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Dr. Timothy Duckett

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Hello all,

Has anyone had Dr. Duckett do their surgery? This morning I heard from someone that heard from a nurse that he is always messing up his surgeries and someone else has to fix them. :cry

I'm going to have him do my surgery, but I'd like more info if anyone has any experiences they would like to share. They would be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot,


PS I forgot to add that he is from Maumee/Toledo area.

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Hi, your post scares me to death!!! I just got approved and I'm planning to have him do my surgery mid to late May 2007. I live about an hour away from Maumee, so I don't hear much about docs in that area. During my psych consult, though, the Ph.D. said he had always heard good things about Dr. Duckett and also felt he had a good bedside manner. This was just Feb. of 2007. PLEASE let me know if you hear anything else! Also, how knowledgeable is your source, any chance they got confused with some other doctor?

Thanks, Lisa

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Hi Lisa,

Glad to hear from you. My intent wasn't to scare anyone, sorry, :cry I just wanted to get any additional info I could about the doctor.

I heard this from a fellow nursing student from one of my classes. She said a patient in the hospital said a friend said that he's always messing up and someone else has to end up fixing his mistakes. The fellow student wasn't saying his name right so I spelled it and pronounced it the way it is pronounced and she said that that was him. Personally I didn't believe it for the same reasons as you. I've heard nothing but good things about him; that's why I posted what I did. I wanted to see what kind of feedback I'd get here, but so far nothing. My husband and I have our consult with Dr. Duckett on April 18 (my husband and I are both having him do our surgeries).

I'm starting to believe maybe someone didn't exactly get along with Dr. Duckett and now they may be telling tales about him, if you know what I mean. I've got lots of questions to ask when I go in there and if I'm satisfied with what I've heard, I'm going forward with the surgery.

My husband and I are shooting for the end of May, first of June so maybe I'll see you at the hospital!!!! That would be crazy wouldn't it??

Well, again I'm sorry I scared you and I hope all goes well for you. Keep me posted and I'll do the same. Where are you from? I'm from Weston near Bowling Green.


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Hi Jackie,

No need to apologize!! :confused: Even though it scared me, I'd MUCH rather be informed of ANYTHING having to do with the band. Have you heard any information about his partner, Dr. Oweiss? I'm trying to remember back to 2 years ago, when I first tried to get approved for the band. I know I spoke with Beth at the office, and she asked me which doctor I wanted the initial appointment with. I'm pretty sure I said to her something like "I don't really know either of the doctors, would one be better than another for me?" She didn't really say anything specific, but she ended up scheduling me with Dr. Oweiss. He is younger, seemed fine and energetic during the appointment. The only reason I had chanaged my mind to go w/Duckett was because the psychologist, Dr. Doane, mentioned the good beside manner and his opinion that Duckett is a good surgeon. This was February of this year. I wish he had been more specific, now that I hear the other 'report'. I'm wondering if it would be a good idea for me to call the psychologist and simply mention what we've heard and ask for his opinion? I'd also be tempted to simply mention it to Beth at the office, and see what her reply is.

Also, I'm scheduled to meet with the nutritionist on April 9th. Maybe the best bet would be to ask then. Surely, if there's a real issue, someone working that closely with the lap-band procedures would have heard something! (I hope!)

Beth, at the surgeon's office, told me I could expect to have my surgery sometime mid to late May. My daughter's 9th birthday is May 12, and she was really upset to hear about that. I guess I'll have to try for an early birthday party!!

Is this your first attempt to get the band? I think it's great that you and your husband are doing it together. I hope that after I get banded and hopefully lose weight and feel great, that my husband will decide to go for it as well.

Have a great Sunday,


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Hi Lisa,

I haven't heard anything from anyone at the office about either one. I did hear that they (Duckett and Oweis) both take part in the surgery. I heard that from Laura at their office.

I think maybe we could ask some questions. My husband and I have to go to the seminar on April 9. Maybe we'll get some answers then.

