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Hi from Ireland!

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Hello ladies, I hope everyone is doing well.

I have been doing very well with having fairly substantial restriction over the last 3 weeks since being banded, however this weekend has been such a challenge.

Friday evening I went out to a Birthday parthy that had a running buffet. Now I am usually one of the first up in the line at one of these but managed to hold off until everyone else had gone up, thinking that there wouldn't be much food left to choose from! How wrong I was, sure there was still enough left to feed an army. I managed to just put a deviled egg and a scoop of fresk salmon on the plate and I scoffed it all. The rest of the night I was tormented by the thoughts of one bite of the lovely Birthday cake. I managed not to fold and satisfied my cravings with a couple of salty peanuts instead - the nicest I've ever tasted!!! But still sat for the whole night sipping on a glass of Water and thinking of all the food calling me from the buffet!! Couldn't wait to go asleep that night and stop thinking of food!

Saturday night I went out for a meal with the fella to the Chinease and actually managed a heallhy enough meal opting to share the shredded meat in lettuce to start, followed by King Prawn in garlicand soy. Totally not what I would ever have gone for but surprised myself with how nice and tasty they were. The other big challenge was the dreaded drink! I have been the designated driver now for a full 3 week and gave in to the call of a lovely big glass of red wine, followed by another and yes another!! How nice they were after all that abstinence!

Sunday was yet again another challenging food day, when I was around for a family meal in my brother's house and had to try and avoid nearly everything nice on offer as it was far from healthy. I did manage to eat some meat for the first time which I chewed and chewed and chewed for fear that it wouldn't go down and the family would notice (I haven't told anyone about the banding except the fella)! Got away with it but couldn't really eat much more which was swiftly commented on since I was always the one to pile the food on the plate, eat it the quickest and fill it again with seconds!!!

So my big problem now is after being exposed to all these lovely food temptations over the weekend I think I am head hungry. I just can't stop thinking about food. I am writing this all down to distract myself because all I want to go do is go down and chow through the contents of my fridge like I use to when I was bored, tired, sad...you get the picture!!!

Just wondering if any of the rest of you are going through this? I got the book Lunasa recommended, Thin for Life and I keep turning to this when I am tempted to go overindulge but I'm still finding it increasingly difficult. Anybody out there got some words of wisdom?

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Hi Laura here from DUBLIN I am getting the GASTRIC BANDING done at ACS on 26 of June . I am very nervous but excited I wish it was to-day. This is my first time on this site wish me look

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Hi everyone. There will be an informal get together/support group meeting on Saturday 9th June at 11.00 am in Bewleys Hotel in Sandyford co dublin (just off the M50) for anyone who who woulld like to come and meet others who have had the band op. You don't have to have had the op in Ireland, just have had the op!! Hope to see some of you there.

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Welcome aboard!!!

My husband is a NEESON & they are origionally from Northern Ireland.

I tell my husband all the time, If I could travel abroad, Ireland is the one place I want to go to! I want to do some more research on family history.

I hope you do well with your journey! I was banded in March 07 so I am really just beginning myself. I am so glad I had this done.

Hi there, I am new to this forum. I have my first consultation with the surgeon next Friday March 30th:) . I am so excited but also nervous.

I have been reading through a few posts and it is so good to see that the majority of the feedback is positive.

I will be having my surgery done in Dublin and I was wondering if any of you have any advice as to questions I should be asking the surgeon next week.

Thanks so much. Brenners x

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Hello ladies, I hope everyone is doing well.

I have been doing very well with having fairly substantial restriction over the last 3 weeks since being banded, however this weekend has been such a challenge.

