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My new plan to reduce snacking habits/ increase weight loss

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Hi! I'm 7 months out from VSG, and I have lost 76 (275 to 199). While I am happy about this, I still have 50 pounds to get to my goal weight, and I have been snacking more lately as my hunger increases and the "honeymoon" period fades away. I have only lost about 8 pounds I last 2 months. But I am determined to get this weight off though! I did not go through all this and spend 20k+ for nothing.

I've tried going to mostly meat and veg to get back on track, but that hasn't really worked. I still let the Snacks in (had too many Triscuits today and 2 small pieces of chocolate). I definitely feel I am a food addict, and I do not want my addictive behaviors back! So, this is my plan for awhile, probably until I get to goal weight (except for a few days while travelling around the holidays).

When I was on liquids, I didn't have any trouble not eating solid food nor did I have hunger. The Protein Shakes really keep me full. So, I am thinking that I will do only shakes and Water and Vitamins during the day, then have a "normal" dinner with my family. I have to cook for everyone and I like us all sitting down to dinner together, so that is when I will have my meat and veggies. If I am really dying for something to chew during the day, I'm going to make one special drawer in my fridge that is just for me and put these things in it: cut up cucumbers, peppers, celery, carrots, broccoli, sugar-free Jello cups, RTD drink shakes (and sugar-free popsicles in the freezer). But I can only eat out of that drawer except for dinner time.

I think I need to do something like this until I stop with the mindless snacking and get rid of carb cravings again. It's like they say with alcoholics--they can't have that one drink. Well, I just can't start eating (especially carbs) early in the day without getting off track. Maybe once I get settled into this for awhile, I can add back more real Protein, veg and fruits during the day. But now it seems too many choices for me. I need a lot of limits to help me get to my goal. What do you think of this plan, at least temporarily until I can put the carby snacks down for good. I know I have to "learn to eat real food properly" ultimately...and I will. Just hoping this will help me help me establish some better snacking habits while losing weight.

PS: Regarding exercise, I do it regularly--3-4x week I go to gym, yoga, do spinning, etc. I used to do more weights, but have left that for a bit. Maybe I will pick it back up soon...

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I know what your saying... If it works for you, then that's good. I cannot just do just shakes I need food so it would be a set up for failure for me...

We have the hardest part to learn now and that is self control. Some people just say "ok these crackers and such, I like them and I might eat them sometimes but not until I get to goal and even then if it becomes a problem they are just something I need to cut out."

Perhaps just saying no until to you get to where you want to be then reevaluate?

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I'm 4 weeks out from RNY surgery. I found that when I started eating last week I stalled. Then the next day I did 2 shakes and dinner and I started losing again, even if it was only 1 lb. So, I think until I get more weight off, that's pretty much what I am going to do. Today, shake for bf. Around 2 1/2 hrs. later I had an applesauce, lunch shake, dinner sm. piece of flounder and some squash.

Have you girls been doing something better? Any suggestions are welcomed.


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I totally know what your going through. Even though I am almost at my goal weight I have stalled for the past month and I have been snacking on a little here and a little there which adds up! My greatest fear is gaining all this weight I lost! It helps a bunch that I track everything I eat on myfitnesspal but it's hard to guesstimate the mindless snacking.

I can't do shakes either but totally need to put a stop to this snacking! I'm with you. I am a food addict and I used to binge eat. I can not and will not fall back to my old ways! Let's do this! Thanks for the post!

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I feel your struggle! I am 10 months post and have found myself snacking as well. I have days that I feel hungry and others not so much. I have a couple of things that ate a BIG weakness for me and I am battling those. I am really trying to get back on track! I have about 40 more pounds I would like to lose. Hopefully I can get there by 18 months out. That is my personal goal! We can do this!

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Well it seem as if we all face the same battles, well done to all that replied before me, seems we all have our own pace and are getting there. If we did not have addictive behavior to some extent we would have not gained the weight in the first place. I also use my fitness pal so and have it set at 1kg weight loss per week, needless to say I do not always lose this but as long as I keep the Kilojoules within the prescribed range, I know I am safe. If I have a day where I am bordering on my limit or exceed it, I walk on the treadmill to balance it out.

