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yup was gonna wait till the mid sem holidays but thought what the hey. when i went to get it the first time like 2yrs ago i waned to get it before i started uni at all bu of course i was to young and didnt get approved. and then i started the process again in sept last year but when i was approved, i was relying on a loan which i didnt get. so had to pu it off again. i decided in feb to just give it a go and ask the bank for a loan and they gave me one for $6000 i was so surprised i also go an overdraft of $2000 and had $3000 of my own and so with the $7,500 from southern cross i had just enough so i decided to go for it.

So i went to my 1week post op appt and it was fast they didnt weigh me cos Dr Fris said my body is retaining Water after surgery so it wouldnt be acurate. He just checked my incisions and stuff and told me about what to do for the next 3 weeks and i made an appt for the 20th April and that was it. im not looking forward to the next 2 weeks as i am still on liquids but hen i get to go on to mushies, im craving mashed potato soooo bad lol. and the solids yay i want normal food. i think im gonna miss rice. i love it and i wan it. also our next door neighbours cook garlic or something it smells like garlic naan bread it smells sooo good lol.

i dont know what to eat any more. im o lazy so i have been having some up&go for BF but its got a lot calories. and i dont feel like Soup so i dont know what to have.

ohhh and i felt for my port cos Dr fris old me where i was and i found it and it feels so weired and my mum felt it to lol She was weireded out by it. i was just like i think his is bad imagin what a kicking baby must feel like. my mum said that, that is a weired feeling.

i think it would be cool if he next time your in town we all met up and got coffee or something

i went to work tonight i work in the restaurant at the birkenhead RSA. it was exhausting but i go through it.

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Haha, yeah, sometimes things just feel like they should be done now. Had that feeling about a few things lately. Good on you for raising the money too! I was just having a chat in another forum with a Dutch man who's getting the surgery done soon - comparing differences in insurance paying for these sorts of things... Huh, lucky you got a bank loan... My bank wouldn't give me one last year. Which reminds me, need to email them.

I remember Dr Fris being really relaxed about the first few weeks. Probably a good way to be though - your body gets put under a lot of stress having a rubber band stuck around your stomach so it pays to take some time to get used to it. :) (Actually, because I got it done before Christmas he actually told me he wasn't bothered if I put some weight back on. Heh.). Once you're off liquids it is a lot easier... And hey, 5 years down the line and that summer holiday is just a blip, so even the memories of it get better. ;) Hmm. And now you're making me want mashed potato... Lol.

You can still eat rice, but be careful with it cos it fills you up real fast. Probably don't try it too soon, and pay attention to how much you're eating (remember the example I made of a friend thinking I was bulemic? ... Yeeeah. Hehe.). To be honest I don't think there's much I can't actually eat, it's just the amounts that have changed. I have even had garlic naan when friends and I have gone for Indian food - though only a tiny strip of it. You appreciate the taste/texture/all the other characteristics of the food a lot more when the amount becomes a lot smaller.

It is a bit hard when you're restricted to only liquids or something. You can actually get pretty creative. A friend of mine recently mentioned a 'Moroccan-spiced autumn vege Soup with orzo'. I haven't looked up a recipe but probably best to wait till you're back on solids before trying anything that is chunky (like I'm guessing this is) or orzo (or other pasta). But I've discovered looking up different recipes to test out is fun. :) You could try making your own smoothies for Breakfast, too, perhaps? All I know is I was pretty damned sick of Optifast by the time I was off liquids... Heh. Of course, that doesn't help being sick of soup, really, but... It won't last forever!

Haha! Yeah, the port does feel really weird. My mum kept poking me in the stomach for a while...

Did think of two other things today that I've noticed throughout the time I've had the band (amourette, would be interesting to see your thoughts on this, too) -

1) Energy efficiency - much more energy efficient now, mentioned this before as well. My body is a lot better at using the energy it gets now, which is really good.

