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Dr. In My Area No Longer Does Lapband. Ugh!

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Doctors in the South, Florida area are starting not to do the lap band procedures anymore. Their saying, its having too many erosions and revisions. Ugh!! Anyhow, I notice in other states within the US they no longer doing lapbands. Anyone else is knows of this too?

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Doctors in the South, Florida area are starting not to do the lap band procedures anymore. Their saying, its having too many erosions and revisions. Ugh!! Anyhow, I notice in other states within the US they no longer doing lapbands. Anyone else is knows of this too?


It's true MANY Bariatric surgeons have moved away from the Band, that trend started about 4 years ago.

The ONLY reason I came back here to post after so many years was to WARN newbies and help them understand how the lap band should work.

The Lap band has a VERY high complication rate with some clinical practices, and the band requires follow up, diligence, and really knowing how it works.

When my hernia got inflamed last year and I was seeking a GOOD revision band surgeon, I had to go out of state to find a very experienced band surgeon to help me because just about ALL the Bariatric surgeons in the Washington, DC, Northern, VA and Maryland areas were moving towards the Sleeve and phasing out the band, and only just doing aftercare and fill adjustments.

I've done my homework on the Bypass and the Sleeve, have friends and family members with both and I also have an older sister that had a "stomach stapling" surgeon 30 years ago when she was only 23 years old, and I've seen how she lives with that surgery and I will never get a surgery that staples the stomach, WHICH the Bypass and Sleeve does, so a revision to the Bypass or Sleeve were not an option for me.

So for ME, the decision was to get my hiatal hernia repaired which required removing my old band and replacing it with a new AP band.

The band works for some, but NOT for many so it can be a toss up, this is why I am very passionate about the band and how it works since I've seen SO many friends over the years having to have it removed.

Honestly, if there were no risk of developing Hypoglycemia, severe reflux and the possibility of the Sleeve stretching back out, I would have jumped on that very quick and removed my band, but right now sadly there are no surgical options that appeal to me from a long term health standpoint, that's why I decided to get rebanded instead of revising to the Sleeve.

I also think it is a GOOD THING that *some* surgeons are moving away from the band because the GOOD Lap band surgeons that offer very good aftercare ARE still doing bands. In order for the band to work properly you need a surgeon that is band friendly that offers very good aftercare and will install and fill your band properly and follow your journey.

Can you find a very good band surgeon now? Yes you can go to the Lap Band site and www.Lapband.com and do a search lap band surgeons in your area and you will have to do your research to find a good band surgeon, I had to go out of state to find my surgeon last year after I met with about 6 Bariatric surgeons, it was a daunting task to find a GOOD band surgeon that would help me.

The Sleeve works great for many and most look great after weight loss, but I just did not want to take the health risk with it long term when it's not reversible, once the stomach is gone there is no turning back to the band WAS and IS still my only viable option for weight loss surgery.

If you still want a lap band you will have to do your homework and search for a good one, I am VERY happy that I found a good band surgeon to fix my hernia and give me a new band, and I've lost just about all the 30 pounds that I regained last year and SO FAR, knock on wood, I've had no problem with my new band.....

I got the band because it's adjustable and can be removed it any complications happen, and I would not change to any other surgical type at this point.

I have NO side effects and good restriction and I am wearing a size 10 @ 5'7 inches tall, and keeping my weight down going on 9 years with little to no effort :D -- I love my band .

Good luck!

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I believe that's how it is in Australia too. I see a liver surgeon for a completely different issue and he warned me off the band, because he'd had to operate on people who had the band erode right through their stomach, spilling their stomach contents throughout their peritoneum. I've also heard people say/write that band removal is better thought of as a revision than a reversal, as scar tissue permanently changes the stomach. While I've seen rates of follow up of 100% of bankers (ie: everyone has their initial band moved, removed or replaced at some time), I don't know any stats re % of people with scaring that causes issues long term.

I have the sleeve and have no issues at all - eat well, all foods, feel good, no dumping. Although the sleeve has more short term complications (up to 8 weeks), it has v v few long term problems.

Given my own personal experience and the things I've been told, I can imagine doctors would prefer to avoid the band.

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Entire states aren't stopping the use of the band. Select surgeons are.

The reason so many surgeons are stopping use of the band is because of the high patient failure, not the high band failure. They're tired of removing and revising band patients- regardless of the cause. Only 5% of complications with the band are by no fault of the patient. Sadly, it seems a lot of patients go into this surgery totally ignorant to the facts of what is necessary to be successful with the band. Some are aware of the facts but choose to ignore them and misuse the band anyway. Because of this, they end up with a lot of slips and erosion as a result.

