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I was Dx with obstructive sleep apnea due to narrow throat. I had a Bipap machine for three months and hated it. I didn't feel as if I was sleeping better. I returned it. I do snore and of course snore worse when I'm heavy. But just 20 pounds lights and I snore less. The ENT Dr did say there is a surgery to remove all the excess flesh but I think I'll pass.

I know mine is severe. They have it cranked up to 14 out of 18 and they did say as far as the rating goes 15 is mild, 30 is moderate, 35 and above is severe and I'm an 85. But I get less sleep with it on.

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I was Dx with obstructive sleep apnea due to narrow throat. I had a Bipap machine for three months and hated it. I didn't feel as if I was sleeping better. I returned it. I do snore and of course snore worse when I'm heavy. But just 20 pounds lights and I snore less. The ENT Dr did say there is a surgery to remove all the excess flesh but I think I'll pass.

Yeah, cause that surgery only works in about half the cases. My friends husband had it done. No help at all.

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I actually got the sleep studies done before I decided on surgery because I was never sleeping well. I only slept for 3-4 hours the night of my first study, so they had me come back to test with the CPAP (when my husband was able to get the one night split study). I didn't sleep well either time. The only reason I slept more and somewhat better the second time is because I took three Elavil. It's so uncomfortable!

I have apnea, but apparently it's very mild and the sleep doc thinks weight loss should completely resolve it. However, I just CANNOT adjust to the CPAP. I've tried and it's the most miserable sleeping time that I have. I always wake up and yank it off and gulp in air. I feel so claustrophobic with it on. My pressure was 14, so I was told I couldn't use the nasal pillows and breathing out feels so difficult. I ended up going back to the sleep doctor and he set me up to auto titrate for five nights. Problem is, I'm having trouble wearing the thing for those five nights. I wore it for 4.5 hours the other night and was miserable. I know I need to complete the other four nights to see if the pressure changes, but it's so hard because I feel awful the next day - much worse than when I don't use it. At this point, I dread going to sleep when I plan on using it.

Biggest issue for me is that the surgeon I decided on REQUIRES a letter of compliance. At this point, I can't be compliant because I can't wear it. I don't know what to do. I can't not get surgery because of that stupid thing when surgery would likely cure the issue, but I just don't know if I can wear it! Anybody else having this issue?

Guess another question... anyone know of doctors near Alabama that DON'T require compliance?

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I had sleep apnea and had it bad. I snored very bad and stopped breathing several times through out the night. When I got tested I was having over 2000 episodes a minute. I would wake up in the morning and feel like I never even slept. I have almost gotten into accidents while driving because of sleep issues and a few times I even dozed off at my desk at work. I never had any energy. I would get home from work and have dinner and then fall asleep watching tv just to wake up and go to bed.

I was on a CPAP machine for about 3 years but was able to finally come off it this past October.

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I actually got the sleep studies done before I decided on surgery because I was never sleeping well. I only slept for 3-4 hours the night of my first study, so they had me come back to test with the CPAP (when my husband was able to get the one night split study). I didn't sleep well either time. The only reason I slept more and somewhat better the second time is because I took three Elavil. It's so uncomfortable! I have apnea, but apparently it's very mild and the sleep doc thinks weight loss should completely resolve it. However, I just CANNOT adjust to the CPAP. I've tried and it's the most miserable sleeping time that I have. I always wake up and yank it off and gulp in air. I feel so claustrophobic with it on. My pressure was 14, so I was told I couldn't use the nasal pillows and breathing out feels so difficult. I ended up going back to the sleep doctor and he set me up to auto titrate for five nights. Problem is, I'm having trouble wearing the thing for those five nights. I wore it for 4.5 hours the other night and was miserable. I know I need to complete the other four nights to see if the pressure changes, but it's so hard because I feel awful the next day - much worse than when I don't use it. At this point, I dread going to sleep when I plan on using it. Biggest issue for me is that the surgeon I decided on REQUIRES a letter of compliance. At this point, I can't be compliant because I can't wear it. I don't know what to do. I can't not get surgery because of that stupid thing when surgery would likely cure the issue, but I just don't know if I can wear it! Anybody else having this issue? Guess another question... anyone know of doctors near Alabama that DON'T require compliance?

