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2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

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A reunion party with all of my favorite sleeve people either posting or being mentioned, I might add. :)


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Miss you clk! I understand the baby the exercise and clean house come first! Theres only so many hours in a day. I spend time here when I should be doing some other things...but I juggle and drop the ball now and then. ;)

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A note from an "old timer" who rarely posts here anymore. I miss the old days before points where old timers could state truth as truth, if you didn't like it, you had to only present facts against facts. Don't miss the posters who would advertise for thier surgeon with thin lies. Argh, the misinformation became too much for me.

Sleeved is Sept 2010. Read Oregon Daisy - a shout out to her, Coops, Miss Diva & Tiffykins posts like a bible. Would read them once, twice, a million times until I could almost quote them. I can't begin to express as nicely as Happy Camper how much wonderful direction these vets have had in my life. Hopefully I have in return encouraged a few newbies too - mostly I PM'd.

Still have several of Tiffykins posts saved in PDF which are reread when I wonder why extra lbs are on my mid section. We are friends on Facebook. Diva had a bad experience and moved on. Like most of us, life continues and the sleeve is no longer new friend but an old friend who we know without much conversation needed.

Any success I have achieved is due to VST veterans. Hugs to all my new and old vet friends.

I love my sleeve and have no regrets - iegal

IE Gal,

With each of your kind words you are more than adequately expressing your appreciation.

There was one vet I really missed, and I am sad to say, I neglected to thank ALEX!!! I know when I got my first email from him, I actually questioned it asking him if he was a real person (can you believe, that is sad on my part), and he kindly responded to me. So this is my shout out to Alex for his sincere dedication to this venture, his true story sharing, his successes in his journey to good health. Honestly, without this site allowing the information sharing, I would never had gotten the surgery.

M2G, yeah! Man o man, she is the end all cheerleader, so much a part of the "key group" in my opinion. Thank you for the constant smile too!!

Hugs back to you all.

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Cheri...I'd rather post here than clean the house any day.

A reunion party with all of my favorite sleeve people either posting or being mentioned, I might add. :)


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Oh gosh I missed this post! Thank you COOPS! I can honestly say I wouldn't be here with out you girl, you have walked with me step by step, always "getting it" no matter if I was talking about weight, food, relationships, etc. You have been MY biggest cheerleader and I KNOW I would NOT be here today if it weren't for you. Definite hug coming from across that big ole pond from me to you!!

I too remember the good ole days when VST was fairly new and Tiffy and Diva were my personal heroes because they had walked before me on this journey but more than that they were willing to SHARE their experiences with all of us.

And now I find myself 3+ years later and sharing MY experiences with others. And yet I still come here because I too need support along the way. I used to love Butter's quote that was something along the lines of "The Longer I'm Here the Less I Know" um, yep, I will admit to being a vet who doesn't have all the answers. I don't know "The Recipe" for losing weight, and keeping it off forever. Being someone who had hit a "low" weight (not goal mind you) but a "low" for me, then losing focus and gaining about 20lbs back has truly been one of the most humbling experiences of my life. I waffle between applauding the fact that I didn't regain all 100lbs, and that I stopped the regain train in it's tracks, and still feeling bad that I allowed some weight back on. At the end of the day though I would do the sleeve over again, 100% !!! I believe the sleeve unlocked PART of the huge puzzle that is this complex condition of obesity.

For everyone who has walked before me and everyone who will come after, we all share this journey together. No matter where we are at, coming together forms a bond that others on the "outside" might have trouble understanding but no words needed for us to all "get it."

Thanks Happy Camper for starting this post, this is one place that I'm honored to be called an "old timer"... ;)

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What a great topic, brought up a lot of names I hadn't heard from in a while and miss. But, with any forum, unfortunately people come and go. Except me. I'm always lurking around somewhere. I so need to get better about posting more often though. I know it helps me with my own issues when I am more active on here.

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I took a break from this forum for almost a year....thought I had it all figured out....got to my goal weight in a year, stayed there for a year, then I was away from home, my normal schedule, my scale and WHAM!!! 6 lbs....I NEED to be here as a reminder that I cannot just eat what I want and not exercise or it will find me again! Now I am on the 5:2 (second week) and have only lost 1/2 lb....feels sort of like old times again.....can I do it? Will I fail? But I have to say it feels good to be paying attention again. I get WAY too many emails (like everyone) and don't really want to add to my life in that way, but I need all of you veterans even though I am one myself. Thanks to everyone for the support! Maybe I should do my weekly blog again....that did keep me focused....