The next time you see a thread about someone throwing up for weeks or months, or intentionally having their band too tight, or chronically over eating? There's your reason for so many band complications. It's not the band it's the people totally misusing it.

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Doctors in the South, Florida area are starting not to do the lap band procedures anymore. Their saying, its having too many erosions and revisions. Ugh!! Anyhow, I notice in other states within the US they no longer doing lapbands. Anyone else is knows of this too?

Hi Essence, there is another recent thread about this -- the Lapband is adjustable which means there is a lot of followup with the surgeon in the first year to get the fill just right for the individual patient. This is, of course, is costly for the hospital. I believe money is a big factor in why some hospitals are switching to the other surgeries -- it's just less time-consuming for them.

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Entire states aren't stopping the use of the band. Select surgeons are.

The reason so many surgeons are stopping use of the band is because of the high patient failure, not the high band failure. They're tired of removing and revising band patients- regardless of the cause. Only 5% of complications with the band are by no fault of the patient. Sadly, it seems a lot of patients go into this surgery totally ignorant to the facts of what is necessary to be successful with the band. Some are aware of the facts but choose to ignore them and misuse the band anyway. Because of this, they end up with a lot of slips and erosion as a result.

The next time you see a thread about someone throwing up for weeks or months, or intentionally having their band too tight, or chronically over eating? There's your reason for so many band complications. It's not the band it's the people totally misusing it.

very well said and i agree with this

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Whichever WLS one chooses, one must comply, comply comply!

My band surgeon is not the warmest person on Earth, but I don't need him to be my best friend. I need him to be educated, well-read on WLS studies, active in WLS research, and willing to share that information with me.

I just read a lapband blog where the blogger decided her weight loss wasn't "fast enough" so she was going to get a fill that would allow her to take in her calories by liquid only. I just shook my head and thought "that is not the goal here."

And the real tragedy is that she will find a doctor or NP who will consent to the fill, putting into place a trajectory that could very well lead to erosion or slippage. And she risks becoming another "band complication" statistic, all through her own faulty logic, with the complicity of the specialist allowing her to get restriction far too tight for the original intent of a lapband.

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Whichever WLS one chooses, one must comply, comply comply!

My band surgeon is not the warmest person on Earth, but I don't need him to be my best friend. I need him to be educated, well-read on WLS studies, active in WLS research, and willing to share that information with me.

I just read a lapband blog where the blogger decided her weight loss wasn't "fast enough" so she was going to get a fill that would allow her to take in her calories by liquid only. I just shook my head and thought "that is not the goal here."

And the real tragedy is that she will find a doctor or NP who will consent to the fill, putting into place a trajectory that could very well lead to erosion or slippage. And she risks becoming another "band complication" statistic, all through her own faulty logic, with the complicity of the specialist allowing her to get restriction far too tight for the original intent of a lapband.

let me repeat, i agree with this fully also

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Whichever WLS one chooses, one must comply, comply comply!

My band surgeon is not the warmest person on Earth, but I don't need him to be my best friend. I need him to be educated, well-read on WLS studies, active in WLS research, and willing to share that information with me.

I just read a lapband blog where the blogger decided her weight loss wasn't "fast enough" so she was going to get a fill that would allow her to take in her calories by liquid only. I just shook my head and thought "that is not the goal here."

And the real tragedy is that she will find a doctor or NP who will consent to the fill, putting into place a trajectory that could very well lead to erosion or slippage. And she risks becoming another "band complication" statistic, all through her own faulty logic, with the complicity of the specialist allowing her to get restriction far too tight for the original intent of a lapband.


You mentioned:

I just read a lapband blog where the blogger decided her weight loss wasn't "fast enough" so she was going to get a fill that would allow her to take in her calories by liquid only. I just shook my head and thought "that is not the goal here."

That sentence right there is the NUMBER ONE reasons for Lap Band complications. MANY here are losing their weight just like this, and THEY THINK they are in the "Clear" now because their bands has not turned on them -- at the moment.

They think it is NORMAL to not be able to eat solids, If I KNEW that I would not suffer consequences by tightening my band up to allow ONLY liquids -- I would do this too, but I am not stupid, I've BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT APPROACH and I've seen too many others harmed by this approach, many NEWBIES that are less than 5 years post op will argue -- WELL nothing has happen to me - YET.....sometimes it takes awhile before horrible damage sets in.

My advice, the lap band does not discriminate, it will bite and it will bite in a nasty way if the band is tighten beyond the recommended level.

Dr. O'Brien put that safety chart out, yellow, green and red zones, describing HOW THE BAND WORKS clearly and MANY still IGNORE IT...and think they can get away with keeping a too tight band and think, it only happens to others....and sadly some don't care, they will just misuse the band until the reflux and vomiting get so bad until it has to be removed in an urgent way and then they will just revise to something else....

