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The Uncomfortable Truth....

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"Present" Another really big word..hurdle..

Look up Brene Brown's lecture on vulnerability. She really opened up my eyes and heart to life and being present in it.

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"Between pain and nothing, I would choose pain."

I want to have joy, even if it means some pain.

It's so much better than nothing...

Vulnerability.. I want to feel, I want to not just have my walls up and survive.

I want to let it out, and let others in.

That means being open which means a certain amount of vulnerability.

Not to those that hurt me in the past, there is now bond there, nothing to fix with that person(s).

Vulnerability....Why would you want that? Please explain what you mean please

Thank you Laura....it is a great thought indeed...I am working on that as well.....It takes people who have been in the lowest places to get to that wonderful point...It is where I hope to be in the future, really it is.....It is a great goal for all of us!!!!!

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I had a very hard time with my husband a few years back. I pulled myself together pretty much by sheer will and powered through everything. This was also the time period when I was sick and didn't know it, holding down two jobs, and finishing my master's degree.

I was also brittle, angry, and bitter, even with some of my dear friends. To be fair, they didn't provide me with a soft landing place. On the other hand, when someone negative is coming at you constantly and demanding your support, not everyone can handle the dance that is required to manage that and keep oneself sane.

One of my dearest friends, in particular, went through what I essentially see now as a detox period from me. We are friends again, 5 years later, but it took a long time. And forgiveness has been required, on both sides.

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</blockquote> Thank you Laura....it is a great thought indeed...I am working on that as well.....It takes people who have been in the lowest places to get to that wonderful point...It is where I hope to be in the future, really it is.....It is a great goal for all of us!!!!!

My life, the one that got me here, sometimes it doesn't even seem like it could of been a reality..

The only other witness to it my brother didn't make it.

But we have created a new life (you and I) complete with husbands and children!

Lol if you would of told me back then this would be my future? I would of laughed in your face.

In fact my brother when I was pregnant with my daughter told me we should not pass down our genes we are doomed and should let the bloodline die out.

I bet your children are pretty "normal" as are mine :)

that is our love, our ability to be vulnerable and let others in, shining through.

It gives me hope.. Which I need in the dark hours that still can creep in from time to time.

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Madame your posts never fail to make me think and this one is certainly no exception.

I know EXACTLY where my problem started - it stemmed from childhood traumas that I won't go into here. I have had to do a TON of soul-searching. Especially recently when I realized my addiction is still not as under control as I like to pretend it is. It is an ongoing process - it will take us years and years to undo the mental and emotional damage we've done to ourselves - if even that, since much of THAT damage was stirred from outside forces. Life happens, poop happens, and tragedy happens. How we respond to it depends on that mental and emotional damage sometimes. For me, I eat. Even now - even when I CAN'T (and shouldn't) I eat. What once started as a defense mechanism has spring-boarded into a way of life.

The sleeve is a tool - not a problem-solver. I still have a lot of emotion to get past and eventually, I will. But until then, just keep swimming, just keep swimming ...

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You're all wonderful. Truly.

Your honesty, vulnerability, resilience, pragmatism and optimism leaves me speechless.

What a comfort to know we are all the same. Who'da thunk it, hey? ;)

Big love to you all x

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</blockquote> Thank you Laura....it is a great thought indeed...I am working on that as well.....It takes people who have been in the lowest places to get to that wonderful point...It is where I hope to be in the future, really it is.....It is a great goal for all of us!!!!!

My life, the one that got me here, sometimes it doesn't even seem like it could of been a reality..

The only other witness to it my brother didn't make it.

But we have created a new life (you and I) complete with husbands and children!

Lol if you would of told me back then this would be my future? I would of laughed in your face.

In fact my brother when I was pregnant with my daughter told me we should not pass down our genes we are doomed and should let the bloodline die out.

I bet your children are pretty "normal" as are mine :)

that is our love, our ability to be vulnerable and let others in, shining through.

It gives me hope.. Which I need in the dark hours that still can creep in from time to time.

Well thank you..up until this point I did not cry...now a flood!!!! :(

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I will cry with you. And we both will be ok :)


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Wow, you guys have gone through a lot. My hat's off to you for staying sane.

My mom was great, loved her lots and just lost her this summer. My dad...well, he was mentally, if not physically abusive. I don't remember specific events because I think I've blocked them out. I just remember one where he was berating my sister. She was sharing a coke with him and held out both the can and the cup so he could choose which one he preferred. He blew up at her for not just handing him one or the other. If I remember right, he told her he hated her (among other things) during that tirade. I was furious with him for the first time of my life, but even then I was too afraid of him to stand up for my little sister.