Another strategy I have started is to buy watermelon or cantaloupe as I just love them and they are mostly Water in content. I feel this helps me get part of my daily Fluid requirement as well. They are not very nutrient dense and fill me up.

I have learnt that every 500gram of lean body mass I gain, burns 50 calories extra per day. My current aim it to continue with my personal trainer and gain 8 or 9 kg lean body mass at least, this will give me 400to 450 extra calories burnt per day, making it easier to lose and maintain. Good luck to all in their journey. Wish that it was as easy to gain muscle as it was to gain fat then we would all be lean machines. LOL!

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Nighttime snacking is definitely my downfall also. I eat a semi healthy Breakfast, lunch, and dinner (only eating 6-8 bites) but start my mindless snacking at nite when I lie in bed and watch tv. Thought about making my bedroom off limits for food. I have 22 lbs to get to goal and I made a deal with myself last month. I'd start trying to lose again after the holidays. Until then, I'm happy maintaining. Hubby also gained 40 lbs over the last 9 mths since he's been eating carbs willy nilly (he's usually an Atkins fan) and also has plans of starting Atkins Induction on Jan 2nd.

So while I won't be doing Atkins, I can certainly cut down on my bad carbs and cut out the nighttime snacking. And my nightly glass of red wine - of course while in bed. I'm hoping my eating carbs (not to mention that we recently moved in with my FIL and hubbys daughter. MIL passed away 2 mths ago so we're helping out FIL) and others eating carbs (I don't eat much so I never really caused him to stumble but now that there's 2 other people in the household, not sure whats gunna happen) don't make my husband stumble.

Anyway, as I was saying, I know where ur coming from. Snacking is the culprit on much of our weight gain or at least preventing us from losing. And I don't mean 1/2 an apple with PB. I'm talking a handful of cheese Its, a scoop of ice cream, 1/2 PB and banana sandwich, a few bits of dinner leftovers, a handful of corn nuts, 5-10 Hershey Kisses (who can resist the green and red ones at holiday time?), an ice cream sandwich, or 1/2 Starbucks biscotti. All things I've snacked on this past week :blink:

So on jan 2nd, I will ban all food in my bedroom. That oughta help take off the final 22 lbs (albeit slowly. I know the last 20 are the hardest)

Good luck to u too!

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Nice to know am not alone. Im going to clear my house of crackers (personal weakness), do as many shakes as I can during the day with so healthy Snacks and see what happens. Also, my nightly glass of wine is going away after the new year as well. But I do feel good. I did the shakes for the past 2 days and I'm already losing again. I think I just have to avoid my triggers, be they certain foods, drink, or emotional ones. I really enjoy being able to share my experiences with those who understand! Thanks to all my Bariatric Pals!!! :P

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I'm 6 months out. I lost 100 (60 before sleeve ). I don't get. "Hungry" but my blood sugar gets low. I feel like I eat all day. I had the glucose tolerance test done. 1hr out the level was 352, 1/2hr later it was 158 and after 2hrd it was 117. I can't stand it when it crashed. Dr said low carbs no sugar. But I can't seem to get it stable. Any ideas?

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<p>Nighttime snacking is definitely my downfall also. I eat a semi healthy Breakfast, lunch, and dinner (only eating 6-8 bites) but start my mindless snacking at nite when I lie in bed and watch tv. Thought about making my bedroom off limits for food. I have 22 lbs to get to goal and I made a deal with myself last month. I'd start trying to lose again after the holidays. Until then, I'm happy maintaining. Hubby also gained 40 lbs over the last 9 mths since he's been eating carbs willy nilly (he's usually an Atkins fan) and also has plans of starting Atkins Induction on Jan 2nd. </p> <p> </p> <p>So while I won't be doing Atkins, I can certainly cut down on my bad carbs and cut out the nighttime snacking. And my nightly glass of red wine - of course while in bed. I'm hoping my eating carbs (not to mention that we recently moved in with my FIL and hubbys daughter. MIL passed away 2 mths ago so we're helping out FIL) and others eating carbs (I don't eat much so I never really caused him to stumble but now that there's 2 other people in the household, not sure whats gunna happen) don't make my husband stumble.</p> <p> </p> <p>Anyway, as I was saying, I know where ur coming from. Snacking is the culprit on much of our weight gain or at least preventing us from losing. And I don't mean 1/2 an apple with PB. I'm talking a handful of cheese Its, a scoop of ice cream, 1/2 PB and banana sandwich, a few bits of dinner leftovers, a handful of corn nuts, 5-10 Hershey Kisses (who can resist the green and red ones at holiday time?), an ice cream sandwich, or 1/2 Starbucks biscotti. All things I've snacked on this past week :blink:</p> <p> </p> <p>So on jan 2nd, I will ban all food in my bedroom. That oughta help take off the final 22 lbs (albeit slowly. I know the last 20 are the hardest)</p> <p> </p> <p>Good luck to u too!</p>

