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2014 weight loss commercials.........bye bye!

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This is the first year that I can absolutely ignore all those commercials toting the weight loss miracle!! So I bid a fond a due to Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Nutra System, etc etc!!! I feel such a relief that I have turned my life around and have learned to get control of my eating habits that contributed to such an unhealthy me. I am not kidding myself I have a lifetime of keeping myself under control but for the first time in my life it's looking pretty good! I get such a feeling of sadness for those struggling with being overweight and truly wish that this surgery was available to all who wish to turn their lives around. I want to thank all of you on this forum for helping me to reach an 81 pound loss and for the future help to reach my goal. I have my life back and it feels great!!! :)

Edited by Beach Lover

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I wouldn't discourage anyone from doing their best with those programs but for many of us it was like a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with...A Herring!

The sleeve is more like a chain saw. :D

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I wouldn't discourage anyone from doing their best with those programs but for many of us it was like a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with...A Herring!

The sleeve is more like a chain saw. :D

I agree, I would never discourage them....... ever. It just might work for them! For me though it is a total relief that I don't have to contemplate doing one of those programs yet again. I have found my answer. :)

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I agree, I would never discourage them....... ever. It just might work for them! For me though it is a total relief that I don't have to contemplate doing one of those programs yet again. I have found my answer. :)

I wouldn't discourage anyone from doing their best with those programs but for many of us it was like a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with...A Herring!

The sleeve is more like a chain saw. :D

Me too. I must admit I am quite fond of my new stomach even though ...and because...it's a nag. :D

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I agree. I keep realizing I don't have to put "lose weight and exercise" on the resolution list this year. Of course I still have weight to lose and I will still exercise but I feel in control of it for once.

I feel bad because I don't think those programs work for many people long-term. If they did they would go out of business. But what else can you do when you have 20 or less pounds to lose. I don't know what to recommend to people when they ask. Because I don't believe in the simple calories in/out equation anymore. The only thing I know is what worked for me: gain the weight of an extra person, try for 20 years to lose it, and finally succeed with bariatric surgery.

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2014 will be the last year that I will make lose weight my New Year's resolution.

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I agree. I keep realizing I don't have to put "lose weight and exercise" on the resolution list this year. Of course I still have weight to lose and I will still exercise but I feel in control of it for once.

I feel bad because I don't think those programs work for many people long-term. If they did they would go out of business. But what else can you do when you have 20 or less pounds to lose. I don't know what to recommend to people when they ask. Because I don't believe in the simple calories in/out equation anymore. The only thing I know is what worked for me: gain the weight of an extra person, try for 20 years to lose it, and finally succeed with bariatric surgery.

Now that I have lost 81 of the 135 in need to lose I am amazed at what I was carrying around! When I reach goal I am sure that I will be in total disbelief that I too carried that weight around for over 15 years. It saddens me to think of the years that were a total abuse on my body and mind. I am elated to be where I am and can visualize the next 52 coming off to reach goal. I have a mindset that will not allow otherwise even if it takes me another year to do it. If the weight loss slows down that is okay. I will just keep on keeping on there is no other option! I started this journey wearing 22/24 pants and yesterday I put on 14's and they fit. What a great day!! :)

As far as recommending anything to people any more I can only say stay away from the carbs. I have tried all of the commercial diet plans several times over and obviously they didn't work for me. I am no doctor by a long shot but everything I read points to carbs being the weight loss wrecker. I think most people who have 50 pounds or less to lose could probably benefit from cutting the carbs way back. They might see a result and it is strictly my humble opinion.

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I tend to agree, but remember there was a low carb "craze" in the 90s and still people kept getting fatter than ever. Lots of people,think they are cutting back on carbs when they really aren't. I know lots of folks who think they are eating pales but they aren't. I guess the problem with low carb is what do you replace it with? It seems to me that bariatric surgery forces us to eat an ideal diet of high Protein, low carb, and moderate fat. Maybe if people could do that on their own they could keep the weight off. But that's basically South Beach and how many of us tried that without long-term success pre-op? I'm still not sure why it took surgery for me. I wouldn't recommend surgery to my husband who has a BMI of 30, but what SHOULD I recommend? It's a tough one.

