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My Dr. Says If I Gain 1 More Pound I Will Be Given An Extra Month Visit But....

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This is actually comical. Trusting ourselves is what got us here. Listening to ourselves is why we're FAT. Listen to your NUT and your surgeon. I've read on here a million times; surgery can fix your stomach but not your head.

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superfatty, your last comment is not just comical but reflects some fundamental misunderstandings. I didn't get fat because of overeating. And no one gets fat if they are able to listen to their inner guidance and follow it, not from overeating.

Do you read any scientific studies about obesity? Increasingly medical science is proving, through random-access controlled studies, the kind that meet the top industry standards, that obesity is rarely the result of pigging out o food. That is such an outdated attitude. Obesity is increasingly seen as an illness in and of itself.

I know some morbidly obese people eat copious volumes of food but not all that many. And why do they? Increasingly SCIENCE is revealing that folks who compulsively overeat do so because of underlying health reasons. Sure some of it is in the head and if that belief works for you, stick with it, honey.

But increasingly obesity is being understood as the result of underlying, untreated, unrecognized health issues.

I didn't get fat by pigging out on food. I got fat by taking several medications for over ten years that have now been shown to damage the body's metabolism and cause rapid weight gain. AS I watched myself morph from a normal sized thirty-something to a morbidly obese person, I wondered what the heck was I doing? Did I get up in the night and binge eat while sleepwalking? Did I go into psychotic trances and swing by fast food joints? Cause I never pigged out.

Have you ever eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting? I have. My first time was when I was in my fifties and my skinny close friend showed me she filld her freezer with pints of fancy ice cream to eat for dinner when her husband traveled. Until that moment, it had never occurred to me to eat more than a modest serving of ice cream.

And I was the only adult in the house when I packed on the drug-influenced rapid weight gain so that meant only I bought the food in. I wasn't unconscoiusly binge eating. I packed on weight because the drugs I took damaged my metabolism.

Gosh, what unenlightened thinking to believe people only get fat from pigging out.

And if you think I am making up my science: three of the drugs I took have had class action law suits against them, and the plaintiffs (the victims) won. They couldn't sue for weight gain because fat is not a protected class in this country (i am a lawyer so if I sound like one, that's why) but they sued because each of these three drugs, in addition to damaging the metabolism and causing weight gain also tended to cause the onset of diabetes. And guess what? I developed diabetes, and not Type II but Type I. Type I's are usually skinny but those cursed drugs made me fat.

Not every fat person pigs out. In fact, relatively few do. Cling to that if you must.

And yes, it is about our heads as much as our bodies. Which is why I still say to Ms Kee Kee: trust yourself. Anyone that doesn't trust themselves, I feel sorry for them. Maybe some obese people did not always trust themselves but two weeks before bariatric surgery is a good time to start.

How are you going to change the head game if you don't trust yourself? I won't give my power over to health care professionals. Sure I want their advice but I don't just see allopathic doctors. If I have the surgery, still an if for me, for I have lost 90 pounds on my own -- altho that could simply be the result of my Type I diabetes and I just think it is all the changes I have made in what I eat.

Did you read the post about the gal whose own doctor said if she didn't eat anything she's gain because of her hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is real.

There are a million stories in the naked city, and in the land of fat people. Don't assume everyone got fat the way you did. And I am not even assuming how you got fat altho you seem to suggest you pigged out. I didn't. I have never eaten immodestly and I have always swum laps at least five times a week for decades as well as other exercise. I got fat because of health conditions. You just watch. In the future, obesity is going to be given respect as a medical condition and not stigmatied as fatties pigging out. You stigmatize yourself that way.

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Some bariatric surgeons do nothing but weight loss surgeries. My surgeon only does bariatric surgerires one day a week, doing other kinds of surgeries. She works for a center of excellence bariatric center and all the staff I have met have had bariatric surgery except for the NUT. They all seem very informative and I welcome all their advice. but in the end, I decide what is right for me.

And if you can't trust yourself, how did you allow yourself to trust your surgeon?

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This is actually comical. Trusting ourselves is what got us here. Listening to ourselves is why we're FAT. Listen to your NUT and your surgeon. I've read on here a million times; surgery can fix your stomach but not your head.

