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"know It Alls"

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What is a KNOW it all?

I don't just post willy nilly stuff without backing it up with cited materials or things that I've LEARNED and seen others go through over the years clinically by other surgeons and Bariatric professionals. Call it arrogant or whatever, that's your prerogative.

That being said, most veterans like myself really don't have to post to share what worked for us, or have seen others go through with their lap bands. Also I learned MANY things over the years from OTHER lap band veterans that my surgeon(s) did not have a clue about, so sometimes learning from others who've BEEN THERE and DONE THAT with band is just AS important as cited materials, in my opinion.

Many are getting invaluable FREE advice here on a Public forum OPEN TO EVERYONE.

If you are the type of person from a small town and DON'T like diversity or opinions of others and only like to get YOUR advice from people that you *LIKE* AND CLICK with, please block me, because that will surely help me, because I don't want to waste my fingers helping someone that have other agendas here.

I honestly don't have to spend one key stroke of advice here. I can just lurk and observe and keep quiet when people are in need, but I thought I would give back.When I was a newbie over 8 years ago, there were not that many long term veteran bandsters, but I sure WELCOMED their advice and their experiences whether good or bad, I am smart enough to filter out any advice that is not applicable to my own situation and take all information here with a grain of salt, and HOPEFULLY everyone else does the same.

My advice that I've given here IS NOT GOSPEL and if anyone have read my post, they should be smart enough to take the information what they can use and discard the rest. We are unique individuals with different medical conditions, different types of anatomy, metabolisms, etc.

Also, many think that their banded life will be the EXACT same forever, if they are in the "clear" today with NO issues, does not mean they will be in the "clear" in the next few years, so I think everyone should LEARN as much as they can about the band whether negative or positive.

In fact each of our banded journey will be a bit different, some people complain about throwing up and not being able to eat healthy foods, I've never had that problem EVEN with a tightly restricted band (with two bands), so I honestly can't relate to some of these people's issues, I can just advise them based on what I've seen others go through over 8 years and THEY can either take that advice or ignore it.

Regarding O'Brien, and his studies, many surgeons highly respect him, his updated information about no longer waiting to drink after 20 minutes has been out there on the internet in his videos now for about 3 years --- so I just REPEATED this information in my last post I am not sure how many here got so uptight about it, when it's been out there for a few years. I don't understand why many people here got angry OVER O'Briens advice or ANY advice about the band, NO one is pointing a gun to your head to make you take this advice, some people follow the 10 golden rules, some only follow a few of the rules...and many don't follow nothing...but that's YOUR prerogative

I know that I will ALWAYS be humble and thankful for ANYONE posting here, whether it be complications, failures, successes, problem with surgeons, etc. -- ALL this information is valuable.

Honestly the reason I put all of this information out here is that I've gotten sick and tired of hearing band bashing and so many having preventable complications. Even though I've been a member here over 7 years, I don't have that many posts here because I've ALWAYS been a happy lap bander, and not needed to post that much here, even when I experienced a bump in my journey last year and had to get a hernia repaired which caused me to get my old band replaced.

My band changed my life, I got to wear cute clothes, got down as low as a size 8, maintained my weight loss for over 7 years with no problem, went on dating sprees, and dating guys that I thought I could never date and had the time of my life, married a wonderful guy 3 years ago, travel constantly, etc...so to say the band has not helped change my life is an understatement.

I had not posted IN years, when I came back Alex welcomed me back and hopefully EVERYONE should feel welcomed to post here to share their journeys whether good or bad, some think they are invincible and NOTHING will never happen to them, My advice on that is learn, learn as much as you can about the band and always be cautious but yet positive and optimistic.

I am a very happy and VERY successful long term lap bander and LUV my Band :).

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You post was honest and sincere up until you said this:

"If you are the type of person from a small town and DON'T like diversity or opinions of others and only like to get YOUR advice from people that you *LIKE* AND CLICK with, please block me, because that will surely help me, because I don't want to waste my fingers helping someone that have other agendas here. "

Why did you feel the need to insult us? Did you ever consider this is why people don't respect you and your opinion?

Try sticking to telling your story and keep the insults out....it might help.

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I am open to debates, and people who don't agree with me, but I AM NOT open to abuse....if someone comes at me in a negative way instead of ATTACKING the subject, then I fight back -- TIT FOR TAT...know one sends me nasty emails and expect me to just accept it....

Also MANY DO respect ME and my opinions, just because a particular "gang" doesn't, does not mean everyone does.... AGAIN those who don't respect my opinion or what I have to say or what I have to contribute can simply block me, it will make my time here and theirs more pleasant, it's nothing wrong with customizing your journey here. is there?

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Also MANY DO respect ME and my opinions, just because a particular "gang" doesn't, does not mean everyone does....

