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I live in Denver and do use mj recreationally. I waited for several weeks after surgery but my doctor and nut said it was fine.

I DO get the munchies and am sad about that.

It DOES settle my stomach when I'm nauseous.

It has A LOT less calories than alcohol.

So while I'm sure everyone is different, I won't be using mj regularly anymore after I move out of state next month. Not to say I won't occasionally partake, but the munchies are enough to deter me from being a regular user. Plus, it's illegal in Texas.

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For those of you who use marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes... How have the 'munchies' affected you post op? -for those of you who are anti-marijuana, your negativity on the topic is unwelcome.

Regarding the topic that this thread was for before all the other nonsense lol I have been smoking for years and marijuana actually helps me a lot after surgery for nausea and very surprisingly I do not get the munchies at all! I was scared it would give me the munchies and I would pig out but that hasn't been the case at all. I definitely consider myself lucky it doesn't!

How long did you wait after surgery to partake?

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How long did you wait after surgery to partake?

I'm sure this will sound very bad to some people (oh well lol) but I did the night I got home from the hospital so 2 days after the surgery. It helped a lot with pains, gas and nausea. I only took maybe 2 hits at a time tho and small ones so I wouldn't cough. Im only 8 weeks out but i healed great and have lost 62 lbs so it didn't do me any bad.

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How long did you wait after surgery to partake?

I'm sure this will sound very bad to some people (oh well lol) but I did the night I got home from the hospital so 2 days after the surgery. It helped a lot with pains, gas and nausea. I only took maybe 2 hits at a time tho and small ones so I wouldn't cough. Im only 8 weeks out but i healed great and have lost 62 lbs so it didn't do me any bad.

What a fantastic weight loss!!! Congratulations, and thank you for your honesty and openness :-P I'll be careful not to cough!

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I'm sure this will sound very bad to some people (oh well lol) but I did the night I got home from the hospital so 2 days after the surgery. It helped a lot with pains, gas and nausea. I only took maybe 2 hits at a time tho and small ones so I wouldn't cough. Im only 8 weeks out but i healed great and have lost 62 lbs so it didn't do me any bad.

Holy cow! 8 weeks out and down 62 lbs?? That's amazing and awesome!!! Way to go :)

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I don't smoke, I vape or make tea. I'm worried about the smoke causing ulcers or what not especially since I already was diagnosed with an ulcer from H. Pylori 5 months ago.

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I don't smoke, I vape or make tea. I'm worried about the smoke causing ulcers or what not especially since I already was diagnosed with an ulcer from H. Pylori 5 months ago.

Which vape do you use ? I use the Volcano Digit. Tried every other model and that's my favorite for sure. I use the PAX vape when I'm traveling but only like it for it's convenience and portability.

I usually soak my ABV (already been vaped) in Canola oil on low in my crockpot for 12-18 hours and sift the ABV out of the oil with cheesecloth. I use that oil to bake MJ goodies. My biggest problem with MJ edibles is that they're normally full of fat and I really try to limit my intake.

MJ Tea ??? That's genius. Can you please share your recipe and details how it's made ?

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I use a vape pen... Can't afford a valcano but wish I had one!! I don't make baked goods anymore that's why I drink the tea. Take 3 cups Water 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 gram really finely ground herb and boil at least 30 minutes or longer then strain the water in cheesecloth. Then you can add your favorite tea or sometimes I use sugar free cocoa mix and a bit of Creamer. The effects aren't immediate as its ingested but they last a long time. You must use the butter when you heat the water because if you don't have any fats in the water like butter or heavy cream then the THC has nothing to bond to and the whole attempt in in vain!

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It was very clear from my post what my intentions were. My point was that the NYPD racially profiles individuals. You ask what does racial profiling mean ? I walk up and down a train platform with an OZ of pot in my Louis Vuitton bag, strutting my Manolo Blahniks, reeking of pot and nobody will even look at me twice. If a black kid with his pants riding low and headphones over his ears does something like sneeze, he's up against the wall being frisked. They find just the tip of a joint in his pocket, off to jail he goes.

