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Long term Vet success strategies

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Lynda, I like this, and the other posts. I feel like a veteran since September, since my husband and I are pretty much housebound - but hoping to change that. I need everyones guidance and I really like this thread, to gain new tools and advice to keep me and my husband on track. We went to a post op seminar and was "served" a pretzel cracker. Power of suggestion, and I bought a bag and ate 5 small ones today. I thought what the heck am I doing, having vowed to forego crackers of any nature. They go to the neighbor kids tomorrow. Keep the advice coming, I need it. Linda

BTW, we are 65 and 66 years old.

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My top ten success strategies are:

1. Weighing daily

2. Correcting my diet to stay in my bounce range.

3. Not bringing food home that I find hard to resist.

4. Stocking the house with healthy, easy to eat foods and low or no calorie drink options.

5. Weighing and measuring foods most of the time.

6. Using smaller plates and bowls.

7. Keeping my supplements and Vitamins in a pill holder by my toothbrush so I remember to take them.

8. Coming here to offer support and get support.

9. Exercise (more for my health and happiness than weight control).

10. Changing my self talk. My two favs are reminding myself that self soothing is not self sabotage and I can't hate myself thin. With that in mind, I try to choose non-food treats such as lotion and perfume, calling a friend, or taking a walk when I am stressed or upset and I try focus on my success and planning on how to increase that instead of focusing on what I don't like about myself and what I have done wrong in the past.


I am 2 plus years out. I have maintaind my weight loss since surgery. Sad to say I didn't lose as much as I wanted but Yeeah I have not gained

I love all of these and follow them all except the Vitamins which I will start doing

I would put daily or weekly weigh in at the top of the list. I think if u allow yourself the occosional treat without a regular weigh in the pounds may creep up and get away from u. For me its a good gage to tell me I am on track. I don't have a good body image and clothes tend to stretch so those aren't good guides for me

The second top sucess for me is Portion Control. I am still using small plates and push away when I feel full.

Great thread!! Keep the sucess tips coming

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I am glad people are finding this thread useful. Hopefully it will continue to be useful far into the future.

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I need to weigh daily (or nearly) because that was a critical factor in past failure. .. Queen of DeNile!

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It seems everyone says weigh every day, which I find strange. I would hope we have other means to gauge progress than the scale. For example, observing body profile in mirror without clothes on or checking how clothes are fitting. And then check scale maybe once every 2 weeks or once a month. If we are eating the right portion sizes, the right foods at the right time, it would seem body weight would take care of itself. Maybe I am naïve as a relatively new vet (18 months). It seems that once we have a plan that works, the scale can be slid under the bed or put in the closet. Anyways, not meaning to discount weighing. It is just that is how a lot of people got into trouble mentally pre sleeve or drive themselves nuts during first 6 months.

I have tried to go without the scale a few times without success (yes for a week or so , but after that....not so good) I did early on decide that one of the habits I really needed to get on top of was the "obsessing" on the scale. I really couldn't afford to hate or love my life depending on the scale. its just a tool now, and I don't let the numbers push me around emotionally much anymore. It just gives me a guide to where I am, and what I need to do or not do about it. I also think many women (men?) just don't see themselves in the mirror, and some stretch jeans can really let you gain 5+ without realizing it. If someone does not need the scale/tool, or it ruins their life, then develop some other way... but if it works who cares if we use it? I also use a fitbit, MFP and occasionally the tape measure and fat calpers. If there is a post apocalyptic blackout with or without zombies in the future, then good luck to me without my scale! However, I will have those good plow pulling potato eating survive the famine genes, and that might get me through that too! :)

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Great thread Fiddleman! My most important strategy is abstinence from sugar. Sigh... It's not what I was hoping for, but since I started off last year trying to lose a chunk of regain, did a face plant into a cupcake in mid-February and ended up hopelessly trapped in a sugar vortex and ending the year with 10 more pounds of regain to take off, I think it's official. I simply cannot do moderation. Fortunately, I've found some wonderful sources for recipes that satisfy my sweet tooth without creating a craving for more. And, I've rediscovered the strength that comes from being ABLE to turn down the goodies in the break room, because I've got all that out of my system and I'm not a raging cookie monster. That's my battle, and one I suspect I'll be fighting to my last days, but at least for the moment I'm winning. And it makes everything else pay off - the vigilance on the scale, sticking to it even when I know I'm doing everything right and I'm not seeing the losses I "think" I've "earned", the regular exercise, and the establishing of new routines to keep me distracted and away from food as a source of self-soothing. The exercise is the other key element for me. It's my stress release valve, it occupies chunks of my day I'd otherwise be spending raiding the pantry, and on days when I can get out hiking in my beloved mountain trails, it's healing to my soul. It gives me much-needed solitude and space and time for self-reflection. It's as necessary to my well-being as anything else I do. And, oh yeah, the extra calories burned are a nice bonus, though I have to be pretty careful about how I spend them (see reference to the #@@%*@%# sugar vortex above).

