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Hello Band Buddies

Couldn’t resist sending this out… how many times have we said out ourselves… “I’ll start my diet next week.” (Yes.. I hate the word DIET).

If you’ve fallen off the “band-wagon” now is the perfect time to get back on… don’t wait until next Monday, next week or until after the holiday is over… start with your next meal.

Hope everyone has a great holiday.

Tom, Toronto

Banded July 6 06

Wt. Loss: 160 lbs


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Sorry, but I'm still having a tough time understanding how someone can fall off the band-wagon, short of having some Fluid taken out of their band...

I know it is a common occurrence, I read it here all the time...people looking to get back on track....

I read all the posts.....but keep my mouth shut because i don't understand it....

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B52 maybe I can help you understand it. I realize that you keep your band tight but for the most part of us we do not. It's very easy to consume candy, chocolate, Cookies, any kind of junk food. How does one fall off? Because they resort back to eating these things for what ever reason. I don't want my band so tight that I never get hungry or that I can't eat because after all while I want to lose weight I don't want to have to live in a world where I don't have an appetite at all. Another reason I don't want my band tight is that is the exact reason people get erosion. The tighter the greater risk of erosion. There are many people who may have a very stressful time in their life as I can relate to that because I had a very horrible tragic event that happened in my life the beginning of the year which also lead me to having fibromyalgia. Yes I can see how people resort back to their old ways. Life isn't always pleasant and if someone has a tragedy happen then I can see them falling off. It's very easy to preach no excuses just do it but when you don't live in everyone's environment or house you can not see the pain they suffer. It's no excuse to eat but that is what we always did. Some people can't be as gung ho after time as you or anyone else that is still losing because eventually those who are at goal thinks it will be easy to maintain. We all can't spend time at the gym like you because I have a hard enough time just trying to work without being in excruciating pain. Yes I can see how people fall off because sometimes you just get in an I don't give a F---k way for a time being. Sometimes life makes you not give a effing crap about your band, your spouse, your children because that is how life is. I did not ask for my disease it was brought on by someone else. No I did not fall off the wagon but yes I did not give a flying rat about my band one way or the other because at those moments no one could be in the place where I was and not be out of their flipping mind. So yes I can see how people fall off the wagon because all of our lives are not like yours. I hope you can understand now. Unless you have been so low as the pits of hell and hated to see another waking moment then I guess no you don't understand but I do.

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B52 maybe I can help you understand it. I realize that you keep your band tight but for the most part of us we do not. It's very easy to consume candy, chocolate, Cookies, any kind of junk food. How does one fall off? Because they resort back to eating these things for what ever reason. I don't want my band so tight that I never get hungry or that I can't eat because after all while I want to lose weight I don't want to have to live in a world where I don't have an appetite at all. Another reason I don't want my band tight is that is the exact reason people get erosion. The tighter the greater risk of erosion. There are many people who may have a very stressful time in their life as I can relate to that because I had a very horrible tragic event that happened in my life the beginning of the year which also lead me to having fibromyalgia. Yes I can see how people resort back to their old ways. Life isn't always pleasant and if someone has a tragedy happen then I can see them falling off. It's very easy to preach no excuses just do it but when you don't live in everyone's environment or house you can not see the pain they suffer. It's no excuse to eat but that is what we always did. Some people can't be as gung ho after time as you or anyone else that is still losing because eventually those who are at goal thinks it will be easy to maintain. We all can't spend time at the gym like you because I have a hard enough time just trying to work without being in excruciating pain. Yes I can see how people fall off because sometimes you just get in an I don't give a F---k way for a time being. Sometimes life makes you not give a effing crap about your band, your spouse, your children because that is how life is. I did not ask for my disease it was brought on by someone else. No I did not fall off the wagon but yes I did not give a flying rat about my band one way or the other because at those moments no one could be in the place where I was and not be out of their flipping mind. So yes I can see how people fall off the wagon because all of our lives are not like yours. I hope you can understand now. Unless you have been so low as the pits of hell and hated to see another waking moment then I guess no you don't understand but I do.

