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Hi from Ireland!

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Well girls I am over 18 stone and have a BMI of 50 and I am only 5ft.1" so I am definatly in the at risk category. I have been a dieter since my first trip to Weight Watchers at the age of 13 but in the last 12 months have not managed to stick to healthy, non-binge eating for 1 day and as a result have put on 5 stone alone in a year. (The same 5 I lost last year and the year previous!) I have been doing loads of research on the web about all the alternatives and it was great to see an Irish representation to ask local, relevant questions to!

The thing to finally spur me into going down this route was a month ago when at a friend's hen party a girl I didn't know very well was talking to a group of other girls about her infertility battle over the last 10 years and to make herself feel better she turned to me and said "...at last I've found someone bigger than me though!". Well first off I nearly died and then I really began to think about my own fertility and that I would not like to be 10 years down the line trying for a baby and still carrying the weight.

Most of the research I have come across indicated that the greater risk to my health is to remain this way without taking such a drastic step as Gastric Banding. Like you, Brenners, I have had very little wrong with my health up to now as I am quite a fit person despite my size and I have always gone to the gym, swim and walk regularily with the girls but my partner does say that I snore like a pig and I definatly associate with you lunasa about the dead arm thing as I'm always waking up like that to as a result of lying on it myself! The big thing for me also is not being able to fit in to regular clothes or get bras to fit! I'm up to a size 22 now and there is just no choice or style out there in that size.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences and hopefully will be able to lend support to you both over the next few weeks and months.

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Hi Allure...

Sounds like we pretty much are in the same boat..same weight & clothes size!!

As for that girl at the party & her comment...what a cow! I HATE people like that, but obviously she is very unhappy & taking a dig at you must have kinda made her day... Insensitive bitch though!

I'd probably have not been able to be ladylike there & knowing me would have made the situation very uncomfortable for everyone by making a horrible remark back as I am unhappy too & how dare she think she can have all the fun!

You are so right in your decision to have this surgery...massive weight loss followed by regain can really break one's spirit & soul & if we can do something to help ourselves we are mad not to... Life is too short.

Also, you got a glimpse of yourself 10 years on in that unhappy woman that day & that's where you will not end up...

I applaud you in your realisation of that..

BRENNERS... as for the pre dietary advice.. check out the last few pages of the April Thread there are lists of shakes etc on there..

Mind you a lot of them are americans so theyt have a much wider choice than we do, but worth a look all the same.

Slimfast shakes were mentioned.. Also EAS shakes, which I know you can get here if you look around.. my personal trainer (ah the skinny me) Used to stock them & they are good...nice & milky.

My pre op requires me to takes 4 shakes daily, two Soups (also made from powder he gave me) One portion of fruit & A portion of Veg throughout the day...2 litres Water minimum also...surprise surprise!!

I will also eat fish if I have to eat out,, because I will have to eat out..

But just think fish, chicken & veg..no sauces & stick to high Protein with veg... no enemy carbs...the usual really!!

you're looking at about 800-1000 calorie intake daily

Take care both you & I hop to see you on the April thread too... I saw you Brenners a few days back...Lunasa...xxx

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Greetings Irish People! I was banded over three years ago in paris and have had ups and downs with the band - I thought I was the only irish banded person ever! Would love to hear from all of you or answer any questions... I don't even know what AC or ACS is....I met someone here (on this board) over three years ago when I was trying to find out how an Irish person could get banded! she was living in Paris, and had just been banded. I met with her surgeon, was banded at halloween (when else!?!) 2003. I go to a surgeon in the UK for fills etc - the last time I went, he was unable to give me a fill - no Fluid came out of the port or would go in...eek! He thinks its kinked tubing- I have a 9cc band and really have never had much restriction - so I lost a good bit of weight but have stopped in the last year or so. I am still down over 7 stone which has made a huge difference to my life but i'd love to lose more... I have gone back to college full time (last sept) so my life has been kinda mad recently & I haven't been thinking about the band at all.... I went from a size 32 to a 22, and haven't gone up any, even tho I have no restriction, which is good. I was terrified of regain - I'm sure my weight has gone up/down but I don't weigh anymore, too upsetting/stressful! i just go by my clothes - and happily all my "new" 22's still fit. I am waiting for the summer hols from college to begin in may to restart my band life - ie going back to the surgeon, investigating band problems etc.

