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March '07 Bandsters Union

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Hey March Bandsters!

Wanted to check in & see how everyones progress has been. My surgery was March 12, 2007 and I feel much better than I did a month ago. I am trying to folow the food rules. Yes, I need to drink more Water and get some walking in. I lost 10 pounds the week after surgery. Over the past month though I have only lost 2 pounds. It seems that my body is holding onto the weight for some reason. this is frustrating!!! It is still a month before I get my first fill so I am trying to go it alone.

My first fill is under flouro. I hope to get good restriction. How is everyone else doing?

I could have almost written this myself, except my surgery was on 3/23. I lost 11 pounds right away......and since then, not an ounce. I need to treadmill more, I know. But, considering how little I am (we are) eating, ESPECIALLY in comparison to what I was eating pre-surgery, I should be a size 6 by now! ha ha! Good luck to you. I guess most of us waited our whole lives to be thinner. What's a few more weeks or months, eh?

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Hi Babylovestoys and BJLang, the ones who warned us sure weren't kidding about bandster hell, were they? Is the "honeymoon" really over? Or is it coming after a fill? I lost 20 pounds presurgery and right after, but now I am playing games with the same 3 pounds, up and down and up and down, no real weight loss. I KNOW, I Know it is all about healing right now, but as someone said on these boards that I loved and am stealing...."I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse and chase the jockey". UGH. I am counting the days to the first fill, 6 weeks after my March 20 surgery, hoping and PRAYING I will feel that "full", "no hunger" thing so the weight will come off and I can fit into some of my goal clothes. This period of time is a real bummer. Let's hang tough and hang together and hope our prayers will be answered. So scary having the "what did I do to myself", "did I waste all that $$$ for another weight loss failure?" I can pretty much eat anything, though I haven't tried lettuce yet. Salads were what I lived on pre-band, HUGE salads, I guess because I still had that unhealthy BMI. Oh dear. :help: :) :faint: :) :) :cry


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Hi Babylovestoys and BJLang, the ones who warned us sure weren't kidding about bandster hell, were they? Is the "honeymoon" really over? Or is it coming after a fill? I lost 20 pounds presurgery and right after, but now I am playing games with the same 3 pounds, up and down and up and down, no real weight loss. I KNOW, I Know it is all about healing right now, but as someone said on these boards that I loved and am stealing...."I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse and chase the jockey". UGH. I am counting the days to the first fill, 6 weeks after my March 20 surgery, hoping and PRAYING I will feel that "full", "no hunger" thing so the weight will come off and I can fit into some of my goal clothes. This period of time is a real bummer. Let's hang tough and hang together and hope our prayers will be answered. So scary having the "what did I do to myself", "did I waste all that $$$ for another weight loss failure?" I can pretty much eat anything, though I haven't tried lettuce yet. Salads were what I lived on pre-band, HUGE salads, I guess because I still had that unhealthy BMI. Oh dear. :help: :) :faint: :) :) :cry


Funny, but I remember my OTHER honeymoon being a lot more pleasant than this one. :P I know that it's only weeks (If we're unlucky and need extra fills, then maybe a couple of months) before we can feel satiated as opposed to starving all the time. But, I, personally, got myself so psyched up for this surgery, and sooo excited about having a fighting chance to win at least somewhat at the battle of my bulge, that it's a bitter pill to swallow - this Bandster Hell! It's admittedly good to hear that others are suffering, too. Sorry to admit it, but misery really does love company. Only because it means what I'm experiencing is normal - not cuz I'm an ass! :o

I'm gonna continue to bug my surgeon for a 6 week fill instead of 8. I wouldn't, if I thought it was unsafe. But, SO MANY people seem to get their fills between 4 & 6 weeks, that I believe it to be safe. My doc seems to be on the conservative side. Has anyone had a fill at 6 weeks, and then had problems cuz they weren't healed? :)