I don't understand how people on a website assume they know me, or that my band is tight....

I take these pills every morning, without crushing them:

A person with a tight band could never do that...






I feel a properly adjusted band will put me in the Green Zone...and the characteristics of being in the Green speak for themselves....

That is why I elected to have surgery in the first place...to do for me what I could not do on my own...

The band is adjustable and everyone has the choice to have it at their comfort level..there is no right or wrong...

Edited by B-52

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You have said that you have no desire to eat or that you want to eat.I was making the point that you do not know how everyone's life is so yes it is easy to fall off and yes I do understand it.

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Cheryl, I just need to send you a big, warm hug. Methinks you need one. :)

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You have said that you have no desire to eat or that you want to eat.I was making the point that you do not know how everyone's life is so yes it is easy to fall off and yes I do understand it.

My point is, I've been there, done that BEFORE having this surgery....dieted and fell off the wagon 100's of time...for all sorts of reasons, some rational, some not....I was a looser....with no hope!

This surgery changed all that...it changed my life....it is doing everything I hoped it would, and more...

And I'll shout it from the mountaintops to anyone willing to listen....for me, it has been THAT GOOD!

Nothing short of a miracle....

It pains me to think people would go through all this, only to sell the lap band surgery short...I want everyone to succeed, but it is up to each individual.....

Edited by B-52

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Yes I understand that and some people do just mess it up in less then a month because their mind set does not change but there are people who deal with a lot and more that can't control their life and what happens to them. Because there have been many days this year I could have just as well sucked down a mountain of Hershey bars but I didn't but I can see how people can get in that desperation. Everyone is not as strong as someone else. Yes there are jack asses that will never follow the rules for that I say well then you need your ass kicked but there are others that did all that and then something tragic happens. You don't know unless you are there. It's like being an alcoholic or a drug addict it only takes that one fall to get you right back where you started.

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B52 maybe I can help you understand it. I realize that you keep your band tight but for the most part of us we do not. It's very easy to consume candy, chocolate, Cookies, any kind of junk food. How does one fall off? Because they resort back to eating these things for what ever reason. I don't want my band so tight that I never get hungry or that I can't eat because after all while I want to lose weight I don't want to have to live in a world where I don't have an appetite at all. Another reason I don't want my band tight is that is the exact reason people get erosion. The tighter the greater risk of erosion. There are many people who may have a very stressful time in their life as I can relate to that because I had a very horrible tragic event that happened in my life the beginning of the year which also lead me to having fibromyalgia. Yes I can see how people resort back to their old ways. Life isn't always pleasant and if someone has a tragedy happen then I can see them falling off. It's very easy to preach no excuses just do it but when you don't live in everyone's environment or house you can not see the pain they suffer. It's no excuse to eat but that is what we always did. Some people can't be as gung ho after time as you or anyone else that is still losing because eventually those who are at goal thinks it will be easy to maintain. We all can't spend time at the gym like you because I have a hard enough time just trying to work without being in excruciating pain. Yes I can see how people fall off because sometimes you just get in an I don't give a F---k way for a time being. Sometimes life makes you not give a effing crap about your band, your spouse, your children because that is how life is. I did not ask for my disease it was brought on by someone else. No I did not fall off the wagon but yes I did not give a flying rat about my band one way or the other because at those moments no one could be in the place where I was and not be out of their flipping mind. So yes I can see how people fall off the wagon because all of our lives are not like yours. I hope you can understand now. Unless you have been so low as the pits of hell and hated to see another waking moment then I guess no you don't understand but I do.

that was great. Thanks. I love the things you write and talk about, the truth.