2) Don't go hungry for too long... I found I'm walking a very fine line now of being hungry vs being full. Sure, I can't eat much, but I can't go hungry for long either. I usually keep Snacks on me - a muesli bar in my bag, for instance, or pretzels in a draw at work. I was away with others for a conference once when back in NZ (about 3 years ago now) and I couldn't eat much of my lunch (a potato salad) and didn't have any snacks on me. We went to the beach for the afternoon and it was probably 7 hours till dinner... Walking around looking for a restaurant turned out to be the last straw and by the time I ordered dinner I was so low on energy I almost fainted. Fortunately I'd also ordered an orange juice which came out almost immediately and that helped me wait for dinner to arrive. You don't want to over eat, but I know I can't /not/ eat either. I've only felt the same way twice since when I didn't keep suitable snacks nearby and nowhere near as strongly as that time on the conference. Sort of makes the 'small meals often' thing ring quite true.

Semi-related observation: Actually, my stomach seems to be really sensitive now days - I get stressed, I can't eat as easily. I go on a plane, can't eat as easily. Try sitting down for 33 hours of flying - all I managed of my last meal on the plane was the tea and a bit of a roll. Found when I was in Amsterdam in February last year that put 33 odd hours of flying + stress of an interview together and I had a week of surviving off about one to two meals a day, could hardly eat anything for the first few days I was here - Jet lag really messes up my appetite as well. Things change a lot. My alcohol tolerance seems to be a bit lower, but then I don't drink all that often anyway, so could just be because of that. My tastes seem to have changed as well, but that could just be an age thing or something.

Good to hear you managed work! :)

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HI guys, sorry I have been AWOL last few days.....been so busy with baby, he has been thru' a grouchy stage and it is hard work..........

I haven't noticed much change in my metabolism, maybe the first year, but now as I am trying again things don't seem to be happening much. I have the usual 'morning tightness' (do you guys get this) but as the day goes by the band loosens a bit and by dinner when I can get food down I get so hungry...this is the hardest time for me, have good days too when the band works ok and then other days can't get anything down, very unpredictable.

I loosened it 2 years ago when I met my husband as it was very antisocial and he didn't know about it at first, it hindered me going on dates with him, meeting his family and I was a bit disillusioned by the whole thing, I wanted to be able to eat plain chicken and salads, fruits etc, but when I loosen the band to this level I eat everything else.

I can verify indeed the band tightens in a pressurised cabin as I work for an airline and this caused a few problems too......sometimes couldn't eat for a whole 12 hour flight and would take hours to settle once on ground again. I am also probably slightly older than you both, I turned 40 3 weeks after my baby boy was born, his name is Max and he is so adorable (hehehe biased much?).........I will try and load a photo for you soon. I don't feel 40 though and get told I don't, hope people haven't been lying to me hahaha.........

I have been doing my exercise this week, could do a little better with food but am so much better than I have been the last few weeks, my latest fill may have settled quite a bit so might give Heather a call in next week or so...I really like Heather too but find it a bit distracting that she is so skinny and looks like she has probably never had a weight issue in her life, I hope one day they have someone working there who has been thru' the process themselves.......

Ok must dash to bed as want to read and I don't get time to myself these days.........take care

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Hi All, really nice to find some kiwis in the same situation.......

Funny about the flying Amourette, I flew some huge hours to London and back for a funeral last year then got on another flight to Fiji and couldnt eat for a week ha ha, wish that happened more often :-)

I had my baby 3 months before my 40th too, just snuck him in before my old age hit.

Does anyone drink too much wine?, it goes down way too easy and I dont think it helps!

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Ha ha how funny, were all really close and on a US website :-)

We should meet up

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I'm on the Shore when I'm in NZ too, in Birkenhead.. Heh! Hi Aldesa! :)

The metabolism thing I mentioned I only noticed at about... what... year 3? I really noticed it when I did that multisport race though, not sure if it had changed much before that though. Was just something interesting (and cool!) I noticed. Mind you, when your two team mates throw temper tantrums that would do a two or three year old proud - because they're hungry - and you don't, it's kind of noticeable, haha.

