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Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

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Women must lose a lot of underwear via the pant leg route. Fortunately, my incident was much less embarrassing. I found my errant panties when I pulled down my jeans in the privacy of the ladies' room stall.

I did once deliberately remove a pair of panties while I was out walking because they were driving me crazy. They were too big and kept bunching up in all the wrong places. So I stopped at a friend's house and asked to use her bathroom, then I pocketed the things and continued on my way - commando.

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Women must lose a lot of underwear via the pant leg route. Fortunately, my incident was much less embarrassing. I found my errant panties when I pulled down my jeans in the privacy of the ladies' room stall.
I failed to find mine until they worked themselves out of my pant's leg when I was walking to class one day. Like many college students, I re-wore pants that weren't worn to the point of being dirty. Apparently, I forgot to check them for the previous day's undies. To be honest, I didn't even know they were mine, until I recognized them when I was walking back to my car. I was in a hurry when I apparently lost them, and I just remember kicking them, looking down, and thinking, "What slob left their panties in the middle of the sidewalk?" Apparently, that would be me. Luckily, no one was around at the time that I apparently lost them. I would have picked them up when I recognized them, but there were too many people around on my way back to my car.

You can bet that if I do re-wear pants now, I always check them to make sure that there aren't any panties in them.

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Another from my youth

Back when I was in second year University I lived off campus and took a bus to class. Thursday night was always the big night at the school pub and as usual I was there enjoying a few beers. At the end of the night I decided to go to the dorms to visit a female friend for a little nooky. I had every intention of spending the night but changed my mind after the deed was done. It was now quite late, the busses had stopped running and I had no money for a cab. I couldn't return to my friends room because she was a little pissed that I decided to leave in the first place. A return engagement would not have been even remotly possible. I did the only thing I could, I found a comfortable spot on the ground between some bushes and the Architecture building and went to sleep.

It was spring time and in the morning when I awoke it was quite a sunny day. The campus was a buzz of activity as many students were heading to classes. I surprised quite a few members of the student body as I emerged from the bushes coverred in leaves and mud, my head ached and the bright sun only served to enhance the pounding in my scull.

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Visions of holding my hands apart, like a fisherman describing the one that got away

Carlene, thanks for sharing that. I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time! :biggrin1:

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Non bodily function one. No funny story, either. Just raw humiliation.

When I was about 13 I had this friend - we'll call her "Sue" - that my parents hated. With 20/20 hindsight, I was being an idiot, but hey - she was 15 and dated boys in the Navy, snuck vodka in her lunch bag, and used to talk me into "fun" things like crossing the TJ border on a Friday night w/o telling our parents where we were going. There was nothing uncool about that, right? :tired Anyway, I was in a pretentious area, and my parents were VERY active in the community, so it was one of those "you never get away with anything places". At the time I admired "Sue" because she got away with things -- that rebel attraction. Let's just say "bad company" and leave it at that, or this will turn into an entirely different topic.

Once while we were out "Sue" taught me how to steal. Her family had no money, they could pay their mortgage and little else. They were definitely the black sheep of the neighborhood. She had taken to shoplifting the things she wanted since she could never buy them. One day we were out and I was buying something for my mother, and she dared me to steal it. And being 13, I agreed. And got away with it. And liked it. So over the course of the next few weeks, we amassed quite a collection of stolen goods - candy bars, key chains, pencils, nail polish. We never even did anything with the stuff, we just liked the thrill we got from shoplifting.

So one day we go to this sort of dime store that was in the neighborhood and she decides she's going to try and steal something expensive. I don't remember what it was, but it was much more valuable than the things we had stolen so far. I really didn't want anything, but what the hell, it was fun, so I grabbed this stupid keychain. Then she asked me to hold her drink, which I thought was weird but I didn't think anything of it. She says "Come on, you go!" and starts steering me toward the front door. I don't think a thing of it. I try to walk out and the detector goes off. The clerks come over to me and start asking questions, and she walks out (with the alarm still going off) and takes off.