I'm the same way with sugar!! I have to just not have it because it set the wheels in motion for cravings and bad choices. I have to exercise too - key for me to reduce stress which keeps me from using food as a stress reducer. I was hoping I could do moderation with sweets but I can't it just makes me want more- no sugar for me! I am okay with it because the trade off of good health is so worth it:)

I agree that maintaining is harder than losing. It has been hard for me to change my mind set to be okay with the scale not showing a loss even though I know it shouldn't. I do still use MFP to track so it keeps me on track and I have a visual of what I am eating and making certain to keep the Protein up.

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It seems everyone says weigh every day, which I find strange. I would hope we have other means to gauge progress than the scale. For example, observing body profile in mirror without clothes on or checking how clothes are fitting. And then check scale maybe once every 2 weeks or once a month. If we are eating the right portion sizes, the right foods at the right time, it would seem body weight would take care of itself. Maybe I am naïve as a relatively new vet (18 months). It seems that once we have a plan that works, the scale can be slid under the bed or put in the closet. Anyways, not meaning to discount weighing. It is just that is how a lot of people got into trouble mentally pre sleeve or drive themselves nuts during first 6 months.

I think this thread was asking how us Vets continue to be sucessful. I am happy I am not pre sleeve or even in my first 6 months of being sleeved, so I know I will not get in trouble weighing myself or drive my self nuts. Smile!!!!

I like to see what is happening to my body before there are any changes in the mirror or a change in the way my clothes fit. For me if I waited that long, that would be a 10lbs or more weight gain.

The scale is on the top of my list, because being a woman, my weight fluctuates through out the month. It helps me to know what is going on with my body. I also have a husband and kids that do not eat the same way that I do. Sometimes, Mr Sweetpee brings home some really wonderful delectable food for the entire family. I even cook our favorite meals on special occasions which can cause weight gain. And for me, and being a woman, weight is so much harder to get off. So when I notice I have gained 2lbs, or 5lbs, I know I better do something about it quickly, (work harder at the gym) and this is where weighing myself everyday comes in.

I do not eat the right portion sizes and the right foods 100 percent of the times. I have to be balanced or I would drive my family crazy. Let me explain:

90 percent of the time, all I eat are vegetables, fruits, nuts, and Beans. I eat organic! I am extremely particular about what I eat. I could go on and on about my obsession with organic and Non GMO, and so on. I drive 1 hour just to get soy free organic eggs every week. However, then there are other times I like to have a hamburger and french fries and enjoy a fast food meal while on a road trip with my family. But in the back of my mind, I am thinking that the hormone injected beef and the chemical pesticide lettuce and tomatoes, and the heart stoping oil soaked salty fries are going to kill me. Then I say - "Oh Well, it's been a whole year since I ate a burger!" I eat it and enjoy it!!!., And yes I do enjoy it!!!! I enjoy it a lot , because those are very rare occasions that I will allow my self to do it. Also the holiday food. (Thanksgiving and Christmas) Those are once a year times where I have a party in my mouth, but I am a vet, and I know how to enjoy those occasions, then get right back on track. I weight my self and say, OMG, 3lbs, did I really eat that much! I am a vet, so I know how to enjoy those things and get back on track. What helps me quickly force myself to do what I am suppose to do? My scale: I love my scale!

Also after plastic surgery, I could not exercise the way I wanted to. Most of the time I could not exercise at all. I had to take it very slow, and very easy. It has been so hard getting back into physical shape post surgery. Since I could not exercise regularly, I had to stay on the scale, eat right, and monitor myself even closer so as not to gain weight. This has also been a cold winter and I admit, there has been some lazy none exercise days, when I curl up under the covers and watch TV. The scale has helped me through those times after surgery to maintain my weight. My scale motivates me in a positive way. I no longer see 270lbs on my scale. Today my scale told me I weigh 136lbs. I am still smiling about that!!! It is my tool that I use to gauge myself. My scale: I love my scale!