That is exactly how I feel. Exactly. I try every night to wear it and can't. As for a letter of compliance, they haven't asked for one yet and if they do they aren't getting it. I sleep worse with it. Mines also on 14. I can't do it. It smothers me and I gasp and gulp air in when I finally rip it off.

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i was dx with sleep apnea after a sleep study 3 years ago. my husband complained i snored so loud i woke him up. he said he could even hear me in the other room. since i was already tired all the time, i didn't really have a clue. i got my machine, i hated it!!! it took me 6 months to get used to sleeping with it. but i could never fall asleep with it on. i would fall asleep, my H would nudge me when i started snoring and i would put it on. it was automatic after a while. one good thing was, in the winter, cause of the moist air, my sinus issues went away. it was a good thing. i always hated it but i used it so my H could sleep and sleep in the same room as me. also, the studies showing how sleep apnea is associated with early death scared me. my dad, he had horrible sleep apnea... long before CPAP machines. he had his first heart attack at 53, his fatal one at 56 when i was 15. so i sucked it up and used it. it's the same reason i had my surgery. i didnt want to die like my dad.

after my surgery, in recovery, they said as long as i had O2, i was fine. i didn't use my machine in the hospital and dont use it now. my H says i do not snore now. being retested would likely be a good idea, but i don't know if the insurance company would agree to pay for testing me if i dont have any symptoms anymore, yk?

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Haven't tried a cannula. I'll call and see if it will be something I can try. Thanks :)

the nose pillows are very comfortable actually. and my machine is very quiet. the only thing that was bad was when it was hot in the bedroom at night and i would sweat everywhere it touched my face. ick.

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I'm with superfatty,

When I went for the sleep apnea test I was told I have severe sleep apnea. This was a shock to me since I don't snore, don't wake up in the middle of the night, don't feel particularly tired during the day. I really thought they made a mistake. I then had to go for a second sleep study to see what level to set the machine. Again they told me severe sleep apnea. Still in shock and think maybe because I had to sleep on my back and i am such a side sleeper? Anyway tried the CPAP for several weeks and couldn't make it through the night with it. Kept waking up with it and would eventually tear it off my face in the middle of the night so I could get some sleep.

Since my weight loss I have not been back to see if I'm "cured" but honestly I sleep so much better without that machine.

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I have a love/hate relationship with my mask. I've been waking up with headaches for several years - severe ones the past two years. I was so sleepy in the afternoons. But it wasn't until I sought out WLS that it all clicked. My BP had gone sky high and I was also waking up in the night feeling like I wasn't breathing. I felt put out when my WLS doc, in the preop meeting said "I'm certain you have it". I'm a nurse. I've harped on my husband for years about his refusal to wear his cpap. I had no choice but to have tge sleep study. The results show mild to moderate apnea but I had "severe" drops in oxygen when I had apnea (more than expected). So, I've tried to make peace with it. The pressure of air doesn't bother me in the least. I expected that to be the hard part but it wasn't for me. And I actually feel so much better. Headaches are GONE. BP tons better (started med at same time as cpap). But I loathe that damn mask. It makes me sweat, it itches, it loses it's seal, it leaves a red ring around my nose. Ugh!!!! I'm going to call to see if I can try another mask. I'm roughing it out though. The research is CLEAR. One study quoted at a Cardiology conference I went to in 2012 stated that there is a 35% increased risk of cardiac arrest in people with untreated sleep apnea. The effects to your brain and heart are significant. I absolutely feel better using the cpap. But I sure wish the mask didn't wake me up 10 times a night. Good luck to you. It's really not that bad and it's so worth it. Just frustrated with the details.

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I was being treated for apnea some years back. At that time I stopped using the Cpap because I had Water come up and choked me. However when I started my WLS journey I had to be tested again and my apnea was Worse then before. My doctor told me that the hose is heated now to prevent the condensation from building up, which is why I had the water choke me. I went back on Cpap it took months to get use to it but I am glad I did because I feel so much better now.

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Can anyone share with me their sleep apnea experiences? How they knew, what it felt like before and after? I'm going to be tested in the near future and want to know what to expect. Thank you!