I have no idea what to do. One of them asks if I'd recently bought a new purse so I'm like... uh, sure... and give it to them to look. Then I try to be sneaky and ditch the keychain, because I thought that's what striggered the alarm. One of them sees me, alerts the other, and I end up upstairs in the manager's office. He's using a wand and keeps getting a beep, even though I'm insinsting the only thing I had was the keychain. Then he beeps the drink cup, and finds a makeup compact with a detector tag on it in the dirnk. "Sue" had put something with a visible detector tag in the cup, then given me the cup and sent me through the door... while the alarm was going off, she went through (since it wouldn't re-trigger) with the expensive item she stole, and left me to take the blame.

The manager tells me, "I can call the cops or I can call your parents, which would you prefer?" I really had to think about it... but eventually called my mom. While I'm waiting for her to get there, two kids from my school show up. They worked there - I had no idea. They're like, "I know you, aren't you so and so's friend?" I couldn't even answer them, all I could do was stand there humiliated, ashamed and embarassed. Of course the next day at school, EVERYONE knew what had happened. And "Sue" tells me in front of a large group of people that she's not allowed to hang out with me anymore, that she went home and told them I got caught shoplifting and tried to make her steal things for me, so they thought I was a bad influence for her to hang around with.

As happens with 13 y/o the entire thing was forgotten (publically) within the week, but I still clearly remember the embarassment of the whole thing.

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Of course mine would have to be a sexual one lol.

When I was 17 and giving by boyfriend some, uhhhh, oral pleasure for the first time ever in my life we heard a sound outside my bedroom. Quickly we rolled off the bed and hid. I assumed it had been my Dad coming to turn off the porch light (I thought he was sleeping). After that I dropped my boyfriend off at his house and came home. Later I went in the kitchen and my younger brother was giving me some funny looks. I asked him what was up and he said "I have just one question for you". I was like "What" and he said "Did you spit or swallow" DOH!!! I never forgot to close a door since.

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Let's take a poll.....

How many have been caught in the act by their kids/grandkids?

It might be easier to ask who HASN'T, come to think of it.

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As happens with 13 y/o the entire thing was forgotten (publically) within the week, but I still clearly remember the embarassment of the whole thing.

My daughter was friends with "Sue's" identical twin sister! She got busted at the mall and had the foresight to give the security people a fake phone number. My daughter (who was not in possession of stolen property, but still considered an accomplice) gave them her real number, but we weren't home. Security said they needed to get hold of us. My son, age 16, asked them, "Can't I just come get her? You don't understand....my parents will KILL her if they find out."

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Let's take a poll.....

How many have been caught in the act by their kids/grandkids?

It might be easier to ask who HASN'T, come to think of it.

Caught by my brother.:faint:

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My story pales by comparison, but for me it was simply the worst!!! We had friends come for a visit. He and she were both the epitome of suave and sophisticated. I usually feel like I'm pretty together except with I'm around them. Then I feel like I just fell off the turnip truck.

We took them to dinner at a very nice restaurant. I was as put together as I could manage, including the de rigeur shoulder pads of the day. Half way through dinner I hear the table behind us laughing hysterically. I turned to see what was going on and the woman directly behind me laughed and said, "Sweetie, it looks like you lost something!" *uproarious guffaws* from her tablemates. I looked down and on the floor lying beside my chair like a dead rat, is one of my big over-sized shoulder pads. Our male dinner companion said, "What is it?" I was already beet red, fighting back tears and said, "Nothing!!" and gave the lady at the next table the most fierce "Shut the F up!" look that I could muster. I grabbed the shoulder pad, stuffed it under my napkin and tried to pretend like nothing had happened.

It all sounds very innocuous now, but believe me, I was mortified!

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The other one vying for the worst was when I worked as a deputy court clerk. I had been wanting a job with an really cool attorney I had met at the court house, who was running for District Attorney. He was brilliant, politically bound for stardom and just a very nice person, and someone I admired tremendously.

My roommate (also worked at the court house) had a crush on a young, good-looking attorney named Paul, and would have done anything for a date with him.

