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Hormone imbalances caused by obesity can cause your uterine lining to build up and not fully shed each month. This is caused hyperplasia and can be a cancer risk, depending on how the cells look under a microscope. Losing weight or a shift in your hormones from other reasons, such as going on or off the pill, can trigger the lining to shed. Because it is thickened, it can take much longer to shed than normal and may need to be stripped out via a D&C. This happened to me in 2007 and I had a period that lasted three months before I finally had a D&C. The cells were found to be pre-cancerous. I was given the Mirena IUD to keep the lining thin.

In 2010 I went off Mirena to try to get pregnant. I needed fertility treatment. The very first month, I didn't get my period but wasn't pregnant. I had a D&C and cancer was found. Two weeks later I had a total hysterectomy. So much for trying to conceive. But thank god it was detected so early.

I am sharing this so you will take it seriously and pugs for answers. I have been cancer-free for more than three years but I still have to have follow-up exams every 6 months. And I will be on estrogen therapy until I am at least 60. I am 35 now. Serious, serious stuff. I wish I had gotten bariatric surgery 10 years ago so I could have kept my uterus.


Wow that's scary! glad to hear you are cancer free now but sorry you had to go through such an ordeal at such an early time in your life.

We just really don't know what to expect from day to day with our health and should cherish all we have each day.

With all the bleeding sunday into monday I really was thinking the worst and that I'd have to have my uterus removed -- the menstrual flow was so intense and literally everywhere; the clots were massive and I could barely hold myself up to cleanup and change my bed sheets. A nightmare essentially.

I'm 31 yrs old with no kids. I adore children and hope I find someone special to share that experience with one of these days.

I will surely keep in touch with my obgyn about ultrasound test results. I'm hoping for the best.

Good luck to you!

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The good news is the ultrasound will tell them how thick the lining is and how much more there is to shed. They can decide whether to reset you with a D&C, put you on the pill or Mirena to control the lining better until your hormones are more on track or what to do to manage it. Your bariatric surgeon is out of their depth on this one. If you do have a D&C, ask for a biopsy to be taken for analysis. You have already done the best thing for your reproductive health by taking positive steps to get your weight to a healthy range. Your future children will thank you.

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I had mine the week before surgery, then started about 5 days late... Boy this one is a doozy! Very heavy and bad cramps! Missing my ibuprofen which has always helped in the past! Have 6 week follow up next week, will definitely ask what I can take because Tylenol is not really helping.

I know what you mean Tami...I had Rx Naproxyn especially for the cramps...can't take that anymore...tried Tylenol, but that didn't seem to even touch the pain. Grrrr.

MinWin - At my appt yesterday - PA told me I could resume taking Ibuprofen during TOM but to also be sure to take my antacid with it. She also suggested I start taking Iron supplements after a really heavy mensus... so I may be adding that in this week.

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I am six months out, and just visited the gyno last week to get on hormonal birth control to control the deluge...I took two sick days for the last one! It's hard to explain what kind of "sick" you are to your male boss, and female coworkers who might think you're being wimpy, heh. My cycles are getting closer together and much heavier and painful each month since the surgery. I was wondering if losing weight has made me fertile Myrtle or something. But it's definitely problematic...hopeful the BC helps more than the bummer side effects (like weight gain). Good luck to everyone having the same issues!

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My periods had been pretty irregular (once every other month) due to my weight. Once i got under 230, i had one period in December and I just started my January period. I noticed that the first day was awful.

I had really bad cramping, like so bad when I woukd go to sit diwn at work, i had to be careful because a pain like a knife would shoot through my privates. The same thing when i tried to use the bathroom. All day it felt like i had to poo, but when i would try to go, those cramps would keep shooting through me making it impossible to relieve myself.

The second day my bleeding seemed heavier than usual because i put on a super absorbancy tampon AND a pad when i left home around 6:30 that morning and by 7:50 a.m. when i went to the bathroom at work, i had bled through the tamponand quite s bit was on my pad.

The only brught side to my period post opt is that I don't break out in huge, sore pimples on my face anymore. That used to be how i knew my cycle was coming.. No matter how much acne cream i would use, i'd get 2 or 3 really big, gross, sore pimples tbat would take forever to go away and would leave dark marks that never fully healed.

