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Band Hasn't Worked For 5 Yrs....thinking Of Removing

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I had my first band surgery in November 2007, it worked well and I lost about 30 lbs pre-surgery and 40 lbs post surgery-approx. 7mos out. Started having episodes of getting completely blocked, would have to go in and get Fluid out. Then spent a few months getting filled again, a little at a time and never found the sweet spot again. In October 2008 I had a horrible gall bladder attack, thought it was a heart attack! Had it removed in November 2008 by my bariatric surgeon. While he was in there, he decided to remove my band, and re-place the whole thing in a different position. After healing a month or so, we started the process of re-filling....by May 2009 my band was completely full, over 9.5ccs....never felt full. Quit going back.

Went back to my old eating habits, other than I couldn't eat bread, eggs, doughnuts or French fries. If I ate too fast or didn't chew well, I would get stuck and end up PBing to stop the tremendous pain it caused.

I went back this past week, asked to just have it removed. Discussed getting the RNY bypass. My doctor seemed to think it was a good idea. Ordered an upper GI and said the band was almost completely shut off, and I did NOT have a slip. Why did I never feel full?? He said sometimes if you are too tight, it keeps the nerves that feel fullness from being felt?? He took out all the fluid and wants to let it go a month, then try to start filling process again. I have mixed feelings, I don't know if I want to go months again to not have any results. Has anyone else gone through this and had the band start working again?? Have gained nearly all my weight back.

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This is just a thought, but it's possible the problem has been that you've been expecting the band to do something it's not meant to do all along. With the band, we're not supposed to be eating in search of the full sensation. In fact, if you're eating until you're full you're likely eating too much. With the band, the idea is to eat until you're satiated (no longer hungry), not full.

The other thing to remember is that while the band will tell you when you've had enough to eat (no longer hungry), it's not meant to physically stop you from eating anything. We have to listen to the band and our bodies rather than expect the band to stop us from over eating.

Here is a really excellent link. Have a look, I think it'll give you a whole new insight on the band and the tools you may need to make a success of it: http://drsimpson.net/fills/Lap-band-eating/lap-band-not-restriction/lap-band-and-restriction.html

Best wishes.

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There is a very fine balancing act between getting the band properly adjusted, and learning to eat differently (Rules?) in order to survive living with the band.....it was the hardest thing for me to do, and the first 4-5 months were HELL....numerous stuck episodes, sometimes 3-4 times a day...but it was not the band, it was me having a hard time letting go of my old habits....

If someone could have told me that before I was banded, the way I would be eating today after the WLS, I would have said impossible...No One can eat so little so less often and not be un healthy....and yet...I'm living it everyday and have not felt this good in over 35 years!!

But getting there is very hard indeed, and everyone has a different comfort level and threshold....many times I wanted to go back and get Fluid taken out. One time I did call my Dr. because I could not keep anything down and he talked me into waiting it out one more week...I'm glad he did...he also knows me well and figured it was Me and not he Bad....
I recall asking the staff why did I need to follow all the rules they were teaching me, even long before I had the surgery??? I was told that it is important to get them down as second nature, because there will come a time, after a few fills, it will be the ONLY way you will get by, and you won't have time to start looking them up then..you will wish you knew them inside out...boy was she ever right!!

When people ask me about this WLS ans should they have it done, I have to be honest with them and say "You better understand what you're getting into" and "IMO, It's not for everybody"

Perhaps the Dr. can discuss another type of WLS???

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I agree with the others. But, just as your surgeon said, it may have been too full! If you were, you probably learned to eat around the band for self preservation! Hopefully, with a new start, you will get the band working well. Best wishes!

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I had my first band surgery in November 2007, it worked well and I lost about 30 lbs pre-surgery and 40 lbs post surgery-approx. 7mos out. Started having episodes of getting completely blocked, would have to go in and get Fluid out. Then spent a few months getting filled again, a little at a time and never found the sweet spot again. In October 2008 I had a horrible gall bladder attack, thought it was a heart attack! Had it removed in November 2008 by my bariatric surgeon. While he was in there, he decided to remove my band, and re-place the whole thing in a different position. After healing a month or so, we started the process of re-filling....by May 2009 my band was completely full, over 9.5ccs....never felt full. Quit going back.