This is my first try at LapBand or any kind of WLS, my husband too. We're already approved, we just have to see the doctor, etc. We waited a year to get approved. The insurance company made us jump through hoops, then more hoops....do you see a pattern forming here? LOL!!! Then we had a half dozen or so bumps in the road to overcome after that. When we have this surgery, it will be sooooo worth it. I can't wait!!!!

You said something about seeing or contacting the doctor 2 years ago, is this your first try for the surgery? Insurance company problems? Did you go to the seminar already?

Well, talk to ya later,


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Hi Jackie,

I went to a seminar about 2 yrs. ago. I had my initial visit with dr. oweis in October 2005. I was denied November 2005 because my bmi hadn't been at 40 for long enough. So I waited a year, only to find out I needed to have the 6 month dr. supervised diet. I just finished that and submitted to Medical Mutual early in March. I called last week to check on the claim, and it was approved! I nearly fainted. I'm so relieved, excited, and a little nervous. Have you watched the video of the lap-band surgery done in Tampa FL? It's pretty neat.

My plan about our Dr. Duckett dilemma is to talk to the dietician next monday and see what the response is. If I find out anything, I'll be sure to reply to you.

Have a great week, Lisa

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Okay Lisa,

This is too weird:eek: -we also have Med Mutual and they also made us go through the 6 month supervised diet thing. What a coinsidence.

We'll also see what we can find out at the seminar.

Type to ya later.


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Hi again, Jackie!

When I went to the seminar in '05, there were two ladies there who had preiously had the lap-band surgery. I didn't wait around to ask them questions because I thought my insurance wasn't going to cover it- I was very disappointed! I wonder if there are past patients present at all the seminars? Although if they come, I would assume they are SATISFIED patients. It probably wouldn't be too good for business if someone said their surgeon was a screw-up!!:nervous

I know you're husband is supportive, but how does the rest of your family feel? Do you have children?

My husband is understanding but nervous about it, my Mom & Dad are against it, my sister & one of my friends think I should not do it. But the rest of my friends, neighbors & co-workers are excited for me. I still can hardly believe it's going to happen!!!!

"Type" to you later (that was a good one!)


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Hi again, Jackie!

I had my meeting with the dietitian today, it did last over 2 hours. Nothing that really surprised me . . . I've learned a lot through various internet sites, especially this one. I asked the question about Dr. Duckett "always messing up surgeries" and she didn't deny it. She said something like, "Wow, talk about putting me on the spot . . ." She mentioned that there was only one serious complication, very early in their lap-band history. But the patient is fine now, and they've since learned how to recognize things during the final barium swallows. She says that they always do the surgeries together, but there is a new lady dr. who is trying to get certified in lap-bands and maybe join their practice? She said that while dr. Oweis was on vacation, it was just Duckett and the new doc.

The fact that she didn't say 'He's a wonderful surgeon and I've never heard anything like that before' leads me to believe there could be some truth to the rumor you heard. I did call the nurse, Jo Lyn, and ask to have my surgeon switched to Oweis, and she said that they both do all the surgeries, it doesn't matter who's on your paperwork! I feel a little uneasy about it . . . but not enough to change to another center.

The dietitian claims she would not have concerns about herself or a family member having the lap-band done by Duckett.

So, my surgery is scheduled for May 14th. I meet with Jo-Lyn on May 1st, and sometime between now and then all the pre-op tests. I have to get busy stocking up on Protein supplements, etc. Have you seen the checklist for suggested items in this site? It seems like a good idea!

Did you have your visit with the surgeon today, or was that the seminar?

I'm sorry I can't keep them straight!!

Hope you had a nice Easter weekend,


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Sorry its taken me so long to type. With school, work, and a little health issue, I've been REALLY busy!!

My husband and I went to the seminar last Monday and Dr. Oweis was the speaker, they also had the dietician there. I asked a few questions during the presentation and also afterwards. He seems like a really nice man. I didn't get a chance to ask what their complication rate is, but I will ask that when we go to our consult this Wednesday. Not that this is much consolation, well, maybe a little, but no one has died from any of their surgeries. That's a plus, but it doesn't sound too good for complications. I would be a little taken aback by the responses I got too. I can't wait until Wednesday to see the responses I get.

