others to see that this is not the easy way out. There are people out there that have done this and are paying dearly for it....

I truly hope things improve for you and it bothers me so much that at this time you are dealing with a family night mare.....

I am so sorry Lisa :(

Thank you. It really is a nightmare and I know others go through more but my sweet husband is only 48. I am thankful that God gave us this time to get things in order and he wasn't taken from me suddenly. Thanks for your support! :)

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I did the same thing!

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Not had pain but if I fall asleep too close to eating or drinking I have often woke up choking on puke.
I don’t intend to fall asleep sometimes it just happens so nothing I can do but its not nice at all!

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Lisa my heart goes out to you. There is nothing any of us can do for you except be here for you when you need to talk. Try to make the most of this time you have with your husband. I think you have made up your mind to put your health issues to the side and concentrate on the time you have with him. That is an amazing sacrifice and I want you to know that I am praying for you both. Take Care

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I too had severe esophageal spasms but prior to my surgery. None since. I can relate to the unbearable pain in the chest. My doctor prescribed me something called a GI cocktail that I used anytime I felt it coming on. It somewhat numbs the spasm and works wonders within a couple of seconds of swallowing it. You might want to inquire with your doctor about it. I literally thought I was dying several times from the spasms!

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I too had severe esophageal spasms but prior to my surgery. None since. I can relate to the unbearable pain in the chest. My doctor prescribed me something called a GI cocktail that I used anytime I felt it coming on. It somewhat numbs the spasm and works wonders within a couple of seconds of swallowing it. You might want to inquire with your doctor about it. I literally thought I was dying several times from the spasms!

Lisa, what did he prescribe if you don't mind me asking? I'm taking carafate now and muscle relaxers. I would so appreciate if you would share! :) Thank you.

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Called pharmacist to confirm what is in it. He said it is equal parts of Maalox, Benedryl, & Lidocaine. He said in different parts of the country they use different stuff. My gastroenterologist specifically ordered this mixture and I'm telling you IT IS AMAZING! I actually had a heart cath and every other test imaginable because I thought I was having a heart attack several times. Been to the emergency room, laid in bed and cried etc.....Nothing helped until I was prescribed this medication mixture. Like I said before within minutes the pain is gone! I keep a bottle on hand at all times. They call it a GI cocktail. Hope you get some relief.....I feel your pain!

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Hey I wanted to let you know that I was also prescribed other medications that didn't work prior to the GI cocktail......prevacid , hyoscyamine, omeprazole, zantac , muscle relaxers etc.....this stuff works! I was also told not to take any nsaids as it tends to worsen the problem. ....

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Hey I wanted to let you know that I was also prescribed other medications that didn't work prior to the GI cocktail......prevacid , hyoscyamine, omeprazole, zantac , muscle relaxers etc.....this stuff works! I was also told not to take any nsaids as it tends to worsen the problem. ....

Oh my you give me hope!!! I'm so tired of this. I take prilosec, Hyocyamine, and carafate. I don't take NSAIDs for sure. Did you have the sleeve surgery or RNY? I'm so tired of this stuff. I will definately ask my Doctor about it. So the pharmacist mixes this up for you? I hope I can get it. Thanks again!

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Hey I wanted to let you know that I was also prescribed other medications that didn't work prior to the GI cocktail......prevacid , hyoscyamine, omeprazole, zantac , muscle relaxers etc.....this stuff works! I was also told not to take any nsaids as it tends to worsen the problem. ....

And you are right! It hurts so bad!!! I had to leave my daughter's wedding reception because I had one there. I was devastated and people didn't understand! It was terrible. I've had them hit me in the grocery store, doctors office, just anytime when I'm driving. I feel my life is over. I can't do anything.

Edited by Lisa's Hope

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Yes, the pharmacist mixes it. Mt doc was very specific about the exact ingredients he wanted the pharmacist to put in it. From what I understand it can be mixed with different options. I had the sleeve and I still occasionally use the cocktail if I even begin to feel an attack coming on. All I can tell you is that I was to the point of just giving up because I didn't think anyone understood the pain I was going through. Until you experience it there's no way to even imagine it! I was just so tired of being fine one minute to excruciating pain the next. Speak with your doc and request him to prescribe it for you mixed with equal parts of the ingredients. If your doc needs to talk to my doc or pharmacist I will be more than happy to give you their names and numbers. I think on my part I just finally had to tell the doc that he had to try something different and he did. Thank God it worked! Most importantly. ....be persistent. Its your body and if the treatment you're getting isn't working it's time to try something different. I can GUARANTEE you that if the doc was having these pains he would make it a priority to find something that works! I will be praying that this is the answer you've been looking for and that God will see you through this!

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Yes, the pharmacist mixes it. Mt doc was very specific about the exact ingredients he wanted the pharmacist to put in it. From what I understand it can be mixed with different options. I had the sleeve and I still occasionally use the cocktail if I even begin to feel an attack coming on. All I can tell you is that I was to the point of just giving up because I didn't think anyone understood the pain I was going through. Until you experience it there's no way to even imagine it! I was just so tired of being fine one minute to excruciating pain the next. Speak with your doc and request him to prescribe it for you mixed with equal parts of the ingredients. If your doc needs to talk to my doc or pharmacist I will be more than happy to give you their names and numbers. I think on my part I just finally had to tell the doc that he had to try something different and he did. Thank God it worked! Most importantly. ....be persistent. Its your body and if the treatment you're getting isn't working it's time to try something different. I can GUARANTEE you that if the doc was having these pains he would make it a priority to find something that works! I will be praying that this is the answer you've been looking for and that God will see you through this!

Thank you Lisa. I'm so glad you posted and I found you. God Bless you for trying to help me. I'm in Missouri. Where are you? I certainly am going to call my Dr.

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I am in Georgia......if I can do anything to help just let me know. Trust me in that you have found someone who knows exactly how you feel. Keep me posted on how it's going.........good luck!

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I am in Georgia......if I can do anything to help just let me know. Trust me in that you have found someone who knows exactly how you feel. Keep me posted on how it's going.........good luck!

Will do. I'm originally from GA. Born and raised in Valdosta. I moved to Missouri in 99. I wish I was back home. :) Thanks again!

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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