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After having to wait out a pre existing clause on my insurance.. a year actually.. I have finally completed everything and it was all submitted last Thursday... Anyone out there have BCBSTX and about how long it takes to hear back after submission?

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I'm not with TX, but am with BCBS. It was very easy and uneventful getting approved. My approval letter actually came a couple of days before my date.

My team saw no problem with it and had dealt with them before.


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I have BCBS of MI and once everything was submitted, my approval only took about 24 hours. I hope your wait time is short!

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I have BCBS of Mississippi and though they told me they require 30 days for approval, They returned mine in less than a week. No problems at all, I just made sure I had finished all of the requirements ahead of time.

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I have BCBSTX and I called them just a few days after my paperwork was submitted. They told me I was approved but the letter had not yet gone out. The woman I spoke with said that she would contact that dept. and put a rush on it. I had my surgery date by the next day as I found my approval online and emailed it to my doctor.

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It was in an answer to an inquiry message I sent them through their message center.

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I have Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and I am in Texas... totally beside myself still after getting my surgery date in less than a week.... here's how things went...pretty much in a nutshell....

I went in for my consult on 1/23/14, 1/27/14 had my endoscopy and 1/28/14 was called with approval and surgery date of 2/10/2014. I really don't even know how to "feel" I was NOT expecting to get approved so fast especially since this is a revision from a RNY Gastric Bypass. I am still in disbelief that my approval happened so fast...

Edited by one_more_time

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Wow that is fast! I went to my mail box this morning and received my approval letter. :) I am scheduled for Feb 26th. Might have to move it a week so that my husband is available... It's all so exciting, isn't it? Do u feel it's happening way to fast for you?

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Wow you got at letter @ dharriott... mine happened so fast I haven't gotten a letter or anything yet. My Dr.'s office actually told me before I even went in for my consult that my insurance was really good about covering revisions and they didn't see a problem with getting it done. And yes I do feel like things are happening SUPER fast... that's why I don't think I will believe it's actually real until I am laying on the table waiting on the anesthesia to kick in. I went today to pick up my post surgery supplements.. shakes and Soups.. I have to be on a liquid diet basically for about 4 weeks after surgery... well mostly liquids with a few soft foods, creamed foods, and soft veggies. My doctor is very strict about the post surgery diet... but CONGRATS on your letter!!! Yay!!!...

Wow that is fast! I went to my mail box this morning and received my approval letter. :) I am scheduled for Feb 26th. Might have to move it a week so that my husband is available... It's all so exciting, isn't it? Do u feel it's happening way to fast for you?

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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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