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The Reasons I Would Never Recommend This Surgery To Anyone Anymore.

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This is an interesting post.

Strangely, having a friend who had this done in June and had done some pretty amazing research on our surgeon/his practice and WATCHING her go through the whole process, I was pretty confident on that. She's one of those people; if she has researched it, she has done a thorough job. In retrospect I would say I took a lot on faith and it feels like I more or less skipped through the stages of pre-surgery and surgery, and maybe even post-op so far.

And the ironic thing is that it's been a much smoother process for me than it was for her. Her rate of weight loss is a constant concern to her, and mine has been faster at this point. Who knows where we will be in a year? But I would say that she has some regrets…possibly.

We just don't know what we don't know until we're in the middle of it. That's all.

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I feel the exact same way! I've never recommended this surgery to anyone for the fear they would have complications. Especially since I went to Mexico, I feel very blessed that I made it out with no complications. I look back and think, that was crazy! I'm in no way saying it was a bad idea, just that I'd feel terrible if someone wasn't as lucky as I was. I get what you're feeling.

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If people you care about will suffer more by not having the surgery due to medical issues I could argue you have an obligation to share your experience. Including the complications statistics and a site and/or book to help with detailed research is the best you can give a person you care about. In the end every person makes their own choice. This surgery gone wrong is not on you.

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I'm scared to death of being the person with complications. I hope that doesn't happen to me but I'm going in prepared!

I am one of those people with severe complications...My life completely turned upside down because of the decision I made to make my life and my health better....

I am still struggling a year later with health problems because of my choice...Would I recommend it to anyone else...YES I would..If their quality of life was like mine before I had this surgery I would in a fast minute...I would however let them know all the possible risks....But I was the walking dead and had no quality of life...

Sure there are restrictions and not always good days and probably the hardest thing I ever did in my life...The benefits extremely out weigh the bad days for sure...

I have my life back...I can do almost anything now and am still not at goal...I am a new person with a new look at life....

In fact it is one year today that I came out of my 19 day coma due to a leak and I went septic....I am reliving the events of my ordeal but not regretting it....that will never happen

I have turned my eating into a more interesting exotic experience now and enjoy different food then I have ever before...I am not satisfied with mac and cheese any more...If it is not tasty or interesting I don't eat it...I have become a food snob....I like it that way.....

Too many positives for me to look at this with fear or regret!!!!! :)

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I think that you can be as prepared as you can possibly be..But there is always the unknown...I know more about weight loss surgery now then I ever wanted to know when I thought I was so prepared....Everything is different, everything has changed..right down to the people I spend time with...My fat self died along with my old life...

Having trouble adjusting but that is okay.....i am the me I knew was in there some where..She just has to find her new way..that's all!

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I understand you feeling of regret regarding your co-worker. I hope she feels better soon. This is, as Lauraven said, a MAJOR surgery and thus carries the potential for life altering and or threatening complications. I have been very open about my surgery and part of my decision to have the surgery was the hope that I might be able to lead by example for a dear friend who is morbidly obese, diabetic and has already had one heart attack at age 48. She isn't at a point in her life where she is ready to have WLS and I'm not sure she will ever want to. I am keenly aware that if she did choose to have WLS her outcome might be very different from mine. However her life is already at risk in her current state. Your friend / co-worker's experience is a cautionary tale that shows how important it is to carefully research not only the procedure but the surgeon and program. Would I recommend WLS to someone? I have spoken to a few people who have asked me about it but do so with caution. Too many people think it's an easy way out and don't make a fully informed decision.

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I too am coming from the side of major complications. I did have the RNY done and not the sleeve, but personally my thoughts are complications could have happened either way. I was informed during my process with the surgeon about the possibility of complications. I went in eyes wide open. However like most people I never for the life of me thought I would be in the 1%. I do not feel badly toward anyone who told me about their surgery experience being great or reading so many amazing stories on here of success. It just so happened that it happened to me. I had a leak with severe infection. I was initially released from the hospital with a green light. Passed the leak tests and everything was looking up. One week exactly after my surgery I was back in the hospital for another 16 days. Luckily all I needed was a drain, a picc line, and TPN for two weeks. If anyone asks me I am truthful with them. I love what the surgery has done for me. I would go through it all again even knowing what I know. To me personally I don't feel that one persons opinion of the surgery swayed me either way. I took in all the facts and made the best decision for me.

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I'm scared to death of being the person with complications. I hope that doesn't happen to me but I'm going in prepared!