I think it is comical that you think bariatric surgery 'fixes' your stomach. Our human bodies evolved over, what, a mllion years and then 'medical science' science comes along and permanently alters how your body works?

I have backed away from this surgery twice, and renewed my efforts to lose and have lost 90 pounds. With Type I diabetes, I have to inject lots of insulin to be able to eat and that causes me to rapidly gain weight. I don't actually believe bariatric surgery is the right answer but I am 60 and I see my knees creaking under the weight (I weigh 240, used to weigh 330). Last year at this time I weight 210 and then I saw an endocrinologist who tested me for Type I and in six weeks, eating less than 1,000 calories a day but injecting lots of insulin, I ringed 30 pounds. I regained more but a couple months ago, I started starving myself. I can't starve myself forever so I asked my doc to make another bariatric referral.

I trust myself. I don't trust allopathic medicine. I am unconvinced that permanently altering how my body metabolizes food could be good for me, could be healthy. On the other hand, with all the toxins in this world -- all non organic chicken, for example, has arsenic in it. Every single mass grown chicken that is tested has arsenic. And on and on but we blame fat people for being more sensitive to the environmental toxins and the overprocessed food stripped of nutrients that made us fat.

My loving self never told me to overeat. If I have ever engaged in emotional overeating, and I don't know anyone, fat or skinny who hasn't, it was, as you say, because I was not listening to myself. Now is the time to start listening to myself, trusting myself, when I see my very real need to optimize my chances to be healthy as I age. We have to start sometime. Two weks before life-changing surgery seems like a good time to start trusting one's self and you say it is comical? Hmmm. . . .

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It is comical that you believe by posting such long diatribes you believe yourself an expert on nutrition and tell someone to ignore their nutritionist. My surgeon is at a Center of Excellence. My nutritionist is extremely intelligent and explains why I need to eat what I need to eat. In-depth.

My THINKING was like many here. (I know I shouldn't eat this but I'll exercise tomorrow. I'll treat myself to this Bc ....... . I've skipped Breakfast and lunch so I'm now ravenous to the point I'll eat anything. I'm lonely so I'll pop in a DVD and snack. Etc. the list could go on and on because the majority of us are food addicts. Plain and simple.) So guess what, I can't trust my thinking when it comes to food, and until I can I'll follow my nutritionist and continue to see my therapist about my food issues.

When I say they can fix my stomach I believe they do. They fix my stomach to hold less. To the point that, when I follow my nutritionist's plan for me to eat Proteins first, then veggies, followed by good carbs, I'll lose weight.

Be as irresponsible with your advice-giving as you want, to whomever you wish. I just hope the OP doesn't follow your advice.

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Maybe I was unclear somewhere but I was eating a lot in one sitting...I didn't just get fat, I've been fat but that happened over many years of large portions and the mindset given as a child to always clear my plate and late night eating and sweets as snacks...I kno what got me fat but these days my issue is eating one heavy meal a day since I hate food, it made me fat, it disgusts me, I never want to eat again. I hate to eat, I do it to sustain...so now I have to adjust to eating correctly and then the correct amounts at the right times of day. I am aware of the many changes I'm taking on and I just pray for strength every day...any support and encouragement will help too since I'm scared out of my mind yet I find comfort in my continued research and advice.

This is what the OP says. And you tell her to ignore her nutritionist. She herself says she needs help. Geez

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Lol! Is there a full moon tonight?

My eyeballs almost dried out and fell out of my head!

Diatribe is right... Some more D worlds DENIAL and DELUSIONAL.

Lawyer heal thyself, and while your at it take some personal responsibility.

One thing I think you are correct in, as I read some other posts of yours. Surgery is not for you.

Listen you have all the answers anyway why would you need to have a doctor preform a surgery to fix something that apparently has nothing to do with your gain?

To the op I stand by my advice from above.

It's time to push down the walls of denial and surrender to the process of true honesty with yourself and your relationship with food.

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I reiterate my advice to MsKeeKee01: be totally honest with yourself about what you are eating .....

