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Looking for ideas for eating during endurance workouts

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Hi everyone! I'm new to the site and just had my gastric bypass done on Dec. 16th. Before surgery even though I am overweight I've been an avid road cyclist for almost 7 years. I know how to other people should fuel their rides, but I'm not so sure what I should eat.

I'm almost 4 weeks out and still on soft foods. Last Saturday I rode 20 miles and it was great to be out riding again, but when we stopped half way for a rest stop, all I could have was a glass of milk. I don't need a lot, but when I ride longer than 2 hours, I'll need to eat.

I have a friend I ride with that had her surgery 3years ago and we've talked, but I'm worried to try the things she uses and my nutritionist didn't know what to do with me.

I would love to hear any ideas. ????



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Ok, this is just MY THEORY....

First, I don't bike ride, I run...5 miles a day...

I always run on a empty stomach...it has burned much fat more quicker....5 days a week at 5:30 am....

I do take my vitamins/supplements before a workout, and always plenty of Water....

We are Hunters/gatherers....and tend to store energy etc in the way of body fat for those seasons of famine..to get by and not starve....

I always felt that I am going to draw energy/fuel from that storage tank rather than eat food.....I also fought the strong urge to eat after a workout...that would defeat the purpose...did not want to replace what I just managed to burn off....so I would finish with a high Protein smoothie...recovery shake.

I have been at my optimal weight for 2 years now...I have a very low body fat %...better than normal, in the "Athletic" range.

NOW when I run, I NEED to fuel my body with something for the endurance and energy beforehand, usually a Protein Shake filled with other nutrients..... having nothing stored away to draw from....

I have always done it this way since my surgery...and once I found a medical study in a health magazine confirming what I was doing was the best way for men to loose fat.

Not saying this is the correct way to do it...just saying this is the way I did it...successfully..

Edited by B-52

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And what about for women? It is a complete and utterly different ball game for fat loss for women. I did Insanity workout 5x a week for 6 weeks and ate 1200 cals a day of very very clean low carb eating, and didn't lose a single ounce.

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And what about for women? It is a complete and utterly different ball game for fat loss for women. I did Insanity workout 5x a week for 6 weeks and ate 1200 cals a day of very very clean low carb eating, and didn't lose a single ounce.

Loosing weight is all about calories in versus calories burned.....always has been whether your dieting, or had WLS, it is about limited your calorie intake, or burning off more.....

How many calories do you burn during one of your workouts? Workout routines can vary....I have found Cardio burns the most efficiently...in my case running....I get to 85% of my max. heart rate and stay there for at least 30 minutes.

3500 calories = 1 lb of fat....that would = 500 calories burned per day, to loose 1 lb per week....that is 500 calories MORE than you consume....so if you are consuming 1200 calories per day. you need to burn 1700 calories per day to loose 1 lb. per week....increase that to loose more per week...you get the idea.

You can increase your activity to burn more, eat less calories per day, or a little of both...the ratio is still the same

When people say they are gaining weight, they are either consuming more calories or not burning off enough....the more calories you eat, the more you need to burn....

PS: Personally, I NEVER followed the advice you need to eat more to loose more...and have NEVER had an issue with energy levels or metabolism...burning fat.

But I do understand it works for some people.

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Thank you for that information, I am aware of it and it is not as simple as calories in, calories out. If that were the case, then the 4 weeks I spent faithfully eating 650 calories a day while putting in an hour of highest intensity interval training every single day, would have yielded me something.

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Thank you for that information, I am aware of it and it is not as simple as calories in, calories out. If that were the case, then the 4 weeks I spent faithfully eating 650 calories a day while putting in an hour of highest intensity interval training every single day, would have yielded me something.

well, while you were doing FANTASTIC exercising and eating, did you lose inches? did you feel better? did you find your body responding and getting stronger??? if so, then i say you have done GREAT....you go chickee......i am in AWE.....

what you are doing, exercise wise, shows me you are owning it

no matter what the scale says or dont say as it will catch up.....

what you did/are doing has yielded you something--better health

and THAT is the name of the game

Edited by ☠carolinagirl☠

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Nikki - sorry. I haven't been cycling or exercising that much so I'm not sure what to tell you. Can you do a Protein shake? Maybe take it with you and mix when ready? I've seen a number of people like Protein Bars.

