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Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

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Yah, Wheets, it sounds like you are kind of like me. I am totally out of the loop. I don't like diva-style pop music. It all sounds the same and it all sounds sentimental to me. I have never watched any of the Idols and I have never understood C&W or new country. I totally fail to get rap. tired.gif Within the framework of Jazz I have to admit that I can't stand ragtime although I recognise that this music is challenging for the musicians to play.

I love Soul, R 'n B, the Blues, BeBop, and most of the conventional forms of jazz including Latin jazz.happy.gif This being said, I can also say that I don't have much knowledge about music. Like a cow, I know what I like and that's about it.phanvan.gif

I'm out of the social loop at work because I can't talk with them about the things they talk about - mostly tv shows. Some of the ones I hear about are Lost (have never watched a single episode), House (have never watched a single episode), Grey's Anatomy (saw one episode and was completely lost), American Idol (have never watched a single episode), The office (have never seen it, but have had many people tell me I would like it), Survivor (have seen a total of about 15 minutes in the form of 1 minute here and there)... you get the idea. There are a few shows I watch, but I don't plan my day around it like some of the people I work with. I have seriously heard things like, "I can't, House is on tonight." I haven't heard something like that since college, when the dormies used to plan their school schedules around being able to watch Jerry Springer.

It's amazing, and I can attest to it - being so far removed - how much emphasis society puts on these television shows. Entire conversations revolve around them. They're a way for people to reunite after a weekend apart, or at the beginning of a new work day. Little subset of language are popping up left and right that consist of references to these shows. They're even becoming verbs, e.g. "He Housed him in the meeting."

I know a litle more about music. At one point I was extremely tapped into the music world - well, for the genres I enjoyed, anyway. But I still tend to stick with my old favorites, and have not learned much about the new musical generations.

Good thing I have lots of books.< /p>

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This is your brain on bread...Ummmmm, no thanks.


Listen guys, I know good food when I see it and I'm here to tell you pork brains and scrambled eggs are GOOD!! My grandparents, who lived in Lexington, TN had them almost every morning. The brains come in a can from the grocery store..about the size of a vienna sausage can. Kelly's was the brand name. They weren't greasy, nasty smelling...just really good mixed in with the eggs. Years later, I just happened to be in Jackson, TN. I went to the store and, there there were, Kelly's pork brains. I bought four cans. Things have changed since I was a kid...nowadays they have RDA figures on the side of the can. I just happened to gaze at the cholesterol % and I fainted. Over 1000% of Recommended Daily Allowance. It's organ mean...just like liver and gizzards. High as a giraffe's b***s. I threw the cans away. Airwayman, now banded 5 days. Lost 10 lbs. since Monday morning.

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To be honest, I thought Don was a little bit "nappy headed" if you see what I mean. Don "the nappy headed" Ho. That's how I think of him.

And don't be too tough on banjo music. Anyone else listen to Bela Fleck? That guy is one of the greatest musicians alive today, in my opinion.

Oh Yah! I am a fool for Bela Fleck and his Flecktones.:)

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This is your brain on bread...Ummmmm, no thanks.


Listen guys, I know good food when I see it and I'm here to tell you pork brains and scrambled eggs are GOOD!! My grandparents, who lived in Lexington, TN had them almost every morning. The brains come in a can from the grocery store..about the size of a vienna sausage can. Kelly's was the brand name. They weren't greasy, nasty smelling...just really good mixed in with the eggs. Years later, I just happened to be in Jackson, TN. I went to the store and, there there were, Kelly's pork brains. I bought four cans. Things have changed since I was a kid...nowadays they have RDA figures on the side of the can. I just happened to gaze at the cholesterol % and I fainted. Over 1000% of Recommended Daily Allowance. It's organ mean...just like liver and gizzards. High as a giraffe's b***s. I threw the cans away. Airwayman, now banded 5 days. Lost 10 lbs. since Monday morning.

The French love organ meats. The more expensive the restaurant in France the fewer the choices available to the squeamish Green! They love brains, kidneys and liver. Those meats are expensive over there and you have to become friends with your butcher before you can buy them. I don't like organ meats, nor fish, and I am quite grossed out by rabbit because the carcass looks like that of a dead cat.:tired These will all be on the menu at a very chic French restaurant. Happily they always serve steak, too, and that was what I always ordered.

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Oh Yah! I am a fool for Bela Fleck and his Flecktones.:)

Me too! He's coming here in July but it conflicts with the local folk festival so I won't be seeing him.

