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Need Hope? A Place for Reflection and Inspiration!

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Let's come together and share our successes, thoughts and dreams! Banding is a journey and we each have a story to tell that can inspire others. Bandsters, pause and reflect where you have come from. Newbies, look ahead and have hope!

How long have you been banded?

What have you learned from this experience?

Could you share your most rewarding NSV (non-scale victory)?

What is your biggest challenge?

What tips or advice would you pass on to newbies?

What is your greatest fear?

What goals do you have for the future?

How has your life changed?

Has living with the band met up to your expectations?

If you could talk to yourself prior to being banded, what would you say?

Thank you, my friends for all of your posts and for your successes. I feel a kinship with you. Each one of you is an inspiration to me! Good luck!

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Great idea, BOO!

What is your "Bandiversary" goal?

To get into Onderland! 21 pounds to go til Onderland...wish me luck!

What have you learned this past year?

food should remain a source of fuel, not a source of entertainment.

Could you share your most rewarding NSV (non-scale victory)?

Shopping for clothes in the regular section...I have NEVER done this, honestly. Even as a kid I had to wear "Pretty Plus" size from Sears!

What is your biggest challenge?

Social eating-DEFINATELY! I still haven't mastered this yet. I still get carried away when I'm at parties/social functions.

What tips would you pass on to the April 2007 newbies?

Eat, just eat good, healthy foods.

What is your greatest fear?

Never affording the plastic surgery I need to get rid of this excess skin.

What goals do you have for the future?

To hit my goal weight, of course!

How has your life changed?

In every possible way. Mainly, I've learned to take care of myself and set priorities to make my health a no-compromise concept!

Has living with the band met up to your expectations?

Yes and no. I'm proud of my success but this idea of "restriction" still hasn't set in and I have never experienced it for any extended period of time.

If you could talk to yourself a year ago, what would you say?

I'd say "You're doing the right thing...stick with the band and not the bypass." And, I'd throw in..."You need to excerise even more because it'll pay off!"


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Starting Weight February 2006: 392

Current Weight: 220

Total Lost Since February 2006: -172

Banded April 2006

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<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead>LapBandit</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option>View Public Profile</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option>Send a private message to LapBandit</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option>Send email to LapBandit</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option></TD></TR><TR><TD class=vbmenu_option></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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Who ya gonna call?

</TD><TD width="100%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Feb 2006

Posts: 413

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_419243><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Lapbandit, WOW!!! You have accomplished so much this year!

I am also learning to take care of myself.

Great advice given!

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March Exercise Challenge: 9 Down, 10 to go!

Banded on 4/5/06

Dr. Ortiz

Then 208/Now 167/1st goal 142


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Registered User

</TD><TD width="100%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Apr 2006

Age: 34

Posts: 579

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_419443><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->What is your "Bandiversary" goal?

Originally it was to lose 100lbs in my first year, but that isn't gonna happen. Now my goal is to get as close to that as I can!

What have you learned this past year?

I have learned that without the support of fellow bandsters this is a difficult road. Lifting up and encouraging others is what makes us all stronger together.

Could you share your most rewarding NSV (non-scale victory)?

Most rewarding is that my back and knees are in so much less pain, in fact most days I don't even notice them anymore. When I started I couldn't push a vacuum without crumbling to the floor in tears from pain.

What is your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge has been to try to learn to deal with life's ups and downs without turning to food. I never could have known how hard that would be.

What tips would you pass on to the April 2007 newbies?

1 - Stick together and take care of each other.

2 - Get fills when you need them and when in doubt ask your fill professional their opinion on whether or not you need one!

3 - Participate in a support group with other banded people like this one!

What is your greatest fear?

That I won't know who I am without my padding :)

What goals do you have for the future?

To live, to run, to laugh

How has your life changed?

I am healthier, I can now see me reaching my goal. I always could picture myself thin but not how I got there, now I can see the way to get there.

Has living with the band met up to your expectations?

Yes and no. I really thought that because I started at a higher BMI that I would lose faster in the beginning. On the other hand, I am totally moving steadily towards my goal weight now that I have good restriction and the band is now helping me, finally.

If you could talk to yourself a year ago, what would you say?

Don't feel like other peoples numbers affect you personally. You are an individual and your adjustments are individual to you! You are not like anyboy else, no one is. Some people lose 10lbs in there first year and others lose 150lbs, the good news is that it's ok to be an individual, we all are losing (barring any medical conditions that prevent it) and that is what matters. We can all reach our goal if we are willing to put forth the effort to work with our band and not around it.