I totally agree with you on this point because I it's clear the OP was not forthcoming initially about what she was eating. And ......whatever the cause.....we are ALL overweight because we ate too much of the wrong kinds of food for our body. Doesn't mean you shoveled in food like a dump truck. But you ate more than your body could process. If you ate a healthy amount or even less, and your body still stored it all as fat due to some metabolic condition, then why have WLS? It will not help. It only reduces your intake. Why not address the real problem? And I don't think doctors are gods, but I do know that you are not capable of diagnosing the OP from here.

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I totally agree with you on this point because I it's clear the OP was not forthcoming initially about what she was eating. And ......whatever the cause.....we are ALL overweight because we ate too much of the wrong kinds of food for our body. Doesn't mean you shoveled in food like a dump truck. But you ate more than your body could process. If you ate a healthy amount or even less, and your body still stored it all as fat due to some metabolic condition, then why have WLS? It will not help. It only reduces your intake. Why not address the real problem? And I don't think doctors are gods, but I do know that you are not capable of diagnosing the OP from here.

I can't speak for others but I feel like because my hypothyroidism was diagnosed as such and is now being treated, I can now get the surgery. Before being diagnosed and treated I was dragging through the day, I could barely keep my eyes open. I couldn't function and because of that I wasn't able to hold down a job.

Now that I am on medication for my thyroid condition I am actually able to function during the day, I can stay up without falling asleep and I finally know what hunger pangs are. Now I feel like I need the surgery to kind of in a way 'undue' the damage a thyroid condition caused me for several years. I hope that answers your question and with all that said, do you think WLS can help someone like me?

Also, my surgeon requires that any metabolic condition be under control before getting the surgery. Mine is.

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<em>Quoting 'Amazon13'</em>

<em>"I think you need to come clean and be honest with yourself about your eating habits. In your post you say you don't eat a lot and then answer a post and say that you do.<strong> People just don't get fat by eating little amounts of food twice a day.</strong></em>

<em><strong>You need to admit that you were eating two or three times a day, copious amounts of food.</strong> You may need a nutritionist to help you understand what kinds/how much food you should be eating at a meal.</em>

<em>As has been said here many times before, the sleeve is just a tool it won't instantly make you lose weight. Make sure you seek counseling before you enter into such a life altering surgery; good luck."</em>

I know your comment wasn't directed at me but I felt compelled to respond. In my case that is exactly what happened, I ate 2x a day, sometimes only 1x a day and I gained weight very fast. My meals were not big, in fact I never wanted to eat and a doctor even told me he could sow my mouth shut and I would still gain weight because that is what hypothyroidism does to people. Admittedly though they were not healthy food options either when I finally would eat. I honestly feel like if I had known what hypothyroidism was or if someone even clued me in and mentioned that I should get it checked I would have saved myself years of gaining tons of weight. It wasn't just my eating habits that were affected, it was my everyday life. I would wake up for the day and an hour after waking up I would fall back to sleep and sleep for hours. That's how bad my thyroid beat my ass. Right around the time I probably developed hypothyroidism I was living at home still with my mom, I had a bedroom in the attic. My mom never bothered me, she was too busy with my younger siblings. I went to bed on Wednesday night and when I woke up I went downstairs and it was dark out and all the lights were off and everyone was asleep, so I just thought I woke in the middle of the night, so I went to back to bed. When I finally saw my mom she asked me where I was all that time and I was confused. She said I was missing for over a day and then told me it was Friday afternoon. Apparently I slept through Thursday completely, waking up around 3am on Friday after going to bed around 10pm on Wednesday. I was always just so tired and never had any energy to do anything at all. Before I turned 18 years old I was very active, had loads of energy and loved being around people, I was also at a very healthy weight (115 to 118 pounds). All I gotta say is that hypothyroidism sucks!

I absolutely can't wait to get tested. U explained exactly what I feel...I use to be so active now all I do is sleep but that's even hard sometimes due to my fibromyalgia. Thank u..I've gained weight steadily for the past 8 years and never knew why..I just ignores it cuz I felt like I still looked good but smh, what a fool Ive been!