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I know that I am not a one year post surgery vet yet but I hope I can post this anyway. You all are the best. Please stay active. I am nearly 6 months out from surgery. I have lost my stride and my weight loss has stalled. Reading your vet success stories has re-energized me. My head knows my sleeve is for life but the work happens moment by moment and day by day. Reading your words helps me stay focused.

Keep posting, please. I hope to be a fully successful (reach my goal) vet one day. I know I will get there sooner and saner with your wise words keeping me company.

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I have my settings so I only get notified of PM's, not every time someone replies to a thread. That way, I pick the time I read the forums instead of getting tons of email reminders. It's easy for me to follow threads I've participated in and boards that interest me in the My Content section. I don't often reply to newbie threads because there are plenty of answers for them. I'm more interested in long term vet topics and building a knowledge base for them so people can see what life is like years down the line.

I, too, am very grateful to Alex for creating and maintaining this space for us. I know without vigilance, I could gain every pound back and that keeps me here, even though I'm approaching my three year surgiversary and I have almost two years at goal.


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Just reading and reflecting on how things have gone over the 2 plus years since having my surgery and the people who really influenced, encouraged and offered their story when I was seeking information about the sleeve surgery. I posted, tell me "the good, the bad and the ugly", I read and read. I prayed, I got to really understand that things can go wrong and do with people and this surgery. I never thought it would happen to me, because I follow the directions to the letter, and now maybe that was a fault. I ended up with an abscess that was caused by my JP Drain being left in for 10 days. Now, my doctor gives antibiotics before surgery and only leaves the drain in for a day (last time I saw him). So, folks even though I am posting in the Vets forum, for now I know others are reading this section.

Just curious if we have heard from Irene...LittleMissDiva (aka Diva, and will always be the Diva to me), Tiffikins (first one to help me), Libby aka, Me...Me...Me, (who bravely shared her leak story) or Lissa (aka Melissa, who was featured in the spot light), I know Cheri has been on the boards (hope you and your family are doing well), what about Sleeve of Steel; I know Kim is now a host Feed Your Eye (so cool), PDXman (also featured and always brilliant), Coops (showing dedication can get you there and I have seen her around recently ), umm BlackBerry (remember she had a body building picture)' remember when it was just Avitars on the site, no pictures...(digressed sorry), Sleeve For Me (new name, but always, i mean always recognizing others), Peg in the Woods (made a list of those with complications so you could read about it) and others during the 2011/2012 early time frame? I hope these folks know they forged the way and helped many of us, and even the NEW vets. Folks just know, all your contributions are/were appreciated. For me, I have been on and off this forum. I find when I am active, listening/reading and in some cases helping others, I feel successful, I tend to do better for myself and I sometimes feel I have contributed in a small way.

Make way for the new wave of big contributors, Laura Van (hostess with the mostess), Susan (you have been such a solid staple for the board, certainly a real person), ButtertheBean (host with clear and direct suggestions and advice, you pull no punches)...and more. Seems we have more hosts than before and thank you for your time. I know I have missed many and as soon as I post this, I will think of more, but for now, I am just "remembering", if you have or were offering advice.... Just know you are appreciated!

Thanks for reading this from a professional woman, mom and wife; who, thanks to her sleeve and incredible stories, direction, advice and input from folks like you all on this forum, has changed her outlook in life and the way She can now see herself growing old with her husband and enjoying life.

Make the most of everyday, eat healthy, exercise and make sure the people in your life know how much they mean to you.

Take care.

I will always be ONE HAPPY CAMPER :-)

God bless! I loved your post. I'm just getting back here and reading thru as much as I can. I really started to miss this place. How could I not, I've spent an enormous amount of time and energy here.

I DEFINITELY miss Sleeve4Me.. omg wtheck is she???

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I know that I am not a one year post surgery vet yet but I hope I can post this anyway. You all are the best. Please stay active. I am nearly 6 months out from surgery. I have lost my stride and my weight loss has stalled. Reading your vet success stories has re-energized me. My head knows my sleeve is for life but the work happens moment by moment and day by day. Reading your words helps me stay focused.

Keep posting, please. I hope to be a fully successful (reach my goal) vet one day. I know I will get there sooner and saner with your wise words keeping me company.