And if they revise to another surgery type.....Sooner or later these people will have to "comply" with SOME weight loss surgery, whether it be Band, Sleeve, Bypass or DS...sooner or later they will have to comply and these other surgeries will cost them their life if they don't comply...

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I want to add another point...

My analogy with the Band is like:

Making a Deal with the Devil....the thought of getting the band filled to only allow sips of liquids and the weight will just pour off very quickly for MANY can be very exciting....you brag about the weight loss, getting into your bikini, wearing a size 0-4, and we can go on and on and on....

But in the end -- it's not pretty and that deal with the Devil has costs many their lap bands....this is why many hate the band after a few years and bash it strongly because if they use it in the incorrect way...it can break many hearts and dreams...like Cinderella returning from the ball after the stroke of midnight..finding she is back to her pumpkin and ragged clothes....

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It's true MANY Bariatric surgeons have moved away from the Band, that trend started about 4 years ago.

The ONLY reason I came back here to post after so many years was to WARN newbies and help them understand how the lap band should work.

The Lap band has a VERY high complication rate with some clinical practices, and the band requires follow up, diligence, and really knowing how it works.

When my hernia got inflamed last year and I was seeking a GOOD revision band surgeon, I had to go out of state to find a very experienced band surgeon to help me because just about ALL the Bariatric surgeons in the Washington, DC, Northern, VA and Maryland areas were moving towards the Sleeve and phasing out the band, and only just doing aftercare and fill adjustments.

I've done my homework on the Bypass and the Sleeve, have friends and family members with both and I also have an older sister that had a "stomach stapling" surgeon 30 years ago when she was only 23 years old, and I've seen how she lives with that surgery and I will never get a surgery that staples the stomach, WHICH the Bypass and Sleeve does, so a revision to the Bypass or Sleeve were not an option for me.

So for ME, the decision was to get my hiatal hernia repaired which required removing my old band and replacing it with a new AP band.

The band works for some, but NOT for many so it can be a toss up, this is why I am very passionate about the band and how it works since I've seen SO many friends over the years having to have it removed.

Honestly, if there were no risk of developing Hypoglycemia, severe reflux and the possibility of the Sleeve stretching back out, I would have jumped on that very quick and removed my band, but right now sadly there are no surgical options that appeal to me from a long term health standpoint, that's why I decided to get rebanded instead of revising to the Sleeve.

I also think it is a GOOD THING that *some* surgeons are moving away from the band because the GOOD Lap band surgeons that offer very good aftercare ARE still doing bands. In order for the band to work properly you need a surgeon that is band friendly that offers very good aftercare and will install and fill your band properly and follow your journey.

Can you find a very good band surgeon now? Yes you can go to the Lap Band site and www.Lapband.com and do a search lap band surgeons in your area and you will have to do your research to find a good band surgeon, I had to go out of state to find my surgeon last year after I met with about 6 Bariatric surgeons, it was a daunting task to find a GOOD band surgeon that would help me.

The Sleeve works great for many and most look great after weight loss, but I just did not want to take the health risk with it long term when it's not reversible, once the stomach is gone there is no turning back to the band WAS and IS still my only viable option for weight loss surgery.

If you still want a lap band you will have to do your homework and search for a good one, I am VERY happy that I found a good band surgeon to fix my hernia and give me a new band, and I've lost just about all the 30 pounds that I regained last year and SO FAR, knock on wood, I've had no problem with my new band.....

I got the band because it's adjustable and can be removed it any complications happen, and I would not change to any other surgical type at this point.

I have NO side effects and good restriction and I am wearing a size 10 @ 5'7 inches tall, and keeping my weight down going on 9 years with little to no effort :D -- I love my band .

Good luck!

Thanks for your honesty. Yes, I have put all that into consideration. I was worried about the stapling inside, its not what I want. How did your sister do with it? Is she doing well?

I like the sleeve because no long term aftercare as much. Being self paid I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford fills. Idk NaNa, I have to think of any WLS super hard. I'm scared and nervous, but I'm still doing research. Thanks!

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I believe that's how it is in Australia too. I see a liver surgeon for a completely different issue and he warned me off the band, because he'd had to operate on people who had the band erode right through their stomach, spilling their stomach contents throughout their peritoneum. I've also heard people say/write that band removal is better thought of as a revision than a reversal, as scar tissue permanently changes the stomach. While I've seen rates of follow up of 100% of bankers (ie: everyone has their initial band moved, removed or replaced at some time), I don't know any stats re % of people with scaring that causes issues long term.