Unbeknownst to me, a MARRIED attorney had a major crush on me. He was best buddies with Paul. One day, Paul told Rebecca that if she would convince me to go out with the 3 of them, he would take her to dinner the following Saturday night. Rebecca called me at work, all excited, and asked if I would be willing to go put up campaign placards for my political hero running for District Attorney that night with her and Paul. I said that I would, knowing that I'd get big brownie points from my potential boss.

When I got home from work, Rebecca told me to put on my jeans and the "guys" would be by to pick us up shortly. I said, "Guys?" She told me that it was just Paul and an attorney that we both knew and that they were picking up the campaign placards before they came to get us.

I did as I was told and when I climbed into the backseat of the car, I found the married attorney grinning at me like a cheshire cat. I was very young and naive and still just didn't understand what was going on. Instead of putting up placards, Paul drove to the local "Lovers Leap" parking place. He and Rebecca quickly jumped out of the car and disappeared. I felt like a total idiot and asked this married dude what the heck was going on. He grabbed my hand, forced it on his very stiff, fully-exposed "member" and proceeded to go to town. By the time I grabbed my hand back, it was too late and he had done the deed with his "spooge" (as Wheet called it) flying everywhere.

I jumped out of the car and screamed for Rebecca to come to the car right this minute! They knew it was bad because they showed up from behind some rocks immediately. Rebecca and Paul jumped into the front seat, I got back into the back seat with the ignoramus jerk-off and we proceeded back to the apartment in dead, I mean dead, silence. The revolting thing was that every time we drove under a street light, the spots of spooge shone like neon polka dots all over the window right beside my head.

My question is this... was I raped? Sure felt like it.

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You were most Def VIOLATED

The other one vying for the worst was when I worked as a deputy court clerk. I had been wanting a job with an really cool attorney I had met at the court house, who was running for District Attorney. He was brilliant, politically bound for stardom and just a very nice person, and someone I admired tremendously.

My roommate (also worked at the court house) had a crush on a young, good-looking attorney named Paul, and would have done anything for a date with him.

Unbeknownst to me, a MARRIED attorney had a major crush on me. He was best buddies with Paul. One day, Paul told Rebecca that if she would convince me to go out with the 3 of them, he would take her to dinner the following Saturday night. Rebecca called me at work, all excited, and asked if I would be willing to go put up campaign placards for my political hero running for District Attorney that night with her and Paul. I said that I would, knowing that I'd get big brownie points from my potential boss.

When I got home from work, Rebecca told me to put on my jeans and the "guys" would be by to pick us up shortly. I said, "Guys?" She told me that it was just Paul and an attorney that we both knew and that they were picking up the campaign placards before they came to get us.

I did as I was told and when I climbed into the backseat of the car, I found the married attorney grinning at me like a cheshire cat. I was very young and naive and still just didn't understand what was going on. Instead of putting up placards, Paul drove to the local "Lovers Leap" parking place. He and Rebecca quickly jumped out of the car and disappeared. I felt like a total idiot and asked this married dude what the heck was going on. He grabbed my hand, forced it on his very stiff, fully-exposed "member" and proceeded to go to town. By the time I grabbed my hand back, it was too late and he had done the deed with his "spooge" (as Wheet called it) flying everywhere.

I jumped out of the car and screamed for Rebecca to come to the car right this minute! They knew it was bad because they showed up from behind some rocks immediately. Rebecca and Paul jumped into the front seat, I got back into the back seat with the ignoramus jerk-off and we proceeded back to the apartment in dead, I mean dead, silence. The revolting thing was that every time we drove under a street light, the spots of spooge shone like neon polka dots all over the window right beside my head.

My question is this... was I raped? Sure felt like it.

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BJean, you were not raped, but you could have had him charged with quite a few lessor crimes that together would have got him a few months if not years in prison and would have cost him his job, his license and carreer.

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BJean, you were not raped, but you could have had him charged with quite a few lessor crimes that together would have got him a few months if not years in prison and would have cost him his job, his license and carreer.

And HOPEFULLY his marriage....

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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