Anyway I'd LOVE to hear from fellow irish girls - best of luck with your journeys

everyone I met on this board were amazing - they were my family for the first year or so - no better band place so enjoy xx

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bumping for the Irish people! You all MUST be back at the pc after the long weekend by now???!!!! Hello?

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Well, I am back now after a lovely Easter weekend of hard physical labour!!! - I painted the garden fence in an effort to keep away from all the chocolate eggs!! It helped but I still managed to nibble a bit!

Bright, if I'm not mistaken I saw your pictures in the Before & After pics of this site. What an inspiration to see how all your hard work and effort paid off! You look happy and healty, which is brilliant to see. Well done.

I am counting down the days until Saturday when I am going for my consultancy with Advanced Cosmetic Surgery (ACS). I have done so much research on the web and the questions that have been provided in this thread (thanks to all contributors) have made the job easier and I am really looking forward to getting there to discuss my options and hopefully confirming a date.

Lunasa & Brenners must be getting very excited now that their surgery dates are coming closer. Let us know how you 2 are feeling?

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Bright, Allure and everyone else, good morning to you!

Well I had my pre-op check at the ACS clinic last Thursday morning and pending the results of my blood tests Im all set for April 26th!

I cant believe its just over 2 weeks away! I am excited but at times I panic and wonder if Im doing the right thing. I know I am doing the right thing but the mind can play tricks sometimes. I was feeling emotional on Saturday. I had a few glasses of wine and had a bit of a cry, worrying if this lap band was going to finally be the end of my weight struggle. All my life I have been on a diet of one sort or another and while I have lost weight, as we all know I put it on again and some more after each diet.

Anyway, I am in a much better frame of mind now and I need to get organised for when I come home from hospital. I got a list from someone on here of suggested things to have at hand for when I come home. Although most of the people on here are from the US I think I should be able to source most of the stuff. The one thing I am concerned about is the Protein shakes. Everyone has recommended that I have these but I dont know what kind to get or where to get them. I went to Holland and Barrett and the girl said they only stock ones that taste awful. Any suggestions?

I have started cutting back on carbs as requested by Dr Jerome at ACS. He asked that for at least 2 weeks pre-op I make an effort to cut out bread and potatoes and sugary foods. Its hard, because I am addicted to carbs but Im trying so hard. Hopefully it will kick start some weight loss also.

Anyway any suggestions from anyone to make things easier either before or after the op would be so gratefully appreciated.

Thanks so much, Brenners x

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Great news that you are nearly there, Brenners! It's obviously going to be an emotional time and you need to just embrace this and I suppose use this forum to express yourself and you'll get tons of advice and support from the existing banded members and those of us who are in a similar situation as yourself awaiting banding. So chin up and keeep posting your feelings.

I think that anyone who has come as far as considering gastric banding has been struggling for a considerable length of time with their eating and let's be honest, emotional eating. So what I'm saying is that we are all pretty much in the same situation. Any of my fears are quelled when I go and read the positive threads of the people who are successfully adjusting their life to living and eating as a banded person.

As for the shakes, why not go on the internet and search for ones that you can buy online. Any of the American or Australian contibutors might be able to recommend alternatives to what is available in Ireland and tell you what best to go for as they would have tried them.

loving the Tickers at the end of the mails - I think I'll have to get me one of them!

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Hi Allure & Brenners - yeah I think I'm in the "before and after" picture thread - it's more of a before and during, in my case - studies show that most people will lose 50-65% of their EXCESS weight with the band, and that is exactly what I did - and what most people I have met, three years out have done...

Brenners: you can get great shakes at "The Health food Store" in the Blanchardstown Centre or Nurture in Wicklow St (in Dublin city) - I used them a lot, they are either in a big tub for about 32 euro or in sachets for about 2.50 - they are called Spiru-tein and taste yum! You should buy a few sachets to see which flavours you like. I buy bags of frozen berries (in M&S or Aldi) and make a smoothie using the Protein Powder, skim milk and fruit. Another great Breakfast smoothie is Orange juice, a banana and a dessert spoon of Peanut Butter. Make sure you get lots of Protein in during the first few months - I lost a LOT of hair plus it really gives you the energy to go to the gym!

best of luck to you all on your band journeys - make sure to get lots of support - check in here often, even on bad days...it can be a lonely process dealing with this on your own. And despite family and friends being supportive, it's not the same as talking to someone else who has lost or needs to lose ten stone!

If you want to email me directly, send me a pm and I'll be happy to offer support and "where I went wrong" tips!