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No, unfortunately I really am that dumb when it comes to country music. If that's who it was (I have no idea, surely there are other Billy Rays, but I've never seen that dancing show, I don't watch much pop tv) I can picture him, from seeing him on tv once, but I only know of one song he did and really couldn't remember the name of it, just that it was something stupid and rhymey, and there was some kind of dance that went with it.

My C&W IQ is somewhere in the negatives. Honestly.

Here's a test. Wheetsin, name all the C&W artists you can think of (in modern time), and the name of one song they have done:

  • Garth Brooks - don't know a single name
  • Faith Hill - I don't know a single name, but she's pretty, and I know she is married to another C&W singer
  • I don't know the person's name, but someone sang a song about things that "don't impress me much," and one of the things mentioned Brad Pitt.
  • Dixie Chicks - Wide Open Spaces (easy, a co-worker used to play it over and over)
  • I know there's a guy named Kenny Chestnut (or something like that, sounds like Chestnut) because he has some kind of restaurant here and I've seen it on a billboard, but I have no idea what he sings.
  • Umm...

Yeah, that's about all I got.

Sorry, Wheet. I thought you were being a smart ass! I actually don't listen to much Country anymore myself. I'm on a soft rock kick lately - Staind, Nickleback, Daughtry, Stone Sour & Sheryl Crow to name a few.

On another note, I GOT A DATE THIS MORNING!!! Happy happy, joy joy! May 16th!! After the insurance/Dr's office roller coaster, I'm now suddenly less than 2 weeks away! :)

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And I'm not fond of camel toe. Or mangina, for that matter. Har har.

Okay, I know what camel toe is (and love it) but what is "mangina?" Dare I ask??

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Okay, I know what camel toe is (and love it) but what is "mangina?" Dare I ask??

This thread goes so fast I can't keep up. I now know what Mangina is and Basket of fruit. Reminds me of the time a friend went to NYC. He was walking down the street when he passed an alley. He heard a voice and there was this beautiful black lady in a long coat in the alley. A few guys stopped as she slowly opened her coat to reveal a perfect naked body with huge boobs and a hairy bush. She was slithering around, feeling herself, licking her lips, when she suddenly stopped, spread her legs and a huge dick and balls swung down from their hiding place. Everyone ran.

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I had a similar experience in florence. A magnificient transvestite wearing nothing other than a pair of hip high pair of suede leather boots with stilleto heels and a hip-length fur coat flashed me and this other foreign girl late one night. We had just finished eating a splendid dinner in a local trattoria, one where tourists never went when this happened. She saw us admiring her, paused, then flashed us, and giggled. We giggled back. It was a magical evening.

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I had a similar experience in florence. A magnificient transvestite wearing nothing other than a pair of hip high pair of suede leather boots with stilleto heels and a hip-length fur coat flashed me and this other foreign girl late one night. We had just finished eating a splendid dinner in a local trattoria, one where tourists never went when this happened. She saw us admiring her, paused, then flashed us, and giggled. We giggled back. It was a magical evening.

In my case, stuff like this makes advances by prostitutes seem normal. Just one of many: I was standing on a street corner in N.O. one night with a buddy waiting for the light to chance. It was colder'n hell and we had been taking in a certain liquid that keeps the body warm and the nose red. We both had on trench coats and a "to go" plastic cups in the hand that wasn't in a coat pocket (it was a business trip). All of a sudden I felt someone unusual. I looked around and saw this beautiful young blonde with her hand stuck way down in my coat pocket playing "pocket pool" with my boys. She looked at me and smiled. I whispered "honey, I'm not interested but my friend probably is." I moved to the side so I could see the action. Her hand slithered into his coat pocket and all of a sudden a tired, moderately drunk, 50 year old man came alive. You women have the power!

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Garth Brooks - don't know a single name Friends in Low Places, The Dance

Faith Hill - I don't know a single name, but she's pretty, and I know she is married to another C&W singer This Kiss, Mississippi Girl, married to Tim McGraw

I don't know the person's name, but someone sang a song about things that "don't impress me much," and one of the things mentioned Brad Pitt. Shania Twain

Dixie Chicks - Wide Open Spaces (easy, a co-worker used to play it over and over) - not to be mentioned with country music:mad:

I know there's a guy named Kenny Chestnut (or something like that, sounds like Chestnut) because he has some kind of restaurant here and I've seen it on a billboard, but I have no idea what he sings. Kenny Chesney - but that is not who has the restaurant at Harrah's that is Toby Keith, I love this Bar and Grill, named after one of his songs

I have been meaning to go there and try a fried bologna sandwich.