No matter what I always come back. We all need a break from time to time, but honestly this forum has been a HUGE contributor to my success in the past, presently and will be for years to come! :)

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Just reading and reflecting on how things have gone over the 2 plus years since having my surgery and the people who really influenced, encouraged and offered their story when I was seeking information about the sleeve surgery. I posted, tell me "the good, the bad and the ugly", I read and read. I prayed, I got to really understand that things can go wrong and do with people and this surgery. I never thought it would happen to me, because I follow the directions to the letter, and now maybe that was a fault. I ended up with an abscess that was caused by my JP Drain being left in for 10 days. Now, my doctor gives antibiotics before surgery and only leaves the drain in for a day (last time I saw him). So, folks even though I am posting in the Vets forum, for now I know others are reading this section.

Just curious if we have heard from Irene...LittleMissDiva (aka Diva, and will always be the Diva to me), Tiffikins (first one to help me), Libby aka, Me...Me...Me, (who bravely shared her leak story) or Lissa (aka Melissa, who was featured in the spot light), I know Cheri has been on the boards (hope you and your family are doing well), what about Sleeve of Steel; I know Kim is now a host Feed Your Eye (so cool), PDXman (also featured and always brilliant), Coops (showing dedication can get you there and I have seen her around recently ), umm BlackBerry (remember she had a body building picture)' remember when it was just Avitars on the site, no pictures...(digressed sorry), Sleeve For Me (new name, but always, i mean always recognizing others), Peg in the Woods (made a list of those with complications so you could read about it) and others during the 2011/2012 early time frame? I hope these folks know they forged the way and helped many of us, and even the NEW vets. Folks just know, all your contributions are/were appreciated. For me, I have been on and off this forum. I find when I am active, listening/reading and in some cases helping others, I feel successful, I tend to do better for myself and I sometimes feel I have contributed in a small way.

Make way for the new wave of big contributors, Laura Van (hostess with the mostess), Susan (you have been such a solid staple for the board, certainly a real person), ButtertheBean (host with clear and direct suggestions and advice, you pull no punches)...and more. Seems we have more hosts than before and thank you for your time. I know I have missed many and as soon as I post this, I will think of more, but for now, I am just "remembering", if you have or were offering advice.... Just know you are appreciated!

Thanks for reading this from a professional woman, mom and wife; who, thanks to her sleeve and incredible stories, direction, advice and input from folks like you all on this forum, has changed her outlook in life and the way She can now see herself growing old with her husband and enjoying life.

Make the most of everyday, eat healthy, exercise and make sure the people in your life know how much they mean to you.

Take care.

I will always be ONE HAPPY CAMPER :-)

God bless! I loved your post. I'm just getting back here and reading thru as much as I can. I really started to miss this place. How could I not, I've spent an enormous amount of time and energy here.

I DEFINITELY miss Sleeve4Me.. omg wtheck is she???

Irene,Hey you Diva you.....thanks for reading :) and all of your incredible support. My screen name has changed, once I was sandyd, but when I hit 100 down, I was a happy camper. So, God bless you for always giving to us, your reputation and your legacy. So many still refer to your "boot camp", and you were always there to give great advice and emotional support both here on the forum and with your support group...near Sacramento if I remember. Anyway, my appreciation for your endless hours of support is real and I am confident you have helped many with your courage and knowledge. When the day is done, and you look back on your life, you will have made a difference. God will be smiling!Hugs

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Oh yeah I remember you clearly! It is nice to find out my bootcamp is still being used. I still do it sometimes. I did it a few months back and avoided sugar all together for 5 straight weeks. It was a very proud moment!

How have you been??

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Its cool to see everyone checking in. I'm coming up on 3 years next month. All of the "old timers" were inspirational to me as well. As a revision from band to sleeve, I was glued to the forum and all the fantastic support.

I, personally, found that the boards became a little less positive over time. I have been away for a very long time, but I try to come in around my anniversary date and give a long term perspective.

Life is good - nice to see some familiar faces.

Take care all---Revmeup

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Its cool to see everyone checking in. I'm coming up on 3 years next month. All of the "old timers" were inspirational to me as well. As a revision from band to sleeve, I was glued to the forum and all the fantastic support. I, personally, found that the boards became a little less positive over time. I have been away for a very long time, but I try to come in around my anniversary date and give a long term perspective. Life is good - nice to see some familiar faces. Take care all---Revmeup

You are having a bambino? Congrats!!!! Glad to "see" you on here. I'm 3 1/2 years out. I think it's helpful to all of us to have perspective from vets.

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      1. stevieoriole

        Am feeling this right now. My surgery date is 4/1. Sign the consent tomorrow. I feel like I overloaded myself with too much info, too many opinions. Got to the point where I was wondering if I should do this. Then I thought of my reasons for taking this step and that settled my nerves. Still get moments of doubt but am striving forward. Am just going to follow my book from the surgeon. Joined this because I was told by my dietician that I should do this for support

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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