Went back to my old eating habits, other than I couldn't eat bread, eggs, doughnuts or French fries. If I ate too fast or didn't chew well, I would get stuck and end up PBing to stop the tremendous pain it caused.

I went back this past week, asked to just have it removed. Discussed getting the RNY bypass. My doctor seemed to think it was a good idea. Ordered an upper GI and said the band was almost completely shut off, and I did NOT have a slip. Why did I never feel full?? He said sometimes if you are too tight, it keeps the nerves that feel fullness from being felt?? He took out all the Fluid and wants to let it go a month, then try to start filling process again. I have mixed feelings, I don't know if I want to go months again to not have any results. Has anyone else gone through this and had the band start working again?? Have gained nearly all my weight back.

Sorry this happened to you,

Your surgeon is correct, if the band stays too tight for long periods of time you lose that feeling of satiety, and if the band is too tight you can't eat healthy foods, and if you are only eating sliders, and liquids calories, chips and junk food, you will never ever feel satisfied or full with the band...you will only feel misery and suffer complications.

Wishing you good luck with your revision surgery.

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I completely understand your frustration. One of the most wonderful occurrences for me after having the band placed was that all cravings were gone. No hunger ever. I ate purely because my body needed it. However not everyone experiences this fullness so it may be hard for them to relate. My story is to yours. Had my first band placed in 2006. Was great for the first year and a half. Lost sixty pounds. Then got stuck for the first time on asparagus. My band slipped only my surgeon insisted it was fine. I had a barium swallow study done and the surgeon said i was fine and it must be me. I must not be eating right. Nine months later I was gathering my medical records to find another surgeon because I could not even drink Water. The office manager asked why I was leaving my surgeon. I explained. She talked to the surgeon and they sent me for another swallow study. When I got there for the test the radiologist told me he had personally called my surgeon nine months prior and told him my band was slipped. I was so furious. I cried right there in the xray room. I had the band replaced but it never worked right. Switched surgeons. Gave out a test. Went back to the dietitian. Saw psyCh again. Did more support groups. Had more adjustments. Nothing worked. I finally left the second surgeon and signed on with the top bariatric surgery in the state. It means I travel 2.5 hours one way for all my appointments but she is great. She won't please lap band because she says there's a50 percent failure rate. Some resurgent and some bands intolerance (which is what I developed with Mr second band because my first band was slipped for so long). She also said most people with a band suffer psychological trauma as well as physical trauma. She was the first to acknowledge to me what I was suffering. I am now having the band out Dec 6th and if all looks good inside she will do the bypass at the same time. She offered too do the sleeve but with my band issues there's a chance I wouldn't tolerate the restrictive feeling of it plus many people have too be revised from sleeve to bypass so I opted to stick with bypass which is the gold standard procedure. If I was you I would stick to your guns. If something doesn't feel right it probably. Don't be afraid to find another surgeon either. Best of luck to you. Dara

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Thank you for all your advice..and experiences. I do already feel sooooo much better! I feel great, will see how all goes through the first of the year. I didn't mention that I trained and completed my first 1/2 marathon this year. 20 weeks of 3 days a week walking, usually 3 miles on weekdays and up to 10 miles on the weekend. Can't wait until next year....I wondered the whole time how much better it would feel when I weighed 50-100 lbs less. And how much faster do you think I could go???

That is my goal for next year, continue to train, and knock some minutes/hour off my time.


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Good luck on your December surgery. I will be praying all goes well for you.

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"I finally left the second surgeon and signed on with the top bariatric surgery in the state. It means I travel 2.5 hours one way for all my appointments but she is great. She won't please lap band because she says there's a50 percent failure rate. Some resurgent and some bands intolerance (which is what I developed with Mr second band because my first band was slipped for so long). She also said most people with a band suffer psychological trauma as well as physical trauma. She was the first to acknowledge to me what I was suffering. I am now having the band out Dec 6th and if all looks good inside she will do the bypass at the same time. She offered too do the sleeve but with my band issues there's a chance I wouldn't tolerate the restrictive feeling of it plus many people have too be revised from sleeve to bypass so I opted to stick with bypass which is the gold standard procedure. If I was you I would stick to your guns. If something doesn't feel right it probably. Don't be afraid to find another surgeon either. Best of luck to you. Dara"

There is not a 50% failure rate with the band! Your current doc sounds like a money grubbing quack!