Dr. Oweis was describing the procedure and the way they do things and from all I have read and the procedure I watched of LapBand being done, they seem really with it with the precautions so that the band won't slip and trying to make sure that everything is as it should be. That made me feel really confident in him at least, but of course, he was speaking for the practice and how they do things, not just himself. I know things can go wrong, but I'm still going through with it come h_ll or high Water. I feel like this is my last chance for a new, healthy life and I'm willing to take that chance.

I'll be here for you if you need anything and if I can do anything for you.

I'm so happy for you to have your surgery date. That's only 1 month from today. Congrats!!!!!!:clap2: :clap2:

I hope everything goes as quickly for us as for you. I'm sorry, but did you have your consult with the doctors already? (Senior moment-LOL) I was hoping to get our surgery date scheduled when we saw the docs. We're on kind of a tight schedule here with my husband wanting to take that other job. I don't have any control over what happens and how fast it happens. I wish I did.

To answer your questions from before- I have a son, almost 27, married with a baby girl, almost a year old. (My first grandbaby and my pride and joy!!!) I have a stepdaughter, more like a daughter, who will be 21 in September. My mom is gung-ho about us having this done. She's always been my pillar to lean on. She's awesome!!! My dad and my husband's mom and dad are deceased. I don't think any of the rest of our family knows we're having this done. My son hasn't said one way or the other, what he thinks, and I don't think my husband has told his daughter we're having it done. I'm going to let her know, but I don't want her to worry. She lives 4 hours away, near Grand Rapids Michigan.

So how about you? Any kids? And how does your family feel about this? Have you been heavy all your life? I have except when I got divorced from my first husband, I lost 75 pounds and looked awesome for 32 years old. I'd love to look and feel like that again. I felt so healthy. It was great, I kept the weight off for about 2-3 years then gained that back plus more, then quit smoking a little over 3 years ago and gained more, then 2 years ago I had a breast reduction, the doctor mutilated me, and I gained more... that's pretty much my pattern in a nutshell.

I don't know if I told you, but I'm in my first semester of nursing school. I'm going for my RN. Lots of work....no time for anything, except to do homework and eat, I always make time for eating....:) :) :)

I printed off the list for the stuff to get before surgery....seems to be very helpful. I've even taken my list with me to a couple of stores to see if they have the "hard to find" items. I found the "Better than Boullion" at Meijers, liquid Tylenol at Meijers and Wal-Mart. I asked the pharmacist at Meijer about liquid Gas-X and she said she's never seen it, but we could probably get the liquid gels and puncture them and put the liquid in something and drink it. I also found Gas-X strips, the things you put on your tongue and they dissolve. I don't know if those would work or not. I'll have to get on the other forum and find out if anyone has used either of these or not.

Well, since I've typed a novel to you, I suppose I should go for now. Type more later:)


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Hi there, Jackie,

I will have my pre-op consult with Dr. Oweis on May 4. The first time I met with him was October '05. I was denied by insurance and working on approval since then . . . I'm feeling better about the 'competence issue' since the last time we talked/typed! I figure they've been doing it for over 5 years, like you mentioned about your seminar, they really seem to be knowledgeable about band placement to avoid complications, etc. I also figure St. Luke's would pull the program if it was a liability to them!

I start some of the pre-op testing next Monday, 4/23. I'm getting excited again (more than nervous like I was before). I've been having dreams about it . . . One was that my husband wanted to take another job, maybe I got that from you!:) Tomorrow I have to start the 1200 calorie diet, in addition to the extra chewing, and not drinking with the meals. I've done surprisingly well with it so far!

I have two children, my son is 10 and my daughter will be 9 on May 12. We're going to have her party a week early so I don't have to worry about it so close to surgery.

Yes, I've battled weight most of my life. It had been just the later years that I passed the 200lb. mark. I weighed about 135 when I was married 12 years ago, but I had lost 20 - 30 lbs to get there. Within the year, I was in the 160's, constantly yo-yo-ing. I got up to 200 during my pregnancies, but got back down to the 140's with phen-fen after each one. Of course, the weight loss never lasted long. After each loss came a bigger regain. I feel so tired, ache all the time, and so ashamed of my appearance. Not to mention taking a ton of ibuprofen to deal with the joint pain.