I am a HUGE country music fan - figuratively and literally :( I enjoy it because you can understand everything that they say and they are rarely violent or offensive. Not that I have sensitive ears or am a prude - I just think there is more to music than "fu**" this or that.

I don't have to plan my day around TV that is what my DVR is for!

I am staying away from the camel toe/moose knuckle - what else needs to be said after those pictures! YIKES

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In my case, stuff like this makes advances by prostitutes seem normal. Just one of many: I was standing on a street corner in N.O. one night with a buddy waiting for the light to chance. It was colder'n hell and we had been taking in a certain liquid that keeps the body warm and the nose red. We both had on trench coats and a "to go" plastic cups in the hand that wasn't in a coat pocket (it was a business trip). All of a sudden I felt someone unusual. I looked around and saw this beautiful young blonde with her hand stuck way down in my coat pocket playing "pocket pool" with my boys. She looked at me and smiled. I whispered "honey, I'm not interested but my friend probably is." I moved to the side so I could see the action. Her hand slithered into his coat pocket and all of a sudden a tired, moderately drunk, 50 year old man came alive. You women have the power!

Thanks for posting this, airwaydude. I've got to admit that I do find these stories fascinating. Maybe this is because I've worked around men for so long and I now know when I should feel threatened and when men have gotta do what they have gotta do....hardwiring and all. :(

Anyhow, my husband used to occasionally walk (no fossil fuels wasted, eh) over to our local strip club of a Sunday afternoon. A male friend of ours calls this worshipping at the Temple of Venus and says that it is a guy-thang. As for that, I laugh and grunt "more like worshipping at the Temple of Penis!" But I don't pay it no never mind.

Anyhow, and this is the funny part, two doors up from us is this weird guy who won an Oscar for animation a few years back and who has always refused to have anything to do with anyone on the street but he is someone who my husband invariably finds loitering in the Temple of P/Venus. The dude is obviously there without his wife's blessing for he always has his shopping bags planted around his feet. And he gets really edgy when he sees my better half wander in for a beer and an hour of worship, um, er, whatever..........:rolleyes Of course, what happens in the Temple stays in the Temple - unless it involves my mate. Then a different set of rules applies.

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Anyhow, my husband used to occasionally walk (no fossil fuels wasted, eh) over to our local strip club of a Sunday afternoon. A male friend of ours calls this worshipping at the Temple of Venus and says that it is a guy-thang. As for that, I laugh and grunt "more like worshipping at the Temple of Penis!"

Oddly enough, as much as I worship boobs, I hate strip clubs. Just something about a naked woman writhing around a chrome pole trying her best to act sexy to elicit money from the horny males turns me off. Now, a low cut dress, a little perfume, a woman leans over jusssst a little too far....my eyeballs are glued to her cleavage. Even if I knew daggers would pearce my eyeballs the second I looked, I can't resist. Don't want me to look at YOUR boobs??? Don't wear tight low cut stuff with your nipples sticking out like peanut M&Ms. You wear it, I'm gonna look, it's in my DNA.

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Oddly enough, as much as I worship boobs, I hate strip clubs. Just something about a naked woman writhing around a chrome pole trying her best to act sexy to elicit money from the horny males turns me off.
My husband could have written this. Strip clubs make him very uncomfortable. There's a bit of a boys' club at work, and their vendor meetings usually end up at a strip club. And sometimes the boys at work get lap dances from their boss for their birthdays. Hubby has spent many nights in the parking lot on the cell phone with me because he can't even stand to be in the club. It sickens him that people don't respect themselves any more than that.

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My husband refuses the lapdances or so he tells me.:rolleyes He tells them that he is married and then the girls suggest that he bring me in. He does like watching them, though, and drinking beer.;) He also enjoys striking up a conversation with one of the other patrons while he is there. It seems that going to the Temple is very much about male bonding.

One day he took his dad and another old geezer over to our local strip club for lunch and nudity.:faint:

Before I took an early retirement package I worked for awhile on Bombardier's Global jet, their answer to the Gulfstream V, and the crew I worked with were mostly single guys. They used to regularly invite me to go to a strip club with them at the end of the Friday night shift. I never did go. I am not hardwired to enjoy looking at naked women.:tired

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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