While I was never diagnosed with sleep apnea I am positive I had it since I had many of the symptoms. The most alarming was waking up gasping for air and my chest would hurt when I would wake up in the morning. I never felt fully rested. My bariatric surgeon thought I should be tested but I knew I would never wear the mask. I am claustrophobic and can't even wear a turtleneck. When coming out of the anesthesia after the bypass I kept pulling the oxygen mask off and was scolded by the nurse.

Seven months later and 125 lbs lighter I am sleeping so much better. I no longer wake up gasping for air nor do I feel like I have an elephant sitting on my chest.

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I had a sleep study done to help with insurance approval for the sleeve. I knew I was sleepy during the day, but had no idea that it was so bad. My AHI is 33, which is severe. When the sleep specialist put the mask on me (over both my nose and mouth), somehow I felt comforted. It was like when you go into surgery and they put the mask on you with the anesthesia. i fell asleep almost immediately.

I've had some problems at home with leakage, but finally got a Wisp mask which only covers my nose. I feel so much better during the day and I'm able to function better too. I tried to go without it one night because I wanted my kitten to sleep with me. She had a tendency to chew on the mask when I wasn't wearing it, and I've had to buy a few new masks because of it. Anyway, without the mask, I slept fitfully, and could definitely tell a difference the next morning. My kitten is now banned from my bedroom unfortunately. I love my sleep.

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I had terrible morning headaches and daytime fatigue for years. My PCP had prescribed Provigil to stay awake during the day, but the other symptoms remained. My blood pressure was going up when she decided I needed a sleep study. My father had severe sleep apnea, both obstructive and central plus he was narcoleptic (fell asleep as soon as he sat down or relaxed in any way). At mayo, they told him it was hereditary and make sure to tell the family about that.

I arrived at the sleep clinic with jammies, a snack, my own pillow, and a change of clothes to go to work in the next morning. They made kind of a joke about how they were going to hook me up to all kinds of monitors, watch me through the overhead camera, and still be expected to go to sleep! They weren't kidding! None of it was really uncomfortable, though. It didn't hurt in any way.

There is a wire to record how you breathe; how often, how deep, what regularity. There are wires to record your facial movements, leg movement (to check for restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movement disorders--which can also keep you awake without knowing it), and heart rate. There are connections so they can record your breathing; how often, how deep, if you stop breathing, if you take shallow breaths instead of complete ones.

Under all those connections is a little dot of goop. Mine was pink! I hate pink! Anyway, you get to shower all that off in the morning and then wait to see the sleep doctor (sometimes a neurologist), who will go over your report.

I had moderate-severe sleep apnea and was partially waking up many times per hour. (When your soft palate drops down to close off your throat for breathing, your brain will arouse you enough to gasp for air as a way to protect itself.) I also had a serious case of restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movement. The orderly said it looked like I was running in my sleep and really covered a lot of ground that night!

After using the CPAP, I have felt better and had more energy. Still have difficulty with it at times because I am prone to sinus infections and cannot use the machine then. But the mask and hose gets cleaned every week and I make sure to use the humidifier as ordered (found that out the hard way) and it's all good. After weight loss, most people can reduce the pressure on their CPAP machines and some people can even go without them. You would have to have another sleep study to be on the safe side for that, though.

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I've had my CPAP for close to two years.


I have never slept so good and actually feel human in the mornings.

I have anxiety attacks about feeling like I can't breath. If I don't have my machine I can't sleep, I panic. It is the first thing I pack whenever we go overnight somewhere.

We even bought a big marine battery, that thing is heavy, and adaptors so I can take my CPAP when we going camping.

I won't be sad when and if I can stop using it but I am very thankful that I have it.

I use a mask that covers just my mouth and two pillows that go on/up my nose.

It isn't how I would choose to sleep, if I had a choice, but I sleep so good with it.

My husband had me talk to my PCP because he would notice I stopped breathing at night, a lot, and would lie awake until I gasped or coughed and started breathing again. I thought I was coughing all night because of my allergies but it was mostly my bodies way of keeping me alive and breathing.

I do want to get rid of it so we can go canoeing, who wants to portage a 50 lb battery, and backpacking again.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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