I have 30 more to go and have lost nothing since 10/27. I know the holidays have caused problems for me. I was also in a t-bone accident 12/13. My car was totaled, problems with the other person's ins co. I hurt everywhere and I start oft ducal that spy tues. I just want comfort food.

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<p>Hi! I'm 7 months out from VSG, and I have lost 76 (275 to 199). While I am happy about this, I still have 50 pounds to get to my goal weight, and I have been snacking more lately as my hunger increases and the "honeymoon" period fades away. I have only lost about 8 pounds I last 2 months. But I am determined to get this weight off though! I did not go through all this and spend 20k+ for nothing.</p> <p> </p> <p>I've tried going to mostly meat and veg to get back on track, but that hasn't really worked. I still let the Snacks in (had too many Triscuits today and 2 small pieces of chocolate). I definitely feel I am a food addict, and I do not want my addictive behaviors back! So, this is my plan for awhile, probably until I get to goal weight (except for a few days while travelling around the holidays).</p> <p> </p> <p>When I was on liquids, I didn't have any trouble not eating solid food nor did I have hunger. The Protein Shakes really keep me full. So, I am thinking that I will do only shakes and Water and Vitamins during the day, then have a "normal" dinner with my family. I have to cook for everyone and I like us all sitting down to dinner together, so that is when I will have my meat and veggies. If I am really dying for something to chew during the day, I'm going to make one special drawer in my fridge that is just for me and put these things in it: cut up cucumbers, peppers, celery, carrots, broccoli, sugar-free Jello cups, RTD drink shakes (and sugar-free popsicles in the freezer). But I can only eat out of that drawer except for dinner time.</p> <p> </p> <p>I think I need to do something like this until I stop with the mindless snacking and get rid of carb cravings again. It's like they say with alcoholics--they can't have that one drink. Well, I just can't start eating (especially carbs) early in the day without getting off track. Maybe once I get settled into this for awhile, I can add back more real Protein, veg and fruits during the day. But now it seems too many choices for me. I need a lot of limits to help me get to my goal. What do you think of this plan, at least temporarily until I can put the carby snacks down for good. I know I have to "learn to eat real food properly" ultimately...and I will. Just hoping this will help me help me establish some better snacking habits while losing weight.</p> <p> </p> <p>PS: Regarding exercise, I do it regularly--3-4x week I go to gym, yoga, do spinning, etc. I used to do more weights, but have left that for a bit. Maybe I will pick it back up soon...</p>

Are you having better luck? I need a plan.

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I'm 10 weeks post op VSG. I've been experimenting with the same thing. If I eliminate the shakes I don't lose a thing. If I add even 1 in per day I lose half a pound per day.

My nuts want me to not be having any shakes but I know they work for me.

I understand their logic and reasons but I'm just not sure what to do. Keep having 1 shake per day and not tell them or go to all food and lose much slower than everyone else.

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according to this http://gastricbypass.netfirms.com/understandingsmallgastricpouch.htm (written about RNY BP, but applies to the sleeve too), liquid calories are a Very Bad Idea. you are better off with 3 meals of 3-4 ounces of Protein and 2 Snacks one of which is also protein. its a technical article written by a doc for docs, but worth slogging through.

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I'm 10 weeks post op VSG. I've been experimenting with the same thing. If I eliminate the shakes I don't lose a thing. If I add even 1 in per day I lose half a pound per day.

My nuts want me to not be having any shakes but I know they work for me.

I understand their logic and reasons but I'm just not sure what to do. Keep having 1 shake per day and not tell them or go to all food and lose much slower than everyone else.

how many grams of Protein are you eating without the shakes?

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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