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I spoke with my doctor this morning. She said my thyroid is fine and that she's checked that evertime I've done blood which was done late September and we do it almost every other month. Doc says the weight gain is most likely from the limited mobility due to my fibromyalgia. I've definitely slowed down a lot...Ive never been an over eater, I just wasn't eating the proper foods and that coupled with lack of exercise and late night dinners has made me this way. My hate for food may be why I chose to eat less, I always knew it wasn't good food goin in so I never ate a lot..

For all those that say I'm not being honest with myself, understand this, I am not here to give a false image, I'm looking for advice and encouragement. Whatever u did to gain weight is what u did, I know how I got here...lets stop insinuating I am a liar. Thanks for all the advice. I now know its not my thyroid. My doc says that since I've started my meds for the fibromyalgia, it will allow me over time to be able to work out and that mixed with the surery and my new eating habits will help me get my life back..I jus hope she's right.

Also it will prevent my family history diseases, and assist with infertility issues..weight loss is the cure for way too many things..lol.

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Wow, I've been reading all these comments over and over and I hope everyone else that reads it learns something. Everyone has their own reasons why they are here. Your reasons may not be anothers. Some are on medications, some have immobility issues, some are overeaters and eat for boredom and emotional reasons, some just don't have proper nutritional intake and some have genetic issues...please notice these differences and try not to stigmatize!! It's not helpful to insinuate people are liars, maybe they just not living YOUR life...not doing what YOU did!!

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I got fat from not eating properly and from pigging out. I'm responsible for every pound gained over the years.

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superfatty, your last comment is not just comical but reflects some fundamental misunderstandings. I didn't get fat because of overeating. And no one gets fat if they are able to listen to their inner guidance and follow it, not from overeating.

Do you read any scientific studies about obesity? Increasingly medical science is proving, through random-access controlled studies, the kind that meet the top industry standards, that obesity is rarely the result of pigging out o food. That is such an outdated attitude. Obesity is increasingly seen as an illness in and of itself.

I know some morbidly obese people eat copious volumes of food but not all that many. And why do they? Increasingly SCIENCE is revealing that folks who compulsively overeat do so because of underlying health reasons. Sure some of it is in the head and if that belief works for you, stick with it, honey.

But increasingly obesity is being understood as the result of underlying, untreated, unrecognized health issues.

I didn't get fat by pigging out on food. I got fat by taking several medications for over ten years that have now been shown to damage the body's metabolism and cause rapid weight gain. AS I watched myself morph from a normal sized thirty-something to a morbidly obese person, I wondered what the heck was I doing? Did I get up in the night and binge eat while sleepwalking? Did I go into psychotic trances and swing by fast food joints? Cause I never pigged out.

Have you ever eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting? I have. My first time was when I was in my fifties and my skinny close friend showed me she filld her freezer with pints of fancy ice cream to eat for dinner when her husband traveled. Until that moment, it had never occurred to me to eat more than a modest serving of ice cream.

And I was the only adult in the house when I packed on the drug-influenced rapid weight gain so that meant only I bought the food in. I wasn't unconscoiusly binge eating. I packed on weight because the drugs I took damaged my metabolism.

Gosh, what unenlightened thinking to believe people only get fat from pigging out.

And if you think I am making up my science: three of the drugs I took have had class action law suits against them, and the plaintiffs (the victims) won. They couldn't sue for weight gain because fat is not a protected class in this country (i am a lawyer so if I sound like one, that's why) but they sued because each of these three drugs, in addition to damaging the metabolism and causing weight gain also tended to cause the onset of diabetes. And guess what? I developed diabetes, and not Type II but Type I. Type I's are usually skinny but those cursed drugs made me fat.

Not every fat person pigs out. In fact, relatively few do. Cling to that if you must.

And yes, it is about our heads as much as our bodies. Which is why I still say to Ms Kee Kee: trust yourself. Anyone that doesn't trust themselves, I feel sorry for them. Maybe some obese people did not always trust themselves but two weeks before bariatric surgery is a good time to start.

How are you going to change the head game if you don't trust yourself? I won't give my power over to health care professionals. Sure I want their advice but I don't just see allopathic doctors. If I have the surgery, still an if for me, for I have lost 90 pounds on my own -- altho that could simply be the result of my Type I diabetes and I just think it is all the changes I have made in what I eat.