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I had the surgery in 2009 and barely starting having food get stuck. Mostly bread and tortillas. I'm debating if I should go and have them loosen it or just try to avoid these foods? :( I know I can't have it removed...I could never afford that.

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I had the surgery in 2009 and barely starting having food get stuck. Mostly bread and tortillas. I'm debating if I should go and have them loosen it or just try to avoid these foods? :( I know I can't have it removed...I could never afford that.

Well, flour products are difficult for most of us. If you believe you are eating small bites and chewing enough a small adjustment might relieve the problem. But, we really don't need to eat processed flours so eliminating them may be difficult only because you like the flavor or what they do for you? There are many other ways to consume starches/carbs that are healthier for you.

If you feel like the band is working for you in all areas but bread, maybe give it up? Or, if you cant live without it, visit your doc for an adjustment.


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"She also said most people with a band suffer psychological trauma as well as physical trauma."


I found this intriguing. Can you say more about what she was referring to?


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This is just a thought, but it's possible the problem has been that you've been expecting the band to do something it's not meant to do all along. With the band, we're not supposed to be eating in search of the full sensation. In fact, if you're eating until you're full you're likely eating too much. With the band, the idea is to eat until you're satiated (no longer hungry), not full.

The other thing to remember is that while the band will tell you when you've had enough to eat (no longer hungry), it's not meant to physically stop you from eating anything. We have to listen to the band and our bodies rather than expect the band to stop us from over eating.

Here is a really excellent link. Have a look, I think it'll give you a whole new insight on the band and the tools you may need to make a success of it: http://drsimpson.net/fills/Lap-band-eating/lap-band-not-restriction/lap-band-and-restriction.html

Best wishes.

I especially like what you said about the difference between eating to get full and eating to satiation. One of the most frustrating things for me with the band was I never felt full. I really missed that sensation. What you said is a really important piece of information that I think would help a lot of Lap Band patients right off the bat.

Another area I felt lost about was getting a fill. What is restriction supposed to feel like? My surgeon seemed to expect me to know! If anyone can accurately describe the sensation of what restriction feels like as you drink the glass of Water during a fill, that might be helpful to a lot of people just starting out. It sure would have been helpful to me!

Thanks again, Missy, for providing some really good info!


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Hddn- to answer both your questions, first as for psychological trauma from the band I think my surgeon was speaking about how hard it can be to adjust the band and how frustrating or is trying to manage the band especially when it isn't going well. I definitely feel like I have suffered for the past five out of seven years. With the band. As for the feeling of tightness with the band after a fill, I always felt it was full enough of if could drink little sips without feeling like the Water was just sitting there. Best of luck to you in your journey.

Tmf- actually my first surgeon that did the band and re band was a money Gruber as you put it. My current surgeon is the top in the state and I'm sure her stats reflect a higher percent of band failures because she sees many patients looking for second opinions after their original surgeons don't take them seriously. Current research shows a 25% re surgery rate with the band. that's fact. I have said my peace and won't be responding on this section again. Best wishes to you all.Thank you for wishing me well on my surgery. Three weeks. I can't wait to be band-free!

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Well, flour products are difficult for most of us. If you believe you are eating small bites and chewing enough a small adjustment might relieve the problem. But, we really don't need to eat processed flours so eliminating them may be difficult only because you like the flavor or what they do for you? There are many other ways to consume starches/carbs that are healthier for you.

If you feel like the band is working for you in all areas but bread, maybe give it up? Or, if you cant live without it, visit your doc for an adjustment.


Yes I'm going to try really hard to avoid them. If I see that other foods are bothering me I will go and get it adjusted. Thanks for the feedback :) x/o

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