Back to my usage of the term colored. It might not have been politically correct but there was no need for the fake outcry from members who were supposedly offended. Their only goal is to endlessly argue semantics. Maybe I should have phrased it as people of color instead of colored people but I really don't feel bad. I asked black colleagues of mine to read what I wrote and NONE of them were offended in any way. I looked at posts many of these members have left and there's a clear pattern. It seems that there are many on here that are bored and love hijacking other peoples threads. Back to using the term colored:

In 2008 Carla Sims, communications director for the NAACP (America's foremost civil rights group for those of you who aren't familiar) in Washington, D.C., said "the term 'colored' is not derogatory, [the NAACP] chose the word 'colored' because it was the most positive description commonly used. To date, there has not been a movement to change the name of the organization to a more politically correct term such as the "National Association for the Advancement of African-Americans."

(It's National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, not National Association for the Advancement of BLACK People or National Association for the Advancement of African Americans.)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the phrase “citizens of color” in his 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech.

Carla Sims, communications director for the NAACP in Washington, D.C., came to Lindsay Lohan’s defense today following Lohan’s on-camera interview with “Access Hollywood” in which Lohan called president-elect Barack Obama “colored.” Sims believes that the media’s lambasting of the starlet is only to create controversy. “Sometimes you have to look at the intent…but the word ‘colored’ isn’t derogatory,” Sims told me in a phone interview. “Clearly she’s [Lohan] an Obama supporter.”

“There’s really no problem with what she said,” Sims said. “In her excitement, she was acknowledging that color was not a barrier in the populace choosing Obama.” “The term ‘colored’ is not derogatory,” Sims continued. “They chose the word ‘colored’ because it was the most positive description commonly used at that time. It’s outdated and antiquated but not offensive.” Sims is referring to the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People that created the organization nearly 100 years ago in support of social justice for African Americans.

So my choice of words was at most outdated and antiquated, definitely not offensive as many have attempted to portray.

GastricBypassNY I believe that you sincerely meant no harm in what you said. I am a black woman, yes that's how I refer to myself. But, I would be lying if I said when I read your OP that it didn't sting. My grandmother, also a black woman still refers to herself & other "people of color" as "colored". I guess I take after her. She nor I have adjusted to the name changes & distinctions. We, meaning people of color, have gone from being called the N word, to colored, to NE g r 0, to black, to African American, now to people of color. It's a bit much. However, I'll respect anyone's right to be referred to as whatever they want. I told my grandmother how it makes me feel when she uses the term "colored" to refer to her family or others. She told me this famous quote: "It doesn't matter what people call you. It only matters what you answer to." And I'd also like to add that I'd never tell someone else again what they should or shouldn't be offended by because I'm me & they're them. I've never walked in their shoes. Sims' quoted opinion and those of your colleagues are of their own individual opinion. They certainly do not speak for every "person of color". OAN to the OP I don't personally do MJ but my sister in law had gastric bypass about 7 years ago & gained almost all of it back she says she couldn't control the munchies but needed to smoke to help with her Migraines. :P

Edited by w8loser

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How about you just don't use the term "colored" anymore unless speaking about a box of crayons. If you'd said "colored" in my presence there would have repercussions and consequences. However you are right about black folk being a target.

Now... Back to the matter of the cush. I won't smoke it now or after my surgey because the inhale process tends to make me gassy . Maybe again when im 6 months post op.

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I'm pre op still but I quit for now because I get mega munchies that I haven't been able to curb so I'll try it after surgery sometime again and see how my munchies are then and if I can control them. Right now it's just not worth it lol

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What's the proper way to say black person ? African american ? I am sorry for not using the proper term. Sheesh!!! sounds like you sure could use a puff! The NY cops will stop and frisk anyone that's dark skinned. That includes spanish people. I can't wait until they legalize pot and make stop and frisk illegal. We live in the USA people. There are rights and freedoms guaranteed by our constitution. That includes lighting one up in the privacy of my own home if I want to.

