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How Many Calories Do You Consume On An AVERAGE Day?

How many calories do you consume in an average day?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. How many calories do you consume in an average day?

    • 0-400
    • 401-600
    • 601-800
    • 801-1000
    • 1001-1200
    • 1201-1400
    • 1401-1600
    • 1601-1800
    • 1801-2000
    • More than 2000

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I don't think the article I read was talking about starvation mode - and that was me who wrote ... hey I'm starving... my point and I think the point of the article was that to be healthy you must include exercise in your life. Getting rid of the fat is one thing but to build a strong lean body you have to incorporate exercise into your life style and when you do this you can eat those "extra" calories. I personally couldn't live on less then 800 calories a day for very long - its not a part of who I am - that to me is dieting at its worse. So if I can eat 1200 calories and then burn 200 off that brings me down to 1000 - totally losing weight at that. For me the band is a tool to help me change my lifestyle. First by eating less and secondly by exercising more. For me its not just about the weight loss - its completely totally 100% about changing my lifestyle. I don't care if it takes me 5 years to get to goal as long as I am developing new habits.

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I don't know how long I'll keep my band so I want to make the most of it while I have it. I won't go over 800 calories daily for anything. If I had more time I might take it slower, but for me this is working.

I was just wondering why you don't have time to take it slower and why you don't plan on keeping your band for life?

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I was told not to absolutely NOT count calories, and to focus on Protein (60 g per day) + produce.

I seem to be getting very different advice from everyone here. I'm getting a bit nervous here. LOL! I had no pre-op diet, was told to start mushies straight out of the hospital, and to avoid OTC Protein shakes and supplements.

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I say do what your doctor says over everything else. There are always a million ways to do things in healthcare. You will find what works for you over time. I know I am learning new things every time I get a fill...

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600-800 it's actually hard for me to go over 700 or 800 if i do 6 meals a day as my nutrisionist told me

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Question - how few calories before your body goes into 'starvation mode'? It seems like 800 calories would make your body start holding on and your metabolism slow down... anyone know?

You have to realize that fat is stored energy. The human body is really not all that good at the way it handles calories. For example, many years ago other cultures considered raising humans (they would win a war and keep the enemy captive) for food sources. They realized that they ate a great deal before they would gain weight. It was farrrr cheaper to use animals for food sources because their bodies are more efficient. Humans just aren't very efficient.

We eat a great deal of calories before we gain weight. The same concept holds true for losing weight. By the time we actually have fat stores it takes a great deal of effort to lose fat unlike animals.

It *does* take one type of metabolism to lose weight like a furry one, but it takes a totally different metabolism to lose weight as a human. We don't require huge calorie sources if we have fat stores. There comes a point where we are merely maintaining fat cells/stores.

It's not a bad thing to lose weight at a snail's pace, but at the same time it isn't a bad thing to lose a little faster. If I don't consume calories I am merely burning fat.

At my weight, height, and gender I require about 2000 calories a day just to walk and breathe. For my heart to pump and my body to regenerate cells. I require proper nutrition but that is a far cry from calories. I need nutrition to do things right, I need fat for energy. Big difference in many ways. If I use my calories for sugar, where am I going? Where is the nutrition? The human body does not require refined sugar, it just doesn't. It requires nutrition. If you use up your calories the right way you will burn fat. If you eat all sugar you will become ill.

Perhaps the best question here is this, what is the magic number in 800 calories? Why does it *seem* as though anything less will slow your metabolism? If you get the required Protein, Vitamins and minerals in 500 calories, why do you need 800? Assuming you can get the required nutrition in 500 calories, if you consume 800 ... aren't you merely maintaining fat?

The reason I am asking you this is because I have come to realize that I always believed whatever I talked myself into believing. I NEED food or I'll be tired. Well, fat is stored energy so what the heck was my point? Or, I NEED food because I'm sick. Protein is what I need, not additional calories.

So what is the magic in the number 800? :D

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I was just wondering why you don't have time to take it slower and why you don't plan on keeping your band for life?

I have very unique band challenges that your typical bandster doesn't have. My stomach goes into spasms and my band closes off to the point that I can't even drink Water.