Ha I don't think anybody respects you as much as you believe. You really seem to be full of yourself and can't say anything without being long winded and insulting.

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And that's OK,...and I respect YOUR opinion and please respect MINE....that's why I said to PLEASE use the block button to make YOUR experience and mine more peaceful.

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An opinionated point, whether it's right or wrong!

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I personally think you are only trying to help. You have done lots of research about the band and want to share what you have learned. I think you are very passionate about the topic and people may take you the wrong way sometimes.

I don't take everything from here as gospel....I take what I want and try to use it to my advantage. Many of your posts have been helpful to me for sure. I am thankful there are people like you who have experience and are willing to share here.

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You are a voice of reason and very smart, and I applaud you for that. You are wise to take what helps you and use it to your advantage. You are wise enough to listen to your surgical team, but also wise enough to KNOW that they may not tell you EVERYTHING about the band to be successful and complication free long term.

Lap banders TODAY have an advantage that I did not have years ago. The blind were leading the blind, I remember many use to think VOMITING (Pbing) daily was a sign of achievement of the SWEET SPOT....LOL.

I remember a friend of mine on another forum was distraught (very sadden) that after 1 year she no longer vomited (several times per day) hence her food NEVER WENT PAST THE BAND, I am serious, she said that her band would no longer tighten to the point of her having to "vomit" every single day, turns out her band was so tight that her food never went past the band, and over time it stretched out her esophagus because the food just sat in her esophagus and made a "new" little stomach inside her esophagus....this is a frequent long term complication too, esophageal dilation and dismotility that MANY long term lap banders get.

so she had a revision to the Bypass and that was over 7 years ago, I don't know how she is doing now, but that story is many lap band revision stories.

The moral of this post is that many people NEVER REALLY knew how the band was suppose to work long term, yea they lost weight, but their banded journey eventually turned into a horror story -- and I've read MANY horror stories, this is why I am passionate about the band, I just hate to see many lose their bands for nothing.

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I think you doled out your fair share of abusive and insulting slanderous comments yourself "Angel". We only need to look at THIS post to see the beast rearing it's ugly head once again. Exmple: What does coming from a small town have anything to do in respect to the band or sharing opinions? Pretty damn vile insinuation here. As if the only open, liberal, rational and educated people come from cities. I dont' think anyone shares where they are from, you are just assuming, because that's what prejudice people do. They stereotype and discriminate based on their generalized assumptions. Yet you are the one so elite, intelligent and superior that we should all soak in whatever you have to say. No thanks!

In my town (big or small is none of your business) we call your type bat shit crazy. Tit for Tat my dear, most of us know the game well.

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I live in a small town. Shucks... I guess I don't like diversity. Hmmm... nope... I think it's just that I don't feel the need to browbeat everyone who doesn't see things my way. Nana... you do have experience and obviously you have done your research. .. it's funny though that people that agree with you are "smart" and to be respected and those that don't are ignorant and uninformed. I'm happy for you that you found something to be so passionate about but putting down every one else's opinions, experience and choice of surgeons will not earn you respect. I too, made a comment recently( while recovering and in a bad place) that really put a lot of people off. The next day I went back and read through all the drama. All I could do was shake my head. I realized if that many people where ganging up on me then maybe I should check myself. It's not always what you say but how you say it. For example; I am a hair stylist, I have seen other stylists that have been in the business for 20-30 years and still have very little talent, while I have also seen stylists one year out that produce the most beautiful work. My point is maybe people are reading into what you say as being better than them just because you've done it longer. And while in some ways the years of experience give you more knowledge on some level, constantly bringing it up and YELLING in your posts isn't working. You seem to have put a certain surgeon on a pedistal and continue to put down others. Maybe that is not your intention but that's how it comes off. ... Now, if you don't care then carry on... but if you really want to reach people and help them then maybe really look and listen to how othet people are reacting to you. Good luck

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I live in a small town. Shucks... I guess I don't like diversity. Hmmm... nope... I think it's just that I don't feel the need to browbeat everyone who doesn't see things my way. Nana... you do have experience and obviously you have done your research. .. it's funny though that people that agree with you are "smart" and to be respected and those that don't are ignorant and uninformed. I'm happy for you that you found something to be so passionate about but putting down every one else's opinions, experience and choice of surgeons will not earn you respect. I too, made a comment recently( while recovering and in a bad place) that really put a lot of people off. The next day I went back and read through all the drama. All I could do was shake my head. I realized if that many people where ganging up on me then maybe I should check myself. It's not always what you say but how you say it. For example; I am a hair stylist, I have seen other stylists that have been in the business for 20-30 years and still have very little talent, while I have also seen stylists one year out that produce the most beautiful work. My point is maybe people are reading into what you say as being better than them just because you've done it longer. And while in some ways the years of experience give you more knowledge on some level, constantly bringing it up and YELLING in your posts isn't working. You seem to have put a certain surgeon on a pedistal and continue to put down others. Maybe that is not your intention but that's how it comes off. ... Now, if you don't care then carry on... but if you really want to reach people and help them then maybe really look and listen to how othet people are reacting to you. Good luck