I have the sleeve and have no issues at all - eat well, all foods, feel good, no dumping. Although the sleeve has more short term complications (up to 8 weeks), it has v v few long term problems.

Given my own personal experience and the things I've been told, I can imagine doctors would prefer to avoid the band.

Ok thanks for the info.

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I believe that's how it is in Australia too. I see a liver surgeon for a completely different issue and he warned me off the band, because he'd had to operate on people who had the band erode right through their stomach, spilling their stomach contents throughout their peritoneum. I've also heard people say/write that band removal is better thought of as a revision than a reversal, as scar tissue permanently changes the stomach. While I've seen rates of follow up of 100% of bankers (ie: everyone has their initial band moved, removed or replaced at some time), I don't know any stats re % of people with scaring that causes issues long term.

I have the sleeve and have no issues at all - eat well, all foods, feel good, no dumping. Although the sleeve has more short term complications (up to 8 weeks), it has v v few long term problems.

Given my own personal experience and the things I've been told, I can imagine doctors would prefer to avoid the band.

Ok thanks for the info.

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Hi Essence, there is another recent thread about this -- the Lapband is adjustable which means there is a lot of followup with the surgeon in the first year to get the fill just right for the individual patient. This is, of course, is costly for the hospital. I believe money is a big factor in why some hospitals are switching to the other surgeries -- it's just less time-consuming for them.

Yeah, I believe so too. Its less time.consuming for them, so they revert.to the other procedures. I can agree.

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Thanks for your honesty. Yes, I have put all that into consideration. I was worried about the stapling inside, its not what I want. How did your sister do with it? Is she doing well?

I like the sleeve because no long term aftercare as much. Being self paid I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford fills. Idk NaNa, I have to think of any WLS super hard. I'm scared and nervous, but I'm still doing research. Thanks!

Hi Essence,

Overall my sister is doing ok, the issues that she's had over the years has been, one hospitalization for ulcers, when the had to remove part of her stomach due to the staples, so she has a "Sleeved like stomach WITH staples.

She had a revision surgery about 8 years ago, and she had many complications with that, but she healed and recovered, but she did not lose any weight. When she first had the surgery, she lost all of her weight and was skinny like Most Sleeved people, but eventually gained it all back.

The weird thing is she still can't eat that much food after 30 years, but she learned to EAT AROUND her surgery and ate sweets, and her stomach stretched back out too big to help with weight loss, if she wants to lose weight now she has to do it the old fashion way with diet and exercise.

The only negative things I've seen her do for MANY years is that when she eats, she will vomit her food, it's not like a Lap bander getting food stuck and just upchuck slime undigested food, it's REAL vomit (gross) and she gets SICK ALL THE TIME, and she says it because of the staples in her stomach, I have to be honest -- SHE VOMIT EVERY SINGLE DAY...I am not sure if this is healthy or not, but she's had to have her teeth capped twice.

I DO NOT VOMIT AT ALL with my Lap band because I don't keep it too tight and I chew well, so her vomiting seems to be uncontrollable due to the staples in her stomach.

Another negative, she will get sick with Hypoglycemia (dumping like syndrome) this is SOMETHING THAT MANY SLEEVERS get too, and this is disrupting her life, if we go out to a restaurant and eat, she can't eat certain things, and she has these attacks now every day, her symptoms, are weakness, shakiness, and feeling faint, she CANNOT work due to all this. When she gets an attack, she has to sit down and hold her head down, and drink cold Water, I asked some Bypass people what can she do to help her, she's been to specialist and they told her to modify her diet, but that is still not working, so now when she gets an hypoglycemia attack she drinks or eat some juice or Peanut Butter crackers. Also Hypoglycemia can get dangerous and life threatening if it chronic and if you have frequent fainting.

Many people do not tell you the negative side effects of these surgeries, I am being honest. so it is your choice whether you would like to get the Sleeve or Lap Band, however, the Lap band requires MUCH MORE maintenance than a Sleeve, and if you are self pay for lap band you must be AWARE of the cost of complications IF they happen, fill cost, Upper Gi costs if needed.

I do not recommend the band to people unless they have a good income or insurance for upkeep, and willing to change their lifestyle.

This is a difficult decision to make, the Sleeve seems easier if you don't have complications, once the surgery is done, the only thing you need to do is keep up on your Vitamin supplements.

However, if you get the Band, you will need to see your surgeon every 4-6 week for at least a year for optimal weight loss, and after you get to your green zone, then you really don't need to see your surgeon unless you have issues, but again the lap band after care is crucial for success.

I hope this helps you make a decision

Good luck and stay in touch regardless if you go Sleeve or Lap band, I am wishing you the best in whichever decision you make.

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