I'm sure you enjoy it. But I worry that altered states of mind like alcohol can have deadly effects. I have bipolar disorder and my unwelcomed altered states comecand go without a warning. So I don't partake. The really big reason that I'm against smoking anything on a regular basis...and mj is addicting but mind altering is that the air you smoke in is the same air your kids are breathing. We adipted two sisters...21 months old and 34 months old. The older one couldn't say a word besides gibberish. Her parents smoked mj and for fun would blow it into her face . It had alot to do with her mental capabilities. After 6 months with us she could talk and a pediatric psychologist said she had grown mentally 18 months in a 6 month time period. So smoke outside if you've got kids. It is a dangerous drug although if everyone else is doing it why not me? That's the mentality if most smokers. Health reasons I can understand but to smoke just for the heck if it sends a message to every kid that being a dope is ok and there's no harm in it. But just like cigarettes, chewing tobacci, pipes, cigars all have carcinogens in them. Have you really researched what your putting in your new healthy body?

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I'm sure it's a hell of a lot better for my body then whatever prescription drugs you are putting in yours for your bipolar disorder. A lot healthier then the chemicals in the fat of animal meat people are consuming, a lot healthier than caffeine and cigarettes.. In fact if you ingest marijuana there is really no harmful affects to you or those around you. Don't worry I don't have kids and am certainly not dumb enough to smoke around them nor do I smoke around people who don't partake, thats simply just rude. On another note sometimes altering a persons state of mind is in there best interest and others around them. Id much rather be around a down to earth mellow person whose biggest problem is giggling then someone who is hostile and harmful to themselves and others. Did you know that marijuana greatly improves the quality of life for many people? Did you know how good it is for the environment and how much oxygen a marijuana plant produces? Do you realize the benefits of hemp? Did you know that if we were legally able to extract the CBs from plants it would greatly help people with cancer or people who suffer from seizures? And do you have any idea how much the legalization will help this country get out of debt!?

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The real bad guys, are pharmaceutical companies.

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The real bad guys, are pharmaceutical companies.

I agree whole heartedly. And I agree that mj can be useful for those who need it medically. But I don't agree it should be legal for the general public. Even though I'm sure more than 75% of the world has at least tried it...I haven't. ...and w/o kids isn't all that bad...but when do you stop or how discerning can you be once you have kids or the smokers who have kids now?

Among other things you mentioned taxes or paying down our debt by legalizing mj. My question is how can we regulate people when they are mentally impaied driving or if they have a mental disease and go on to harm other people. It's like the gun advocates...is it the gun or the person using it? That's an age old question what came first the egg or the chicken. So if you do mj I can't change your mind but legalizing it to pay off a debt is like putting spoiled food in front of a starving man. Making it easier to alter or mellow out a person isn't worth in my opinion the benefits vs the dangerous outcome. Right now we have so many pills that kill kids mj does kill but in other ways like smoking and driving a car. Alcohol come to mind onky because it also akters your mind reflexes etc. Maybe you're a very responsible person but not everyone is. Many teenagers don't have the mental or physical growth to not be negatively adversely affected longterm if they are into it alot. But bc of my stint of what happened to my daughter I am seriously adamant about using mj freely or legalized. I know I couldn't use it with my mental and emtional problems. And bipolar is a serious disease and if I didn't have to take the meds I wouldn't but spending most of my life on the edge or in complete darkness from deoression I need the meds so I can lead a reasonbly nirmal life. But smoking mj is a choice you make that alot of people ( except medically) cannot keep their wits about them. Being mellow is a part of me that I have to work towards like using more natural means. Tea to calm..not a threat, read quietly or sit quietly to calm my mind. I can find a number of things reasonably to mellow myself that doesn't include altering my mind with an illegal drug. You have your opinion and I respect you for it but I don't have to agree. Let's agree to disagree. I pray that your life isnt affected negatively while using mj. But think beyond your wants or needs in this respect where it does affect others in some cases a dangerous way that involves other peoples lives.

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