Friday evening I went out to a Birthday parthy that had a running buffet. Now I am usually one of the first up in the line at one of these but managed to hold off until everyone else had gone up, thinking that there wouldn't be much food left to choose from! How wrong I was, sure there was still enough left to feed an army. I managed to just put a deviled egg and a scoop of fresk salmon on the plate and I scoffed it all. The rest of the night I was tormented by the thoughts of one bite of the lovely Birthday cake. I managed not to fold and satisfied my cravings with a couple of salty peanuts instead - the nicest I've ever tasted!!! But still sat for the whole night sipping on a glass of Water and thinking of all the food calling me from the buffet!! Couldn't wait to go asleep that night and stop thinking of food!

Saturday night I went out for a meal with the fella to the Chinease and actually managed a heallhy enough meal opting to share the shredded meat in lettuce to start, followed by King Prawn in garlicand soy. Totally not what I would ever have gone for but surprised myself with how nice and tasty they were. The other big challenge was the dreaded drink! I have been the designated driver now for a full 3 week and gave in to the call of a lovely big glass of red wine, followed by another and yes another!! How nice they were after all that abstinence!

Sunday was yet again another challenging food day, when I was around for a family meal in my brother's house and had to try and avoid nearly everything nice on offer as it was far from healthy. I did manage to eat some meat for the first time which I chewed and chewed and chewed for fear that it wouldn't go down and the family would notice (I haven't told anyone about the banding except the fella)! Got away with it but couldn't really eat much more which was swiftly commented on since I was always the one to pile the food on the plate, eat it the quickest and fill it again with seconds!!!

So my big problem now is after being exposed to all these lovely food temptations over the weekend I think I am head hungry. I just can't stop thinking about food. I am writing this all down to distract myself because all I want to go do is go down and chow through the contents of my fridge like I use to when I was bored, tired, sad...you get the picture!!!

Just wondering if any of the rest of you are going through this? I got the book Lunasa recommended, Thin for Life and I keep turning to this when I am tempted to go overindulge but I'm still finding it increasingly difficult. Anybody out there got some words of wisdom?

Allure, I read your post and I have to say that I am very impressed with your coping skills. You did an awesome job this weekend of staying on plan. I think you should give yourself a great big pat on the back. I also think that you turning to your book, "Thin for Life", is a wonderful replacement for overindulging! You are making very important changes that will become habits for you before too long. Remember it takes 30 days to form a habit, so hang in there. Keep posting as well. I recently quit smoking and I know if it hadn't of been from my online support group, I would have never made it. Congrats to you my dear!!

Peace Out!


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Tanderson, thank for the support! It actually is great when someone tells you that you are doing somethings right and definatly spurs you on. I hope I can return the support in the future!!

Laura - welcome abord! It might be a good idea for you to come along to the meeting that Holly123 has posted above. It would be a great opportunity to ask questions to people who are at all different stages of their life changing after being banded. I am only 3 weeks out but I have gone through many different experiences - good & bad - that would be useful to share. I use this website as a tool when I am anyway thinking about returning to my binge eating and overindulging ways. I haven't contributed to any threads except this one but I read the new posts that interest me and get helpful infomation and perspectives from other band users.

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Hi Brenners!

Where do you live in Ireland? My Husband is from Wicklow, but we lived in Navan for three years. I am 9 days post op and I love my band already! I have lost an amazing 12 pounds already! 78 to go!!

I would say, ask about infection rates... stay away from a hospital with too much MRSA, as I know that can be a problem in Dublin.

Best of luck and write me anytime!

Gina Kirwan


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Hello there..

I wouldn't be worried about MRSA in ACS really. If you are paranoid Just mention it a lot!!!

Allure...I understand what you are going through. Remember though that this is not like before & you have to learn now how to LIVE with your band and how to incorporate life & your social arena into your journey.

It is possible to drink, have cake, don't do the hermit thing and don't be the DD every time there's a night out!

Start learning how to live an UNDIET life. You got this band to help you change yourself, dieting alone didn't work. The band is all about Portion Control and I have found that by being able to portion food correctly I have plenty of room for other things in life I can enjoy without the guilt or the attitude that I'm struggling or that I've spoiled it!!

