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Hi from Ireland!

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From reading on the forum, I am reluctantly coming to the conclusion that the reason Im not losing more quickly is because Ive been concentraing mainly on mushies which go down very easily without any full feeling....ever. I tried chicken today for the first time in my work canteen resulting in chest pain that I can only liken to childbirth minus the epidural. Scrambled egg and toast had the same result last weekend. What am I doing wrong?

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From reading on the forum, I am reluctantly coming to the conclusion that the reason Im not losing more quickly is because Ive been concentraing mainly on mushies which go down very easily without any full feeling....ever. I tried chicken today for the first time in my work canteen resulting in chest pain that I can only liken to childbirth minus the epidural. Scrambled egg and toast had the same result last weekend. What am I doing wrong?

Hi Ellen,

Welcome to the site. Its easy to navigate round once you get to know it.

As for your eating probs. Well it could be that you are eating too quickly or not chewing enough. Its best when you're out not to try new foods, do that at home because its less stressful. It is usually difficult for bandsters to eat meat and chicken and white bread. It might be wise to try mince meat/chicken or use sauce to lubricate the meat/chicken to help it go down. Either way, you must take small bites, chew chew and then chew some more. Put the knife and fork down between mouthfuls and take 20/30mins to eat your main meal. Its important to eat normal foods as they fill the pouch quicker and will stay there longer so you won't need to eat as often. Try porridge/cereal for Breakfast and a glass of juice, (drink the juice before eating the breakfast). For lunch if you can't tolerate bread, try crackers/ryvita with maybe some egg Mayonnaise or cream cheese. Then for dinner eat your Protein first then your veg and then your carbs. (Potatoes are carbs.) Remember to drink your fluids between meals but stop half an hour before eating and don't start drinking again for at least an hour after eating.

Where did you have your op done? How do you cope with aftercare?

Good luck with the food and keep us posted on how you're doing.:P

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Hi Coco

Many thanks for this. I had the procedure with the Healthier Weight Centre in the UK. At the time I knew ACS were doing it but decided not to opt for them.......... rightly or wrongly. I had been to ACS some years ago for a minor cosmetic job which wasnt a dazzling success and because I was extremely nervous about the operation I decided to go for what I felt at the time was the lowest risk option. (Thats what having a flock of tiny kids does to you, it makes you paranoid). Anyway, the op was a breeze, I had it on Saturday, flew home on Monday and back to work on Tuesday. I lost about 10 lbs in the following fortnight and then things slowed.

Most people on the site seem to have gone to ACS. Am I right in thinking the general view is that Jerome was great but aftercare might not be quite as good or is that overstating things?

Ive been back to the UK twice for fills (5mg then 1mg) and am due back for a 3rd in the next week (probably max another 1mg). They will continue filling at consevative amounts every 2 weeks untill i'm happy (no charge). I have been pretty impressed with HWC but obviously the aftercare is infinitely easier if youre in the UK - they have support groups etc which Im not in a position to attend. Its a major nuisance having to go over and back for fills - especially as I'm based in the West and flights are less frequent than from Dublin - but I did find them very good. The surgeon (Franco Favretti) has apparently done about 3000 ops. He's assisted by another Italian surgeon and the Director of HFC so the op lasts less than 30 mins. (For paranoid types like myself its nice to think you have 3 surgeons in the room in case the first 2 have hear attacks or anything!!!) You get the impression from HWC that youre in safe hands.

The first fill is done under x ray. I perhaps dont contact them for advice as often as I should but I dont want to risk being overheard at work.

I have some restriction but I really think I havent enough yet as I can eat a pizza, say, no problem or a full panini whereas with the swelling after the op, I had no interest in food whatsoever and would even find myself being cautious with the Protein drinks.< /p>

Anyway, I'm glad I had the procedure and I think its just a matter if time until I get good restriction. It is great to have this site as my lapband is not something I'd feel comfortable discussing with my colleagues or indeed most of my friends.


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Hi Ellen,

Well done you for taking the brave step and having the surgery. Most of us here have been operated by Jerome and so have the same band in, and can share stories and give advice based on that. It must be difficult not having anyone to discuss it with, so that's what's great about this site. The reason its called Hi from Ireland is to encourage anyone in Ireland regardless of where they've had their band fitted, to talk and share and give advice when able. Not that we would exclude anyone regardless of where they were living.