Edited by Comfy_Blue

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My obgyn says the anesthesia during surgery can throw off our periods. I'm due again around feb 10 and I'm hoping I don't get the heavy clotting and dizziness that sent me to ER on jan 13. Nuts!!! I'm on Iron supplements too 27mcg 1x a day -- metabolic weightloss doc put me on Vitamin k for one month due to all the menstrual bleeding and OB also gave me aygestin to help slow down extra heavy bleeding next month if it happens for more than 6 hours

I'm so hoping I never have to go through that again it's so scary and worse than dehydration for me

Wouldn't want to go on any birth control pills either due to weight gain and the bad experience I had with them 6 years ago with rapid heart beat (I was on yasmine)

I'll be 7 weeks out tomorrow and feeling so much better these days

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I was sleeved on November 18. Was on my period the day of surgery it lasted 3 weeks. Then the last of December I had another period that lasted 2 weeks then 4 days later another period. Then stopped for a couple of days and have been on my period ever since. I hate it! I don't know if it's the fact that I'm losing weight and have Implanon in my arm. The little stick that stays in your arm for 3 years. I'm seriously considering getting off of the BC. But I'm scared to get PG I also have PCOS. So maybe that's another reason why. I don't know it's just so frustrating. I wish there was a very low hormonal BC.

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I was sleeved on November 18. Was on my period the day of surgery it lasted 3 weeks. Then the last of December I had another period that lasted 2 weeks then 4 days later another period. Then stopped for a couple of days and have been on my period ever since. I hate it! I don't know if it's the fact that I'm losing weight and have Implanon in my arm. The little stick that stays in your arm for 3 years. I'm seriously considering getting off of the BC. But I'm scared to get PG I also have PCOS. So maybe that's another reason why. I don't know it's just so frustrating. I wish there was a very low hormonal BC.


Not totally sure but aren't there non or low hormonal IUDs available?

Never had a period that lasted more than 8 or 9 days and I don't have PCOS... My periods are pretty heavy normally from day 2-5 then tapers down from day 6- 8 or 9 and I had an ultrasound years ago that showed my uterus was slightly enlarged (common in obese women) and My recent ultrasound detected one very tiny fibroid behind my uterus. I just really hope no more ER visits due to heavy flow and dizziness - way too scary

I am not on any hormonal birth control at the moment -- u was about 4 years ago for 6 months and didn't like effects

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---- Not totally sure but aren't there non or low hormonal IUDs available? Never had a period that lasted more than 8 or 9 days and I don't have PCOS... My periods are pretty heavy normally from day 2-5 then tapers down from day 6- 8 or 9 and I had an ultrasound years ago that showed my uterus was slightly enlarged (common in obese women) and My recent ultrasound detected one very tiny fibroid behind my uterus. I just really hope no more ER visits due to heavy flow and dizziness - way too scary I am not on any hormonal birth control at the moment -- u was about 4 years ago for 6 months and didn't like effects

I know there's the Mirena that's low hormonal but I don't qualify for that because my daughter was a c section. I never went into labor. So my ob said that the Mirena was a no go. I know there's the one you put in for 3 weeks and take it our for a week. But I don't think I can be putting it in and taking it out. It's just weird to me. I hate side effects of BC. But i don't wanna risk getting pregnant so soon after my surgery. That's what scares me.

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I know there's the Mirena that's low hormonal but I don't qualify for that because my daughter was a c section. I never went into labor. So my ob said that the Mirena was a no go. I know there's the one you put in for 3 weeks and take it our for a week. But I don't think I can be putting it in and taking it out. It's just weird to me. I hate side effects of BC. But i don't wanna risk getting pregnant so soon after my surgery. That's what scares me.

I don't understand what CS has to do with Mirena? I've had two sections and used copper IUD between 1 & 2 and then Mirena after 2 section. I'm also by far not the only woman I know who has this scenario....Mirena has been awesome.