Happy Happy Happy Vet!


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I don't obsess on the scale(occasionally get annoyed..Haha). The number is not an emotion it is a fact. Yes it varies daily but weighing most days keeps a tiny weight bounce from becoming 10,, 20 or 100. If someone is obsessive they should not do it.

I dont journal food and I think most successful vets do. I don't because decades of journaling was part of my failure pattern. It was like jumping off a bridge to follow my NUT advice to listen to my body. She was right though..I intuitively eat pretty well without stressing on it and it works for me.

I got a huge compliment from a senior executive at my company. Hadn't seen her in a year...she looked me in the eye and congratulated me on maintaining! It meant alot to me, including her observation that I not only avoided regain, I am trimmer then a year ago.

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I'm having the opposite problem right now. I stopped tracking and am still losing weight, which is not what I want to do at this point. Goal weight was 130 and I was 123 yesterday. Still getting sick when I try and up my calories. Still watching my Protein. My daughter who is a doctor and had the surgery, feels I might be losing muscle now. Have a call into the nutricianist to find out what I should do. I can't eat larger servings, still use a small plate and fork.

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Carol, please let us know how it goes.Start a new thread if you want to.

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<p>This is a good thread to keep going....I am 2.5 years out and reality is just hitting me now. Losing the weight and getting to goal was easy compared to now. I have gained 6 lbs and cannot seem to get it off. I seemed to think I was invincible because I ate small portions....well, I guess they aren't small enough! </p> <p> </p> <p>Need to get back to the gym and make better decsions.</p> <p> </p> <p>But my one piece of advice....I got me a FitBit and I love it! Any FitBit users out there? I would like to Friend you on my FitBit site....I find it very inspirational to see how I am doing compared to others. Right now I only have two people and they are kicking my butt! (Granted they are young kids....). So if you have a Fitbit, let me know!</p> <p> </p> <p>Thanks for starting this!</p>

Feel free to add me Queen! Kathymomrn@yahoo.com

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I like what everyone is posting, what a great thread!

I also weigh everyday.... I have to or things could get out of control quickly.

I work out 3-4 days per week (lifting weights and some cardio)

I chose Protein first whenever possible, but I do eat 1600-2200 cals a day!)

Most importantly: I keep focused on what I want long term (not what I want at the time-- I usually want an entire box of cheezits and a chocolate bar) But I will never go back. Mindset is my biggest key in maintaining!

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Definitely weighing daily, but even more importantly right now is tracking every single thing I put in my mouth. This is what is keeping me on track! I have an "official" weigh in day every Friday. I record this weight in an Excel sheet along with all nutrition information for each day of the week for the Friday-Thursday before the Friday weigh in (calories, carbs, fat, Protein, Fiber, sodium). Then I do an "average" of all of that, and see where I am averaging for the week. This sounds completely obsessive after typing that out, but I didn't pay this much money and invest this much time and effort to gain anything back!

I've also found Protein Bars that I love that taste like real chocolate with only 150 calories and 6 carbs, but the fat is a little high. These keep me out of the real chocolate. I have at least one a day. :)

I eat between 1600-2000 calories a day, usually averaging out for the week at 1700 or 1800. I don't exercise at all (I know I should).

So far I am maintaining!

Edited by Jenny12

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Definitely weighing daily, but even more importantly right now is tracking every single thing I put in my mouth. This is what is keeping me on track! I have an "official" weigh in day every Friday. I record this weight in an Excel sheet along with all nutrition information for each day of the week for the Friday-Thursday before the Friday weigh in (calories, carbs, fat, Protein, Fiber, sodium). Then I do an "average" of all of that, and see where I am averaging for the week. This sounds completely obsessive after typing that out, but I didn't pay this much money and invest this much time and effort to gain anything back!

I've also found Protein Bars that I love that taste like real chocolate with only 150 calories and 6 carbs, but the fat is a little high. These keep me out of the real chocolate. I have at least one a day. :)

I eat between 1600-2000 calories a day, usually averaging out for the week at 1700 or 1800. I don't exercise at all (I know I should).

So far I am maintaining!

That does not sound obsessive at all, to me, because I do the same thing!! Want to see my spread sheet, lol? I say whatever works.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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