If you are still able to eat white bread/pizza/panine you are not yet at your sweet spot. Maybe you could ask what the fill measure for the majority of people with your band is, in order to feel restriction. With our band it seems in most cases to kick in at between 4.5 and 5.mls. As you are only 4mths in it might be the next one that works. :P

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hi roe here new girl on the block.been reading all the posts for a while. trying to get up courage to reply.banded in october by dr jan .(yan) he realy nice had my first fill on nov 8 have only lost 8 lb that was in first week.very disapointed .im going to see lou on jan 11 hope she can help will she give me more than 1ml at a time have 1ml in now.great to hear how well every one is doing it gives hope to us new bansterst

talk soon keep on posting love to read your stories gives me my fix for the day love roe xxxxxxxxx

Hi roe,

I am patiently waiting for ACS to come back to me...but I was dying to know how you found the op with Dr Jan.Most people here have been operated by Dr Jerome.Were you very sore and did you travel home the next day(I am 180 miles from Dublin)also did did he give you good instructions regarding your gradual return to proper food etc.Hope all going well for you now anyway!

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hi penny 2

nice 2 hear from u roe here.DRjan was very nice he is very gentle. Ihad a bad reaction to the gas he stopped by several times to check on me .After he went home I became very ill he came back to see how i was and ave me some meds I never looked back. I have only good things to say about de man . I THINK if i were doing it again Iwould ask him to put some fill in my band. when im being banded. Ive had one fill by him he got it first time no pain at all. he will give you reading on your food or u can ask him anything hes very nice. He will give u an injection to take for 5 days to prevent blood clots the needle is very fine you dont feel anything ihate needles so if i can do it anyone can, you will stay one night,you are discharged at 10 am the follow.ing morning IHOPE THISHELPS YOU SOME as you can see by my mistakes i am very new to de pc but ill keep slogging along practice makes perfect. looking forward 2 hearing from u have u a date yet love roe

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hi penny 2

nice 2 hear from u roe here.DRjan was very nice he is very gentle. Ihad a bad reaction to the gas he stopped by several times to check on me .After he went home I became very ill he came back to see how i was and ave me some meds I never looked back. I have only good things to say about de man . I THINK if i were doing it again Iwould ask him to put some fill in my band. when im being banded. Ive had one fill by him he got it first time no pain at all. he will give you reading on your food or u can ask him anything hes very nice. He will give u an injection to take for 5 days to prevent blood clots the needle is very fine you dont feel anything ihate needles so if i can do it anyone can, you will stay one night,you are discharged at 10 am the follow.ing morning IHOPE THISHELPS YOU SOME as you can see by my mistakes i am very new to de pc but ill keep slogging along practice makes perfect. looking forward 2 hearing from u have u a date yet love roe

Hi Roe,

Its great to hear of a new banded person here on the site, it's a while since we had one.:whoo: And its terrific that you have so many nice things to say about Dr Jan. It is very heartening when waiting for the op that you have someone who has been there and done it, to be able to fill in the gaps and tell of their experience.

I was banded by Jerome so don't know anything about the band that Dr Jan uses. And don't worry about your posts, we can understand them perfectly and you're right practice does make perfect.

Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing and how much weight you're losing. Best of luck with your band.;)

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hi all. Have been reading post but havent posted in a while. I had an incident of apeice of ham getting stuck in my band and for htree hours after i puked so Terry brought me out and Jan seen me and gave me a defill of 1.5 so Im going backwards at the mo. Im a bit down over it. But Ive had 1 ml last month and im getting another ml (fingers crossed)on Friday so hopefully I will have good restriction. Not feeling much at the mo. Im down about 23lbs so far which isnt bad but I recently ordered my Wedding Dress and I want them to have to take it in loads!!!!

So it looks like if we were having a meet up it wont be until after Christmas. I would defo be on for one. Anybody else


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Great to hear from you Alesha - it is great to have a band buddy so we can compare...sorry about the de-fill...what a bummer to suffer with blockage - but another fill is great news and you'll be slinking down the aisle in a smaller dress!

Hi Roe and welcome to the site - good to hear fromyou.

I am stuck at 28 lbs and getting annoyed again - all fine for two weeks and now I'm back to bigger meals and hovering over the scales. Back for another fill methinks - and I was told to comeback in Feb but I need it sooner than that or I swear I will EAT CHRISTMAS! So if Santa does not come you will know that I didn't get a fill and ate him with ketchup.< /p>

Toodle oo and good luck!