My sister is a regular size and maintains this while being addicted to chocolate, she is also at weddings ALL the time & drinking is a weekly occurance for her. She eats McDonalds on occasion, Indian food , Chinese..basically everything and I always felt she was free to eat whatever without a yoyo effect. BUT i knew that she had some key that I needed to figure out so I began to observe.

What I DIDN't observe before was the way she managed this. I only saw her eating or drinking "forbidden" things. That was selective on my part coz I wanted to believe what I suffered (weight gain/yoyo) was unfair when I would eat like her.

She sticks to a sensible diet ( WW points system) most of the week

saving points etc for the times she would be out. Her portions are MUCH smaller, allowing for a good points saving. If she is going to the cinema, she will save herself for a large popcorn. She doesn't bother with her dinner becuase she'd rather have the popcorn. Now this isn't exactly ideal, but it is the way she NATURALLY has become. She is constantly making allowances for her indulgances. This is what I discovered and this is where I always went wrong.

As a serial dieter, I would BAN everything. I would try getting the most food in for my points throughout the day and then when I'd go to the cinema I'd cave in and do the popcorn on top of that "BLOWING IT" hence starting the pattern of an "I've blown it, I can't do this attitude"

Instead of anticipating my evening, what I WANT out of it and planning my day around ALLOWING for my wants.

This doesn't mean I ALLOW myself everything I fancy, I just am very much aware of what hasn't worked in the past and am aware of my strengths & weaknesses & past mistakes and am now being conciously better prepared for the times when I know if I am too strict I will face a difficulty, a conflict and DIET mode will kick in, leaving room for feelings of deprivation, followed by negative rebellious behaviour.

I have also given myself the gift of time & patience. I could and have been known to loose 7lbs in one week on a diet. That entails a week of starving, no bread, no drink, going to bed early & generally being a crank and it's always the longest week EVER.

My sister could take up to 7 weeks to loose that same 7lbs, but she will not lock herself away to do it...but she has the same result for less pain & aggravation than I. Because she KNOWS it will come off if she works toward it. She does not have the panic & fear I have. Because I know that seven lbs is threatening my happiness and I will postpone said happiness until it comes off...and I will be miserable not only getting it off but also when it comes off because it was SUCH hard work...

This is our problem, we are unrealistic, unyielding, perfectionists and deny ourselves happiness until we feel we are starving our weight off.

Let's just try to have happiness now, live our lives and not become our former selves in search of the urgent need to loose weight.

You can have your cake & eat it..as long as you count for it. Do not feel guilty anymore...it's OK.

I am following WW points system as I go right now, because my holy grail is finding balance this time. It is not about loosing as much weight as I can in as short a time as possible...that didn't work before for me. Sure I dropped an enormous amount of weight & stunned everyone around me but I was miserable all the time, and as soon as I start living again there it was, following me, creeping back on and my heart was breaking a little bit more with every gain because I felt now that I had done the work in one massive effort I should never have to suffer the burden again....WRONG!!!

Now I take care to eat, staying within my allowance and being VERY good on days where I have nothing on. If something comes up, like a wedding I know that I have to make room for those calories and I do. then when the wedding day arrives I am free to Celebrate like everyone else but only for that day, or if it's a two day thing so be it. My preparation for getting back on track STRAIGHT AWAY after the celebrations is that I take extra Vitamins, especially B Vitamins to give myself the extra energy to get up & not be dragges down by an extended lapse. I enjoy, forgive and get back to work.

this is all new to me, but I find it's the only way I can give myself the gift of leaving my past behaviour behind...it truly broke my soul battling my weight for so long. I don't want that anymore, so I have opened my eyes and learned from my past & know my SELF well enough to tailor this band journey to my best advantage.