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~ Molly ~

Banded 4/11/2006 - VG 10cc

6/5/2006 - 4.5cc's

6/19/2006 - 6.5cc's

7/17/2006 - 7.5cc's

8/28/2006 - 8.5cc's

2/13/2007 - 9.5cc's


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Who ya gonna call?

</TD><TD width="100%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Feb 2006

Posts: 413

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_420165><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->I agree! It is not a race to lose. And each of us is an individual with unique weight-loss issues. After surgery I wrote in my journal to appreciate whatever loss I had at one year because I will have not gained!

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March Exercise Challenge: 9 Down, 10 to go!

Banded on 4/5/06

Dr. Ortiz

Then 208/Now 167/1st goal 142


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RedHeads Rock!!

</TD><TD width="100%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: May 2006

Posts: 174

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_420437><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->What is your "Bandiversary" goal?

I would love to be at my goal weight of 135. It is looming so close.

What have you learned this past year?

That I can succeed at weight loss...all I needed was some help.

Could you share your most rewarding NSV (non-scale victory)?

There are so many. I have found the self confidence that I thought I lost, no more cholesterol medication, the restless leg syndrome is gone, bye bye sleep apnea, hugs from my son because he can get his arms around me, shopping in normal sized stores, enjoying shopping because I can find things that fit, mowing the yard without getting winded in the first five minutes.....the list goes on and on and on.

What is your biggest challenge?

Trying to keep eating the "bandster" way.

What tips would you pass on to the April 2007 newbies?

Make good food choices, but don't deprive yourself of a small treat once in while (this is for your sanity). Drink lots of Water (dehydration is a bad thing.....kidney stones are not your friend). Don't be afraid to ask questions. The best people to get banded information from is from another bandster.

What is your greatest fear?

Slipping up, eating too much, and falling into the same bad habits that got me to where I was in the first place.

What goals do you have for the future?

My biggest short term goal is to participate in the Danskin triathlon in Seattle in August of this year.

How has your life changed?

I am definately more active and outgoing.

Has living with the band met up to your expectations?

I didn't really have major expectations to begin with. I read so much about only losing a portion of the weight will be lost. But I truly believe the weight you lose will depend on you. I am so happy I did this and I would do it again in a second.

If you could talk to yourself a year ago, what would you say?

To not be so afraid about doing something for myself. Be a hero to yourself as this will be a life changing experience.

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Irish Girl


Banded April 28, 2006 (BMI of 39 - morbidly obese)

1st fill 6/8/06 - 2.25cc

2nd fill 07/11/06 - 3.25cc

3rd fill 8/15/06 - 3.50cc (BMI of 30 - overweight)

4th fill 9/26/06 - 4.25cc

No fill - 11/9/06 (BMI of 28)

No fill - 12/7/06 (BMI of 25.9 - Almost Normal)

No fill - 1/8/07 (BMI of 25.8 - Almost Normal)

5th fill - 3/6/07 - 4.45cc (BMI of 25.5 - Still Almost Normal)

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Who ya gonna call?

</TD><TD width="100%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Feb 2006

Posts: 413

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_420489><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Wow! Irish Girl, you are amazing and an inspiration. I have been stuck at the same weight for over two months. It is time for me to get tough. I can't imagine getting to 135, but I need to start seeing it! That is where I want to be. Good luck on the Triathalon.

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March Exercise Challenge: 9 Down, 10 to go!

Banded on 4/5/06

Dr. Ortiz

Then 208/Now 167/1st goal 142


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Who ya gonna call?

</TD><TD width="100%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Feb 2006

Posts: 413

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_420490>Irish Girl, what size is your band? Mine is unfilled at the present time, but was filled to 1.4 cc.

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March Exercise Challenge: 9 Down, 10 to go!

Banded on 4/5/06

Dr. Ortiz

Then 208/Now 167/1st goal 142


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</TD><TD width="100%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Feb 2006

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_421123><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->This is a cool idea for a thread. Thank you, Boo!

What is your "Bandiversary" goal?

To be recovered from my Tummy Tuck and breast lift (March 28th) enough to schedule my flight home (to actually be home is a stretch).

What have you learned this past year?

I've learned that it's better to head off a binge than to fight it. It's like turning a boat. You might not be able to turn on a dime, but if you plan, you can still get the boat turned.

