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Hi Jen!! I agree completely with what sos said. Choices will make you or break you. :) There werent any post op sleevers at 3-4 more years out when I started to research. The new generation of sleevers are lucky! There seem to be quite a great deal many of us now.

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So good to see you!

Diva I was obese most of my life, I am 49and like high intensity workout too. I know I have knee arthritis and likely more....do you think the high intensity contributed to the issues?

I am 2years out, 3 months out from plastics and maintaining below my goal...but definitely feel like it is a delicate hold. I learned something very important from my band failure which is to reach out when things go bad as opposed to hiding in shame like I did. I think it is modeling ideal behavior to say "I regained xx pounds and now I am going to get them off" that's what keeps us from regaining 100#.

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So good to see you! Diva I was obese most of my life, I am 49and like high intensity workout too. I know I have knee arthritis and likely more....do you think the high intensity contributed to the issues? I am 2years out, 3 months out from plastics and maintaining below my goal...but definitely feel like it is a delicate hold. I learned something very important from my band failure which is to reach out when things go bad as opposed to hiding in shame like I did. I think it is modeling ideal behavior to say "I regained xx pounds and now I am going to get them off" that's what keeps us from regaining 100#.

It's the "hiding in shame" part that has always been my demise. This is the first time I've had true, honest discourse about being obese - albeit with strangers in cyberspace, but at least I'm facing myself.

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Hiding in shame is definitely part of it. When I was really obese i used to hide in the house. Now i feel I have let people like you all down by regaining, after having been praised in the past. It's mad i know! I would never judge anyone else like this, only myself.

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Only the formerly obese can be so hard on ourselves. In what universe should a woman who used to weigh 250ish feel shame for weighing in the 140s?

And like I said by sharing your on going success story, with all its ups and downs, is helpful to the rest of us so I hope you realize you haven't let anyone down.

I have been so guilty of all or nothing thinking,like that feeling that gaining 10 might as well be 100# I am really cognizant of that...feeling of shame and despair which of course helped pave the path to a big regain. Hasn't happened yet post sleeve.......but I am vigilant.

In early stages successful vets help so much with eating and exercise, but the long haul challenges....that's where the stories and lessons to be learned are really valuable!

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As usual, great thoughts. I'm having a real issue with the shame factor or even (can you believe it) calling myself FAT, even if it's only to myself. That's just ridiculous, because once upon a time I would have killed to be forty pounds heavier than I am right now.

But I've never been able to shed those last few baby pounds and mostly, I'm terribly unhappy with my shape right now, even if I'm still pretty close to my goal weight. The way my weight redistributed postpartum was less than ideal. It's all in my tummy and with those deflated breasts from breastfeeding...ugh.

It's hard sometimes to remember how far I've come, even if I'm still not back to where I want to be.

I guess we all go through this and tend to beat ourselves up over regains, no matter the cause.

And Sheila (M2G) watch that Iron. I'm having some big health issues right now and Iron deficiency was one of the things I needed to watch. At the very least, make sure to get regular labs even though you're so far out, to be sure that those numbers don't drop. There is a huge difference in how I feel on my prescription supplements and how I feel when I go without. I can hardly function when I don't take my supplements. I had issues with anemia pre-op and like Diva, really got sick of taking all those pills. But it's worse now that I eat less, no better, so I'm forced to take them regularly or I suffer.

Great to see everyone here, what a nice reunion thread!


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Wow, I'm very late to this party, but it's amazing to see so many of the experienced vets back here - thank you! Whenever I need inspiration, or guidance, this veterans forum is my favorite place to be! Started off my morning on the wrong foot (in that OTHER forum - why why why do I go there?), and it's so much better here.