I could take it slower but why? Where is the value? If I am doing things safely and losing quickly, that's my preference. I have absolutely no desire to maintain fat.

That does not mean I believe it is wrong for others to lose slowly, I just don't want to. I have the opportunity to lose quickly and that is what I prefer. I will take full advantage of my band for as long as I can keep it.

Not sure if that makes sense, but it's my logic. :D

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Wasbubblebutt, I have esophageal motility issues from MS that lead to spasms and swallowng problems too. I am also depedant on an electrc wheelchair for mobility. I tried the 1000 cals per day and stll gained weight or maintained weight at best. I went back to calore counting, measuring/weighing everything and using fit day ( full version)to monitor nutrient levels etc. dong this has lead me an my dietician to agree that 600 to 800 is the best level for me, avergae is about 680. with about 60 grams lean Protein as the mainfocus. I limit fat intake and what fat i do have i try to aim for Omega 3 ( part of dietary stuff to reduce ms effects). I do watch/limit carbs- I avod high GI refined, processed carbs- this has taken my blood sugar levels back to normal ( i have type 2 diabetes), it also got rid of carb cravings. If I do go back to higher gi carbs like rice- I have ncreased carb cravings for a few days.

there is no simple answer to this stuff, even the term starvation mode, gets used an misused a lot. My surgeon says that as fat is stored energy, we are trying to force ourselves into starvation mode when we have the band placed. we are forcng our body to burn stored fuel by creating a calorie deficit. If you have a more average lifestyle in terms of energy output etc, 800 may be too low and 1200 may be better. If you are really active lke some I know, going below 1800 can be too low.

the other thing about low cal intake s that the lower we go , the better choices we need to make. we cannot afford to stry as much. I look on food mainly in the same way as medication now, eating for what my body needs is number one priority.enjoying what I do eat is next priority but I will not make food a social event anymore, It is not a comfort or reward anymore.

I was threatened with lsoe of the band at one stage, my problems have led to an esophageal dverticulum. i was unflled for ages but now that the problems have been fully diagnosed and assessed I have worked with surgeon and detician to modify the rules to fit my situation. like you I want to take full advantage of this tool as cannot assume I will always ahave it. but I have found that by being very cautious. eg if I have a pb I go back to fluids for 1 to 2days, post fill I go back to fluids and work up to full diet over 7 to 10 days. I now have 4 mls in my 9ml swedish band, have very few pb's unless my ms is playing up, have very few symptoms of gerd ( had been really bad), no longer wake up choking in the night etc. I am confdent that I will kep my band for a long time yet.

as long as you are working with your surgeon and thngs are working for you, it is the right choice. the band is only a tool and any tool has a basc purpose but can be used in a variety of ways to achieve the final goal. your logic makes sense to me

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At the moment I am eating around 500 calories a day. I'm not trying to eat that little. I just haven't been hungry since I got banded. And I'm dropping weight like crazy. It sort of freaks me out actually. While my dietician didn't tell me I should have a minimum daily caloric intake, I think that if my rate of weight loss doesn't slow after I go on solids next week, I will try for about 800 or 1000 minimum.

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At the moment I am eating around 500 calories a day. I'm not trying to eat that little. I just haven't been hungry since I got banded. And I'm dropping weight like crazy. It sort of freaks me out actually. While my dietician didn't tell me I should have a minimum daily caloric intake, I think that if my rate of weight loss doesn't slow after I go on solids next week, I will try for about 800 or 1000 minimum.

LOL! I fully relate to your concerns but I promise you, by the time you can eat real food you WILL! So enjoy the honeymoon phase and take full advantage of it because it isn't going to last. Lose weight now so you can get a big huge kick start to your weight loss. You might gain a few pounds after your hunger comes back but just remember that this time isn't designed for weight loss, it is designed for healing. If you do happen to gain a little, that's okay. We don't diet anymore, we incorporate a healthier lifestyle.

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My difficulty is like Kyera's.

I'm curious if I'm maybe eating TOO LITTLE. I try to get three small meals in a day, but I really am not ever hungry. It could be a result of my LAP-BAND, or the emergency hemicolectomy/appendectomy (which is another story in itself), but I've been losing approximately a pound a day.