Could you share your most rewarding NSV (non-scale victory)?

Flying without a seatbelt extender. Walking anywhere in the City just because and not worrying about breaking out in a sweat even in the cold.

What is your biggest challenge?

Learning how to not act like an adolescent in my new body.

What tips would you pass on to the April 2007 newbies?

Measure your food, at least some of the time. It keeps you accountable. Also, if you're not losing as quickly as you'd like, consider counting calories at least for a few days. It'll let you see where you can make adjustments to meet your goals.

What is your greatest fear?

Regaining the weight. I know it's not likely, but I still fear it.

What goals do you have for the future?

To figure out what goal weight is and reach it. To run a 10K. To run an average mile in under 10 minutes.

How has your life changed?

Oh my gosh, what a question! I fit into life again. I don't worry about finding the "right" seat on the bus or whether a folding chair will break under my weight. I can shop anywhere. I care about my appearance. People treat me with more respect, even just walking down the street -- it shouldn't be that way but it is. I got a new job making triple salary. Triple! Men hit on me. I'm excited about tomorrow.

Has living with the band met up to your expectations?

It's far exceeded my expectations. I expected to be about 250 or 275 now. Instead, I'm in the 190s. All I expected from the band was to get back to Twoterville. Actual day-to-day life, the band exceeds my expectations as well. I thought I'd have way more limitations on the types of food I'd be able to eat.

If you could talk to yourself a year ago, what would you say?

I'd say be kind to yourself. You're a pretty cool person and even though you don't like yourself a lot right now, you've got the potential to love yourself. I'd also say, self, since you've got this ability to talk to yourself a year ago, try to see if you can talk to yourself 5 years ago and get a band then. Don't waste time trying to find another option. You're going to exhaust them all and still wind up 350+ and banded. Save yourself the emotional and physical trauma.

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banded 4/10/06, NYU, Dr. Fielding


April Bandits' March Challenge: Seventeen 40 minute sessions completed.

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Ready! Set! BAND ME!

</TD><TD width="100%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Jun 2006

Age: 37

Posts: 888

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_421381><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->From an April 07 bandster............


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Surgery Scheduled 4/26/2007

APROVED BCBS on 1/30/07

Dr. Malley, Mission, Kansas


I Look forward to finally having a HEALTHY relationship with food, instead of the obsessive stalker I seem to be right now.


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Who ya gonna call?

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_421396><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Julie, that is beautiful! I loved reading your thoughts!

Thanks, Tracy! I hope this thread will help the April '06 bandsters to reflect on our journey, and to clarify new goals.

All of you newbies and upcoming bandsters, see what you have to look forward to!!

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March Exercise Challenge: 9 Down, 10 to go!

Banded on 4/5/06

Dr. Ortiz

Then 208/Now 167/1st goal 142


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<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Buthope our new chicklings in the Apri

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Come on Spring.....

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_422433><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->What is your "Bandiversary" goal?

To consistently weigh in below 200

What have you learned this past year?

That I CAN do this!!! That my life does not have to center around food.

Could you share your most rewarding NSV (non-scale victory)?

I take no more prescription meds for high blood pressure, or diabetes. My back doesn't hurt. I FEEL healthy!

What is your biggest challenge?

To eat enough veggies, and some fruit. I havre a tendency to eat meat...and other high Protein foods, forgetting my body has other needs too!

What tips would you pass on to the April 2007 newbies?

To enjoy the year---yes we all want to be at goal NOW!!!! But getting to know yourself and your body along the way, is wonderful. Seeing how far you can push your new abilities---is eye opening!

What is your greatest fear?

Losing my band! I try really hard to make the way I do things into a habit, so if something should happen, I would KNOW what to do, to keep from going back where I was.

What goals do you have for the future?

Taking my grandbabies to amusement parks, and Water parks, and not embarrassing either of us! To be the best support I can for others following me on this weight loss experience.

How has your life changed?

I breath easier, I feel healthy, I don't feel people staring at me, I buy clothes in Misses sizes. I wear jeans again, I can wear flip flops without my feet hurting. There are so many of these little things---there are also big ones. I upped my life insurance, and did not require a Dr. exam to do it! It has been full of changes---wonderful, dream filled changes!

Has living with the band met up to your expectations?

