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Vasovagal Syncope ( Fainting ) episode

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"no active processes" in the brain??? I was told that my whole life by people who were not Dr.'s and didn't need an MRI to prove it....

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"no active processes" in the brain??? I was told that my whole life by people who were not Dr.'s and didn't need an MRI to prove it....

That's what I was thinking B-52....I've been told that often! I didn't know it was some fancy medical term. :)

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A little update for those who may be interested or have similar issues....

Went to the neurologist today and the brain MRI showed no abnormalities.

I mentioned the possiblity of the vagus nerve stimulation. He did NOT think this was the issue....due to the infrequency of the symptoms.

So, the next thing is I'm going for an Echocardiogram (ultrasound) this afternoon, and they'll have me wear a Holter monitor to see if those detect anything.

Haven't had any more issues/episode's since the first one. The Dr today mentioned again....a LOT of times they don't diagnose anything.......Lot's of $$$$ for no answers. :( Glad I have "good" insurance. :)

At least we will rule out several things I suppose.

Edited by catfish87

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I developed arrhythmia about 18 months post op. Had a stress/echo and it was negative for cvd. It went away with my band removal several months ago, but returned in late December with a vengeance. I did a 7 day and 24 hour holter and was Dx with pcp and SVT. I'm on metoprolol at night and it's helping but not completely.

I saw the electrophysiologist and he said that a vasovagal response CAN be brought on by stimulating the esophagus. With my history, we're seeing if I can learn to live with the reduced arrhythmia or if we should do catheterization. I don't want to undergo another procedure, especially if the irregular heart rhythm is being stimulated from a non cardiac source,

I've read of others having similar experience after band surgery, fainting, palpitations, etc. This is purely anecdotal.

Hope you get some answers from your holter test!

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I missed this thread when it started :angry:

I used to have similar bouts with nearly passing out during bike rides. Seems that I'd ride for 30-40 minutes and if I stopped and stepped off the bike, I'd get dizzy and have to take a knee. Doc told me to stop taking my furosemide and HZG pills for high blood pressure. He said with my weight loss I didn't need them any longer.

Good luck with the diagnosis.


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I missed this thread, too! Catfish, I hope everything is resolved now and that you're not having any more episodes. TMF that is great about the blood pressure medication but a scary way to find that out. I have been asking about mine, which is a small dose. A nurse practitioner once told me I would need to be careful of "bottoming out." When I mentioned this to my bariatric surgeon he did not know what that term meant. I notice I've been skipping my BP med here and there so maybe my body is naturally weaning off. Here's to lots of exercise and good heart health! David, let us know what's going on, okay?

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Hi Catfish! Did you ever find a reason for the passing out? Do you still have any episodes? Weirdly enough, I have had 2 episodes within 3 weeks of each other, where I have almost passed out. The one I had this weekend really freaked me out. I was at a restaurant and had just finished eating. Nausea, sweating, room going dark as I ran to the bathroom. I'm interested in the whole vagus nerve theory.

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Nothing really ever determined as to the cause. I had many test ran. Blood test, Heart ultrasound, Brain MRI, Holter device, etc. Everyone just always suggest it's dehydration.....I can't hardly believe thats all it was.

I haven't had any more serious issues, but will occasionally still get lightheaded when standing up after being seated for a while...and its USUALLY after I've been exercising quite a bit beforehand. My blood pressure is "normal" to low now. Last time I had it checked it was 116/70....so who knows. I can certainly be scary when it happens though.

I hope you find what caused/is causing your issue. Take care of yourself!

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I just discovered this thread.

The subject matter (Syncope) really concerns me. I am nine months post-op, and on August 25, 2014, I was sick all day.......no fever, but puking and whistling shi*s time after time. Into the wee hours of the 26th, I had made yet another mad rush to the bathroom. So.......I did the necessary bodily functions, got up , put myself back together, felt whooshy, but turned around to wash my hands.... and passed out and hit my head on the bathtub.

I was unconcious on the floor for almost a full hour. I tried to call out for my boyfriend, but the bathroom door was shut, and he was sound asleep with the air conditioner on.

So, when I finally got up, I got back on the pot for round two. Once again the universe was spinning. I stood up, pulled myself together and passed out and hit my head on the bathtub again. This time I was out for an hour and a half. When I became alert enough to stand up I went to bed and fell aseep exhausted.

Yes, I know that if you are present when someone has a concussion, you are supposed to keep them from falling asleep, but I was so tired. I slept for six hours straight before waking up. My boyfriend was unaware of my condition and got up and went to work.