Since my banding, I've went from 303 (day of surgery on March 5th) to today, 273. That's 30 lbs. in ONE month, or a pound a day. Since January, I've lost 50 lbs. I'm very inactive right now since I'm recovering from the emergency surgery (which takes up to 6 weeks since it is an open procedure).

Soooo yeah... any advice for me? I want to guess I'm getting about 500-700 Calories a day. I am also on soft solids, or pretty much anything if I just chew it well.


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How in the world do you stay in the 800 caloires per day range? What are you eating? I try to eat as little as possible but I am sure I am eating more than 800 calories. There are more calories in things than I think there are, too, when I look them up.

Can someone give me a day's menu that is sticking to the 800-1,000 calorie range? I am just not losing. I hope to start though, when I get my 2nd fill on Monday. It just seems like everything has a ton of calories! (except letuce)

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My difficulty is like Kyera's.

I'm curious if I'm maybe eating TOO LITTLE. I try to get three small meals in a day, but I really am not ever hungry. It could be a result of my LAP-BAND, or the emergency hemicolectomy/appendectomy (which is another story in itself), but I've been losing approximately a pound a day.

Since my banding, I've went from 303 (day of surgery on March 5th) to today, 273. That's 30 lbs. in ONE month, or a pound a day. Since January, I've lost 50 lbs. I'm very inactive right now since I'm recovering from the emergency surgery (which takes up to 6 weeks since it is an open procedure).

Soooo yeah... any advice for me? I want to guess I'm getting about 500-700 Calories a day. I am also on soft solids, or pretty much anything if I just chew it well.



You are doing GREAT! No worries about the fast weight loss because it usually happens to everyone in the very beginning. Take full advantage of it now while you have it. Soon you'll be hungry and wanting to eat everything in site.

I too try to stick to 600 calories a day. I find it very easy to do. As long as you are getting basic nutrition more calories merely maintains fat.

My thinking is this, everyone is pretty clear that the first 6-18 months after surgery is the easiest time there is to lose weight. I'm am taking advantage of that concept vs. maintaining fat cells.

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How in the world do you stay in the 800 caloires per day range? What are you eating? I try to eat as little as possible but I am sure I am eating more than 800 calories. There are more calories in things than I think there are, too, when I look them up.

Can someone give me a day's menu that is sticking to the 800-1,000 calorie range? I am just not losing. I hope to start though, when I get my 2nd fill on Monday. It just seems like everything has a ton of calories! (except letuce)

It's easy. I shoot for 600 calories daily I thought I'd tell you how you can do it.

Breakfast: Matrix 5.0 Protein shake 120 calories, 22gms Protein

Snack: S/F Jello 5 calories

Lunch: tuna Sensations 130 calories 18-21gms protein (depending on which flavor)

Snack: Celery sticks, carrot sticks, bell pepper slices, etc.

Dinner: Your choice. You have 300 calories left for the day to eat as you please. Protein source, veggies, fruits, whatever you like.

If you will notice there are no items above with processed sugar. Sugar merely makes you hungry and then you crave more sugar. It becomes a cycle that is hard to break. Replace all sugar with a protein source and you won't get the blood sugar spikes that make you hungry.

If you are still hungry after the above menu then unlimited veggies to munch on.

Most people don't want to stick with 600 calories daily and that's fine. Some want to lose it slower and I don't blame them. But I'll be darned if I am going to maintain mega huge fat cells. I am serious about it this time, I am strict with myself regarding food choices, I exercise and I just passed the halfway point of my goal weight. Surgery was four months ago today. I am no longer "morbidly obese". Now I am merely "obese". HAHA!

It can be done but I'll tell you, the first few days are hard because you are drinking your meals. Head hunger is pretty tough but after you get used to it, it honestly is not difficult at all.

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How in the world do you stay in the 800 caloires per day range? What are you eating? I try to eat as little as possible but I am sure I am eating more than 800 calories. There are more calories in things than I think there are, too, when I look them up.

Can someone give me a day's menu that is sticking to the 800-1,000 calorie range? I am just not losing. I hope to start though, when I get my 2nd fill on Monday. It just seems like everything has a ton of calories! (except letuce)

BTW.... what is an example of your typical daily diet?

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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