I just wanted to add another voice of support for supplements and regular labs. I'm about 2.5 years post-op, and still take bariatric-strength supplements religiously - a twice daily Multivitamin, 4x daily extra Calcium, and an Iron supplement (167% RDA), which I'll admit to occasionally taking twice (darn those yummy chewables!). I also eat read meat and spinach regularly. When I had labs done at a year, I was super low on thiamine, and d. I added a b complex, and high dose d to my regimen. Now, 18 months later I recently had labs done again. Thiamine and d (and b12) are great, but my ferritin levels are at 2. Last year they were on the low end of the normal range (12 or 15 - 150), I think I was at around 15. So, despite my regular supplementation, I've dropped to super-low levels.

I've been on a high dose timed release ferritin supplement, hoping to get my levels up without having to resort to infusions, I'll know in another 6 weeks if it's working. My symptoms were fortunately pretty mild, so don't count on that necessarily as a warning sign!

Lots of folks think sleeve patients don't need to worry about regular blood work because we're less prone to deficiencies than RNY patients, but "less prone" doesn't mean "not prone", right?

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Cgj absolutely yes I do think my hi intensity workouts hurt me in both ways. Im sure by body ran out of supplemental reserves quickly and I knew I had really bad knees yet I did a lot of jumping, squatting. . Running all that. Im told now that if I run anymore I can be assured I'll need a total knee replacement in both knees in about 5 years time. :( I'm very limited in what I can do and what I will be able to do once I get physically restored.

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It is SO NICE to be back. Hiding isn't what I was trying to do but is what it ended up being. I was so awfully upset that I couldn't workout like I was anymore. It almost seemed what I was known for but I guess I was meant to come back and now to be known as the comeback girl. Lol. :) Imma do it tho because I know my strengths! !

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Diva it's wonderful to see you back! I do have you on my FB so I know a bit of what's been going on. You are an inspiration and whether you are a hardcore workout girl or not, you ARE inspirational. You are also human and these issues would make anyone upset and have issues. I am sorry you're having so many issues and I have to wonder how my labs are. I take my Vitamins daily and always have but I don't usually take "over" the recommended daily intake of anything. I just take the RDA per the ASMBS guidelines. I noticed the ASMBS guidelines were recently updated and they added 2 multis a day to VSG patients instead of just the 1 that was previously recommended. Ever since I saw that, I've started to take 2 multis a few times a week but not every day. I hate taking 2 multis because I get horribly constipated so I compromised and started taking 2 a few days a week. I'm starting to rethink that. I've always taken the RDA Calcium and B12. I got my labs done on my 1 year surgiversary last February and will probably get some done again soon since it's about to be my 2 year in just 2 weeks. The lack of instrinsic factor in our tummies really does have an affect, perhaps more than some surgeons thought in the past. This is probably why the ASMBS is adding 2 multis to the recommended Vitamin intake after VSG instead of just the 1 as in the past. I am sure they are seeing more deficiencies in VSG patients now than in the past because there is more time past since VSG was introduced. It's scary and I'm glad you and the other vets posted about that. We can't get complacent and forget to take our vites or forget to get our labs checked. Big hugs going out to you. I hope things get better for you quickly and I'm so happy to have you back! I always clicked on your threads and posts when I was a newb and will continue to.

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Thank you, that means so much!! Xo I'm super diligent now with my Vites/iron/B-12. My Hubby even asks me if I've taken them. He was really worried about me for a long time. :(