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especially if, like I am, not getting the fill under fluoro, and might need adjustments.....is 4 weeks post surgery TOO SOON????? Oh, God, that would mean I could get one next week, instead of prowling around, thinking of food and eating, trying not to for yet another 2 weeks. I have seen some having their first fill around 4 weeks. Are there any with that experience?? I am being "good", but it is possible to overeat even fish and vegetables and that is what I am doing. salad, lettuce went down fine. I am not even learning the bandster chewing until it is mush technique because it is not necessary.. My hubsand say he thinks I am eating more since I got banded :paranoid It is indeed, a bitter plll to swallow.....which, BTW, I no longer have to cut up my pills or empty out the capsules, just throw then down that evidentally enormous hole.......:angry My hope and expectations and being a self-pay all lead to this impatience to begin the road to the real weight loss. This "healing" waiting period really sucks. I've read all the success stories and feel I am the ODD one outl Sorry to whine. Misery does appreciate company, at least I am not the only one be so frustrated and scared this will not work for me.:)

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I bet you they might do your fill at six weeks. See if you can schedule the followup visit a little early. I had my surgery in Mexico so all I had to do was find a fill Doc. near my home. I am going at 6 weeks because that seems to be what most do. I didn't want to do it too early although my appetite is steady picking up. I dont want to get a slip....Yikes, that would be bad.

I know we can do this though, girls. Hang in there!

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:mad: Hi Babylovestoys, and BJLANG:

BLT (Babylovesotoys)I've read a lot of your posts, so I probably should know this, where in Mexico did you get banded? I got banded in TJ by Dr. Ortiz. I have someone close by, thank goodness, who does fills, and I have an appointment 6 weeks to the day, as you say, my appetite seems unstoppable. My "bandsister" whom I met in TJ got banded on the same day and she is going back to get her first fill with fluoro with him. My person doesn't have access to fluoro yet, though she is working with the local hospital to get the $20,000 machine. (Kitty Carmichael). I too, am scared to beg her to fill me any sooner, as I want to do everything I can to safekeep my band.

Poor BJLang what doc is making you wait 8 weeks? I am trying to be patient, but have good days and bad days, today is a bad day. If it were me, I would be a bug in that doc's ear to try to get an earlier appointment.(with the usual disclaimer about always listening to your doctor attached).

Well, in about 17 (but who's counting?) days, BLT and I will hopefully be letting BJL know that we FINALLY feel some restriction (with NO problems).


The docs at Ortiz'z clinic were constantly warning that Americans want their bands "too tight". I certainly don't want that, but there's no point to having the band at all for me right now. I read somewhere that you can't run an automobile without the gas and the fill is the gas for the band. So, fill 'er up!


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:D Girl, you are so funny! There may be people that have had fills at 4 weeks but I would be afraid too. I have been practicing chewing 20-25 times every time I take a bite of Protein. Chew, chew, chew! Yep, I'm still hungry:hungry: but somehow trying to savor the food helps.

I had my surgery in TJ with Dr. Daniel Huacuz. He was very caring & has a new clinic. I had his cell number before I had my surgery and after. He always answers and said it didn't matter if it was 3am, to call if there was a problem.

My DH was with me all the way! God bless his heart! He even plans to go with me for fills. Protecting our investment I guess. Hee, Hee.

Anyway, I keep reading posts that say protein intake is the key to staving off the hunger. Lets try to keep our intake up!:mad:

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My DH is in-and-out supportive. I didn't take him with me for cost, animal care, and plain just he-is-horrible about health/doctor issues. I love the guy, but he is TOTALLY non sympathetic about bandster hell right now.

I've been really trying with the Protein intake. My huge obstacles are allergy to soy and whey......ewhhh....also, cannot tolerate artificial sweetners....SOOO, once again, I am devising my own stuff that hopefully will become a routine, at least once a day. In the AM coffee plus egg white Protein Powder (25 gm) frozen, latteed up with skim milk, maybe vanilla and cinnamon. Best so far. Considering how much and what I can eat, non-filled, it would be best for me to do some form of this twice a day until/after I have a fill that works for me. The protein is also 'cause of the Hair loss, which I already have (not due to banding, due to other stress, seems I have a propensity for it, great:mad: , long story). Anyway, I thought eating after banding would be so easy, but not yet.