Since then, time and distance have mellowed him, and I can actually enjoy being around him again for short periods of time....who would have thunk it! And...at age 83, he still shows no signs of slowing down. I do believe he will probably outlive me. There was a time when I was sure he was going to kill me, and many times that I secretly wished he would kick the bucket. My mom eventually divorced him, but only after us kids had grown up and moved away. She was scared of him too.

However, old scars didn't heal well, and I have a hard time forming and keeping relationships with men.

I married at age 38 to a guy who seemed to be calm and dependable. We had two kids and then promptly all intimacies were cut off. I was ok with that for a while, then began to wonder why. Turned out that he was not attracted to women. We divorced after 11 years, and I've been alone since. All my life I've never felt truly loved by any man, starting with dear old dad, and I think that is what caused me to turn to food for self pleasure. That....and the discovery of "Second Life" on the computer. I created a beautiful avatar who was instantly able to attract any man she wanted, and it was addictive. She got a lot of attention, but I didn't have to deal with any real life relationships with all their problems. Needless to say, I spent an enormous amount of time sitting on my couch in front of my laptop, and the weight piled on. Exercise was totally ignored, although I had always been somewhat in shape before.

At this point, I've been able to give up my "Second Life", although I still keep in touch with the friends I've made through that virtual world. I'm hoping that by getting the sleeve, I can get my eating under control, and can eventually start to exercise again without causing my knees and legs agony. I am wondering though, if I will ever in my lifetime find a real (non virtual) man who will love me for who I am, and..... will actually make me feel wanted, loved, cherished... all of those romantical things that I feel that I've missed out on. If not, then I guess I'll be content with being alone. It's ok, safe, but definitely not the best of all worlds.

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Wow, you guys have gone through a lot. My hat's off to you for staying sane.

My mom was great, loved her lots and just lost her this summer. My dad...well, he was mentally, if not physically abusive. I don't remember specific events because I think I've blocked them out. I just remember one where he was berating my sister. She was sharing a coke with him and held out both the can and the cup so he could choose which one he preferred. He blew up at her for not just handing him one or the other. If I remember right, he told her he hated her (among other things) during that tirade. I was furious with him for the first time of my life, but even then I was too afraid of him to stand up for my little sister.

Since then, time and distance have mellowed him, and I can actually enjoy being around him again for short periods of time....who would have thunk it! And...at age 83, he still shows no signs of slowing down. I do believe he will probably outlive me. There was a time when I was sure he was going to kill me, and many times that I secretly wished he would kick the bucket. My mom eventually divorced him, but only after us kids had grown up and moved away. She was scared of him too.

However, old scars didn't heal well, and I have a hard time forming and keeping relationships with men.

I married at age 38 to a guy who seemed to be calm and dependable. We had two kids and then promptly all intimacies were cut off. I was ok with that for a while, then began to wonder why. Turned out that he was not attracted to women. We divorced after 11 years, and I've been alone since. All my life I've never felt truly loved by any man, starting with dear old dad, and I think that is what caused me to turn to food for self pleasure. That....and the discovery of "Second Life" on the computer. I created a beautiful avatar who was instantly able to attract any man she wanted, and it was addictive. She got a lot of attention, but I didn't have to deal with any real life relationships with all their problems. Needless to say, I spent an enormous amount of time sitting on my couch in front of my laptop, and the weight piled on. Exercise was totally ignored, although I had always been somewhat in shape before.

At this point, I've been able to give up my "Second Life", although I still keep in touch with the friends I've made through that virtual world. I'm hoping that by getting the sleeve, I can get my eating under control, and can eventually start to exercise again without causing my knees and legs agony. I am wondering though, if I will ever in my lifetime find a real (non virtual) man who will love me for who I am, and..... will actually make me feel wanted, loved, cherished... all of those romantical things that I feel that I've missed out on. If not, then I guess I'll be content with being alone. It's ok, safe, but definitely not the best of all worlds.

You have been through a lot yourself little one! Your father was not a loving and compassionate human being. Your fear and anger clouded your future so that you could not find someone that loved you truly for you. Just as much as us..Just a different story.

I am glad you kicked the virtual world and have started to take control of the real one...I hope and pray that you will find love...someone who will share with you what it is like to be a man and not a bully...

You never know where you will end up or with who....be careful who you chose though we tend to go for what we know best and in your case it could be your fathers personality...So when the time comes dig deep and protect yourself and find the right person for you..you deserve someone like that!!!

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Wow, you guys have gone through a lot. My hat's off to you for staying sane.