That morning tightness, yeah I get that. food is a bit slow in the morning (mind you I usually have a bowl of muesli, so could be that), and gets better during the day. I've found if I don't eat a proper Breakfast (or claim coffee is a meal, has happened when I'm in a rush) I can hardly eat anything the rest of the day... Felt like things needed a kick start or nothing would quite wake up for the rest of the day.

Can totally understand why you loosened it, when I just started going out with my ex I was quite tempted to get it loosened... Being in Dunedin meant that that involved organising an appointment, getting flights that I would not be able to afford at short notice, getting the time to go up there anyway... I managed to talk myself out of it, and just told him, which was funny cos he totally didn't know what I was going on about it seemed. His family visited NZ a couple of years ago (he's Norwegian) and that actually had an interesting situation. Had had a fill the week before and it hadn't quite settled - that and there was a tendancy for cooked breakfasts while they were here for some reason - so I wasn't eating much. His mum noticed, then visited my family when in Auckland and saw a formal photo of me before my graduation ball for high school... Ball dress, hair done, makeup... And 40kg heavier. Haha. She got so worried about me and started bringing it up with my parents that she was worried that my mum ended up telling her - she understood a lot quicker of course!

The airline thing isn't just me! WOO! I wasn't sure if it was pressure changes (Dr Fris assured me I could be an astronaut afterwards if I wanted, I was more concerned about if I could go diving), or if it was sitting down for 24 hours. Hmm. Must be the pressure then. Y'know, my favourite part of flying (after I've gotten well into the journey and I just want to get off the plane!) is when I'm on, say, Air New Zealand, and they say they have a 'light option' meal available. Less wastage when I only pick at it, haha.

You're allowed to be biased! Heh. Yeah, on the subject of exercise I just got back into running this week. I only managed 3km! 3! And my legs hurt! 4 months ago I ran 10! Not impressed. Legs need to get their act together. Mind you, the 4 months off was all my own fault. And I may have slipped in the past few months and eaten whatever I want (including more chocolate) and not done much exercise..... Oooops. Probably put on the 3kg I happily lost without noticing last year. And yeah, Heather's really nice, but so skinny! Mind you, she never made me feel like she was judging me cos I was overweight. None of them in that office did - a good thing else I wouldn't have got past the first meeting with any of them, let alone get to the surgery. The only time they gave me a judging feeling was when I ended up getting the band overfilled and Dr Fris told me I couldn't just rely on the band to do the work for me.. Ehm. The "I've been there, done that" angle would be nice though.

Haha, Aldesa, I was wondering if I should mention wine... My alcohol tolerance has halved since I got the band, I think. I'm not a big drinker, usually, anyway, but feel the effects a lot quicker. It does go down way too easy. I have to admit that's one of the ways I cheat a little if I'm going out for dinner and feel under pressure to 'look normal' eating. Start with a glass of wine and then it feels like my stomach is really relaxed so I potentially won't have as many problems (set menus are so annoying!). Probably not the best idea, but I figure seeing as the band worked otherwise, I can get away with it if it isn't all the time. And everything in moderation, including moderation, right? :P

Also, the nutritionist there told me to have a glass of wine a night. Have to do what I'm told, afterall. Hehe.

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I LIKE your nutritionist already haha.....ok so this thread needs to be renamed the Shore Bandsters.......

I find I can't eat much on planes now, only Soup or shakes, I used to make up a whole flask of really healthy soup to take but since the liquid restrictions on planes started I can't. I just find it hard when day to day I don't know what the band will do....I am so grateful to have a husband who understands and is supportive, I was very single when I started out on this journey and thought I would never find that in a person.