Later that evening I was talking to my daughter who is a healthcare professional. As an occupational therapist she travels to the homes of patients to teach people how to recover from a stroke, accident, or catastrophic illness. She told me that I should have called an ambulance. Well, my PCP is closed on Tuesday, so I called on Wednesday, and I did not get a reply until after supper. He told me to go the the ER anyway to get checked out. They did admit me and took a CT scan of my brain and then a images of my hips (because I was complaining of a sore hip and had a big bruise. They were concerned that I may have fractures my hip. (Turned out to be a deep bruise to the bone)

Well, they kept me overnight for observation and to pump six bags of fluids and electrolites into my system. The diagnosis: Syncope

I had to wear an event monitor for 30 days. Well, I have done my time, sent the monitor back to the provider.

I have an appointment later thus month to see the cardiologist for followup. OMG I hope it was just dehydration. When the cardiologist came into my hospital room, she mentioned the vagus nerve, and said that she will be working in cooperation with my PCP to start eliminating possibilies. It's past bedtime, so that's it for this respone. Now I will be thinkin' when I ought to be sleepin'.........darn it.

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Wow I totally understand this as it happened to my Mother & She's not even banded, but has other issues , & they still don't know why it happened , but she has been back to normal for almost a year , but they operated & now she has a pacemaker & she was in the hospital for a week , hope they find out what went on & why that happened to you , feel better.

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Just found this thread. I'm very interested in this for two reasons. First is my daughter, who is not banded or obese but is six feet tall and nineteen years old, has had occasional fainting spells. She's been checked out and diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic Syncope. Her fainting often occurred after sleeping too long and not eating Breakfast and then going to church and kneeling. (3 times under those conditions.) Cardiologist said her BP tends to run low and plummets, so she needs to maintain good sodium levels (Gatorade) and not oversleep which causes dehydration. Her other fainting spells were at home after waking from a long teenage sleep and then walking downstairs to the bathroom. I have heard anecdotally that this is more common in very tall girls. Blood going down to feet with gravity as mentioned above. Coincidentally, catfish, she noticed no incidents during allergy season while she was on Claritin. Claritin raises blood pressure. Knowing that, she sometimes takes Claritin to keep symptoms at bay.

Second reason this interests me is that I had several weeks of dizziness this summer. I attributed it to recent weight loss and not adjusting my high BP meds. I would get very dizzy but not pass out after exiting my car and going into a store to shop. I was always holding a cart and never got so bad to sit down or see white or anything. But real sudden and just dizzy. I then stopped taking my second BP med each day and over time this dizziness stopped. I had almost forgotten about it until I read this thread. My BP is normal with one instead of two BP meds now. I'm eager to ditch the second med but my BP goes up again without it, at least for now.

Anyway, I hope you're getting relief and feeling good now. Thanks to everyone for all the info.

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I just discovered this thread.

The subject matter (Syncope) really concerns me. I am nine months post-op, and on August 25, 2014, I was sick all day.......no fever, but puking and whistling shi*s time after time. Into the wee hours of the 26th, I had made yet another mad rush to the bathroom. So.......I did the necessary bodily functions, got up , put myself back together, felt whooshy, but turned around to wash my hands.... and passed out and hit my head on the bathtub.

I was unconcious on the floor for almost a full hour. I tried to call out for my boyfriend, but the bathroom door was shut, and he was sound asleep with the air conditioner on.

So, when I finally got up, I got back on the pot for round two. Once again the universe was spinning. I stood up, pulled myself together and passed out and hit my head on the bathtub again. This time I was out for an hour and a half. When I became alert enough to stand up I went to bed and fell aseep exhausted.

Yes, I know that if you are present when someone has a concussion, you are supposed to keep them from falling asleep, but I was so tired. I slept for six hours straight before waking up. My boyfriend was unaware of my condition and got up and went to work.

Later that evening I was talking to my daughter who is a healthcare professional. As an occupational therapist she travels to the homes of patients to teach people how to recover from a stroke, accident, or catastrophic illness. She told me that I should have called an ambulance. Well, my PCP is closed on Tuesday, so I called on Wednesday, and I did not get a reply until after supper. He told me to go the the ER anyway to get checked out. They did admit me and took a CT scan of my brain and then a images of my hips (because I was complaining of a sore hip and had a big bruise. They were concerned that I may have fractures my hip. (Turned out to be a deep bruise to the bone)

Well, they kept me overnight for observation and to pump six bags of fluids and electrolites into my system. The diagnosis: Syncope

I had to wear an event monitor for 30 days. Well, I have done my time, sent the monitor back to the provider.