Thank you for that information, I am aware of it and it is not as simple as calories in, calories out. If that were the case, then the 4 weeks I spent faithfully eating 650 calories a day while putting in an hour of highest intensity interval training every single day, would have yielded me something.

Have you had your thyroid checked recently? It might be more of a biological issue than a straight mathematical issue. Also if you're eating too few calories maybe your body thinks you're in starvation mode?

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Hi everyone! I'm new to the site and just had my gastric bypass done on Dec. 16th. Before surgery even though I am overweight I've been an avid road cyclist for almost 7 years. I know how to other people should fuel their rides, but I'm not so sure what I should eat.

I'm almost 4 weeks out and still on soft foods. Last Saturday I rode 20 miles and it was great to be out riding again, but when we stopped half way for a rest stop, all I could have was a glass of milk. I don't need a lot, but when I ride longer than 2 hours, I'll need to eat.

I have a friend I ride with that had her surgery 3years ago and we've talked, but I'm worried to try the things she uses and my nutritionist didn't know what to do with me.

I would love to hear any ideas.



Hi Niki,

I'll pass along what works for me...

I am a BAND patient, so our ablility to "eat" the same things may vary. That being said, when I ride, if its gonna be 90 minutes or less, I dont need to eat anything more than say a half cup of oatmeal, or a half tube of "New whey liquid protein" prior to riding. If I I'm going longer than that, I'll carry a "Clif" brand bar or "GU energy gel" with me and have one at 60 minutes and about every 45 minutes. If I don't, at about 2 hours, I'm exhausted and it's too late to catch up for me. The difference between 90 minutes and 150 minutes is HUGE for me...

I rode a century ( 6 hours riding ) in June with nothing more than Clif bars and G2/Powerade Zero....and felt great at the end.

Although I did have some deep fried oreos the night before. :)

And I also do not believe in any "starvation mode" for us with significant body fat reserves. Didn't work that way for me.

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Hi- for endurance running greater then 1 hour I typically eat a couple nuts.com energy squares before running. I will eat 1-2 more every 45 minutes of running. My runs are typically 10k-18k and about once a week. My pace is usually 55 min/10 k. For other days in the week, I may or may not do running as part of cross fit workout. It will be no more than 3 miles and is typically sprinting.

Every day, without question, I eat 2 hours before working out a lot of good carbs. Usually it is 1/2 cup steel oats, 1 scoop hydro builder Protein powder and 1/4 cup of Fiber one pellets. This mix works really well for me to push and push hard during the workout. There are four parts.

1. Cardio warm up

2. Heavy power or Olympic lifting

3. metabolic conditioning workout (different every day).

4. Cardio cool down

I do not think I could make it through the cross fit workout without carb loading ahead of time (the oatmeal mix is probably about 500-600 calories). I eat to fuel every day every 3 hours. I have been maintaining my ideal weight with an athletic body fat for about 8 months.

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Pre surgery I did triathlons (longest was 1/2 ironman), ran a few marathons, many 1/2 marathons, and rode tribike and mountain bike extensively. I was about 230# then. I am on my way back down to hopefully under 2003, and was sleeved 12-23-13. when I was doing this I really has to push the fluids and take GU every 30 minutes or else I would "bonk". My concern is that I won't be able to stay hydrated and keep the calories coming in post surgery. Will my ability to take more fluids improve in the next 6 months? I am considering keeping workouts to an hour, but loved doing the century rides and running 1/2 marathons with friends. That being said I gained 20# training for each marathon and don't want to gain weight again post surgery.

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Niki, I did a 7 hour taekwondo boot camp a few months ago, took plenty of Water and one Protein Shake. Was not enough. Really needed a good Protein boost every couple hours to make it through. I'm making my own Protein Bars these days so next time I do a boot camp I'll make sure I have a Protein Bar for every two hours of workout. Less filling on the tummy for me than a shake and gives me the energy I need to keep going.

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Ok, this is just MY THEORY....

First, I don't bike ride, I run...5 miles a day...

I always run on a empty stomach...it has burned much fat more quicker....5 days a week at 5:30 am....

I do take my vitamins/supplements before a workout, and always plenty of Water....


