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I can't remember the gal's name but her show's called "Everyday Gourmet" I think. She uses a lot of box and prepared ingredients that she jazzes up with a garnish and couple of spices. She's the one who drives me to distraction. I've never been able to sit through an entire show of hers. She does table decor and wears the appropriate outfit and colors, which on the surface should be appealing, but she's so fake physically and has such a patronizing way about her, I want to choke her. :heh:

Is this her?

Her name is Sandra Lee and the show is "Semi-homemade". I agree....;)

I don't like the Contessa much, either, though. She really is pretensious sometimes. Come to think of it, most of them leave me cold. Emeril, especially. I think they are showmen/women first and cooks second.


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I never watch any of the cooking shows but a friend of mine who is a card-carrying anorexic and a serious alcoholic has them running on her TV all the time. I find this very odd when she exists on beer, cigarettes and the occasional half sandwich.

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I like watching Emiril and Bobby Flay sometimes, but my favorite is Alton Brown. He's just such a dork that it's funny.

I'm not fond of Barefoot Contessa, or Giada, or Rachel Ray. I can only watch them in small doses. But I will watch them any time to avoid watching Paula Deen.

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I never watch any of the cooking shows but a friend of mine who is a card-carrying anorexic and a serious alcoholic has them running on her TV all the time. I find this very odd when she exists on beer, cigarettes and the occasional half sandwich.


That is typical behavior for anorexics. They are obsessed with food. Many collect cookbooks, etc.

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That is typical behavior for anorexics. They are obsessed with food. Many collect cookbooks, etc.

Wow! I never knew that before.... This is interesting. Will you tell me more? This poor woman was my best friend in university and she was my only bridesmaid. She was both brilliant and very, very beautiful. Now her health is ruined and she looks like a street person. At one point she lost all her hair and at another point she went blind with cataracts. She has been rushed to hospital because she was vomitting blood and she now has advanced osteoporosis and walks with canes - when she does walk at all! For a little while she was on welfare. She now takes handicapped transit to work. This woman is eleven months younger than I am.

She always used to be a party girl even though she performed well in university and has held some pretty interesting jobs. She has the worst taste in men though! Underperforming and uneducated alcoholics with anger management issues. I have kind of drifted away from her over the years as a result of her men and her drinking.

I guess this is too much information considering that my inquiry had to do with understanding anorexia, eh?:phanvan

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Green, here's some info, emphasis mine.

What Is Anorexia?

It's got a fancy Latin name: anorexia nervosa, "nervous want of appetite." It's a killer. One in 10 cases ends in death.

People with anorexia starve themselves by eating far too little food. Eventually they become dangerously thin — yet they still see themselves as fat. People with this eating disorder may become so undernourished that they have to be hospitalized. Even then they often deny that anything is wrong with them.

Anorexia usually begins around the time of puberty. Nine out of 10 people with anorexia are female; one in 100 U.S. women is anorexic. Technically, anorexia is when a person eats so little that their weight drops at least 15% below normal body weight. There are 2 subtypes of anorexia. One type of anorexia is linked to another eating disorder, bulimia, in which people periodically go on eating binges and then force themselves to vomit the food they have eaten. The other subtype does not binge and vomit, but merely restricts the amount of food and calories taken in. A person with anorexia becomes obsessed about food and weight. Some people develop strange eating rituals and may refuse to eat in front of other people. Many people with anorexia seem to care a lot about food. They may collect cookbooks and prepare sumptuous meals for their friends and families — but they don't join in. Often the refusal to eat is paired with strict exercise regimens.

What Causes It?

Nobody knows why a particular person becomes anorexic. It is a psychological problem that has profound physical effects, including death. People with anorexia come to believe that their lives would be better if only they were thinner. These people tend to be perfectionists. The typical anorexic person is a good student involved in school and community activities. Many experts think that anorexia is part of an unconscious attempt to come to terms with unresolved conflicts or painful childhood experiences.

What Are the Symptoms?

