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My Gastric Plication Weight Loss Surgery Nightmare/blessing

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I found this site and have enjoyed reading everyone's stories, questions, etc. But after what happened to me I felt I should share my journey.

My surgery was on August 16, 2013 at OCC w/ Dr. Ortiz as self pay. This was not a quick decision for me, rather I scoured the internet for months. I finally decided on Plication because I was uncomfortable removing even part of a healthy organ, RNY/bypass was scary to me and everything I read talked about the practically non-existent post surgical problems with Plication. And everyone raved about Dr. Ortiz and the staff. To be honest, I never felt the love the rest others did, but that could be partially me. Once I made my decision it was a freight train.

Surgery went well, no real problems. When we left Mexico 3 days later I had a full day of flight to get home. It was exhausting but again, no real problems. Fast forward 3 months to the day. I have great restriction, am eating wisely and have lost about 45 lbs! I'm a happy woman! But then...

2 weeks ago today I'm having an "off" day, just not feeling quite right, i couldn't sleep and was having mild stomach pain. About 2:00 a.m I had horrible pain in my stomach/upper abdomen. I decided to try sleeping, went to bed and as soon as I lay down I had searing pain in my left arm, jumped out of bed, broke out in a cold sweat, got nauseous and was freezing cold- classic heart attack symptoms! Got my hub up and had him drive me to emergency which was about 1 hour from home.

To spare you the details of that night/morning, I had blown one stitch, my abdominal cavity was filling with air and the stomach contents had leaked into my abdominal cavity. Emergency surgery about 5 hours later saved my life. Once contents spill into the abdominal cavity there's a short time frame before your other organs go septic.So, 5 days in the hospital and 10 days recouping at home now I just wanted to let people considering this surgery know that even though the chances of problems from what I read are less than 1%, they do happen and with dire consequences!

I was nauseated every morning right after surgery for about 2 weeks, even with the Rx. One morning I felt a sharp pain while retching. I think that may be when it happened, but 3 months to finally blow? IDK, but I have a follow up with the surgeon in 3 days and will ask his opinion.

The up-side is that the hospital I went to was smart enough to not touch me and called in an experienced Bariatric Surgeon, who has agreed to be my doc form here forward even though his clinic doesn't do Gastric Plication.

I live in the middle of nowhere on a family farm and felt so confident that I would have no problems because of statistics this surgery had. Less than 1%- maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket :) Anyhoo...if you are considering WLS, this is my warning to not be as naive as I, thinking that'll never happen to me. Consider that it could happen to you and at the very least, have a Dr. in your area who will see you and a back-up plan!

Wishing you all the best on your individual journey

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I was wondering Did Dr. Ortiz ever follow up with you after this happened to you. I am having this same procedure done on December 20th with Dr. Ortiz. They told me I would have to change my flight to have the sleeve done. And the airline cant do that cause it is so close to Christmas. I keep getting on the forums trying to find more positive views of this procedure and was told he was the best Dr for this surgery. Did the OCC ever explain why this happen our talk to you about this happening before you had the procedure done. This is the 2nd time I have heard this happen to a patient, I thought maybe it was with the old procedure of 1 suture set but, you just had your surgery and it happen to you. I am glad you went to the ER, I also live in a Farm town out in the middle of nowhere, I found a Dr. That does this procedure here in case something would happen when I get home. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Hi Twanda, No, there was no follow up with Dr. Ortiz, however other than filling out my 3-month survey I didn't contact them. Also, the other person you read about this happening to I think had very recently had a baby. The surgeon who fixed me was very surprised this happened and also stated the chances were at about super low.

I should also tell you that my sister went with me and she was very impressed with the Docs at OCC. They came out and talked to her immediately after surgery and gave her time to ask any questions she needed to. Sitting in the waiting room I think gave her empathy and a new understanding for the battle we all fight. She is a size 2, but supported me all the way.

Your relationship with the Doctors, staff and Nutritionist down there will depend on you. They will take calls, Skype or e-mail you. I did none of that...once I made my decision, I called and scheduled my appointment and never looked back.

I was trying to think of what I could tell you to encourage you and it made me ask myself this. If I knew then what I know now, would I do this over again? That's one hard question. No one would willingly go through the surgery knowing another would be imminent. But when I think about it, I know that without having this surgery I would be at my top weight feeling hopeless. And history and time proves that it would only continue to get worse.