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I tend to agree, but remember there was a low carb "craze" in the 90s and still people kept getting fatter than ever. Lots of people,think they are cutting back on carbs when they really aren't. I know lots of folks who think they are eating pales but they aren't. I guess the problem with low carb is what do you replace it with? It seems to me that bariatric surgery forces us to eat an ideal diet of high Protein, low carb, and moderate fat. Maybe if people could do that on their own they could keep the weight off. But that's basically South Beach and how many of us tried that without long-term success pre-op? I'm still not sure why it took surgery for me. I wouldn't recommend surgery to my husband who has a BMI of 30, but what SHOULD I recommend? It's a tough one.

I tend to agree, but remember there was a low carb "craze" in the 90s and still people kept getting fatter than ever. Lots of people,think they are cutting back on carbs when they really aren't. I know lots of folks who think they are eating pales but they aren't. I guess the problem with low carb is what do you replace it with? It seems to me that bariatric surgery forces us to eat an ideal diet of high Protein, low carb, and moderate fat. Maybe if people could do that on their own they could keep the weight off. But that's basically South Beach and how many of us tried that without long-term success pre-op? I'm still not sure why it took surgery for me. I wouldn't recommend surgery to my husband who has a BMI of 30, but what SHOULD I recommend? It's a tough one.

Sadly I would have to say that most of us have tried the South Beach Diet and it didn't work for us. I guess in saying try to do low carbs it is with a post op hindsight. If I had had the benefit of no ghrelin then it would have been much easier. Unfortunately they do not and that does sadden me because I wish everyone who wants the surgery could have our opportunity. When I reached the point of deciding on wls I knew I needed the extra help it wasn't going to happen without it. I was done being defeated and it was exactly what I needed. Your husband's bmi is only a 30 so you are right no surgery for him. Perhaps you can clean out the cabinets and feed him what you eat but with larger portions to keep the ghrelin at bay. Keep him satiated through the day with some protein type Snacks and begin an exercise program together that works for both of you. Men lose so much easier than women so hopefully it wouldn't be to long for him to reach his goal. Keep me posted on how things workout! Happy New Year!! :)

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For me it is a simple equation...much smaller portions, no more nagging, "can't seem to get full" hunger. I know there are lots of people who control their weight without drastic measures (like removing 60% of my stomach) but I am not one of them. I am 24 days post op and for the first time in many years not only has the burden of excess weight been/being lifted but the guilt of not being able to discipline myself is gone. I am just at the beginning of this journey but feel 100% confident that my new tool is the right one for me. I've read so much about weight loss and the difference between people's metabolism. I liken it to taking anti-depressants. I used to be embarrassed but now I just accept that my chemistry requires a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor.

Frankly I don't know why I had a problem with food and portion control; I've heard a lot of theories about carb addiction and lack of senors in my stomach and ghrelin over-production. I don't know what to believe but I do know what my reality is. Obesity runs in my family. It killed my mother and oldest sister. My younger brother had one leg amputated last year due to diabetes. So my reality is: I'm fighting back and now I am armed with the right weapon. Thank you all so much for the advice, counsel and courage. Even when you didn't know you were giving it, I was voraciously reading all your posts.

Warm regards and wishes for a prosperous new year,


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I thought of the same today when I saw a ww commercial. I was so exhausted with counting points...I was at my wits end with dieting. Felt absolutely defeated. Now ..just do the eating protocol.. And it will all fall into place. Yeah.

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I think, for me, it's about how those adverts are made, what they represent and the messages 'overt' and 'subliminal', they imbue in the watcher.

For example; one particular 'weight loss' advert I saw for the first time this evening, had the audacity to state in a fairly subliminal way, the link between a women who had lost weight as being a direct corollary to an improvement in the relationship with her teenage daughter.

The parting shot, was 'I don't want that to change' - so, ipso facto, in order to maintain her relationship, perhaps improve your relationship with your children (because clearly, if you're overweight you cannot possibly find common ground with a teenager...W.T.F...), you need to buy our product and join our 'gang' of clearly 'better parents' who diet 'with us'.

It took EVERYTHING I had not to throw my cup of tea at the TV screen.

If ever there was no greater exemplification as to the moral corruption in advertising and marketing and why people should not watch TV any more for fear of stripping away every shred of self confidence and self worth they have? That. Was. It.

For those not of a sensitive disposition and like the dry, more political and cynical side of comedy, look up the following:


Bill Hicks had it ooooooh, soooooo, right....(on many levels)

I am so very very grateful to not be on that 'dieting' hamster wheel any more....

I am grateful for my weight loss and my health, but more importantly, I am now IMPERVIOUS, after 25 years, to the guilt inducing drivel spewed from the minds of the morally corrupt who I let 'play' with my mind, my conscience, my emotions and on occasion, my soul; and that character assassination administered in the comfort of MY OWN front room?!!!