Anorexia has many side effects. These include:

  • Significant weight loss
  • Fear of becoming fat, even when obviously too thin.
  • Excessive dieting and exercising
  • Abnormal food preoccupations, such as counting all calories or obsessively studying cookbooks
  • Constipation
  • Dry, sallow skin
  • Fine, downy hair may grow on the face and arms
  • Menstrual periods stop
  • Mood swings
  • Suppression of sexual desire
  • Hands and feet cold at normal room temperature
  • Chronic insomnia
  • Hyperactivity
  • Frequent illnesses. Physical problems can include anemia, heart palpitations, bone loss, and tooth decay. Life-threatening problems include suicide, heart attacks, and kidney failure.

Call Your Doctor If:

A person with anorexia needs professional attention, and needs your help to get it. Let this person know you love her or him, no matter what. Support her without supporting what she is doing. See a doctor, psychologist, or counselor to find out the best way to approach her.

Remember that even though anorexia is a dangerous illness, it gives a person a sense of being able to control overwhelming feelings. Someone who has anorexia will struggle against giving up this control, even if this means begging and lying. It is important for family and friends not to give in to this manipulation — but constant nagging won't help, either. People can't get over anorexia just by changing their minds. They need professional help.

Possible warning signs include:

  • Self-starvation and weight loss
  • Intense fear of getting fat
  • Turning away food
  • Denying that one is hungry
  • Constant exercise
  • New or greater Hair growth on the body and face
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Absent or irregular menstrual periods
  • Loss of hair on the head
  • Complaining that one is too fat when obviously too thin

What Are the Treatments?

Treatment for anorexia must take into account both psychological and physical problems. The treatment team should include a mental-health professional and a primary care doctor.

Successful treatment usually includes continuous medical care, regular therapy, nutritional counseling, and sometimes medication. Though antidepressants can be used to treat eating disorders, they are not always effective for anorexia.

Doctors should pay attention to bone loss and heart function. Psychologists can help a person let go of self-destructive thoughts and behaviors and adopt a more positive outlook. Support groups of other recovering anorexics — when properly moderated by a mental-health professional — can also be very helpful.

Treatment usually is successful, but it doesn't work overnight. Long-term psychological and medical attention usually is needed.

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Yup, that's her, Carlene. Sandra Lee, Semi-homemade. Ugh!!! I totally agree about the Barefood Contessa - her very affected laugh makes me want to smack her. Her food presentations are more to my liking, but she seems to always brag too much on everything to her guests. Gross.

I took a cooking class once at the Disney World resort. The guest instructor was Michael Lomonaco, who used to be the chef at "21" in N.Y. His restaurant was the one atop the World Trade Center when it was hit by the plane. Although the class I took was quite a while before he opened that restaurant. Anyway I also bought his book and he signed it. It offers really great recipes and tips. He was very sweet and fun. He also has a show on TV sometimes although I've never gotten into it. He taught me how to make the best mushroom/asparagus risotto. Nearly melts in your mouth. Very lo-cal-NOT. I really can't eat rice since banded. Dang it.

I think Giada is pretty amazing. But all her stuff has lemon juice in or on it, seems like. I would consider getting into her recipes if I knew they would cause you to have a body like that! She's a bit bragadocious too. Besides I'm pretty sure that she really doesn't eat that all that Pasta and gelato she whips up. Or maybe she does but unlike myself, she knows when to stop.

I made BJ's famous (family inner circle) chicken enchiladas today and a from scratch coconut cream pie. I fixed a nice salad too, but didn't want to fill up with lettuce :faint:so I skipped that. Any wonder that my losing efforts have come to a screeching halt? No, I guess not. This should be me.....:speechles

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I bought The 15-Minute Cook at a local discount book store this afternoon while out for a walk with hubby. It has lots of photographs and each recipe states the ETA of the food at the table. ;) I need the pics - for inspiration, you know - and appreciate that nothing takes very long. I'm hoping that this will inspire me to branch out from my very limited menu.:tired

And thanks, Wheetsin, for the info on anorexia. My GF certainly does suffer from this but absolutely refuses to talk about her health. She is now on Effexor.