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I know there's the Mirena that's low hormonal but I don't qualify for that because my daughter was a c section. I never went into labor. So my ob said that the Mirena was a no go. I know there's the one you put in for 3 weeks and take it our for a week. But I don't think I can be putting it in and taking it out. It's just weird to me. I hate side effects of BC. But i don't wanna risk getting pregnant so soon after my surgery. That's what scares me.


Yes, side effects are not pleasant but I understand your dilemma with surgery and pregnancy timing!

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I have never heard you can't have an IUD with a C/S either.

I have Mirena and it has stopped my periods completely for about the last 2 years. Since my surgery 12/23, I've had 2 periods now - it's so weird! I'm sure they'd be insane, out of control periods if I didn't have Mirena.

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I have the Mirena and haven't had a oeriod in almost 20 years. Took the depo provera shot for 10 (which was wrong of dr. Only supposed to be 1-2 years) then Mirena, now in 2nd Mirena though menopausal - hope the sleeve doesn't change that. Will let you know

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Im 5 weeks post op now. Can't seem to connect with anyone who's had a similar post vsg period experience as i had so I'm assuming I am an outlier but I was rushed to ER on Monday ( day 3 of my 1st post op period). Extra extra heavy flow and large palm sized clots -- leaked through layered overnight padding. Cramps were bad but managed with es Tylenol and heat pad - very odd but I've had way worse cramps with less bleeding and smaller clots pre op. used to be addicted to advil pre op. the scary part was not being able to walk straight and the intense dizziness and feeling like I would black out at any second. Thank God my sister lives close and was available cause I was home alone and would have blacked out if I took anymore steps. I was wheeled into the ER and so emotional. An entire night of non stop heavy bleeding and leaking and Scary sized clotting. Hemoglobin was 10 and blood pressure was low. No transfusion needed but my obgyn believes this reaction is related to the surgery-- she sent me for ultrasounds and put me on Iron. My surgeon says my heavy flow and clotting are not related to the surgery. I'm at a loss cause this hasn't ever happened before. I do normally have fairly heavy periods with quarter sized clots and cramping but nothing to the point where I leak through layered overnight pads and become dizzy and feel faint. Obgyn suggests taking agestryn (sp?) in case it happens next month which she believes It will -- I'm nervous about that but hoping it doesn't happen and this was just 1 isolated incident.

I am expiwr

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Im 5 weeks post op now. Can't seem to connect with anyone who's had a similar post vsg period experience as i had so I'm assuming I am an outlier but I was rushed to ER on Monday ( day 3 of my 1st post op period). Extra extra heavy flow and large palm sized clots -- leaked through layered overnight padding. Cramps were bad but managed with es Tylenol and heat pad - very odd but I've had way worse cramps with less bleeding and smaller clots pre op. used to be addicted to advil pre op. the scary part was not being able to walk straight and the intense dizziness and feeling like I would black out at any second. Thank God my sister lives close and was available cause I was home alone and would have blacked out if I took anymore steps. I was wheeled into the ER and so emotional. An entire night of non stop heavy bleeding and leaking and Scary sized clotting. Hemoglobin was 10 and blood pressure was low. No transfusion needed but my obgyn believes this reaction is related to the surgery-- she sent me for ultrasounds and put me on Iron. My surgeon says my heavy flow and clotting are not related to the surgery. I'm at a loss cause this hasn't ever happened before. I do normally have fairly heavy periods with quarter sized clots and cramping but nothing to the point where I leak through layered overnight pads and become dizzy and feel faint. Obgyn suggests taking agestryn (sp?) in case it happens next month which she believes It will -- I'm nervous about that but hoping it doesn't happen and this was just 1 isolated incident.

I know how/what you are feeling.

I have been suffered extremely heavy flows since December 2013 (my surgery in August 2013). Before surgery my menstrual periods never lasted more than four days and were very light. I did not suffer cramps; I suffered with Migraines. Now, post-op, it is crazy. They have lasted nine+ days for the past three months now. They are extremely heavy. So heavy I can not walk without gushing clots seems to be with each step I take. After days of suffering with heavy flow, CRAMPS with being lightheaded and dizzy,I get the Migraine. I have not gone to the ER (thank God). I haven't gone to the doctor either but have an appointment tomorrow. I hope we find out what is causing this. Hope you feel better soon.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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