I think a lot of it has to do with your mind set as well. It was strange because I just "knew" I would be okay. It was instinct for me. I had envisioned exactly how I was going to feel when I got out of surgery and how I was going to recover before I had it. I made up my mind that I was going to be successful before I even began and I think that is so important on this journey. Especially, and you'll understand what I mean when I say this about 3-5 weeks in, every single day can be different. You'll experience different things and feel different things. One week you'll be like "screw carbs!" and the next week you're calling people carb nazi's because the idea of not eating a sandwich again in life is disturbing (just do a search under my name.. it's tragic. Laura can vouch for that... lol).

Mind set..well that only goes so far...There are so many variables to this WLS...Me I was so excited I could hardly stand it..I researched the sleeve for 2 years and was put on a waiting list for 4 years..I had plenty of time to mull it over and come to the conclusion that it may give me a longer healthier life and I was ready..Boy was I ready...I could not wait to get the show on the road..

I bought everything I would possibly need to succeed and stocked up on everything I may possibly want to eat or drink that was healthy..

I even went through my closet and got rid of some of my extra big clothes just in case I was one of those " fast losers "..

Mindset no....it has to do with the surgeons abilities and your own body's reaction to the WLS...

I was 1 in 600 patients that had complications! Why me? There is no reason it just happened...It has been worth all the struggle and pain for me...

Your friend will decide for herself if this was worth it or not...Maybe not now as she is struggling with issues. But sometime after, later when things start falling into place. It is never your fault...We make our own decisions and what happens is what happens... :)

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When I went to my surgeon, the first thing he said was that he wasn't there to persuade me to have the surgery - I was there to convince him that I understood what surgery entailed beyond losing weight and that I could accept the changes were permanent.

Having had a friend who had been sleeved, I had seen close up how major the whole thing had been and had no illusions about the risks of surgery or the commitment required to make the changes needed to make the surgery work.

But despite me doing this with my eyes wide open, the theory versus the reality was pretty different. Even knowing what was going to happen, it was initially harder than I thought, physically and emotionally. I think I was probably in shock for the first couple of weeks as the enormity of what I had done sunk in. Then came the eating/drinking issues, followed quickly by the emotional/mental difficulties.

But now almost at goal and having been round the roller coaster ride a few times, I would do it all again such is the transformation in my life. At times, I am so happy I could cry - and I don't think I would have ever got here without my sleeve.

Would I recommend being sleeved to someone else? If I was asked for my experience, I would tell it, warts and all. I would say how much I love my sleeve and that I believe it has saved my life. But I would never tell anyone to do it just because it has worked for me. Not just on medical grounds but also because we all have to arrive at decisions that are right for us at the right time. My moment came, it was right for me to be sleeved and, like many others, I came through with few problems.

OP, it's not your fault what happened to your coworker, so please don't beat yourself up.

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I have found all of your posts very interesting and very informative. I am supposed to have my surgery in February 2014 but I am not open with anybody but my husband, daughter and my best friend. I realize there are very real complications out there. 5 years ago a coworker had a gastric bypass and died two weeks later due to complications. It turned me off of the possibility all together until I started thinking about things clearly. She was so overweight and had so many health problems she could have had a stroke or a heart attack and died just as easily. I come from a very thin family and I am the only overweight person in my family. In fact, I can't even recall a cousin that has a weight problem. So these people just do not understand the difficulties and feelings I've had with being over weight. They make the statement that if surgery only allows you to eat 2 ounces... then just eat 2 ounces at every meal and forego the surgery. They don't understand food addiction, stress eating, emotional binges or much of any of the other issues so I am not seeking support from them. I also feel if I'm not looking to them for support, there is no need for them to be informed of my surgery. I also don't think I would "recommend" it to anyone else. I found it on my own and I feel like if others are having issues, they will find the information on their own or a doctor will direct them to where they need to go. These are just my thoughts on the matter.

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Great choice of surgeon. His complication rates are low and your BF will have a good experience there. I was very happy with the care I recieved.

. Since I've had such success with no problems, I supported my boyfriend when he told me he was ready to do the surgery himself (in Mexico with Dr Alvarez).

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This is a great topic. Another long post. Sorry! I had a lapband in 2007, lost and kept off 50 pounds. However, I had a lot of problems with the band. I couldn't swallow my meds. They were never able to find a spot where it wasn't too tight or too lose. I had a major infection afterwards. I had 2 port revisions because the port flipped. Finally I had to have the band removed in April 2013 because it had slipped. Even with all these problems, I would do the band again.