I have an appointment later thus month to see the cardiologist for followup. OMG I hope it was just dehydration. When the cardiologist came into my hospital room, she mentioned the vagus nerve, and said that she will be working in cooperation with my PCP to start eliminating possibilies. It's past bedtime, so that's it for this respone. Now I will be thinkin' when I ought to be sleepin'.........darn it.

I had a previous concussion a couple of years back and yes, it kicked my butt.

I haven't had any further significant dizzy spells in the last couple of months.

I had so many test done....all to come back "normal". But my PCP told me the first time I seen him about this issue, "sometimes, we just don't know what causes these things.....even after running every test they can think of".

I have made it a point to drink some sort of electrolyte drink in addition to Water if I'm sweating a lot, running/cycling, etc. I think the episodes are fewer since I've started doing this.

And isn't it frustrating to have all these pro's do all these test's, and come up with "Syncope" (fainting).....we had that much figured out, lol.

Take care!


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Just found this thread. I'm very interested in this for two reasons. First is my daughter, who is not banded or obese but is six feet tall and nineteen years old, has had occasional fainting spells. She's been checked out and diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic Syncope. Her fainting often occurred after sleeping too long and not eating Breakfast and then going to church and kneeling. (3 times under those conditions.) Cardiologist said her BP tends to run low and plummets, so she needs to maintain good sodium levels (Gatorade) and not oversleep which causes dehydration. Her other fainting spells were at home after waking from a long teenage sleep and then walking downstairs to the bathroom. I have heard anecdotally that this is more common in very tall girls. Blood going down to feet with gravity as mentioned above. Coincidentally, catfish, she noticed no incidents during allergy season while she was on Claritin. Claritin raises blood pressure. Knowing that, she sometimes takes Claritin to keep symptoms at bay.

Second reason this interests me is that I had several weeks of dizziness this summer. I attributed it to recent weight loss and not adjusting my high BP meds. I would get very dizzy but not pass out after exiting my car and going into a store to shop. I was always holding a cart and never got so bad to sit down or see white or anything. But real sudden and just dizzy. I then stopped taking my second BP med each day and over time this dizziness stopped. I had almost forgotten about it until I read this thread. My BP is normal with one instead of two BP meds now. I'm eager to ditch the second med but my BP goes up again without it, at least for now.

Anyway, I hope you're getting relief and feeling good now. Thanks to everyone for all the info.

My blood pressure is running 120/70-76 all the time now.....all the experts seem happy with that and the rest of my test results. I haven't been on BP med's for several years. However there were times when I was having issues, that my blood pressure was low....like 90/60 or so if my memory is correct.

My symptoms ALWAYS.....ALWAYS, came on ater going from a seated/laying position to a standing position.

And I have noticed less issues since I'm adding electrolytes in with exercising. Not sure if thats the reason....

Best wishes!!


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I am writing to you from the hospital. I was working when I had an vasovagal episode. I did not pass out, but I was diaphoretic, felt prickling in my forearms (almost like I could feel my blood moving inside). When I sat down it went away. After the third episode, I went to the ER. There I was worked up in the same manner (cardiac / brain). All negative. My 24 hour halter monitor also negative.

I believe that my lap band is pressing up against my diaphragm due to a small HH diagnosed on a CT for an unrelated issue. When my fundus is "full" which can be just taking a sip of Water and my medications...it pulls up the stomach more and this increases the pressure of my band on the diaphragm. I believe this is causing a vasovagal episode when you add PHYSICAL ACTIVITY which involves the abdominal muscles (I work in healthcare and my job involves the usual pushing and lifting etc.).

Unfortunately, the ER doctor, the hospitalist who admitted me and the cardiologist all POO-POO'D my theory. There was a nurse practitioner, a PA and the neurologist who agreed with me and suggested I follow up with GI pathway as I continued to pursue the line of diagnostic tests already ordered for neuro.

This has been a very expensive experience for me and frustrating, since I live alone and fainting periodically is not ideal (especially if I am driving alone - which I do 24/7/365!!! Just thought I would add my two cents for what it was worth.

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Could really be a number of things for many of you here. I use an at home monitor and I was having low blood pressure 88/58 etc. ..

For those who speculate orthostatic hypertension diagnosis can be confirmed with the tilt table test mentioned by a poster in this thread

it could also be,for those with bypass, reactive hypoglycemia (occurs like 3 hours after eating something substantionally Carby) which u could use a cheap glucometer or borrow a friends during an episode to test if your blood sugar is low.

For those who want a diagnosis after having low blood sugar it can be confirmed with lab test gtt (glucose tolerance test) extended 4 hours

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