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hi kermit you are verry funny.i have about the same weightas you to loose and if it dosmt atart to move soon ill go mad .i was banded in october by jan and have only lost 10 lbs so far ive had one fill. im due another one in january im going to ask lou for two mil have you heard of anyone getting more than a mil at a time. im a woman on the edge at this point.and like yourself santy is not safe. till next time bye

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hi Roe - don't worry. I know how hard it is when the restriction isn't there.....I am on my 2nd fill and have a lost a little bit but I need to go back. I think the answer is to keep going back until you can only eat a small amount of food slowly. coco has been brilliant with encouragement and I have to say I am very slow about causing a fuss about things, but she told me to get the fill when I was hanging around and upset about it - best advice ever. I had my last fill in Nov and it was a bit more restrictive but I can still eat a good bit without feeling full. I have been given only 1 ml each time so I suppose that is the safe limit. I am supposed to last on this until Feb but my weightloss has stopped and started to creep slowly up again....I can't maintain the Atkins type diet I tried. I think I will have to book in again for a fill. I feel that I am 'nearly there' and hope one more fill will give me the sweet spot I need to be losing steadily. Good luck Roe and don't beat yourself up....the weight loss will happen and you will get there ....it is just a matter of adjusting the band fill to suit you. Good luck!

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hey everyone!!

like always let me appoligise for not being on more often. i do read up often but because i dont use the site in work cos no one knows about me being band and LAP BAND TALK would be a dead give away hence me not using.

But it sounds like everyone is doing great. and as for Coco she's something else. words apon words of wisdom, i'd be lost with out reading your advice. x

Laura or (Terry !!!) your prob back from the States now but the hassle i had with that hotel oh lord i'm not getting into it. it was so bad though!!!! i felt my shoes there my favourate pair mind you and was going to call you to bring them home but i taught it would be a bit cheeky. how did you get on there?

Alesha i like the new hair do. SMOKIN'' !!

so when are we all meeting up again? we should do a night out and hit the dance floor !!!

oh i totally forgot to tell you guys i'm well proud of myself i'm not in the overweight cat anymore my BMI is under 25!! less than 10lbs to hit my target i just can't believe that this was ever possible and its so over whelming. mind you my head is getting bigger and bigger every day!!! but in a good way ( actually is there a good way your head can get bigger i dont think so!!)

i'm off to wales on sat ;) this year i've to send xmas with adam family. gives me a few days off work which is great but still wish i was mith my family. can't wait to see my dad. he hasn't seen me since i lost 3 stone and now i think the one that is totally noticeable is this last stone the 4th on. role in tuesday!!!

well ladies sorry agin i've not been in touch i will be here b4 xmas though.

night night and sweet dreams to you all xxxx

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hey all again! I went to ACS on Friday and I got a fill of 1ml. Boy can i feel it. I have 4.5 in my band now and I hope its my sweet spot. I have great restriction. I just had one ryvita witha dip of hoummous and i can feel it sitting in my pouch. Is that too much restriction? Im feeling hungry and im not sure if its head hunger. I hope it is coz if im full one one ryvita I will be defo getting my wedding dress taken in by about 3 sizes.

Dini, thanks you very much. I have to say i like it myself so does my finacee. You lookin good too, i had a sneaky peek at your bebo, wow weeee. Terry is here now says hi.

Kermie, your doing great, keep up the good work.

Hi all to new bandsters and lurkers, we know you are there.

Im still on for meet up, anybodyafter Christmas.

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I had a call from the patient co ordinator in Cork today as I had been chasing her for a date as several of you know. Bad news is that Dr Jan has decided NOT to do any gastric bandings here any more. He just couldn't get any op theatre/hospital to work out of and ACS have decided that its more hassle that its worth and its wrecking their good name(?)

I am dreadfully disappointed as I was planning this for the past year(to be done in March)I asked her if he would operate in Poland and she said possible there or Amsterdam(as hes registered in both places) and that he would be willing to do the aftercare in Dublin/Cork (he will be available for that anyway)

Thats how we left it,that she would come back to me when and if he gets a place to operate out of in Poland or Holland. Most unsatisfactory. Please anyone who has been banded anywhere outside of Ireland -get in touch either privately or on the forum so that I can make up my mind whether I should go to the UK/Belfast or Belgium.

I have been knocked sideways by this news.:help:

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Hi again. Only this week I booked an appt for a consultation and they gave me 8th January. I then spent last night and today reading the other 18 posts and after being told today by a snooty woman on the phone that ACS have decided to no longer provide WLS I think it's been a blessing in disguise. From what I have read ACS are incompetent. You'd expect that with the NHS but not when you're paying hard-earned money. Just stating my opinion here, I respect other's.

Penny: The Royal Victoria in Belfast used to do WLS but don't anymore. :cry I am considering Dr Marc Focquet in Belgium, he consults in London or Mr Tulloh or De Beaux in Spires (formerly Bupa) in Edinburgh.

I think you all are great for doing your very best and working with your bands despite setbacks, yous deserve every pound lost. :rolleyes:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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