Congratulations on going back to school for your RN! I've always thought I'd enjoy being a nurse, but the science scares me! I got my Bachelor's degree in business, and avoided science classes like the plague. My sister-in-law is an RN and makes great money and has a great schedule. She works for Macgruder Hospital in Port Clinton.

Have a great week, 'type' to you later!!


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Sorry it's taken me so long to type again!! Really long, stressful week at school, glad the week is over!!:biggrin1: :biggrin1: Got good news today. We got our surgery dates. The doctor scheduled us (my husband and me) for the same day, so we're gonna go for it. June 11th is the day. My mom is going to drive us up there since she was going to be up there for us anyway, then she's going to pick us up the next day and take us home, then to our first doctors appt too. What a wonderful lady, always there for us.

So you've only got a little over 2 weeks until your surgery. How's the diet going? Are you getting more excited? I know I am, just knowing it's coming. It feels different actually having a date, doesn't it?

Well, I still have to study for 3 more exams then I'm done for the summer. I was going to take a class this summer, but since they couldn't get me in for surgery before the class starts, I'm gonna pass on it until this fall.

Will type more later.


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Hi Jackie!

Congratulations on getting your surgery date! June 11th is my Mom's birthday. That should bring you good luck, because my mom (Like yours!) is absolutely wonderful! So is my mother-in-law, who will go to some of my pre-surgery appts. with me.

My diet is not going very well. . . I hope it doesn't cause my surgery to be delayed! I've probably lost 3-4 pounds, but not sticking to 1200 calories and not exercising enough. Tomorrow is another day, I guess . . .

When will you be finished with your exams? I bet you can't wait! My husband is taking an online graduate course, and the professor is horrible. Constant writing assignments of unbelievable length. I'm so glad I'm done with all that, I don't think I could manage.

Good luck & take care!!


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Hi Lisa,

I have one more exam on Wednesday, the 9th, I have pre-op testing on the 10th, and then we're going down to see my beautiful granddaughter, oh yeah, and my son and daughter-in-law too. LOL!! I'll be spending 5 days at their house. I'm babysitting for them Monday and Tuesday, and we were already planning on going down on Friday and Saturday, so my husband and I are driving down separately and I'm staying through till the following Wednesday or Thursday. I can't wait, I'm so excited.

We got all our appointments for our pre-op testing. I dont' know whether I'm more excited or nervous. Are you getting nervous? I just ordered a bunch of samples online of the whey Protein, and Protein Drink mixes, and other stuff. Waiting for them to arrive. I hope at least some of them are good. Did the doctor tell you what kind of liquids you have to drink before surgery, like what kind of Protein drinks and such? Just wondering.

Well, better get off the computer and start fixing dinner.

Type to ya soon,


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I want to preface this by saying this is not to scare you or worry you but rather keep you informed. I am a nurse and I feel a patient has a right to be informed about everything.

I had surgery by Drs. Duckett and Oweis. They are good surgeons. In the beginning, they were very personable and approachable. However, I have had *two* friends who have experienced their wrath over not losing enough weight because their low weightloss screwed up the doctors statistics. They do not like having their "average weightloss" stats drop.

I had surgery in 2004. I initially lost 101 pounds without a fill. I had a fill in June 2005 and have not been back since. I had several things come iup in my personal life and I dealt with it by eating and yes, gaining weight. After seeing what my two friends went through (getting yelled at, being threatened that they would not get a fill, etc., etc.) I have opted NOT to return to their office. Being verbally berated (and they both had similar stories and neither one knows the other) is not worth it.

Heck, I am still owed money from the office---they charged me for the so called "free fill". When I called them and pointed it out, they apologized and said they'd cut a check refudning me. That was in 2005 and it still hasn't come. I know I should probably call and complain but it's just not worth the hassle.

When I am able to come up with the money, I plan to drive 4 hours to Cincinnati and have Dr Curry do my next fill. Several of Duckett/Oweis patients have been going to Curry for fills after surgery.

Here is a journal regarding one patient's experience.


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