May I add how wise, beautiful and open minded you are Seela. You bring up a valid point. Sometimes we just need to exercise some introspection to understand why we finally find ourselves standing in a circle of haste. No problem saying sorry or doing some damage control. It's what we do when we have humility and are mature to admit either our mistakes or that we were in a funk and acted inappropriately.

PS I <3 my small town girls :)

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I live in a small town. Shucks... I guess I don't like diversity. Hmmm... nope... I think it's just that I don't feel the need to browbeat everyone who doesn't see things my way. Nana... you do have experience and obviously you have done your research. .. it's funny though that people that agree with you are "smart" and to be respected and those that don't are ignorant and uninformed. I'm happy for you that you found something to be so passionate about but putting down every one else's opinions, experience and choice of surgeons will not earn you respect. I too, made a comment recently( while recovering and in a bad place) that really put a lot of people off. The next day I went back and read through all the drama. All I could do was shake my head. I realized if that many people where ganging up on me then maybe I should check myself. It's not always what you say but how you say it. For example; I am a hair stylist, I have seen other stylists that have been in the business for 20-30 years and still have very little talent, while I have also seen stylists one year out that produce the most beautiful work. My point is maybe people are reading into what you say as being better than them just because you've done it longer. And while in some ways the years of experience give you more knowledge on some level, constantly bringing it up and YELLING in your posts isn't working. You seem to have put a certain surgeon on a pedistal and continue to put down others. Maybe that is not your intention but that's how it comes off. ... Now, if you don't care then carry on... but if you really want to reach people and help them then maybe really look and listen to how othet people are reacting to you. Good luck

And I thought us VSGers were a dramatic bunch. This merger of WLS forums has really broadened my horizons!!! ;-)

Oh and Seela, don't beat yourself up over your "post de resistance". It happens. I had a post, at about 4 weeks out, where I literally "blah blah blah'd" the op and crew. I still maintain their point of view was wrong and potentially unhealthy but, damn, my delivery sucked and I was out of line. I owned it and moved on.

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<Edited> I'm from a small town. We don't even have our own post office. No red lights either. Just 3 BBQ joints and 19 churches. They closed down a local gas station and the town's unemployment rate doubled. It's just that small.

But I didn't move out here because I don't like diversity....it's because I don't like concrete.

Nana....people aren't completely upset with you because of the information you share. It's because of your dismissive and condescending attitude toward everyone who doesn't agree with you.

I don't pull punches or tip toe around people's feelings....but I also don't laugh at them like you have. You are giving no respect at all.

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And I thought us VSGers were a dramatic bunch. This merger of WLS forums has really broadened my horizons!!! ;-)

Oh and Seela, don't beat yourself up over your "post de resistance". It happens. I had a post, at about 4 weeks out, where I literally "blah blah blah'd" the op and crew. I still maintain their point of view was wrong and potentially unhealthy but, damn, my delivery sucked and I was out of line. I owned it and moved on.

I have moved on but I haven't forgotten. Thats the point isn't it. I'm not beating my self up.. lol.. not even close... just sharing my knowledge and experience in a (hopefully) non threatening and clear way, so that maybe this op can see that her attitude is louder than her message. .. one can only hope! ??? I'm hungry

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First of all, I don't "venture" over to the Sleeve side because I have no interest in it, nothing against you or anyone else with the Sleeve, I just don't.

I come here ONLY for lap band support and supporting lap banders and not to stir up trouble.

Secondly, I have NOTHING to apologize for or "own" because I was just asking a simple Poll if anyone has adopted the New no longer waiting to drink while eating, which is now used by the MOST experienced lap band surgeon in the world that so many US lap banders follow the safety GREEN ZONE chart.

You are a Sleever and you have nothing to do with this and you have a different anatomy, so this should not be applicable to you regarding O'Brien drinking updated rule.

Please stay out the Bees' nest if you don't want to get stung....

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        Am feeling this right now. My surgery date is 4/1. Sign the consent tomorrow. I feel like I overloaded myself with too much info, too many opinions. Got to the point where I was wondering if I should do this. Then I thought of my reasons for taking this step and that settled my nerves. Still get moments of doubt but am striving forward. Am just going to follow my book from the surgeon. Joined this because I was told by my dietician that I should do this for support

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