You are right re the band only being a tool, that is what I am trying to tell myself and get my head around now! I guess I saw myself lose so much weight when it was tight and I was first banded, it was so easy then, but now I know I can't live like that ( for me anyway).........wine sometimes relaxes me for eating when out too, hate to say that, I can get real uptight when I know I am going out for dinner.........

Understand re travelling for fills etc, so blessed to live on the shore so close to them if I need them. Well sitting here trying to eat sushi, talking me about an hour to get thru' 5 pieces but nice to be able to do it in my own company......

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OMG a new person lol. i havent been on in ages it feels like lots of assignments i got 3 back today one B+ one A- and one A+ im so proud dont think i've ever gotten an A before then two in one day awsome. so i managed work last weekend pretty ok. my friend did the hard work for me so i didnt strain myself which was nice. oh and 2 weeks out im on thick liquids dont really know what to have though. i've been having custard, yoghurt. i bought some baby food too nervous to try it though. only 6 more days and i can move on to mushies never thought i would be this excited for mushie food lol. i have been weighing myself but our scales are out but i would say that since surgery i probli lost around 3kg maybe. my mum keeps telling me she can see the legs on my pants getting losser but i dont see it i cant wait to be under 100kg i started at 112.8kg two weeks prior to surgery but at the begining of the year i was probli at my heaviest of about 115kg so im excited. got one more week of uni two more major assignments due then holidays yay. my next appointment is on the 20th and they will weign me then i thought i would just go with their scales for now. but im really tired now so ima sign off and go to sleep ZZZZzzzzzz.

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She's the nutritionist in Dr Fris' office! Well, she was a couple of years ago, anyway. I liked her too! :D

Ouch about eating on planes, that sounds worse than me - I can generally eat about half the meal at the start, progressing down to picking at it one or two bits by the end of the flight(s). I managed to score an upgrade into premium economy for part of my flight home before Christmas and got an annoying reminder about self control though - got a bit carried away with trying the amazing food they have in that class. Think I managed to eat most of the meal actually, but I paid for that a bit. Sounds like I'm lucky it's pretty settled with me. Mind you each morning when I've been writing these replies it's been taking me about an hour to eat Breakfast, which is a bit frustrating, but oh well! But yup, supportive people are awesome!

I think that's a key thing to remember, for us and people who don't understand, that it's just a tool... It made me realise I can't rely on it to do the job for me, so that, and a number of other things, got me going with the exercise here which was great. (Got to my goal weight a year or two before I moved, but it was when I was over here that I first had a long period of time without access to scales and stopped worrying about the weight at all - what with the amount of exercise I was doing and all that, it worked quite well). For me it just seems to correct whatever made my body decide it needed to store every bit of energy it could get... All things considered the amount of exercise I have to do to eat whatever I want would actually be kinda depressing if I was still the same person I was in high school or the first couple of years of uni, but fortunately people change, hehe. It's definitely easier at first though, the band does all the work, later on is when we have to do the work (boooo). Heh.

Can totally understand the uptight before dinner thing, even if I think I'm relaxed I find it harder to eat in those situations sometimes. I suppose all things considered it's not that surprising to feel like that. Usually I have to give myself a stern talking to and tell myself no one will notice and if they do, make an excuse and they won't worry anymore. Of course, the flip side of being my goal weight now is that a friend recently kept going on about how I didn't need to watch what I eat (I told her I don't eat much when we were going out for lunch recently). I ended up telling her about the band, she'd talked earlier about how she'd heard someone had had it done and she didn't understand how he had sworn by some Calcium diet or something, but she's part of my research group and that's one of the stressful situations, our annual week-long meetings, so hopefully knowing someone there knows will make the dinners there slightly less stressful now.

Haha, I'm the same with sushi! Feel lucky it only takes you an hour to get through 5 pieces... In that time I get through 2, maybe 3... I got a 6" subway for the first time in several years when going on the Eurostar to London - was being very careful with it so I wouldn't need to find the bathrooms (didn't know where they were anyway), and it took me the whole 4 hour train ride.