Again best of luck xx

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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:D:):D :huggie: :woot:

porn lover! you're back too! yay! I am missing you so much girlie - how's your foot? How's Indiana? email me soon with mucho newso


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I am also having surgery in ACS Dublin. My date is also 26th April, but I was actually booked in for surgery at the end of march but they discovered that my blood pressure was high on the day and the anaesthesist refused to operate. I had to go home. It was very upsetting. I had to go to my GP and get onto medication. Was just back with him today and he is happy that it has gone down. I have to do a 24hr monitor soon, and if he is happy with that, I can go ahead with surgery on 26th April. I would be interested to hear if they take your blood pressure and do an ECG in ACS. They didn't do that with me, only blood tests. Thinking about it now, I am surprised that blood pressure test wasn't a part of the consultation as it would have saved all that upset on the surgery day for me if the blood pressure had been picked up at the pre-op consultation. Maybe I'll see you in there Brenners!

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Holly123, I cant believe that we might be banded the same day in ACS! I feel so bad for you for what happened about your blood pressure. When I went to the clinic to have my bloods done 2 weeks ago, I asked the nurse to check my blood pressure, because I would have a history of borderline high blood pressure. She said it was a little high but nothing to worry about. Yes I do agree with you that they should have checked your blood pressure before your surgery. They did not do an ECG just blood tests. I am still waiting on the results of the blood tests. Im hoping everything will be ok. I had a full blood test done in February becuase I had to have a D&C after a miscarriage and everything was fine. So fingers crossed.

I have a head cold since last week. I felt miserable over the weekend but feel a little bit better since yesterday. Im wondering should I go to my GP and get an anitbiotic to just make sure that I dont have it on the day of surgery.

I dont know about you but Im up to ninety at times worrying about it. Worrying about whether Im doing the right thing. I know in my heart I am but the mind plays tricks. Dr Jerome asked me to not eat bread and potatoes and sweet stuff for 2 weeks before the op, Im finding it hard to stick to it, to be honest. Im a carb junkie! Im doing my best and already I feel like Ive lost a few pounds. What kind of a pre op diet are you doing?

Im running around at the moment trying to get everything organised for when I come home after surgery. I have a 6 year old son so Im trying to make life as easy as possible for myself for a few days.

Any Im sure it will all work out. I just want to get this band and start my new life. God the thoughts of being able to shop for clothes and not have to go near Evans!!! Bring it on!!

Let me know how your getting on.

Brenners x

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Hey Lunasa, just checking in to see how you got on with your procedure on Tuesday? Hope all is well, let us know how you are feeling.

I went to meet with a new Consultant they have in ACS, Bernd Ablassmaier last Saturday. He was great and totally reassuring as he explained everything and he definatly confirmed for me that I am making a very sensible decision. However, he is not in Ireland agian until June 6th to perform surgery again and I fely that that was just too far out! So I went back to get me bloods done on Tuesday and booked in tentatively for the procedure on May 7th with Jerome Manceau. I have to go meet with him on Monday next to confirm. So if there is anyone out there scheduled for the same day let me know.

I met with a fab nurese called Tara who was very informative and gave me all the successful stories of her other banders! She spoke of a really nice lady called Brendsadue for the op - I'm presuming this is you Brenners!!! You and Holly123 are nearly there. I'm excited for you both and looking forward to hearing all about your experiences. I spoke to a lady on Saturday morning who had it done on Friday in ACS and she was in great form, not a lot of pain just discomfort and no hunger at all! That was very reassuring.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

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Allure, I too was wondering how Lunasa got on. Fingers crossed she is over it and doing ok.

Yes I met with Tara when I went to the clinic to have my bloods done! It must be me she is talking about, Im very flattered!!! Isnt she so nice? Very professional and very easy to talk to. My op was changed from Thursday 26th to next Tuesday 24th!! I am so so excited but of course the usual doubts are in the back of my mind. I KNOW 100% that I am doing the right thing. I am almost 38 and I cant wait to start my new life from next Tuesday. I am so aware from reading all the posts on here that it is not going to be plain sailing all of the time. But hopefully with the support of my fab husband and family I will get through it.

I am more or less organised and we told my 6 yr old son last night that I have to have a little operation on my tummy. He was quite sad but said that he would make sure to be extra good when I come home. He is such a joy! Im doing this not just for me but also for him so I will be healthy and happy when he is growing up.

Anyway, I will keep you posted how I get on. Brenners x

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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