Yes, I didn't go in with a lot of expectations...this was not as involved (the board) then. I expected not to be able to eat some things, that I have been able to eat. I read about all the PB's---only to find out they are not a daily occurance! I expected the surgery to be more painful---all in all it has been much better!!!

If you could talk to yourself a year ago, what would you say?

YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! I had failed at so many diets, I really doubted myself going into this too. I would explain the why's and the hows that I have learned along the way. Knowing why you are on a liquid diet, makes it so much easier to stay on! Knowing why you are sliming, makes it less scary. I researched, but I learned so much by experience!! I would share my own experience!!

Banding is without a doubt one of the best things i ever did just for me---i would do it again in a heartbeat, and recommend it to anyone and everyone who asks me!!!


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Banded 4/24/2006



 Celebrating being an "overweight loser"!!!


55 3/4" lost

29 miles

Challenge..12 down 7 to go

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Who ya gonna call?

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March Exercise Challenge: 9 Down, 10 to go!

Banded on 4/5/06

Dr. Ortiz

Then 208/Now 167/1st goal 142


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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_422460><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->All of you are helping me decide on what could be one of the best decisions of my life! Thank you!

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_422463><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->What did Kat mean by "Knowing why you are sliming, makes it less scary."?

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_422522><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- icon and title -->great thread

<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->The posts are so honest and heart felt...you made me cry too. Keep em coming.

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Surgery Date April 3, 2007!!!!!

Dr. Bobby Basker-Rau

Palm Springs, CA

"I wish I'd know from the beginning that I was born a strong woman...born to take on the world; I wouldn't have run from it for so long, but run to it with open arms." :kiss2: Sarah Ban Breathnach

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Who ya gonna call?

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Posts: 414

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_422547><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Sophie123 and Kity, you ARE making one of the most important decisions of your lives! Our stomachs may be banded, but we are also banded together by our desire to overcome weaknesses and fully engage in life. We can relate to each other because of our struggles and desires.

Please check in with us. We want to help our April '07 newbies because we have found great success in our association on this board.

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March Exercise Challenge: 9 Down, 10 to go!

Banded on 4/5/06

Dr. Ortiz

Then 208/Now 167/1st goal 142


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April 07 Bandwagon

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_422604><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->This thread is so very inspiring to all of us that are anxiously awaiting our banding. You probably remember your anxiety, too....second-guessing, worrying, wondering, mourning, etc. Every time I have any doubts I just hang out on LBT for awhile, maybe go look at the before/after thread or the 'would you do it again?' poll, and I'm right back at the place where I know without a doubt that I am doing the right thing. Thanks to all of you for taking the April 07 Bandwagon under your wings. It helps more than you know. :love:

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Scheduled for surgery 4/4/07

Dr. Spivak - Houston, TX

215/212/150 5'6" BMI 35


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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_422964><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->How has your life changed?

Oh my gosh, what a question! I fit into life again. I don't worry about finding the "right" seat on the bus or whether a folding chair will break under my weight. I can shop anywhere. I care about my appearance. People treat me with more respect, even just walking down the street -- it shouldn't be that way but it is. I got a new job making triple salary. Triple! Men hit on me. I'm excited about tomorrow.

Has living with the band met up to your expectations?

It's far exceeded my expectations. I expected to be about 250 or 275 now. Instead, I'm in the 190s. All I expected from the band was to get back to Twoterville. Actual day-to-day life, the band exceeds my expectations as well. I thought I'd have way more limitations on the types of food I'd be able to eat.

If you could talk to yourself a year ago, what would you say?

I'd say be kind to yourself. You're a pretty cool person and even though you don't like yourself a lot right now, you've got the potential to love yourself. I'd also say, self, since you've got this ability to talk to yourself a year ago, try to see if you can talk to yourself 5 years ago and get a band then. Don't waste time trying to find another option. You're going to exhaust them all and still wind up 350+ and banded. Save yourself the emotional and physical trauma.

Om my gosh, this has made me cry. Thank you so much for saying these words. I hate myself at the moment, and the thought that I could emotionally feel like this/you in a years time opens up a new lease of life I truely desperately need.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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x Sara x

Surgery Date: 2nd April 2007 :Bunny

Weight before surgery: 245lbs

Height: 5ft 4"


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Om my gosh, this has made me cry. Thank you so much for saying these words. I hate myself at the moment, and the thought that I could emotionally feel like this/you in a years time opens up a new lease of life I truely desperately need.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->


Sara, you're very welcome. And you WILL feel this way about yourself in a year. Probably even less than a year. After about 3 months, when I got good restriction and stopped being so driven by food, I started truly feeling better about myself. True, the weight loss wasn't so noticeable to the outside world at 3 months, but things were starting to change within me about how I felt about myself. Believe me, the time FLIES. You'll be feeling so much better about yourself much sooner than you think. April 2nd is really soon. Just hang in there. You're going to make it and you're SO SO SO doing the right thing!