Congrats on the grades Laura! Some girls on my bus at high school used to eat baby food all the time... You just really randomly reminded me about that. Goldfield fruit pot things might be good? They do an apple puree that I've heard is really nice (haven't tried it myself). Used to eat their two fruits one (diced fruit) fairly often. I like all the info the scales at Dr Fris' office give actually...

Maybe tonight I'll be able to go for a run. So sore from indoor hockey on Wednesday, was meant to try running again yesterday but couldn't bring myself to do it. Used the excuse I was working late, but it was more because I can't go up and down stairs without limping a bit at the moment. Ah well, my legs will get over it and stop complaining eventually. Needing a lot more control at the moment than I did at the end of last year, not sure why. Maybe cos it was kind of depressing leaving NZ summer holidays and coming back to blah winter weather, but weather's getting nicer here now, at least!

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Sorry haven't written in last few days, its so hard with a baby sometimes, he is a grizzle bum at moment and it is quite full on. I just got back from walking in the wonderful sunshine and did some arm weights at the gym, the scale said I may have lost some weight but think I will pop up to Wairau rd and go on their scales to see, I would be stoked if I had as I have been disillusioned last couple of weeks. I don't eat much in the day but as my band loosens I go a little crazy...well not soooo crazy but not enough to lose weight! That's why I reckon the best time to really get it off once and for all is straight after the op!

I accidentally found a new recipe for myself, I had made some Tomato and lentil Soup and it was thick so I poured some on top of brown rice like dhal, it is so yummy and very healthy, going to have some later today.....Laura great on your results, wish I had got those kind of marks when I was at uni lol....do you like Soups too? It is getting that time of year for soup time....I love making soups......going to get a pumpkin later today.....my little boy has soft mushies at moment, so laugh at some of the combinations, thinking I could make these for me too......

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Yea i feel like i havent been on in ages to i dont want it to be like the last time and the forum just fizzled out lol. i need to get into exercise i'll be three weeks out tomorrow and have started to eat mushies im finding that i eat like about a cup of something and then like an hour later im hungry again. i havent weighed in yet since surgery but at home the scales are kinda stuck i think i lost a few kgs since surgery but now there not moving its a bit disheartening. idk if its cos im eating to much or if its cos i havent really started exercise yet or if its cos i have started eating thicker food? ????????????

All i can think about is food lately its hard any tips, i know i need to distract myself. my mum suggested i take up sewing again (dont remember if i already said this) which i think i might possibly do but im so busy with assignments right now. ones i really dont want to do. stupid marketing :( i dont even understand it. and another one due friday that i cant even look at yet cos my marketing one is due tomorrow 1500 words i only have 500 pointless words.

well anyway, sometimes i like Soups i made a whole pot like a week or two ago but i didnt like it so my mum ate most of it. its kinda good though cos i work at the RSA and every sunday we have a buffet and free Soup so i had bacon and Tomato Soup on sunday for dinner it was really yummy. My soups never really taste that great the first soup i made i put to many carrots in it was horrible. but enjoy cooking aswel i made mini cottage pies for my mum and dad last night and cupcakes the other day for my friend they liked theme. OMG do you watch junior master chef its so cute lol. i bought some baby food the other day i havent tried it yet though im scared it will taste crap.

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Oh god, Im so bad..decided to start the diet again yesterday, then someone at work brought out a chocolate mud cake...Im such a pig I cant help myself!! oink oink. I had sushi today, I really love it but it takes a long time to eat, took me an hour to eat a tray but I did enjoy it.

Ive started having the Optifast shakes for Breakfast, there really not too bad and I cant get food in....anyone else tried that?

Off to Fiji next week, think Im going to feel like a sausage in a skin in my togs ha ha not pretty.

Hope your diets are going better than mine!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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