F***. That. S***t

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I think, for me, it's about how those adverts are made, what they represent and the messages 'overt' and 'subliminal', they imbue in the watcher.

For example; one particular 'weight loss' advert I saw for the first time this evening, had the audacity to state in a fairly subliminal way, the link between a women who had lost weight as being a direct corollary to an improvement in the relationship with her teenage daughter.

The parting shot, was 'I don't want that to change' - so, ipso facto, in order to maintain her relationship, perhaps improve your relationship with your children (because clearly, if you're overweight you cannot possibly find common ground with a teenager...W.T.F...), you need to buy our product and join our 'gang' of clearly 'better parents' who diet 'with us'.

It took EVERYTHING I had not to throw my cup of tea at the TV screen.

If ever there was no greater exemplification as to the moral corruption in advertising and marketing and why people should not watch TV any more for fear of stripping away every shred of self confidence and self worth they have? That. Was. It.

For those not of a sensitive disposition and like the dry, more political and cynical side of comedy, look up the following:


Bill Hicks had it ooooooh, soooooo, right....(on many levels)

I am so very very grateful to not be on that 'dieting' hamster wheel any more....

I am grateful for my weight loss and my health, but more importantly, I am now IMPERVIOUS, after 25 years, to the guilt inducing drivel spewed from the minds of the morally corrupt who I let 'play' with my mind, my conscience, my emotions and on occasion, my soul; and that character assassination administered in the comfort of MY OWN front room?!!!

F***. That. S***t

I couldn't agree more!! I have dealt with many of the same emotional beat downs and I am to the point of wanting to spew out profanities when the commercials come on. When you have been freed from the mental bondage of being overweight you can really see these commercials for what they are and the level to what they will stoop too. I have been freed from the guilt, anguish and FML feelings that these commercials produce. I wish everyone who wanted wls could have it. It is still a tool and it has still taken a lot of changing in my life and it isn't a magic bullet. It was the answer for me and I have done a lot of changing to make this work..............my way! With the help of my sleeve I was finally able to implement what I knew would always work for me. I am looking forward to reaching my goal as some point this year and finally living!! :)

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For me it is a simple equation...much smaller portions, no more nagging, "can't seem to get full" hunger. I know there are lots of people who control their weight without drastic measures (like removing 60% of my stomach) but I am not one of them. I am 24 days post op and for the first time in many years not only has the burden of excess weight been/being lifted but the guilt of not being able to discipline myself is gone. I am just at the beginning of this journey but feel 100% confident that my new tool is the right one for me. I've read so much about weight loss and the difference between people's metabolism. I liken it to taking anti-depressants. I used to be embarrassed but now I just accept that my chemistry requires a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor.

Frankly I don't know why I had a problem with food and portion control; I've heard a lot of theories about carb addiction and lack of senors in my stomach and ghrelin over-production. I don't know what to believe but I do know what my reality is. Obesity runs in my family. It killed my mother and oldest sister. My younger brother had one leg amputated last year due to diabetes. So my reality is: I'm fighting back and now I am armed with the right weapon. Thank you all so much for the advice, counsel and courage. Even when you didn't know you were giving it, I was voraciously reading all your posts.

Warm regards and wishes for a prosperous new year,


I think we have all questioned ourselves on why we couldn't do it without the surgery but the bottom line is we couldn't. I know that I put in the time and effort to make it happen without the surgery along with you and everyone else on here. I can't even begin to count the money I have spent or the gimmicks that I tried!! All of this always ended in a total feeling of defeat, me weighing more and my wallet weighing less! For me I think the ghrenlin hormone and not being able to feel full was the big factor for me. Having these corrected has really helped me to make the changes needed for successful weight loss. Even if the ghrenlin increases I still have a smaller stomach and can be satisfied quickly with good foods. Yes, life is much better and I too couldn't have done it without the help of those on this forum. I have learned so much from everyone and even if I don't comment on something I have often times learned new insights that will last me a lifetime. Good luck with your journey and I wish you the best! :)

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During a sensa commercial my 7 year old daughter once turned to me and said " you should get that mommy" I was so pissed and embarrassed...but I think I just shrugged it off and asked her if she thought it worked or if it was a rip off like her " slushy magic"....now that I'm loosing weight she gets emotional..cried once and said "but I like you big"... kids...smh

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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