Talking with you and BJ and my "bandsister" in Mississippi whom I met when we were banded the same day, both "low" BMI, both totally stalled on weight loss, after initial good results, both counting the minutes to the fill and praying with all our might that it works, really, really helps me every day. You know, I really, really wish I didn't have to eat at all, that I could take a pill or liquid supplement that would make food irrelevant. I paid all that $$$ for the hungries (not the head ones) to STOP! I should mention that I have celiac condition for 10 years diagnosed, so that I CANNOT eat bread or any gluten-containing substance without severe bloating, pain, intestinal gas, diarrhea, not to mention what else potential long-term results. I don't eat ice cream, drink soda, eating pastries....my big downfall is potatoes, but I've been pretty good about avoiding them lately. Ironically, if I already had not dealt with not eating bread, I doubt I could do lapband. Lord, if I don't lose the type 2 diabetes and these 70 pounds, I will be SOOOOOO devastated. And so much poorer.

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AMRDMR & BabyLovesToys - All of these posts from you guys have been wonderful! Like I said - I think I could have written them myself! I don't have the food allergies, and I have about 100 pounds to lose. I am gonna go stand in front of my surgeon's office with a picket sign, and sing off key at the top of my lungs at 6 weeks. He will either have to fill me, or have me taken away in a white strappy jacket. I had my surgery done in the US - in Virginia. Maybe I need to go to Mexico to have a fill??? I'm sure THEY'D be cooperative with a 6 week fill!

Somebody needs to tell me what DH stands for. I'm lost on the lingo.

I'm having a hard time being diligent about my Vitamins and Protein. I feel like I'm able to eat enough to get the nutrients the old fashioned way. But, I'm trying. I know our efforts aren't futile, but it sure feels that way sometimes.

I JUST got an email from someone who was banded by the same doc as me. She just went in at 6 weeks, and whined about being hungry. They did give her a 2cc fill! So, there's hope for me, yet!! Yee haw!

Again, please define DH for me! Thanks! BJ

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:clap2:Hi BJ, sounds like there's a good chance you'll get your fill at 6 weeks after all, that't great. DH stands for "dear husband", DW is "dear wife", NSV is non scale victory, like even though the friggin scale doesn't move, you have lost an inch off your waist (which just happened for me). Inches gone are important because as you gain muscle mass, muscle is heavier than fat so that will show up heavier on the scale, which is a good thing because muscle actually burn the most fat. There is a thread somewhere I know not where, that explains all the "lingo". For instance, I am close, but not close enough for me to "onederland", that glorious place where the scale number starts with a "1" again. And there is a group of delightful people who started an "on the road to Twoterville" thread to encourage and applaud each others victories/goal, both big and small.


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Hi I Had My Firs Tfill At 2 Weel Post Op Appt. Dr Said I Had Progressed Remarkedly Well. And Gave Me A 1cc Fill... I Go Back On The 24th Hopefully On That Appt Which Is My 6 Wk Appt Should Be First Fill Date, I Will Get The 2nd Fill.

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Hi all, Sorry about the hunger, but it does get better. Sorry I am one of the lucky ones who got a fill at 4 weeks. I am not hungry all the time any more, but I still want to eat all the time and eat the b

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Hi everyone, I can finally eat FOOD...but what's weird is I'm not hungry - I had my surgery March 20th and have lost 24lbs so far. :clap2: I go next Friday for an adjustment, not exactly sure what this is but I hope it doesn't cost me anything.

My dr. is not in my insurance plan so I'm a bit nervous about costs esp. since I'm not working - I've been looking for work for months and had no bites as yet.

I went from 307 to 284 and it's not quite 1 month yet. I also went from size 3X tops to size 22-24 and my pants are size 30. As you can see most of my xtra meat is on the bottom half :biggrin1:

I'm really glad I had this surgery...my only problem that I'm facing is not getting enough Water in and exercise. I have sciatica and my back and legs always hurt me - I need motivation - :help: Any help u can offer will be greatly appreciated and any ideas for dinner will be great!!!

Good luck to all who have past the 1 month mark!!!!


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I lost 20 lbs, now I have to work at keeping that off, I don't get a fill til May8th and I am hungry all the time, although I have found the band itself gives enough restriction I can really overeat easily

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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