Did you read the post about the gal whose own doctor said if she didn't eat anything she's gain because of her hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is real.

There are a million stories in the naked city, and in the land of fat people. Don't assume everyone got fat the way you did. And I am not even assuming how you got fat altho you seem to suggest you pigged out. I didn't. I have never eaten immodestly and I have always swum laps at least five times a week for decades as well as other exercise. I got fat because of health conditions. You just watch. In the future, obesity is going to be given respect as a medical condition and not stigmatied as fatties pigging out. You stigmatize yourself that way.

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superfatty, your last comment is not just comical but reflects some fundamental misunderstandings. I didn't get fat because of overeating. And no one gets fat if they are able to listen to their inner guidance and follow it, not from overeating.

Do you read any scientific studies about obesity? Increasingly medical science is proving, through random-access controlled studies, the kind that meet the top industry standards, that obesity is rarely the result of pigging out o food. That is such an outdated attitude. Obesity is increasingly seen as an illness in and of itself.

I know some morbidly obese people eat copious volumes of food but not all that many. And why do they? Increasingly SCIENCE is revealing that folks who compulsively overeat do so because of underlying health reasons. Sure some of it is in the head and if that belief works for you, stick with it, honey.

But increasingly obesity is being understood as the result of underlying, untreated, unrecognized health issues.

I didn't get fat by pigging out on food. I got fat by taking several medications for over ten years that have now been shown to damage the body's metabolism and cause rapid weight gain. AS I watched myself morph from a normal sized thirty-something to a morbidly obese person, I wondered what the heck was I doing? Did I get up in the night and binge eat while sleepwalking? Did I go into psychotic trances and swing by fast food joints? Cause I never pigged out.

Have you ever eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting? I have. My first time was when I was in my fifties and my skinny close friend showed me she filld her freezer with pints of fancy ice cream to eat for dinner when her husband traveled. Until that moment, it had never occurred to me to eat more than a modest serving of ice cream.

And I was the only adult in the house when I packed on the drug-influenced rapid weight gain so that meant only I bought the food in. I wasn't unconscoiusly binge eating. I packed on weight because the drugs I took damaged my metabolism.

Gosh, what unenlightened thinking to believe people only get fat from pigging out.

And if you think I am making up my science: three of the drugs I took have had class action law suits against them, and the plaintiffs (the victims) won. They couldn't sue for weight gain because fat is not a protected class in this country (i am a lawyer so if I sound like one, that's why) but they sued because each of these three drugs, in addition to damaging the metabolism and causing weight gain also tended to cause the onset of diabetes. And guess what? I developed diabetes, and not Type II but Type I. Type I's are usually skinny but those cursed drugs made me fat.

Not every fat person pigs out. In fact, relatively few do. Cling to that if you must.

And yes, it is about our heads as much as our bodies. Which is why I still say to Ms Kee Kee: trust yourself. Anyone that doesn't trust themselves, I feel sorry for them. Maybe some obese people did not always trust themselves but two weeks before bariatric surgery is a good time to start.

How are you going to change the head game if you don't trust yourself? I won't give my power over to health care professionals. Sure I want their advice but I don't just see allopathic doctors. If I have the surgery, still an if for me, for I have lost 90 pounds on my own -- altho that could simply be the result of my Type I diabetes and I just think it is all the changes I have made in what I eat.

Did you read the post about the gal whose own doctor said if she didn't eat anything she's gain because of her hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is real.

There are a million stories in the naked city, and in the land of fat people. Don't assume everyone got fat the way you did. And I am not even assuming how you got fat altho you seem to suggest you pigged out. I didn't. I have never eaten immodestly and I have always swum laps at least five times a week for decades as well as other exercise. I got fat because of health conditions. You just watch. In the future, obesity is going to be given respect as a medical condition and not stigmatied as fatties pigging out. You stigmatize yourself that way.

U make some truly valid points as well...I hate that people think u only get fat from over eating. I actually hate to eat but when I do eat, I like it to be good so that's when I do the wrong things...I would get exactly what I want regardless of nutritional value and that would be around 10 at night when I finally get home..and never drank Water at all..all a recipe for disaster..I'm so ready for change..

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