I have currently lost almost 60 lbs, over 1/2 way to my goal and the list of ways I feel better would be a long one. I also searched the forums, for months. I found tons of positives reviews and very few negative ones. I don't know how this surgery doesn't work for the ones that claim that, but I think if you looked far enough in to it, they would be the ones admitting they still drink soda and continue to eat crap. For me this was a final chance to save myself. I have done every stinking diet on the planet! This took the word diet out of my language. I knew once I healed if I wanted the occasional treat I could have that. I never ate a lot of garbage before, I just ate a lot. That was why I felt this surgery was my answer as it makes eating a lot not an option. And I have been very successful and don't feel deprived or on the sidelines. I still meet friends for lunch or dinner, I just bring 1/2 or more of what I ordered home and get to enjoy it a few more times! My husband loves that when we go out he knows he will have his dinner and then the rest of mine :)

I hope this helps you in making the right decision for you. My heartfelt advice would be to contact the doc at OCC, express your concerns, and ask any questions you have. And then let your PCP know what you are doing. I didn't even do that! I didn't want to hear the negative things or have anyone try to talk me out of it. Also, I would 100% advise having someone go with, especially if you are flying home. I had 2 connecting flights on my trip home and that was an exhausting day! Best wishes to you, and please, post on here what you have decided and how you are doing.

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Hello ladies, my sister and I come Canada and we both had the procedures done with Dr. Ortiz we had the gastric sleeve and everything went well so far we are two weeks. And feeling really great thus far. The clinic the hotel and the services from the doctors were very good I feel that this is much better care of them Canada and I feel that you and very good hands and yes there is always risk when it comes to surgeries or stay in the situation your in. If I had to do it again I would. Have a super night.

Sleeved on Tijuana 11/11 we are both down in weight.

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Wow, that is quite the ordeal that through! I am glad to hear that they were able to get you all fixed up though. It is scary to think about possible complications. Really they can happen to anyone but we also always think oh that will never happen to me. I look at it this way-35, family history of high blood pressure/heart disease/diabetes/PCOS, 362lbs. The reality is that if I don't do something to lose this weight permanently then it isn't a matter of if I will become sick but when. I see close family members who are even substantially larger than me already battling these issues and I want to cry because nobody ever plans on getting that large, hell no way did I ever believe I would be where I am weight-wise. I want to live, healthfully. I want to break the cycle so that my child will grow up and live life to the fullest, not stay home and eat life away like me.

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@hope4anewstart: You're right, it can happen to anyone. So, be prepared just in case. As you read, I was not prepared, to the point that I didn't/haven't told my doc what I did. Be sure to have a plan of who to go to for care after your surgery. The chances of you having issues are small and like I stated even my surgeon who fixed me was surprised. You are also right that if you don't do something to help yourself now you will have problems down the road. This is a great tool and I'm happy I took the plunge and went ahead. You will feel all the emotions everyone on here talks about: fear and anxiety, etc . One emotion I never felt was regret, even after it all went bad I didn't regret my decision because I was already seeing more weight loss than I had ever imagined. After a couple of weeks you will be so grateful you had the opportunity to make your life so much better, you'll not regret your decision.

Give yourself a good amount of time to heal, take it easy for a couple weeks and before you know it you'll be feeling so much better than you have in years. The desperation you are feeling will soon turn to self confidence. You'll find that you are stronger than you ever thought you were. You can do it, you can break the cycle and turn everything around for you and your child, you just need a little help to get started. I have been where you are right now, I tried every stinking diet on the planet. Now I don't diet, I eat what I want but I make wise choices and eat a whole lot less than I ever thought I could. There is hope. I wish you nothing but the best. Be sure to post what you decide to do and how you are getting on. The folk who are on this forum are all rooting for you and they do care.

My advice would be:
If you are going to Mexico be sure to take someone with you, you will have a long travel day coming home with lots of plane changes. It is stressful, so let someone else handle that.

Contact the doc at the place you decide to go and ask, ask, ask. Get all your questions out there, this will alleviate your fears.

Let your PCP know what you are up to and get his/her support.

Make your decision, whatever it is, and don't look back. Trust yourself, you know you better than anyone else does.