Fast forward to July 2013, I still have 100 pounds to lose, and have multiple obesity related health complications. They definitely improved when I lost the 50 with the band, but I really wanted to get into the ones. I know this requires a lifetime commitment.and wonder if I have what it takes. But overall, I'm really looking forward to better health, and to eating a healthy diet. Essentially the sleeve is just another tool I can use to overcome my lifelong weight problem. I have followed the 3 month pre op program,and am just starting week 2 of my liquid Protein. I went though the emotional roller coaster with the band, and know I will encounter it again with the sleeve, but feel equipped to deal with it. I'm not alone, and this forum is an awesome resource.

My sleeve surgery is 12/9. I've researched my surgeon, the hospital, and the program, and all have excellent records. I had to do so much extensive pre surgical testing, and feel I'm both physically and mentally ready for this surgery. I'm aware it's not an easy solution, but am ready to take my chances. I'll let you know how it goes.

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This is a great topic. Another long post. Sorry! I had a lapband in 2007, lost and kept off 50 pounds. However, I had a lot of problems with the band. I couldn't swallow my meds. They were never able to find a spot where it wasn't too tight or too lose. I had a major infection afterwards. I had 2 port revisions because the port flipped. Finally I had to have the band removed in April 2013 because it had slipped. Even with all these problems, I would do the band again.

Fast forward to July 2013, I still have 100 pounds to lose, and have multiple obesity related health complications. They definitely improved when I lost the 50 with the band, but I really wanted to get into the ones. I know this requires a lifetime commitment.and wonder if I have what it takes. But overall, I'm really looking forward to better health, and to eating a healthy diet. Essentially the sleeve is just another tool I can use to overcome my lifelong weight problem. I have followed the 3 month pre op program,and am just starting week 2 of my liquid Protein. I went though the emotional roller coaster with the band, and know I will encounter it again with the sleeve, but feel equipped to deal with it. I'm not alone, and this forum is an awesome resource.

My sleeve surgery is 12/9. I've researched my surgeon, the hospital, and the program, and all have excellent records. I had to do so much extensive pre surgical testing, and feel I'm both physically and mentally ready for this surgery. I'm aware it's not an easy solution, but am ready to take my chances. I'll let you know how it goes.

Good luck Idlewood4! It's been a long journey for you so far, great story. I wish you a quick, as pain-less as possible and most importantly an effective surgery.

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THANK YOU EVERYONE for your responses. I really want to simply open a dialog about this because it's a reality that some of us around here face and as this surgery gains more and more traction will become more and more common.

Someone posted above that their surgeon did not sell this surgery to them. I can unfortunately report that my surgeons did (and they're fantastic surgeons) but at the end of the day that is their livelihood and by the time I showed up their practice was already a well oiled machine. There were times I felt like they were herding us in like cattle. And I imagine that is how a successful surgeons office operates (literally and figuratively) but I've also noticed that this practice is a cash cow and a lot of less qualified and less knowledgeable surgeons are jumping on board. I think this is the case with my friend and now she is paying the price. I just hope her price is not an ongoing battle and that life becomes easier for her soon.

I love reading all of your stories, there are some amazing people who frequent these boards and I am grateful for all of you.

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THANK YOU EVERYONE for your responses. I really want to simply open a dialog about this because it's a reality that some of us around here face and as this surgery gains more and more traction will become more and more common.

Someone posted above that their surgeon did not sell this surgery to them. I can unfortunately report that my surgeons did (and they're fantastic surgeons) but at the end of the day that is their livelihood and by the time I showed up their practice was already a well oiled machine. There were times I felt like they were herding us in like cattle. And I imagine that is how a successful surgeons office operates (literally and figuratively) but I've also noticed that this practice is a cash cow and a lot of less qualified and less knowledgeable surgeons are jumping on board. I think this is the case with my friend and now she is paying the price. I just hope her price is not an ongoing battle and that life becomes easier for her soon.

I love reading all of your stories, there are some amazing people who frequent these boards and I am grateful for all of you.

One of the things that I will always remember is that old expression...There is always someone who stands out in your mind forever...Well I am going to be that patient for my surgeon....He has taken a personal interest in my welfare and is constantly looking out for me....When I went septic, his personal nurse told me later on that he sobbed like a baby....this is not a job to him, this is his baby...He could make tons of money on other surgeries but he feels that the abuse and self loathing that obese people get and feel is not worth their lives if he can do something about it....i admire him for that and was treated like a queen by his personal staff....

They see me coming and there is all smiles and sheer happiness to see me....That is the way they should all be with any surgery....Do it because they want to help people......not make money..you know!!!!!!!!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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