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B52 maybe I can help you understand it. I realize that you keep your band tight but for the most part of us we do not. It's very easy to consume candy, chocolate, Cookies, any kind of junk food. How does one fall off? Because they resort back to eating these things for what ever reason. I don't want my band so tight that I never get hungry or that I can't eat because after all while I want to lose weight I don't want to have to live in a world where I don't have an appetite at all. Another reason I don't want my band tight is that is the exact reason people get erosion. The tighter the greater risk of erosion. There are many people who may have a very stressful time in their life as I can relate to that because I had a very horrible tragic event that happened in my life the beginning of the year which also lead me to having fibromyalgia. Yes I can see how people resort back to their old ways. Life isn't always pleasant and if someone has a tragedy happen then I can see them falling off. It's very easy to preach no excuses just do it but when you don't live in everyone's environment or house you can not see the pain they suffer. It's no excuse to eat but that is what we always did. Some people can't be as gung ho after time as you or anyone else that is still losing because eventually those who are at goal thinks it will be easy to maintain. We all can't spend time at the gym like you because I have a hard enough time just trying to work without being in excruciating pain. Yes I can see how people fall off because sometimes you just get in an I don't give a F---k way for a time being. Sometimes life makes you not give a effing crap about your band, your spouse, your children because that is how life is. I did not ask for my disease it was brought on by someone else. No I did not fall off the wagon but yes I did not give a flying rat about my band one way or the other because at those moments no one could be in the place where I was and not be out of their flipping mind. So yes I can see how people fall off the wagon because all of our lives are not like yours. I hope you can understand now. Unless you have been so low as the pits of hell and hated to see another waking moment then I guess no you don't understand but I do.

I don't understand how people on a website assume they know me, or that my band is tight....

I take these pills every morning, without crushing them:

A person with a tight band could never do that...






I feel a properly adjusted band will put me in the Green Zone...and the characteristics of being in the Green speak for themselves....

That is why I elected to have surgery in the first place...to do for me what I could not do on my own...

The band is adjustable and everyone has the choice to have it at their comfort level..there is no right or wrong...

my doctor told me not to swallow any pills I do have one that I have to but everything else I chew. But all doctors are different and we need to listen to our own.

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if we didn't have food issues and didn't have emotional problems with food as our crutch, we wouldn't be overweight and needing wls. i am and will for the rest of my life have to deal with the mental side of food. so far wls is winning. but i can't tell you that at times it really is a struggle. i want those bag of chips in the worse way. especially when i am being misunderstood. i get a i'll show you attitude and i can do whatever i want chip on my shoulder. sometimes the mind thing is more painful than getting stuck. and right now my household is under unbelievable amount of stress and illness. i have headaches everyday and cry most days but thank God my band is working. i haven't given into the strong urges to eat something crunchy and salty.but i want to lose weight this month, i didn't last month.

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I had a fill yesterday and don't know if ill be able to keep it and if I do will probably be my last. Before this fill I was able to eat a whopper jr and be satisfied. I am aware that this is not the ideal food for me but my surgeon and I agree that I should be able to lose and maintain without giving up everything albeit the weight loss may be slower than some. It fits my lifestyle. Point is, I don't want to give up my meats, breads, fruits etc that I hear people talk about here. I don't want to be limited to shakes in the morning or a 7 day a week slave to the gym. If I had wanted to live such a strict life, maybe I could have forgone the band. Yes, we do have our emotions and we all learn to deal with them in our own says and sometimes damnit, I want a sleeve of Cookies. Thank goodness the band won't let me have a whole sleeve and my conscious stops me even shorter. That being said, I'm still losing weight and yes there is a "wagon" I could fall off of if I'm pnot careful. I will not have my band cinched ltry to control every part of me. I'm still a fat person in heart and head and this is something I will try to change. I read somewhere that it takes about 2 years for the mind to accept the body's weight as base. I don't know, I've yoyoed so. Much I never stayed down that long. Stay strong everybody, holidays are a rough time of year for a lot of people for a lot of different reasons.

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