My mom was great, loved her lots and just lost her this summer. My dad...well, he was mentally, if not physically abusive. I don't remember specific events because I think I've blocked them out. I just remember one where he was berating my sister. She was sharing a coke with him and held out both the can and the cup so he could choose which one he preferred. He blew up at her for not just handing him one or the other. If I remember right, he told her he hated her (among other things) during that tirade. I was furious with him for the first time of my life, but even then I was too afraid of him to stand up for my little sister.

Since then, time and distance have mellowed him, and I can actually enjoy being around him again for short periods of time....who would have thunk it! And...at age 83, he still shows no signs of slowing down. I do believe he will probably outlive me. There was a time when I was sure he was going to kill me, and many times that I secretly wished he would kick the bucket. My mom eventually divorced him, but only after us kids had grown up and moved away. She was scared of him too.

However, old scars didn't heal well, and I have a hard time forming and keeping relationships with men.

I married at age 38 to a guy who seemed to be calm and dependable. We had two kids and then promptly all intimacies were cut off. I was ok with that for a while, then began to wonder why. Turned out that he was not attracted to women. We divorced after 11 years, and I've been alone since. All my life I've never felt truly loved by any man, starting with dear old dad, and I think that is what caused me to turn to food for self pleasure. That....and the discovery of "Second Life" on the computer. I created a beautiful avatar who was instantly able to attract any man she wanted, and it was addictive. She got a lot of attention, but I didn't have to deal with any real life relationships with all their problems. Needless to say, I spent an enormous amount of time sitting on my couch in front of my laptop, and the weight piled on. Exercise was totally ignored, although I had always been somewhat in shape before.

At this point, I've been able to give up my "Second Life", although I still keep in touch with the friends I've made through that virtual world. I'm hoping that by getting the sleeve, I can get my eating under control, and can eventually start to exercise again without causing my knees and legs agony. I am wondering though, if I will ever in my lifetime find a real (non virtual) man who will love me for who I am, and..... will actually make me feel wanted, loved, cherished... all of those romantical things that I feel that I've missed out on. If not, then I guess I'll be content with being alone. It's ok, safe, but definitely not the best of all worlds.

You're a remarkable woman and you will find your nirvana. Never forget that...

Thank you for sharing x

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Dang, y'all are all making me cry! It's pathetic, kinda goes to show we ALL have skeletons…:(

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Great thread, been reading, thinking and reflecting on where I sit on all of this. Seems there's more that draws us together than just our weight.

I blame no one for the problems I experienced as an adult. I chose to eat the way I did, I was morbidly obese because I blindly filled my face, bad food choices, compulsive eating. None of this was done out of ignorance of the consequences. But my childhood and upbringing were what set me off on this path, although it has taken me years for me to understand that.

My sleeve has allowed me to get off the frantic food merrygoround and completely take the focus off food (by limiting my intake and ability to eat badly). In doing that, it's allowed my brain to start processing things that I have pushed away for years by self-medicating with food.

Boy, that's been painful. Whilst I have been happier in the last 7 months than I think I have ever been in my life, I have also cried more. Not because of what's been happening around me but because of what is going on inside my head as the realisation of what I have done to myself over the years - and why - has dawned on me.

My mother was mentally abusive. And overweight. And she wanted me in her image. Which is what she got because I was so screwed up by her behaviour which focused on breaking every person close to her.

But I fought against that once I had children and used my experiences to ensure that as a mother, I was everything my mum wasn't. Looking at my son, I am so proud that I haven't visited the sins of the mother on him; he's confident, happy and loving, a genuinely good man.

I am still untangling myself inside. It really helps that I now look at myself and for the first time ever say I love me, not just how I look but for the positive energy I feel. I truly believe I have a future that can be happy. But sad that it has taken me 52 years to get there and that's when I cry because I have less time ahead of me than behind me to live it to the full....but I will!

My sister said to me recently that we have turned out pretty good despite our upbringing. It's the first time we have even acknowledged what happened to us. That gives me hope too. It also makes me feel less alone, I didn't imagine it, I wasn't weak turning to food for the comfort I didn't get elsewhere but I am now owning my life. It's good and getting better.

Thanks Revs, complicated and complex area... Still thinking it over....

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One thing I do want to say....yes my mother should have never had children. I know because she told me so on countless occasions...every time she got angry she let me know what a mistake I was.

I won't go into all the details, but here's what bugs me. My brother and I were both victims of her uncontrolled anger and frustration, and his eating habits were as bad as mine. And yet he has never weighed more than 170 pounds in his life. Why? The man could live on fruit loops and not gain weight. I hate him.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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