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banded 4/10/06, NYU, Dr. Fielding


April Bandits' March Challenge: Seventeen 40 minute sessions completed.

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Sophie what I meant by that remark---knowing why you are sliming makes it less scary---is this---

When I was banded I had researched thoroughly the process, and my Dr. all of that. I had a fairly good idea of what a PB was---but when I failed to chew well enough following my first fill, I began sliming---and if not for the helpful souls here on LBT, I would have been even more scared!!! Lucky for me one of the older (band wise, not age) members was up late that weekend, and told me what was going on, that it was ok!

FYI---slime is VERY thick, VERY sticky mucus. Your body produces huge amounts of it, if your body senses something is stuck or you overeat. It is trying to "slick" the obstruction up to help it pass. Unfortunately, when your pouch is full, there is nowhere for all the slime to go...so spitting it is the best option, if you try to swallow all of it, it will 9 times out of 10 throw you inot a full blown PB and you will lose it all. When you do swallow it, and then PB it, it often comes up in long strands referred to as ropes...it is heavy, it all sticks together, and comes up....sounds nasty, it is...BUT...the slime is tasteless, and odorless....just an annoyance! It does not choke you to PB (vomit in a way) it up....it is just bizarre looking---I know that sounds gross....but trying to be 100% honest here!!!

My point was just that the more educated you can get on this site as to what might happen to your body, the better prepared you are, and you aren't sitting at home at 11 PM worrying that something is wrong, because you are "foaming at the mouth"!!!!

You guys are right when you say we can probably remember a year ago--how nervous and excited we were!!! I Can! I remember sitting in this exact chair, at this computer looking at the before and after thread....not believing for a second that I could have my own pics there! I remember telling DH that the average/suggested weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. I told him, can you imagine me being 50 or more pounds less in a year? As it is- it is closer to 100!

For every pound and every inch lost I have gai

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I received several requests to open this up to all bandsters and newbies. It was originally written for a "April 2006 Bandiversary!!" thread. Please forgive me for not knowing how to forward the posts to this thread!



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Let's come together and share our successes, thoughts and dreams! Banding is a journey and we each have a story to tell that can inspire others. Bandsters, pause and reflect where you have come from. Newbies, look ahead and have hope!

How long have you been banded? I've been banded 10 months.

What have you learned from this experience? That I can survive on smaller portions without being hungry.

Could you share your most rewarding NSV (non-scale victory)? Moving into a size 20 bottom and size 16 top from a 24.

What is your biggest challenge? Taking smaller bites. Giving up alcohol.

What tips or advice would you pass on to newbies? Take it slow, eat slow, small bites.

What is your greatest fear? That I will not get to goal.

What goals do you have for the future? I want to lose another 3 lbs to put me at 50 lbs.

How has your life changed? I can wear smaller sizes and I feel better.

Has living with the band met up to your expectations? Yes, I love being banded.

If you could talk to yourself prior to being banded, what would you say?

Its okay to ask for help.

Thanks for the post.

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How long have you been banded?

8 months April 5th

What have you learned from this experience?

Patience! For me it is slow and steady wins the race..

Could you share your most rewarding NSV (non-scale victory)?

Putting on a pair of jeans that have been hanging in my closet forever. Wearing them today!!

What is your biggest challenge?

I am a carb-o-holic and HUGE boredom eater.. gotta keep busy!

What tips or advice would you pass on to newbies?

Everyone is different and you have to find what works best for you!

What is your greatest fear?

That I hit a plateau and don't lose anymore!

What goals do you have for the future?

Keep losing weight and being healthier, start a family with my fiance (once I get married in May!), get my degree so I can teach

How has your life changed?

I have more self confidence, happier, feel like I am in control for the first time in a LONG time..

Has living with the band met up to your expectations?

DEFINATELY.. best decision I ever made for myself

If you could talk to yourself prior to being banded, what would you say?

You are worth it and what are you waiting for??!!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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