My best to you in whatever you decide to do :)

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Farmgal, thank you for your kind words. The advice you offer is very smart and some things, like notifying my PCP, I hadn't really considered. I am glad to hear that even with all that you went through you still do not regret the surgery. I think there comes a point in time where it just clicks and we know that this is what we need to do. I will definitely keep everyone here posted. It is really nice to have this forum as a support system because everyone here truly understands the process and what brings me here. I wish you luck(and continued health) in your journey, hopefully soon I will be on that same path :)

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I had my initial plication surgery with Dr. Ortiz. Everything was great while I was there, but when I needed some post-op support, it was like a black hole. I ended up having revision surgery with Dr. Waldrep in Thousand Oaks, CA. The cost of surgery was almost on par with Mexico (about $1500 more and didn't have travel costs.) Now I am totally happy with my plication and have reached my goal weight in 5 months. I would recommend spending a little more and going with a top notch surgeon who will be available to help you if something comes up.

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Yes I had popped a stitch too. My circumstances were a little different though. I had plication done with OCC march 2012 and got pregnant May 2012, popped the stitch at 7 months pregnant. Had my baby c-section feb 2013 and stomach collapsed and cause an obstruction June 2013. Had to have emergency surgery to reverse plication and spent a week in the hospital.

Not fun at all but I don't have any regrets or blame Dr. Ortiz.

Had a upper GI done Nov 2014 and everything is normal. Signs of esophagus scaring, the X-ray tech asked if I had lots heartburn but I do not at all. Could of been due to the tune they put down my nose to my stomach to drain the blood during the ordeal.

Today is a new day, new year actually ????and I am starting my journey once again. Going back to Dr. Ortiz and getting revision in 15 days. Started my pre-op diet today.

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If you were leaking your stomach contents after you blew a stitch, then you didn't have a gastric plication, right?? Plications are where they wrap your stomach and they do not cut it. In the unlikely even you do blow a stich after a gastric plication, nothing would "leak" out. There are no holes or cuts in your stomach.

You must hve had a gastric sleeve, correct? Or what some call a vertical sleeve. This is exactly why I didn't want a sleeve. I understand they cut off 80% of your stomach. Then they staple it with titanium staples and then sew it shut with sutures but geeze, I just didn't like that idea.

Good luck to you. I see you're still losing weight.

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If you were leaking your stomach contents after you blew a stitch, then you didn't have a gastric plication, right?? Plications are where they wrap your stomach and they do not cut it. In the unlikely even you do blow a stich after a gastric plication, nothing would "leak" out. There are no holes or cuts in your stomach.

You must hve had a gastric sleeve, correct? Or what some call a vertical sleeve. This is exactly why I didn't want a sleeve. I understand they cut off 80% of your stomach. Then they staple it with titanium staples and then sew it shut with sutures but geeze, I just didn't like that idea.

Good luck to you. I see you're still losing weight.

No, you can still blow a stitch and get a leak with plication. They fold the stomach in on itself and stitch the fold. Unlike with the sleeve where the two cut edges of the stomach heal and grow together, the suture line of the plication is the only thing maintaining the fold. There is a lot of tension on those sutures and they can pull out at any time.....months even years out. And when it does pull out it can tear a hole in your stomach. Every surgery has its own set of risks, and this long term potential for pulling stitches is one of the ones for plication.

Edited by Kindle

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Not sure about your surgeon, but mine placed a double row of stitches. And the stomach is folded twice... yours must've cut corners??

Watch this series on how they double fold the stomach and put in the double row of stitches. It's actually Dr Ortiz in surgery.

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Oops, just saw you used Dr Ortiz... this has me double baffled.

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Yes I had popped a stitch too. My circumstances were a little different though. I had plication done with OCC march 2012 and got pregnant May 2012, popped the stitch at 7 months pregnant. Had my baby c-section feb 2013 and stomach collapsed and cause an obstruction June 2013. Had to have emergency surgery to reverse plication and spent a week in the hospital.

Not fun at all but I don't have any regrets or blame Dr. Ortiz.

Had a upper GI done Nov 2014 and everything is normal. Signs of esophagus scaring, the X-ray tech asked if I had lots heartburn but I do not at all. Could of been due to the tune they put down my nose to my stomach to drain the blood during the ordeal.

Today is a new day, new year actually and I am starting my journey once again. Going back to Dr. Ortiz and getting revision in 15 days. Started my pre-op diet today.

I am planning on having more kids in a few years so I am curious about what caused these complications in regards to the pregnancy. You can message me if you like. Thank you!

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