NOW when I run, I NEED to fuel my body with something for the endurance and energy beforehand, usually a Protein shake filled with other nutrients..... having nothing stored away to draw from....

B-52...I knew I liked you for some reason. I love fasted runs for burning fat. My wife runs half marathons fasted with no problem. I don't always do it fasted but I might eat some nuts and a boiled egg. The fats and Protein sustain me....I absolutely do not carb load and I try to stay in a fat burning mode while exercising so that I never bonk. And I do not bonk ever.

But question...you said you always run on an empty stomach...then you seem to be saying you drink a Protein Shake before hand...which is it? Just curious.

Hi- for endurance running greater then 1 hour I typically eat a couple nuts.com energy squares before running.....

I do not think I could make it through the cross fit workout without carb loading ahead of time (the oatmeal mix is probably about 500-600 calories). I eat to fuel every day every 3 hours. I have been maintaining my ideal weight with an athletic body fat for about 8 months.

+1 for the energy squares from Nuts.com

But fiddle....don't alot of crossfitters also eat Paleo? If so, they manage without carb loading right? Just curious.

Hi everyone! I'm new to the site and just had my gastric bypass done on Dec. 16th. Before surgery even though I am overweight I've been an avid road cyclist for almost 7 years. I know how to other people should fuel their rides, but I'm not so sure what I should eat.

I'm almost 4 weeks out and still on soft foods. Last Saturday I rode 20 miles and it was great to be out riding again, but when we stopped half way for a rest stop, all I could have was a glass of milk. I don't need a lot, but when I ride longer than 2 hours, I'll need to eat.

I have a friend I ride with that had her surgery 3years ago and we've talked, but I'm worried to try the things she uses and my nutritionist didn't know what to do with me.

I would love to hear any ideas.



Hi Niki. Obviously, there are alot of differing opinions on this. I've done alot of cycling and running. I hate gu's and gels and I cannot eat solid food on a long run or ride. I'm fine for anything less than 2 hours but after that I need something. My absolute favorite thing is pocket fuel....


They are almond butter based little packets. The flavors are good. The ingredients are all natural. The are dairy free and gluten free. They are the one thing that does agree with my sleeve on a long run or ride.

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BTB - I eat about 70% paleo. There are lots of violations on my part, but it is my goal every day to eat as clean and natural as possible. As you can tell, I take liberties with Fiber one, steel oats and Protein. Nothing comes between my bowl o' carb and an afternoon workout. :) same thing can be said about my night time case Protein Shake.

Edited by Fiddleman

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Butterthebean.... B52 needs to reply to your question, but what I got out of his post was that..... While losing his weight, he always ran on an empty stomach, but NOW that he's at the weight he is now, he drinks the Protein Shake before..... I could be wrong, but that's how I read his post.

I go to gym on an empty stomach and have my Protein shake when I get home. My band is tight in the morning anyway and I have no desire to eat Breakfast. Of course I only do one hour of cardio a day, so I have not had the problem of fueling a several hour day filled with exercise. Hats off to all of you FIT PEOPLE! :)

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Thanks everyone for your input. I'm not super concerned about what I'm eating before a ride because I'm at home and I can make what works best for me. I'm more concerned about what I can eat when I'm on the road that is light to carry and easy on my pouch.

I've been a training ride leader for AIDS/LifeCycle for the past almost 6 years and have done the ride (from SF to LA) itself 3 times. My osteoarthritis has made riding with my weight impossible on longer distances, which is a major reason for why I had the GB. We did 20 miles last week, 23 this week and so on adding approximately 10% in distance and hills each week, culminating with a ride around Lake Tahoe in May and then the big ride June 1st.

I used to use shot blocks, gu, hammer gels, dates with almonds, bonk bars, lara bars.. and on the bigger more well supported rides we would have fresh fruit and cliff bars at rest stops.

I'm scared to try and use any of the gu type stuff because of dumping. I think at this stage bars may be hard for me too since I'm still on soft foods. I'm going to look into the pocket fuels that BTB mentioned. I think that may be what my other friend who had GB uses.

So, one thing I've noticed.. out of all of you that have commented on this, not a single person that had a gastric bypass. Are there folks out there that do endurance activities that have had a GB? Just curious...

Thanks again for all of the input!!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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