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After years of cooking, I'm heartily sick of it. I'm inclined now to occasionally do one of those marathon days where I cook up a pile of stuff for the freezer.

I actually had a cook for awhile many years ago. It was heaven. She was a friend who had cooked in several of the nicest restaurants in the city I was in at the time. Every two weeks she would deliver two big bags full of Soups, casseroles, dips and other interesting things. It wasn't two whole weeks worth of meals, but enough to give me a few days of not having to think about what to make.

When I became pregnant, I banked her goodies in the freezer to use in the few weeks after the birth.

We stopped because she got a full time job and I never worked full time again after that, therefore I couldn't justify it to myself.

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To me, you can't get much better than my tattered old version of the Betty Crocker cookbook. I love it because it gives detailed instructions, and it has explanations of commonly used terms and techniques. Plus, lots of pictures.

I really need to start my own recipe collection. I have an entire drawer at my parents' house filled with cookbooks and cut-outs of recipes. I need to sit down at the computer one day and type them all up and put them in a binder that I can eventually pass down.

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Question RE: southern style BBQ:

I've never had an authentic version of this in the PNW.....

...and I don't care much for meat that's been tortured with various rubs, soaks, the dizzying application of various sugar-crusted potions, and I don't really care for pork these days....

How can I get a decent sample to learn what I'm missing out on?

Jack, if you don't like meat that's been tortured, rubbed, soaked and painted you ain't gonna get a decent sample of most BBQ. Actually, I like it rubbed and hickory smoked the best....no sauce. I hickory smoke a mean chicken (figure of speech, the chicken was probably not mean, just scared sh**less) on my BGE (Big Green Egg...a ceramic cooker) that isn't soaked in anything. But my pork BBQ has chipotles, brown sugar, vinegar, chinese chili garlic sauce and, ketchup, of all things....yes a dab of plain old catsup or ketchup however you spell it. Don't knock it, stuff is so good, it will make you want to slap your grandma.

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Can we talk about the sheets again? I told wifie about the 600 count sheets that one of you said you felt in the store....seemed smooth as silk but ultimately didn't like after you laundered it. I related this to wifie and she said "these sheets are brand new, I stuck my hand in the package too and they feel like ground up toothpicks on this bed. What was the type of cotton you all decided was best? Wifie wants to tear thin strips off these new sheets and use theem for Tomato state tie downs and buy a new set.

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I made BJ's famous (family inner circle) chicken enchiladas today and a from scratch coconut cream pie. I fixed a nice salad too, but didn't want to fill up with lettuce :faint:so I skipped that. Any wonder that my losing efforts have come to a screeching halt? No, I guess not. This should be me.....:speechles

Tomorrow is my MIL's 87th BD. I made Paula Deen's made-from-scratch chocolate marshmallow cake (with homemade marshmallow). Do you think that qualifies as a mushy?

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I'm not fond of Barefoot Contessa, or Giada, or Rachel Ray. I can only watch them in small doses. But I will watch them any time to avoid watching Paula Deen.

GASP! :) You...don't...like...Paula...Deen??? Blasphemy!! I thought you were a sensible woman, Lauren! As for Racheal Ray, her 15 minutes are way over. She's got what, 4 shows now, plus the Dunkin Donuts commercials, plus her face is every box of Wheat Thins in the northern hemisphere! Giada? Can anything that pretty be real? Now let's talk Barefoot Contessa. Ina Garten. Great big fag hag. Have you ever once seen a Str8 man on her show? Other than her husband, and even he's questionable IMO.

Speaking of fag hags, anyone know the definition?

Are you ready??

A Gay man in a fat woman's body! ;) HAHAHA!!!

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GASP! eek.gif You...don't...like...Paula...Deen??? Blasphemy!! I thought you were a sensible woman, Lauren!
I like her until she laughs or says something like "romantical". It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Seriously, I twitch every timer I hear her laugh.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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