Diva it's wonderful to see you back! I do have you on my FB so I know a bit of what's been going on. You are an inspiration and whether you are a hardcore workout girl or not, you ARE inspirational. You are also human and these issues would make anyone upset and have issues. I am sorry you're having so many issues and I have to wonder how my labs are. I take my Vitamins daily and always have but I don't usually take "over" the recommended daily intake of anything. I just take the RDA per the ASMBS guidelines. I noticed the ASMBS guidelines were recently updated and they added 2 multis a day to VSG patients instead of just the 1 that was previously recommended. Ever since I saw that, I've started to take 2 multis a few times a week but not every day. I hate taking 2 multis because I get horribly constipated so I compromised and started taking 2 a few days a week. I'm starting to rethink that. I've always taken the RDA Calcium and B12. I got my labs done on my 1 year surgiversary last February and will probably get some done again soon since it's about to be my 2 year in just 2 weeks. The lack of instrinsic factor in our tummies really does have an affect, perhaps more than some surgeons thought in the past. This is probably why the ASMBS is adding 2 multis to the recommended Vitamin intake after VSG instead of just the 1 as in the past. I am sure they are seeing more deficiencies in VSG patients now than in the past because there is more time past since VSG was introduced. It's scary and I'm glad you and the other vets posted about that. We can't get complacent and forget to take our vites or forget to get our labs checked. Big hugs going out to you. I hope things get better for you quickly and I'm so happy to have you back! I always clicked on your threads and posts when I was a newb and will continue to.

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Cgj absolutely yes I do think my hi intensity workouts hurt me in both ways. Im sure by body ran out of supplemental reserves quickly and I knew I had really bad knees yet I did a lot of jumping, squatting. . Running all that. Im told now that if I run anymore I can be assured I'll need a total knee replacement in both knees in about 5 years time. :( I'm very limited in what I can do and what I will be able to do once I get physically restored.

I just started working with a personal trainer...today he wanted me to run stairs. I said wait a minute sonny...I have NO cartilage left, that isn't a good idea. We are doing massive lunges squats etc and I wonder if I should talk to amedical professional about how to preserve those joints. In hindsight,would you consult with an orthopedics surgeon before injury????

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I just started working with a personal trainer...today he wanted me to run stairs. I said wait a minute sonny...I have NO cartilage left, that isn't a good idea. We are doing massive lunges squats etc and I wonder if I should talk to amedical professional about how to preserve those joints. In hindsight,would you consult with an orthopedics surgeon before injury????

This is exactly why I stay away from personal trainers. 2 years ago I lost about 30 pounds eating no sugar and exercising. I had this burst of confidence because I was feeling great and starting to exercise at a "real gym" so I took advantage of the "1st time free fitness trainer". Sweet, nice kid (prob 23) who did his best to make me feel comfortable in my 300 lb body at a nearly all male gym. I told him I had knee issues. I told him I was old (43) and that I was a nurse who spent 12-14 hours on my feet at a time and again, "bad knees". He had me doing box jumps even when I protested. Of course, I tore my MCL climbing up onto that box. Was on crutches for a week, escaped surgery but that was the end of aerobic exercise in 2011. Got depressed, fell off the wagon. No one listens to fat, middle aged women who are out of shape at a gym. I really think they feel like they are Jillian Michaels on The Biggest Loser and your capable of anything! I'd like to believe I could do anything but reality is, My obesity has damaged my joints. I pray, pray, pray I'll lose enough weight for the pain to go away and have some abilities to become "fit". But box jumping is out of the question. He really wasn't trying to get me hurt but he had no business "training" someone with severe Knee OA by box jumping. I took up swimming with the old ladies at the local rec and lost the majority of the 30 pounds later that year. I learned my lesson. I love the feeling of hard exercise. But I need to stay as injury free as possible. Injury = depression and frustration. Maybe ask for a PT consult to get a plan?

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I just started working with a personal trainer...today he wanted me to run stairs. I said wait a minute sonny...I have NO cartilage left, that isn't a good idea. We are doing massive lunges squats etc and I wonder if I should talk to amedical professional about how to preserve those joints. In hindsight,would you consult with an orthopedics surgeon before injury????

Yes ive been seeing the same ortho doctor for many years. He'd been doing cortisone shots on my knees until I just couldn't take it anymore.

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Thank you, that means so much!! Xo I'm super diligent now with my Vites/iron/B-12. My Hubby even asks me if I've taken them. He was really worried about me for a long time. :(

Gosh I feel like I just read my life story! Lol except my person trainer was Shawn T and Insanity!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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