I have lost 26lbs now, I have 5 stone to go, but I feel so good about myself NOW...I am not postponing credit for when it's all off...I am giving myself credit EVERY DAY and walking beside myself NOW this present minute on my journey. I don't LOOK like I have 5 stone to go because I am happy & confident & people notice that as the biggest change of all.

I look content NOW...I am relaxed & happy & open. More so than ever, even being a size 12 before I was not as beautiful as I am now because size 12 wasn't good enough and it was a total sacrifice getting there, I was bitter having to work so hard to be something others seemed to maintain so easily.

I know now, nothing is easy, but it doesn't have to be hell either. KNOW YOURSELF & work with that. MAKE LIFE WORK FOR YOU...don't spend another minute denying yourself, keeping you happinness locked away in fat prsion!!

this is a major ramble but I have to stress to you not to do what you've always done...change your ways, accommodate your self your needs, accept your weaknessess & gather your strengths..Make it all work for you & enjoy your life.

Loosing one pound sucks when you're being SO GOOD & denying yourself everything, being too strict & sacrificing, but it's a victory when you give yourself the freedom to LIVE your live how you want, within your boundaries & means realistically, and had a good time while you were at it.

I am finally happy to accept one pound!!!

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hi ladies

wonderful to see that there are people from ireland here as i've found it hard to find anyone banded in ireland.

i've my date set for 26th june with Advanced Cosmetic. looking forward to it but also a bit scared.

i love the support you all give one another i've read down most of the posts.

Laura, i've noticed that were getting it done on the same day? how you feeling

looking foward to hearing from you call

Keep up the good work

Dini x

if any one can give me any advice please do

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The time of the meeting in Sandyford, Co Dublin has been changed to 3.00pm as some people who were travelling from further away wouldn't have been able to make it at the earlier time. Hope this suits everyone!

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hi all

just popping in to say hi :)you all doing so great ,laura & dini good luck for the 26th it will pass in no time .

(also i just wanted to say dont feel like you must have THE LAST MEAL)you do eat normally just differently im 5 months post op and 99% of the time i dont even think about my band and i go out and have a drink or three on an occasion and have meals just much smaller portion and avoid foods that annoy me chicken & bread and im fine im not losing it fast at all but you know truthfully it has been no hardship im down 41 pound so far and it hasnt been from any hard work ive done ...i have loved the band.... hated the band.... cried alot and now finally it just there doing its thing and im really glad i did it my goal was to be 12 stone by xmas ..i was 19 4 on day of op i wont mind if i dont exactly make it because i just know i will make it and with that comes great peace and acceptance of myself ,im still a big girl but i just like myself a whole lot better !!


banded acs dublin 15th dec 06

41lb down 61lb to go :clap2:

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ikki thanks for that.

How are you finding asc? I've heard a tales that them only tighthing the band when suits them and they do not listen to you. So far i've not had any bother at all I'm loving going there. There a total pleasure. Also how long was your stay?

Again ladies and if any gents out there all the advice you guys can give my ears are opened wide.

Have a great weekend

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I have been banded 4 weeks today and boy am I struggling with my eating and alcohol consumption. Now I will admit that it is nothing like I use to be consuming but that is because I am relying totally on will power and suceeding better than I ever have in the past. I am cruising the sites and reading threads that relate to band slippade etc. to scare me from over eating and to keep me on track but it is so hard. All I can think of is food and when can I next have some!!! I am trying to have 5 small meals throughout the day to counteract these food thoughts.

I have my 1st post-op consultation in ACS next Monday and I'll be running there. I have been weighing myself on a daily basis as a source of motivation but alas I have not lost a single pound since my initial 14 pound loss from the 2 week liquid diet but I keep telling myself that this is the healing stage and not the weight loss stage!!

Is there anyone else out there at the same stage as me who can trade war stories???

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do you mind me asking how your finding ACS? I'm not having my band on till 26th but i feel like i dont know anything about whats coming. sorry i've no stories but i wish you all the best. hope all go's well on monday.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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